wat, who is the hater? not only did I play the shit out of the first SSX, Tricky to some extent, and then SSX 3. I recently bought the PS2 copy of SSX3 to play on my PS3 - way before the SSX announcement, not to get into the groove before any new SSX, but just to relive the greatness that is SSX3
my only gripe was the controls, having grabs being performed on the analogue stick rather than combinations of shoulder buttons....I'm a hater for that eh? it's not the game I was expecting because of that eh?
my word, did you just paste that reply in from some "haters gunna hate.txt" that you've got saved on your desktop?:poly141:
see you deleted your post while I was writing.. oh well
I was blown away! I was so hyped for this game after being a long-time fan of the series, and that had me a little worried it would disappoint me due to my over the top expectations... it did not let me down!
All they needed to do was make the SSX we all know and love but make it prettier, smoother, add a bit of tight online and they've totally done it, and then some.
Graphics are beautiful, and gameplay is so fluid. The landings are so buttery and everything flows so well.
Great job to all those who worked on this, and thank you to EA for not screwing up an amazing franchise!
cant wait to try this, my roomate and another buddy of mine worked on it for a while. looks pretty fun, never really played the old ones but pretty excited for this.
I love everything about the demo except the hobbled classic controls. They just feel fucking awful so I guess I'm going to have to get used to the new method of boosting with the right trigger and doing tricks with the face buttons.
Also I agree with Seth. I'd have rather seen the riders have a bit more character than they seem to.
yeah agreeing with Matt agreeing with me.....perhaps that will come with the customisation options, the demo talks a fair bit about customisation of decks outfits etc....I guess that we are seeing the vanilla characters in demo.
I think the demo is nice in that it does feel like an SSX game made pretty, but frankly I got a bit bored after a couple of sessions because it didn't feel particularly rewarding. I'm doing uber tricks on the second jump of a course and don't even need a ramp to jump and do triple front flips? Obviously the actual game will be more difficult than what's available in the demo, but it seems that doing big tricks has become a bit too easy for my tastes. Just reminds me a little of what happened to the Tony Hawk franchise after ridiculous tricks were so easy to do. Racing is still good though.
awesome, IGN gave it a 9, apparently its pretty fun. pretty funny to go back and look at people's freak out response on the 1st couple pages saying its not ssx at all.....
Bah. I pre-ordered this. Ill still pick it up after work, but I was really looking forward to the dark, non-ssx feel. Im a huge fan of the Amped series, and I REALLY want a realistic snowboarding game where its all about style, rather than a shit ton of tricks that are impossible. I want "skate." type series for snowboards!
But Ill hold off judgement of this till I play it tonight.
The "multiplayer" is the ghost system. You can chase your friends ghosts, while trying to beat their score. Much like need for speed: The run, youll know when you beat your friend, or your friend beats you. Then their are "global events" where you sign up for a certain event, which have their own restrictions for equipment and such. The events last for a set time, for instance, a week. You can play it as many times as you want. Some of them require you to pay (in game cash) to do the drop, but im not sure if you have to pay that drop price each time you play it. Anyways, your highest score is saved, and you are put into brackets (from bronze to platinum, i think?). If you are put into bronze on your first run, it will have the persons score you need to beat to get into silver, so you know what you`re trying to beat. At the end of the event, the prize pool is divided out between the brackets. I dont think there are ghosts during it, as I havent played one yet, but seems like a good system. You dont have to wait for players, and oyu really are playing against everyone else who signed up for it, which is cool.
I only played the tutorial plus ~4 levels. Its pretty awesome. I do stick with my "I want a realistic snowboarding game", but this will do for now. Im having a blast with it! Though, I keep doing duplicate tricks. :S I gotta reprogram my fingers so they dont do the same thing every time.
Just finished my 6th descent. Man this game is great. Im getting more use to the uber long combos, and mixing up the tricks so that I dont get the duplicate trick crap score.
I loved the avalanches! They are uber cool. But it took me alot of tries to beat them. So much so, eventually the game stopped and gave me a noob pass to skip the level, but still get all the rewards. I said F that and got my ass in gear to beat it all. I liked how it does that though, so if you are stuck, you can move on. cool feature. Took probably 10 fails before that came up though, which is nice.
The oxygen masks was cool, but damn tricky to get use to using along with all the boost and tricks.
i sat down thinking id just play for 20 mins. 2 hrs later....
So far this game is fucking awesome. I love the geotags, world events, etc! I need more people on my friend's list playing the game though! I also really, really like how they suggest things to you. Its a really cool touch! They get you shopping and buying this early, feels pretty well integrated - especially with rarity level of items. Can't wait to level everyone up super high again like ssx3!
It seems like its both Explore and the Challege mode maybe? The game told me you had taken part of the free trick challenge world event course, and I went in to do it too.
From what i can tell, the game seems pretty friends-list-aware, tracking and reporting things via the feed on the left. I did a bunch of stuff in Explore, maybe some stuff will show for you there? Or maybe issue a challenge? Need to play more with it. Haven't looked yet today, going to later tonight!
Would be rad if it tracks and pushes stuff to friends done in Explore mode, but the core "long term" game may be in the world events instead of doing courses over and over for high score?
Oh ok, I haven't touched explore mode. Only world tour. And those challenges it told you I did, I did right before bed, so you must have jumped into the game after I went to bed. Might explain why you weren't in my RiderNet.
Some people are insane. 80mil for the free trick challenge? I got 19mil after a bunch of tries. They are probably max level with amazing gear though.
Moose, if I see you on when Im playing, I'll invite you to my party.
Ok been playing this for a few hours... here are my thoughts.
Visually the game looks great, and it does feel good to play, very fluid and smooth. I don't care for the soundtrack although the way the music is implemented is pretty awesome.
Generally speaking I'm enjoying it, and it's definitely a fun game.
The course designers need to be locked in a room and forced to play through the abominations that they were responsible for. I mean, I remember an SSX where I could just carve down wide pistes, zip through tunnels and not spend the entire run thinking I could fly off of the edge of the mountain at any given moment. Put bluntly, the course design is fucking terrible. Far too many cliffs, drops, crevasses and just general changes in level.
Some of the courses I barely feel like I'm on the ground for more than a second, just hopping between ledges, or rather, bouncing off walls all the way down.
Also, I'd quite like to know the cheat code the CPU players are using to auto-generate their ludicrous scores in Trick It mode... they seem to accrue hundreds of thousands of points barely seconds into the run, whilst I have about 5000 or something.
The game is hard, but not in a good, challenging way, just in a 'this course is stupid' way.
I never had a problem with the course design, you just have to learn them and use it to your advantage.
As far as tricks go you just have to learn how to string together large combos. Using the land tricks(nose or tail press) you can keep a large combo going and once your multiplier is up there you will be getting some huge numbers.
I though something was wrong too when I was doing global events but then I had a combo going the entire run and got almost 90 thousand for my score when before I was barley breaking 10. Also remember that longer tricks get you more points than a lot of short tricks.
The course designers need to be locked in a room and forced to play through the abominations that they were responsible for. I mean, I remember an SSX where I could just carve down wide pistes, zip through tunnels and not spend the entire run thinking I could fly off of the edge of the mountain at any given moment. Put bluntly, the course design is fucking terrible. Far too many cliffs, drops, crevasses and just general changes in level.
fuck yes!
I'm liking the game a lot, even though the characters are bland as fuck and have been given the next-gen filter in terms of character..
but yeah.. the crevasses and shit is a bit too much.. I mean yeah sure, "learn the level" and all that is fine.. but.. no.. too much
it's still play-able, but I've caught myself saying "is this really fun?" when falling down yet another hidden crevasse after taking a jump..
also, the manual. guess the had to save ink because they didn't even print a cover image for it:poly141:
Yeah, I'm finding the flow of courses to leave a bit to be desired. Its a constant up-down-up-down-up-down with very little breathing room or rest to just carve and speed. Doesn't have near the slope-flow that SSX3 did. There are rails absolutely *everywhere* and it seems like you can auto-pilot from one to the next without really trying.
Honestly I prefer the *hit the bounds of level - teleport back to track* method or course fail. It is a little infuriating to hit blind pit after blind pit, especially ones where you can see a track below, and think you can jump there.
Negatives aside, the social/Live features are fucking.amazing. It captures the feel of how my roommates in college and I would play SSX - "DUDE i just beat your high score! you'll never beat 4mil on Garibaldi!" But with this new SSX there are insentives, prizes, and its more fun than I thought it would be! Seeing someone on my friend list beat my time or score in explore mode (ae......) makes me want to go back and try to stomp it!
Soundtrack is a little meh, again SSX3 was better, but its slowly growing on me. Needs more punk/rock stuff, and the faint, mgmt (surprised they didnt make it in, were pretty big in some snowboarding vids lately), does it offend you..., etc. instead of what seems to be an endless string of dubby stuff.
They nailed the feel though, when you land an uber trick, and the terrain sin wave deforms.... w t f it feels amazing.
Yeah, I'm finding the flow of courses to leave a bit to desire. Its a constant up-down-up-down-up-down with very little breathing room or rest to just carve and speed. Doesn't have near the slope-flow that SSX3 did. There are rails absolutely *everywhere* and it seems like you can auto-pilot from one to the next without really trying.
Honestly I prefer the *hit the bounds of level - teleport back to track* method or course fail. It is a little infuriating to hit blind pit after blind pit, especially ones where you can see a track below, and think you can jump there.
Negatives aside, the social/Live features are fucking.amazing. It captures the feel of how my roommates in college and I would play SSX - "DUDE i just beat your high score! you'll never beat 4mil on Garibaldi!" But with this new SSX there are insentives, prizes, and its more fun than I thought it would be! Seeing someone on my friend list beat my time or score in explore mode (ae......) makes me want to go back and try to stomp it!
Soundtrack is a little meh, again SSX3 was better, but its slowly growing on me. Needs more punk/rock stuff, the faint, does it offend you..., etc. instead of what seems to be an endless string of dubby stuff.
They nailed the feel though, when you land an uber trick, and the terrain sin wave deforms.... w t f it feels amazing.
What moose said! there are a lot of tracks in the game and not all are gonna be winners i try to avoid the tracks that have shitty course layout, also most of the deadly descents are pretty shitty and not fun to play at all.
but when you find a awesome track with good lines that can keep your combo going its like the most amazing experience ever, also the social aspect is amazing i added moose up yesterday and been trying to beat all his records haha even made a global event so i could take his money too :P
if anyone else has this add me up its more fun with more people: armanguy on xbox live!
Basically what moose said. some of the runs are just horribly laid out with it being way too easy to just fall off the edge. the rewinds are nice, but bug me in a race as it can completely screw up my times to the point it's better to just restart.
I havent played explore mode yet. Im just finishing up my final DD, New Zealand. Ive gotten pretty good at trick it levels though. Im excited to come crush your guys scores
agree on the courses being infuriatingly annoying in the latter half of the game, jumping straight into pits and jumps either too far apart or too close to one another, Im having more fun in explore mode tbh. It desperately needs the option to reset your character and get rid of the stupid rewind feature, wish the characters had a bit more personality too but nonetheless I think its loads of fun
Beat most of the single player, didn't do the last death dd yet. Was workig my way trough explore mode games ad just doing the "recommended" games. Fun stuff! There is a really fun wing suit trick track, can't remember where it was but it was a lot of fun
Need to keep leveling getting better gear, am soooo close to beating some people but feel like I am hitting my score limit.
No, it is NOT mostly dubstep. I haaaate dubstep, but I rather like the sound track for this.
Moose, ya, I dont understand how people get 80 mil + on the global events. I tried so very hard the last day or two to beat Keg's scores, But I just couldnt do it on some. I was so close sometimes, while others, I definitely was not.
finally doing better Until the creative director added me on xbl and i added his friends, haha. some of their scores are insane! Finally got a legendary trick board w/ trick bonus, and a trick bonus suit for Mac, scores here i come!
