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Gran Turismo 5



  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    No racing game will ever beat Episode 1: Racer... I still hope to some day see a next gen version of that :(

    GT5 doesn't even come close :p
  • Tom Ellis
    Rwolf wrote: »
    You need to win the Dream Car event in Extreme races (lvl 24 req) Takes about 2 hours to do, so plan ahead. Easiest way to do it, is to use the Minolta Toyota you get for winning like the wind in Extreme races (lvl 21)

    Also finally found the damn Gran Turismo F1 Car in the used dealership after I won the last event (other than endurance races) I'm flat out broke now (5 mill cred for used F1 car)

    I took my F1 car online and got people asking where I got it lol.

    Cheers Rwolf. Looks like I've got a fair bit to go. I'm about level 20 I think, but have a RM ZR1 ready for like the wind, as I hear that's a sensible choice.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    We should organise some races at some point, it would cool if there was an option create race clans and the like. PCount colours for the racing team, etc.

    At level 20, got the Veyron up to 1200bhp.
  • Slave_zero
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    Slave_zero polycounter lvl 8
    I guess many of the points I'll bring up have been covered already but anyway. My opinion on the game after playing for about 6 hours:

    simulation and realism vs. arcade fun driving:

    This is pretty good balanced. It feels quite realistic, I guess as realistic as it can feel on a console and a gamepad. SO basicly driving those huge amount of cars in different events is mostly fun.

    standard vs premium cars:

    I'm really unsure what to think about this. I see the point that 1000 cars at a detail of those premium cars would have required a lot of additional work and budget. On the opposite I think that the decision of having two classes of cars is a really bad solution. Especially as you can only have a cockpit view with premium cars. So I get used to cockpit view but I am forced to drive in bumper-cam in vertain events were no premium cars are allowed to enter (or at least I don't own one to enter with).
    I think a basic cockpit view for all non-premium cars could have solved this issue. Of course other people might think different and rather have no cockpit than an interior thats absolutely not based on the real car.


    I'm a bit disappointed about the track-lineup. In my opinion only too few courses from the prequels made it into the game. I'm missing Midfield, Seattle, El capitan, Apricot hill, Citta di aria, costa di amalfi, New york.


    I don't know if detailed car damage really is locked unitl your reach level 20 or something. Up to now I've only noticed some minor bulging, scratches and some car aprts hanging loose. Nothing really special and nothing had any impact on car handling. This is bullshit. If a detailed damage-system is unlocked at level 20: What were they thinking? Wouldn't it be reasonable to make a damage-system optional but from the very start of the game. I see the point that realistic damage has a conradiction to fun gameplay because most people don't want to lose an event because of one mistake. I also see problems with the yery offensive acting of AI. But anyway If I really have to grind up to level 20 to get a real damage-system - it's stupid. And from what I've heard it isn't even a good looking damage system.
    What you get is neither cool or good looking nor realistic. It's just bad executed. In case od an accident I really favor an unrealistical but visual attractive damage-system. So when losing control over my skyline at 180 mph and hammering it into the next barrier I at least get so see an awesome crash before I lose the event. (all optinal of course)
    Instead I lose the event anyway because some AI-car just pushed my rear a side in the last curve. I get to see (and hear) a silly bounce to a barrier and finish up 5'th - great fun.


    Here we go again: I'm a little disappointed. I mean many things have improved I must admit. They are reacting to my breaking, they are overtaking each other and sometimes they even fail to keep on the track.
    But why is the AI so agressive. I can't count the times my rear got pushed aside by an opponent resulting into a complete lose of control over my car. If anyone I should be the only one applying those shady tactics and even more the player should get some punishment for applying this behaviour. We are talking about some seious racing and not burnout (which is great btw). I do the best I can to not pile into the rear of my opponents or pushing them off the track. I expect the same from the AI.

    Now the worst part:


    And here it really applys: What the hell were they thinking? Having 10 - 16 cars on the track but going with such a low resolution and flickering shadow. It really is distrubing. The car looks great in all its detaisl but the shadow it casts on it self is just flickering like hell. Shadows rushing through the interiour of your car are just a pain.
    Gladly most of the time I'm not aware of it, as I have to focus on driving. But as soon as I watch a replay or even the start-sequence I wish they had turned of all selfshadowing.
    The shadow on the ground is lacking as well but this is acceptable.

