So i been in the habit of starting projects and abandoning them after a few days. Hoping to rectify that asap : D
Couple o things from the last 5 days (working around the traditional holdiday junku and newly aquired ps3 games :P)
Redid alot of hellboy, mostly the body and head. Low poly is at 6059 tris so far (still gotta do backfaces and 2 dupe'd pouches) and has the worst topology on a game char ever :P.
Just a test bake btw, still muchos dividing to go.
And a super crappy female anatomy study i did over christmas and boxing day... hopefully the first of many proper studies (found my old ref folder again ^^)
That female study looks nice too, but the ears stick out a bit. Give us more soon!
Disagree!! any good artist should be able to see what is off. Boobs don't give you super powers!!!
Super Happy Cow is spot on with those crits.
Also the face looks to child like ..... very nizza like :P
Only crit I got is the necks, they really detract my eyes, would be nice to transition them a bit more with the Zproject brush maybe.
nothing to say about the girl really, nothing seems out of place anyways.
conte: thanks man ^^
hboybowen: haha, cheers dude
Lamprabbit: gotta keep it tight yo :poly142: and boobs are all about teh super powers :P
shotgun: ^^ cheers
catsyle: ty
super happy cow: good crits all around man. Yeah the head was a masive afterthought and really wasnt turning out well at all. Good points on the body, something to fiddle around with the move brush (that's what the studies are for i hope ^^)
crazyfool: haha, cheers dude. And killer idea on the neck fixing skills... i srsly cant sculpt bodies and heads in the one mesh for some reason
scudz: cheers. whole diorama would be awsome fun... gotta see if i can pose the mesh that much first ^^;
ravenslayer: thank you
islipaway: cheers man, appreciate it. Had some mignola on my desk at all times while working on him, hope it paid off ^^
cheers for the feedback all ^^
So i finished off the sculpt and am onto texturing. Quickly started my next character too. Going for a more realistic, higher rez character.
Also if you can tell who i "loosely" based the sculpt off through the extreme crappiness, you are insane :poly136:
Oh and getting into some posed and stylized female junku. More dynamic/interestic poses to come ^^ (need outfit ideas too :P)
Also, Josh Brolin.
I instantly recognized the No Country for Old Men antagonist (who's name escapes me)
Ah, I get antagonist (the rival) and protagonist (the hero) mixed up all the time.
ComfyCushion: haha, i was way to lazy mode to do his actual gun (was tempted but i'd never finish this thing off :P). And yay you got it ^^
SuperHappyCow: hehe, yep. Josh Brolin from NCFOM... love that movie so much :poly136:
Weapon_X: cheers man
Razorb: : D thank you
kevlar jens: ^^ cheers
moof: woo, glad you think so dude. Always really hit n miss when trying to stylize things (for me anyways :P)
scudz: hehe, nick nolte freaks me out :P
Suprised he was recognizable, glad he turned out like him. Was originally gonna do a 80's, westerney security guard in a suit with a shotgun and handlebar moustache, then thought no country dude would be a good character for reference... and now im just making josh brolin from no country
Really crappy anatomy block in... he's gonna have a shirt with rolled up sleeves, singlet, jeans and boots on, so i prolly won't spend much time here (even tho i need the practice). Also made an m37 shotgun and 1911 pistol for him, working on the lows for each now.
(and HB is still getting textured, gotta finish him off quicker)
proportions still gettin mega tweaked so... myeah :poly136:
aight so had to take a 3 day art break due to diminishing momentum/motivation (and i got WoW: cata... pretty sure the two are just a coincidence >_>)
Blocking in the clothes for josh brolin, so everything's gettin major tweakage still (gotta divide things more
And damn i can't wait to see true grit!!! :poly142:
Awesome stuff Nizza! Loving the Josh Brolin. I was totally able to call it first glance.
True Grit is amazing! I loved it. He's only in it for like, 5 minutes though.
Really inspiring work though.
Only issue I see is the big scars around your character's necks (and Josh's wrists) we're you're connecting multiple pieces. I don't really have any tips for overcoming that, though.
I look forward to seeing more!
shiniku: ^^ good pointin out the seams on the sculpts... gotta remember to actually fix em BEFORE baking (huge neck seam on hb). Hoping the project and clay brushes will help
terrabite: hehe, cheers ^^
ferg: : D thanks dude. I srsly gotta peep your thread again for more inspiration, need your zbrush powahs
anyways, still workin on some jeans sculptin for brolin, but did a quick derpalien head sculpt outta zspheres (first time ^^). Been watchin the vids on lunchcrunch too much latley
Looks fairly realistic to me, somewhat like I have at home, so to speak. Nice job.