Also, grinding to level 11 now after unlocking the ability to (1,000,000 credits!). more more more more!!!
some of you guys' race & score times are driving me fucking crazy, tried for an hour to beat Keg's race time (finally did it!), and some other slipsus scores.
the control scheme was fucked up... do grabs on the right analogue?!
seriously hope they have a classic control setup, or at least one that lets you do grabs with the shoulder buttons..
also, the boost ran out fairly quickly.. but that's nothing rly..
but yeah, dem controls... sooo bad
kinda luled, SSX is serious now?:poly142:
my only gripe was the controls, having grabs being performed on the analogue stick rather than combinations of shoulder buttons....I'm a hater for that eh? it's not the game I was expecting because of that eh?
my word, did you just paste that reply in from some "haters gunna hate.txt" that you've got saved on your desktop?:poly141:
see you deleted your post while I was writing.. oh well
so badass!!
I was blown away! I was so hyped for this game after being a long-time fan of the series, and that had me a little worried it would disappoint me due to my over the top expectations... it did not let me down!
All they needed to do was make the SSX we all know and love but make it prettier, smoother, add a bit of tight online and they've totally done it, and then some.
Graphics are beautiful, and gameplay is so fluid. The landings are so buttery and everything flows so well.
Great job to all those who worked on this, and thank you to EA for not screwing up an amazing franchise!
Also I agree with Seth. I'd have rather seen the riders have a bit more character than they seem to.
blasphemy! Haven't tried demo (sad). Do the new controls still do grabs on shoulder buttons?
gamertag = mooselot
add me (hopefully with a message saying who you are)! point battle!
But Ill hold off judgement of this till I play it tonight.
if you loved pulling of huge combos in either SSX or Tony hawk series this game quenches your thirst!
I only played the tutorial plus ~4 levels. Its pretty awesome. I do stick with my "I want a realistic snowboarding game", but this will do for now. Im having a blast with it! Though, I keep doing duplicate tricks. :S I gotta reprogram my fingers so they dont do the same thing every time.
Great game!
Add me = Anim8TheWeak
Just finished my 6th descent. Man this game is great. Im getting more use to the uber long combos, and mixing up the tricks so that I dont get the duplicate trick crap score.
I loved the avalanches! They are uber cool. But it took me alot of tries to beat them. So much so, eventually the game stopped and gave me a noob pass to skip the level, but still get all the rewards. I said F that and got my ass in gear to beat it all. I liked how it does that though, so if you are stuck, you can move on. cool feature. Took probably 10 fails before that came up though, which is nice.
The oxygen masks was cool, but damn tricky to get use to using along with all the boost and tricks.
Hows everyone else enjoying it!?
So far this game is fucking awesome. I love the geotags, world events, etc! I need more people on my friend's list playing the game though! I also really, really like how they suggest things to you. Its a really cool touch! They get you shopping and buying this early, feels pretty well integrated - especially with rarity level of items. Can't wait to level everyone up super high again like ssx3!
classic controls ftw
Also, do you know how riderNet works? I cant seem to see my friends scores in the world tour. is it only freeroam? do you know?
From what i can tell, the game seems pretty friends-list-aware, tracking and reporting things via the feed on the left. I did a bunch of stuff in Explore, maybe some stuff will show for you there? Or maybe issue a challenge? Need to play more with it. Haven't looked yet today, going to later tonight!
Would be rad if it tracks and pushes stuff to friends done in Explore mode, but the core "long term" game may be in the world events instead of doing courses over and over for high score?
Some people are insane. 80mil for the free trick challenge? I got 19mil after a bunch of tries. They are probably max level with amazing gear though.
Moose, if I see you on when Im playing, I'll invite you to my party.
Visually the game looks great, and it does feel good to play, very fluid and smooth. I don't care for the soundtrack although the way the music is implemented is pretty awesome.
