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How about them Wikileaks, eh?



  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Haha, that's nice. I like how the CIA's first concern is "Crap, ok guys - we've got to see if other countries still think we're good at keeping secrets from our general populace."

    WTF indeed...
  • Dean
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    Dean polycounter lvl 9
    Also... why would you want utopia? I WANT problems, so I can fix them.

    Exactly. Having a Utopia is impossible as it would mean we have achieved perfection and we all know that perfection does not exist. We are constantly improving, debunking and replacing old ideas, mechanisms and so on. To have Utopia would mean the end of progress and evolution.

    As you mentioned, Jacque himself has stated that the VP is no Utopia but, and I quote: "it is just lot better".

    We are not living in a system that is based around human needs, but rather around the profit motive and that is the root cause of so many problems today. How can we honestly allow ourselves to live in a world where greed and suffering for the motive of profit and personal gain is not only legal, but encouraged? Why for example, are (US) hospitals allowed to kick people out (even drugged and disoriented) when they can't cough up the money they need for care? [See Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story]. Simple answer, because it cuts costs and saves the hospital money.

    We are putting a simple material object, money, a man made construct with absolutely no intrinsic value and relationship to nature, ahead of human well-being. How can someone NOT see that that is wrong on so many levels?

    EDIT: In an attempt to make my post somewhat more on-topic, I'll just say that I do think what Wikileaks is doing can be justified and is needed. As long as there is corruption and wrong doing (which will honestly be, realistically speaking, always), it should be exposed. Even if this means there will be damage to those responsible or involved.
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