[Edit : Just saw the female too!! Fantastic weight. Dang, I'm loving this!!]
pior: : D yay, thanks man *sticks pior post on fridge*
crazyfool: :P ty. I might be letting you down on this latest one... been kinda hit and miss with my cloth stuff
'Final' hellboy sculpt.
Tried texturing the low poly all day, ended up lookin like flat colours. Hoping i can sproose him up tommorow (finally figured how to get cgfx shaders workin tho, LeoCov shader RULES!!! ^^)
and current josh brolin sculpt. Gesture and read overall looks really flat/off to me... plus i think the folds on his jeans are mega confusing, dunno. Just got his shirt to block in and i can get a better idea of him from there
edit: and yeah his arms look mega long but i swear they're actually short based on standard proportions, see how he goes with the shirt
AWESOME. I really dig the proportions. The arms may be just a touch long but I still think it is kick ass.
The main problem with her hands is imho, they are too big for a girl. That's why you've given her thick wrists and that's why her forearm is a little long (but i'm talking about the "standard" girl hand; my forearm for example, is even longer than hers)
Her feet are a little big too. Just try scaling her feet and her arms a bit and you'll notice the difference right away.
Just my two cents, happy sculpting
marul: yeah i didnt really get around to tweaking the hands/arms as much as i'd like to. defo good points to keep in mind on future attempts ^^
gauss: hehe, chigurh next mebbe? :P
aight so not too happy with it yet, but wanna put him on the backburner for a bit and get some other chars to a more finished level.
Textures are way too subtle i think, and the spec map isnt workin proper (still need gloss and reflection... and there's heapos of cleanup to do ^^; )
He's on the list still ^^ gotta focus on finishing brolin and starting 2 new char ideas next (business suit orc and panty knight, prom/arne style :poly136:)
edit: oh, 6126-ish tri's all up, no backfaces tho
can has a close ups of his face, looks totally math in the low
So this be one of the new chars i wanted to start up. Was lookin at Blaze's stuff last night, got mega inspired. Drew a quick scribble concept on my whiteboard and started blocking things in today.
Single zsphere for the head... hoping to throw some more spheres around to concept block in the big ole mech armour bits... mech pilot girl, hrmmm :shifty:
Anyways, some poop scribbling in zb... got no idea what im doing, hoping i get better and can settle on somthin (hard to figure out the right spot to put panel lines and random mech junk).
edit: oh, kinda reminds me of samus now. might look less samusy when i stick huge mech arms and legs on :P
I really liked the direction she was going in the original slight paintover you did. Alot more interesting shapewise.
Hellboys looking great, some more contrast in your diffuse may help
crazyfool: hehe, no solid idea yet so concepting as i go... really shoulda blocked her all in at the start but, myeah im lazeh :P
mini update before pizza and cartoons.
still hard to tell the proportions/balance, should make sense soon i hope. Still looking like armour bits stuck on her, rather than a full mech that she's seated in (gotta fix asap).
and got some ref links of what i want the mech to be like overall (proportionally at least). Going for the larger head compartment area and she'll have mech heels for feet so it tapers down ^^
(and the askin from the zspheres... polycount is killing my comp right now
notice she wont be able to bend her arm... doesnt really matter but feels a little tight/crowded.
shotgun: cheers man. and defo right on about that point of articulation... tried scaling them mitts down some... constantly scaling and moving things around as i add new bits too ^^;
last spammy pic before sleep... heaps more tweaking tommorow. Will prolly scale down the thigh armour, just tryin to exaggerate the gesture and female robot shapes or somthin
srsly hope the overall mech robot thing will work over what i've got so far, can only stretch the width of the arms and legs so much on a person
quick update from this morning (or evening, my sleeping is wack). Original idea has gone awry, might end up just sticking a mech backpack on her and calling her done (boots too)...
Tho working from zpheres and tweaking things heaps has made this super messy, no idea how imma move forward. Could try smoothing over and refining the details, then baking down to low poly chunks (rather than doing a whole retopo pass for the sculpt :poly122:)
imo u should definitely retopo it and make the tech part subd! :poly141:
i know takes way more time but mostly makes it also way more awesome than it already is! I hope i could encourage u :poly142: