Like many, I was pretty excited to see what EA were going to show on the new SSX series last night, aside from UC3, it was probably what I was most looking forward to.
Also like many, I'm a huuuge fan of the SSX games up to SSX3 which of course is the best in the series, and for me, one of the best games ever. Riding from the top of the mountain to the bottom, just for fun, seeing the changing weather effects and the incredible soundtrack (the way it mutes part of the audio track while you fly through the air and then kicks it in when you land) is really a great memory in gaming for me.
The game was obviously successful, it's widely regarded as the best snowboarding game ever.
So why then, do EA think it's a good idea to do this:
Survival? Horror? Is it too much to ask to just have the SSX we all know and love back once again?
And whats the betting we'll be controlling this with Kinect/Move, dancing round our living rooms like idiots?
On a more serious note, what could be their motivation for bringing these crap ideas to a proven, successful game model? If any of you guys from EA are reading this... do us all a favour and give us the franchise reboot we all want.
Imagine a single player experience where you have to survive on a mountain after being stranded and there are dangers such as avalanche's and wolves. They could pull a Tony Hawks and let the player walk around and jump on his/her board whenever they want.
People could then travel along the mountain and mark their best spots for riding so that other players can download ghosts and play a race against them in their favourite area.
I'm sure Kinect will be a feature no less but I doubt they're stupid enough to limit it to that.
Personally I'm quite excited to see this, looks like a lot of fun.
BUT. The idea of survival snowboarding sounds cool, it could be executed really well and make a great game - I'm not upset about that. And I know it's naive to expect very similarly styled game or a straight up sequel that just updates the graphics. But what I'm bummed about is the fact that there isn't any game like SSX3 out there, and the gritty realistic thing might look great, but is essentially dull.
You can do anything in a game. But the more insane and wild the idea, the less 'gritty' suits it s style.
edit: man I need to grab the ol' ps2 from my brothers flat. I need a retro kick. (yes I just called the ps2 retro.)
I certainly wouldn't want every game with the SSX name to have bright colourful graphics because that shit would get old real quick. I'm thinking Hot Pursuit but with snowboards. Oh and some kind of autolog feature would be ace. Ohhhhh
I would love it if the new game turned out similar to SSX3, personally I hope its just a mission type they are talking about, where you are chased down the mountain like a time trial event and the racing is like an elimination race where the alvalanche slowly picks people off. I just hope we still have crazy trick events all over the place and the game doesnt take itself too serious. The main thing I hope is the characters are awesome, they peaked in ssx3 for me but was definetly sad to see a few classics not return, WHERE ARE YOU EDDY???????? DAVID ARQUETTE NEEDS MORE WORK!!!!!!
Riccitello recently said that skateboarding was no longer the kind of blockbuster selling genre it once was, so branching out to snowboarding again makes sense.
We already had SSX wacky, let's give SSX serious a try. It's not like there are lots of other snowboarding games to look forward to...
Survival, and this whole 'Black Ops' vibe to it, I just don't like how they've obviously felt the need to add in these other elements to appeal to people who wouldn't buy 'just a snowboarding game'.
Knowing the Skate team are working on it gives me some faith though, they managed 3 games without military survival or zombies so heres hoping they maintain their credibility with SSX.
but right now all that stuff looks absolutely insane and retarded
why bother using the SSX branding at all
screenshots are made of motion blur and DESATURATE, and look sort of crappy right now
also kinda agreeing with both sides.
feels shit that the trailer showed us a character-less figure snowboarding fairly un-ssx'ish..
but also, cant have the same game 2010..
I rebought SSX3 to play on my PS3.. played it for about 30 minutes, totally came in my pants a couple of times.. but havent touched it since then.
it span around a couple of hours in my gamecube back in the days though..
EA - whoever is deving it, just do as crazyfool did it..
You're statement is completely true, and it's an unfortunate reality, but remember 'YOU' refers to a hell of a lot of people in this case. I have at least 20 or so friends who would really like to see an SSX faithful to 2 / 3, and I'm but a minute part of a large gaming public!
is it me or is that guy like james cordens evil brother?
I'm okay with that.
Gamers: "We need a fresh formula that doesn't change core gameplay too much but makes it cooler".
Developer: "Done."
Gamers: "WAHH! What is this!? Bring back the old stuff back!"
Developer: "But you guys just said..."
Gamers: "WAHHH!"
Developer: "FINE!"
Gamers: "We're buying the same stuff from 10 years ago with only HD graphics, BOO!'
Developer: "OK guys, from now on, we only make IPhone games, Madden games, and secretly make CGI porn."
Me: Holy hell, all you guys had to do is wait for a GAMEPLAY trailer and some decent reviews and maybe a demo or two BEFORE acting as such pricks.
Ugh, don't remind the MOH fiasco...
Its like loving to be creative while squashing someone elses creativity.
That's the point, it was just a CGI trailer which most likely will be for set Maps and/or optional.
Everyone got worked up about it, the Dev very clearly the beginning mentioned that they'll keep the SSX style and spirit, just makes things more 'logical' at the start, such as more 'warmer' clothing for Elise, and simple stuff, but later on, they will expand on the idea and simply 'add' stuff to it.
This means I can very well still play a game where I'm wearing a bikini and trying not to fall down too much to get frostbites, but I'm pretty sure that's not the whole game.
found it
some awesome concepts, debug levels, playblasts, mountain infos!
Many people don't like him because apparently he is a sexist, but too bad they're blind at his good points, stupid people.
what a cunt, i can't take anything he says seriously. i think maybe i should start a videogame vlog series just for balance.
Still going on about that Deadly Descents thing? I thought that was cleared up already. That's just one of the 3 main modes in the game that was never meant to completely replace the arcadey SSX. And you can't know that this morphing thing is awful until you've played it so settle down.
looks exciting!
Today is videogame trailer dubstep day!
It's still, apparently, videogame trailer dubstep day.
Although I kind of wish they were make a "skate" snowboarding game. And make it more realistic. But hell, if they are going to make it be unrealistic at least they aren't afraid to go all out.