Generally speaking I'm enjoying it, and it's definitely a fun game.
The course designers need to be locked in a room and forced to play through the abominations that they were responsible for. I mean, I remember an SSX where I could just carve down wide pistes, zip through tunnels and not spend the entire run thinking I could fly off of the edge of the mountain at any given moment. Put bluntly, the course design is fucking terrible. Far too many cliffs, drops, crevasses and just general changes in level.
Some of the courses I barely feel like I'm on the ground for more than a second, just hopping between ledges, or rather, bouncing off walls all the way down.
Also, I'd quite like to know the cheat code the CPU players are using to auto-generate their ludicrous scores in Trick It mode... they seem to accrue hundreds of thousands of points barely seconds into the run, whilst I have about 5000 or something.
The game is hard, but not in a good, challenging way, just in a 'this course is stupid' way.
As far as tricks go you just have to learn how to string together large combos. Using the land tricks(nose or tail press) you can keep a large combo going and once your multiplier is up there you will be getting some huge numbers.
I though something was wrong too when I was doing global events but then I had a combo going the entire run and got almost 90 thousand for my score when before I was barley breaking 10. Also remember that longer tricks get you more points than a lot of short tricks.
fuck yes!
I'm liking the game a lot, even though the characters are bland as fuck and have been given the next-gen filter in terms of character..
but yeah.. the crevasses and shit is a bit too much.. I mean yeah sure, "learn the level" and all that is fine.. but.. no.. too much
it's still play-able, but I've caught myself saying "is this really fun?" when falling down yet another hidden crevasse after taking a jump..
also, the manual. guess the had to save ink because they didn't even print a cover image for it:poly141:
Honestly I prefer the *hit the bounds of level - teleport back to track* method or course fail. It is a little infuriating to hit blind pit after blind pit, especially ones where you can see a track below, and think you can jump there.
Negatives aside, the social/Live features are fucking.amazing. It captures the feel of how my roommates in college and I would play SSX - "DUDE i just beat your high score! you'll never beat 4mil on Garibaldi!" But with this new SSX there are insentives, prizes, and its more fun than I thought it would be! Seeing someone on my friend list beat my time or score in explore mode (ae......) makes me want to go back and try to stomp it!
Soundtrack is a little meh, again SSX3 was better, but its slowly growing on me. Needs more punk/rock stuff, and the faint, mgmt (surprised they didnt make it in, were pretty big in some snowboarding vids lately), does it offend you..., etc. instead of what seems to be an endless string of dubby stuff.
They nailed the feel though, when you land an uber trick, and the terrain sin wave deforms.... w t f it feels amazing.
What moose said! there are a lot of tracks in the game and not all are gonna be winners i try to avoid the tracks that have shitty course layout, also most of the deadly descents are pretty shitty and not fun to play at all.
but when you find a awesome track with good lines that can keep your combo going its like the most amazing experience ever, also the social aspect is amazing i added moose up yesterday and been trying to beat all his records haha even made a global event so i could take his money too :P
if anyone else has this add me up its more fun with more people: armanguy on xbox live!
Btw: Keg 81 on xbox live
I havent played explore mode yet. Im just finishing up my final DD, New Zealand. Ive gotten pretty good at trick it levels though. Im excited to come crush your guys scores
Beat most of the single player, didn't do the last death dd yet. Was workig my way trough explore mode games ad just doing the "recommended" games. Fun stuff! There is a really fun wing suit trick track, can't remember where it was but it was a lot of fun
Need to keep leveling getting better gear, am soooo close to beating some people but feel like I am hitting my score limit.
God damn I love this game!
It has split screen.
Moose, ya, I dont understand how people get 80 mil + on the global events. I tried so very hard the last day or two to beat Keg's scores, But I just couldnt do it on some. I was so close sometimes, while others, I definitely was not.
Also, grinding to level 11 now after unlocking the ability to (1,000,000 credits!). more more more more!!!
some of you guys' race & score times are driving me fucking crazy, tried for an hour to beat Keg's race time (finally did it!), and some other slipsus scores.