    Last point:

    Menu / layout:

    It just feels a little confusing and scattered. I had some trouble to find the places I want to go. but you get used to it after a while.
    But worst thing ever: I really hate background-music in any GT game. I always have it muted in the menu or during driving. I just can't stand it when music is not fitting into the type of driving thats happening at the moment. Some swinging jazz / lounge music while I'm struggling with 200 mph to keep my car on the track. (btw: Music selection is really disppointing for me, but that personal taste)
    Anyway: So I always turn the music off except for replays. Trying to do that in GT V I was bit confused were to find taht option. option-menu didn't show anything to make the adjustments. Ather a few moments of searching I've discovered the Play-list-Menu. For every song you can adjust teh setting if it's supposed to be played in menu, during a race or while replaying.
    The fun-part: As far as I was aware there is no option to change those settings for all songs or multiple selected songs. So I had to run over about 120 songs and change the settings to match my needs. Seriously if this really is the only way to turn off the music in the game the UI-designers that came up with this should be forced to switch the GT-Music on and aff 'till the end of time.
    I really looking forward for the day when I think I could switch music back on. Going over all these songs for a second time.
  • 00Zero
    slave-zero, there is an option to turn off music in menu, game, w/e. its in the options at the main menu. they refer to it as BM i think (background music) or BGM or something like that that makes no sense at first.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    @Slave Zero
    Car Damage - Yeah it sucks you need to grind to get damage. I think visual damage unlocks at lvl 15, and full mechanical damage unlocks at 30-40??? Although you can get the taste of full damage if you setup your own online race. I found you do lose signifgant if not, all your steering in a crash, and almost all of your engine power.

    Shadows - Kaz says they will try to patch this. I never notice the flickering people are talking about (if your driving through tree shadows of course it's going to flicker), but I do notice the low res at times.

    BGM - You can use your own custom tracks if you have mp3's loaded onto your ps3. Not sure if you can link windows media server tho. Of course your custom music/playlist only runs when your racing.

    That be cool, but team colours would hard/tedious to do. Basically since your colour selection is based on what car you buy to acquire a paint chip to paint your car w/, which oddly can only used once.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Well I found a horrible AI glitch. It's raining on the Monza track, and my B-Spec Driver constantly wants to pit in every lap to change to... Racing slicks instead of rain tires. I watch in horror as he spins out in every corner.... Only to pit in again demanding racing slicks.

    I also don't recommend stacking your car vouchers. I have a 100 and it's painfully slow going through them all.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    i still want more of this... I miss stupid stuff like wasting hours with my friends seeing who could jump the farthest and outrace each other down different streets.. :D

    Midtown Madness ftw..

  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    lvl 30 = Redbull X1 Challenge + DS3 Controller = Impossible :(
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Apparently there is a patch today. Adding online Dealership, online events. Save backup feature, HUD removal, and Full damage to arcade mode looking through the GTplanet forums.

    Can't confirm this yet, I'm in a middle of a endurance race :P

    Edit: Patch notes indicate you can earn experience for GTLife (a-spec) when you race online, buy cars online, and better rewards for single player.

    As for "Full" damage, I would say it's less forgiving than Forza2, any slight ram wrecks your alignment. Although it doesn't seem you can get as sever as forza2 (Still drivable, but with sever steering loss)
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    I got this game at the weekend and have been playing it incessantly since. Also registered for the GT Academy, will never get in but its fun to try and the top time is completely insane.

    I spend about as much time taking pictures as I do racing its brilliant.

    still very low level though one of my priorities was to afford enough cash for the GTR. ^^
  • Tom Ellis
    rolfness wrote: »

    I spend about as much time taking pictures as I do racing its brilliant.


    I've been playing it over the last few days too and the visuals on the premium cars are defnitely incredible.

    I'm just stuck now, it gets HARD once you get to the top series. I still can't beat the Historic Cup in Advanced/Extreme (can't remember which one). Regulations are a car from 79 or earlier, and there's some race cars on the grid that just blitz anything I've tried with. Closest I've come so far is with the Z28 Camaro RM, but still getting thrashed by the first 3 cars.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    havent got that far yet, and Im in no hurry theres so much to do in GT5 besides spending hours playing with the camera, theres online play trying to beat my track time for GT academy tweaking old cars to go insanely fast (Im working on 60's skyline), training up a driver which is amusing, being able to stress the AI driver lol..

    Im always running out of money too quickly :/

    best GT everrr

  • slipsius
    Hey guys, i just picked this up. havent played it on my own console just yet, but i was playing at a friends on the weekend and we noticed something. With split screen, we couldnt use his custom made cars. even if we added the car to his favourites. it would put the car in his favourites, but it would go back to stock specced. No upgrades.... is this a bug? can you not race your custom cars in multiplayer? or is that only split screen? Can you race your custom cars in online mode?

    Thanks guys.

    I cant wait to get into this game. just playing on the weekend, i had a blast. I wanna level up and make my own cars. We built a pimped out fiat 500 at my buddies, since the stock on couldnt drift a single corner, and couldnt make it up a hill in the noregon mountain side track. lol. got half way up and slid back down.
  • slipsius
    oh, also, this whole 1000+ cars.... is that for real? or do they count the premium and regular cars as two seperate cars, even though they are the same car. just a SD and HD version. im guessing its like they have, for example, a corolla, but they have an 87, 92, 2001 corolla, counting as 3 cars.?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    yes, different years/models of same car count as different cars to their 1000 car total. 200 of the cars are premium, which include damage and interior cockpits. The other 800 are ports from Gran Turismo PSP and GT4. They are much lower detail and polycount, have no damage or interiors.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    The standard models vary in detail. I've seen some high profile ones like the Dodge Charger that looks almost as good as the premium Challengers, and some really boxy PS1 era models.
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