im on my 2nd case. bloody car, went to speak to wife etc. this whole interrogation thing seems out of whack for me. it seems like every time i doubt the person i go into full on rage mode and totally accuse them. if thats what the doubt button does, wtf does the lie button do? beat them up? haha (i havent accused anyone of lying yet).
im not 100% enjoying it yet. still have urges to stop playing but i want to keep playing till it gets better. maybe its too slow for me. thats the main thing that bugs me. feels like im playing a big long cutscene and i get to press a button every once in a while.
does anybody know what engine theyre using? is it rage?
It's definitely the same engine (or some version) they used in Red Dead Redemption. I just picked it up last night and thought it was interesting. I too found the "doubt" button to completely unglue the witness during interrogation. I fell asleep playing it but I did enjoy it I just feel like I need to give it a little more time and better understand the interrogation part. I feel like finding "clues" to be a little clunky. The whole controller vibration thing is ok but then to find out the object is worthless is kind of annoying. I'd rather be able to pick up everything much quicker and decide for myself instead of having to slowly wade through stuff just to find the game tells me it's not necessary.
Truth - You believe them. They stare you dead cold in your face. no fidgetting. Tho they might be sad etc.
Doubt - They lie to you, you know it. Shit doesn't add up but you don't have the evidence to prove that they lie. Just challenge them on it. They usually smile like a cocky asshole or look around alot or make weird stuff with their mouth.
Lie - You got the evidence to prove it.
This has worked quite well for me. I think I got around 85% correct on all questions so far. Think that's what the social club said at least.
Truth - You believe them. They stare you dead cold in your face. no fidgetting. Tho they might be sad etc.
Doubt - They lie to you, you know it. Shit doesn't add up but you don't have the evidence to prove that they lie. Just challenge them on it. They usually smile like a cocky asshole or look around alot or make weird stuff with their mouth.
Lie - You got the evidence to prove it.
This has worked quite well for me. I think I got around 85% correct on all questions so far. Think that's what the social club said at least.
Pretty much how I played it. Got a couple of 5 stars and 4 stars
Great game, the interrogation part is tricky I am almost past Vice desk and still can't get them all but it's a game you come to enjoy pretty fast. I don't think if you don't like the beginning it will get better later for you.
I am starting Vice now. it just gets better and better. I like the rain, and LA at night.
I agree with the breakdown of truth, doubt and lie.
Vice is tricky in the answers tho. sometimes i feel like i don't have the evidence... or i think it's clearly that one stating the evidence when it's not. Metro and Homicide i had lots of 5 star cases, this one i think i'll get 3 or less.
Metro and Homicide i had lots of 5 star cases, this one i think i'll get 3 or less.
Just watch them more/review your evidence a lot. I had couple of times where I hit lie thinking I had the evidence At arson and blew through it in like 2 days but havent played it since then. Afraid of finishing it too fast.
yea he seemed overly aggressive at the start, it took me a bit by surprise but I think hes only like that in the first 2 or 3 cases, maybe its to get you used to the system or something. Im in Vice now and the games still blowing my mind
im actually driving around in the game with google maps open and comparing the two. pretty neat. definitely shines some light on the history of the city, something i havent thought about a lot even though ive lived here almost all my life
Found a funny glitch in the hospital were the patient have no legs', there is a vid for it on YouTube.
Just waiting for the store to get back up and running on PS3 so I can play the DLC cases other than that just trophy hunting.
I got this the other day and I've been enjoying it for the most part. It is very repetitive in my mind but the story is what drives it. I can only play one or two missions at a time before I start getting tired of it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't get it though. But if you don't like story... maybe skip it.
I got this the other day and I've been enjoying it for the most part. It is very repetitive in my mind but the story is what drives it. I can only play one or two missions at a time before I start getting tired of it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't get it though. But if you don't like story... maybe skip it.
Yeah I can't have long sessions with this game either but I think it's a good thing because in someway it marks the pace hehe
Basically you have to pay to be able to download DLC's. (yeah they give 2 away for free)
Wtf, EA atleast did it proper, owners of a original game could become member for free and get free dlc, after that they had to pay for other dlc's. You only had to pay to download DLC if you bought the game secondhand and wanted a online.
After this mediocte game I say: fuck off rockstar.
woah, I didn't think people got mad at paid DLC since horse armor.
I was kind of bummed about the exclusive DLC at first because I didn't want to miss out on stuff just because I didn't preorder a game or bought it on a certain console - so being able to buy it afterwords seems like a good thing to me.
Of the two DLC cases, I'd say The Naked City is definitely worth downloading, but A Slip of the Tongue is disappointing. It's really easy; almost feels like a tutorial mission to be honest. The gun battle seems very crowbarred in to what is otherwise quite a low-level case. Here's hoping the other DLC cases are more inspired.
woah, I didn't think people got mad at paid DLC since horse armor.
I was kind of bummed about the exclusive DLC at first because I didn't want to miss out on stuff just because I didn't preorder a game or bought it on a certain console - so being able to buy it afterwords seems like a good thing to me.
Exactly. I was going to wait for a GOTY but now I won't have to... don't see what the problem is. Gonna have to wait for the GOTY of Mortal Kombat, cause I hate missing out on stuff
im not 100% enjoying it yet. still have urges to stop playing but i want to keep playing till it gets better. maybe its too slow for me. thats the main thing that bugs me. feels like im playing a big long cutscene and i get to press a button every once in a while.
does anybody know what engine theyre using? is it rage?
Truth - You believe them. They stare you dead cold in your face. no fidgetting. Tho they might be sad etc.
Doubt - They lie to you, you know it. Shit doesn't add up but you don't have the evidence to prove that they lie. Just challenge them on it. They usually smile like a cocky asshole or look around alot or make weird stuff with their mouth.
Lie - You got the evidence to prove it.
This has worked quite well for me. I think I got around 85% correct on all questions so far. Think that's what the social club said at least.
No, it's not.
Pretty much how I played it. Got a couple of 5 stars and 4 stars
I agree with the breakdown of truth, doubt and lie.
Vice is tricky in the answers tho. sometimes i feel like i don't have the evidence... or i think it's clearly that one stating the evidence when it's not. Metro and Homicide i had lots of 5 star cases, this one i think i'll get 3 or less.
Just watch them more/review your evidence a lot. I had couple of times where I hit lie thinking I had the evidence
But yes. I noticed Vice is trickier with the evidence. I'm on the first vice case
Just waiting for the store to get back up and running on PS3 so I can play the DLC cases other than that just trophy hunting.
what? really? o man I never knew this haha
Basically you have to pay to be able to download DLC's. (yeah they give 2 away for free)
Wtf, EA atleast did it proper, owners of a original game could become member for free and get free dlc, after that they had to pay for other dlc's. You only had to pay to download DLC if you bought the game secondhand and wanted a online.
After this mediocte game I say: fuck off rockstar.
I was kind of bummed about the exclusive DLC at first because I didn't want to miss out on stuff just because I didn't preorder a game or bought it on a certain console - so being able to buy it afterwords seems like a good thing to me.
This is nothing compared to Cod's new elite system. Have they ever heard of giving something for free? If not I suggest they talk to :P
Exactly. I was going to wait for a GOTY but now I won't have to... don't see what the problem is. Gonna have to wait for the GOTY of Mortal Kombat, cause I hate missing out on stuff