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LA Noire



  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Looking at the earlier tech demonstration trailer again I've noticed some things: It looks like the entire facial animation system is about projecting the actors face onto a mesh that animates each vertex with the recorded series of images projected onto it. The images of the actors are then also used as textures (which might be why it doesn't look like the heads have a normal map). They have an almost 360 degree setup for the recording so it looks good from all directions, I have no idea how you'd pull anything like that off smoothly though.

    So there's no facial rig, the eyes are not a separate half sphere that is animated or coded to follow characters and such (and thus it doesn't have it's own shader).

    Using a special kind of skin shader might ruin the appearance of the actors face on the mesh seeing how its both the facial texture and mesh being animated.

    Next to that every single actor records their lines alone, which might explain the sound and why it doesn't look like the eyes are following the environment.

    This is just my speculation from that trailer anyway. It's awesome tech in it's own right and it looks amazing, but there are some things that really holds it back from being the end of the old ways, IMO. Still getting it, but I'm the guy who nerdrages over heads and eyes not following your character in games :P
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    re: Facial anim...

    Disclaimer: i could be 100% wrong about all this, and I DO think its amazing, but...


    From what I can see in the trailers released so far, it seems to me the topo of the heads is some weird dynamic displaced/normal mapped thing, rather than being well animated/crafted heads by a more traditional technique.

    1 & 3: Its like the heads are generic geometry being displaced by an animated set of textures (diffuse, normal, spec), but due to the anim mem cost, they are lower rez and more compressed that they might otherwise be. This leads to some strange artifacting on the animating mouths, eyes and other highly nuanced features. That bad filtered look, color bleeding, apparent misregistration of the diffuse & displacement, etc. Notice in particular the crappy & inaccurate silhouette of the ears on all the characters. This smacks of bad displacement to me.

    2: The eyes all look weird in part because of the capture technique/lighting. Due to the specialized nature of the captured data, it makes editing out these errors impractical or impossible. You can see the reflection of a circular series of lights surrounding the performer in the iris, lending to an alien/otherworldly look. These lights are necessary to achieve uniform diffuse lighting, and may be used in other specialized ways for generating displacement data, but obviously have this serious drawback.

    With the game/tech in my hands I'm certain I could come up with more accurate criticisms, but I for one, do not think this is the "future of facial performance" in games.

    I think retargeted performance capture of a lightsphere captured likeness is a much better route, personally ala the work done by Paul Debevec and Benjamin Button. See Also: Emily by Image Metrics.

    All that said...I have been wanting an Noir Detective game set in LA for ages. ChinaTown: The Game, basically. I hope I can afford a new 360 by the time it gets released.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    I agree Scooby, you just worded it much better :P.
    The technology use in Benjamin Button is seriously what I imagine to be the next step. I can't imagine not wanting that much control over animation, in regards to it still using a rig and such.
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    Facial rig is really expensive shit production wise, and in most cases has to be handcrafted for each new head. Yeah I know what Epic did for GOW3, it's cool and saves alot of time for riggers but result is nowhere close to what Rockstar has here.
    For a game like this, based entirely on characters and their play, this solution seems to be the best, both in terms of quality and cost.
  • Mark Dygert
    I agree with Scooby, its damn impressive when stacked up against anything already in the market. Having dealt with ImageMetrics and having them do some tests for us, there is a lot more you can do with traditional deformation and bones, while still keeping it game ready and easy to animate/tweak. ImageMetrics is awesome, officially contact them, they will blow your socks off by animating one of your own models and passing it back to you. They rocked my world when we looked into it, and in my opinion it blew the doors off of what they're doing with LA Noir even their raw untweaked motion was amazing. If you had them clean it up it brought tears to my eyes it was so beautiful.

    BUT for several reasons we didn't go with them. Its a service, pass them a model (I think they do the acting? don't remember) they clean it up and pass it back to you. They also charge pre second... We have typically 20min of dialog so it wasn't worth it for us. But still it proves you don't always have to relay on purely scanned data. Even if you just hire them to rig your faces they do an amazing job. You tell them your specs/bone limits and they give you the best possible rig and its a joy to work with.

    It seems like the current face scan tech is "you get what you get and you'll be happy with that" which is always good for a first impression title but needs to be refined and power needs to be given back to the animators to override and clean things up. Maybe they have that control but it seems like their head of tech has a little contempt for animators and really would rather try and innovate around them instead of just hire quality talent. But then I guess you can't market talent to other companies...
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Skamberin wrote: »
    Argh, am I the only one who loves the facial animations but HATES how the eyes look completely dead?
    I remember Source using some kind of ray tracing algorithm for the eyes only to give them that realistic shine.
    In these trailers from LA Noire, the eyes barely seem to move and look.. completely dead.
    I'm still getting the game but I can't be the only one who's noticing this :P

    Its probably something that cant be captured with their scanning rig. I saw some vids about this tech and it seems to be a based on z buffers from shit tones of cameras, perhaps it cant translate the eye movement cleanly and it has to be done in post.

    Mark: was the images metrics stuff a point cache or did you get a rigged face back?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I love the idea for the facial capture tech - it really does look fantastic, I like how the lips fuse together thanks to the uniform 3Dscan-like meshing.

    But man, everything else looks so awful - I understand that most of the tech goes in the faces (and actually, not really - all it does is loading new meshes and textures from the hard drive at 24 fps, right!), but the colors and lighing are just terrible. Why is everything purple and looking just like a PS2 title at a distance ? And a simple ramp shader could have saved the skin easily. Big hats too haha.

    In the end I think the whole thing could look a whole lot better if rendered in a classy contrasting black and white. Film style!

    Also ... I really cant wait to see this tech used on practical puppets!! Imagine how awesome this would look!
  • Mark Dygert
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    Its probably something that cant be captured with their scanning rig. I saw some vids about this tech and it seems to be a based on z buffers from shit tones of cameras, perhaps it cant translate the eye movement cleanly and it has to be done in post.

    Mark: was the images metrics stuff a point cache or did you get a rigged face back?
    Delivered any way you wanted it. We asked for the motion to be transferred to a fully rigged face bone based set up, that can be used in our low spec PC games. When I say low, I mean 1ghz, 256mb of ram, 32mb video card. They also offered to transfer the motion to the control board we typically use, but we wanted to see what they would do and it was nice.

    Lucky for us when the player is talking to characters/interviewing suspects only that character is animating and it's typically from the waist up, so we could pack a lot into the face. LOD for facial rigs shouldn't be that hard to pull off in other games, especially when they're busy talking about all the crazy stuff UDK does now.

    All in all I'm glad the industry is finally getting around to throwing some tech and man power into facial animation, any kind of push forward is better than none at all. For years it's seemed that pretty water and fancy lighting, came before quality animation and particularly facial animation.

    I mean who's nuts do I have to break to get some god damn scale on even a handful of bones? Meanwhile, "can I use a 4096 for this pop can?" "Sure! Need a parallax map for that too!? Take it anyway" "lets debate the use of complex algorithms to change specular highlights from round to square!"

    For a long time the high water mark was stuff like HL2... come on! That's almost what 10 year old tech? The days of putting in just a jaw bone and some blinks are almost over. At least on the consoles we can finally start to see some light.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I've seen some absolutely amazing animators do keyframed lip-sync animation for games, just to watch the mouths barely move in-engine. Blinks no longer blink, but simply slightly close the eye a little rounded out by a bezier curve. Actions like putting a cigar in a mouth put the cigar in the middle of the cheek.

    If I were betting man, I'd wager a HUGE part of their visual budget for this game went to eliminating compression on the facial animations.

    I'm still seeing quite a bit of 'marionette' type movement with every other part of their bodies.

    Hopefully the next-gen will remove compression, then we can get this quality facial animation with Mass Effect.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    pior is right, rendering the game in black in white would not only work better with the motif, it would look so much better. no need for a skin shader!

  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    and exactly how you're gonna sell b/w game to people? :)
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    probably at the store. do some sort of exchange, a cash transaction, or credit.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    im sold with the BW on hahaha and the color one as well. either way...
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Or we can go back to the bartering system, Arshlevon. I will give you three oyster shells and a barbarian tooth for a copy.
  • Mark Dygert
    That does look great. They should totally include a B&W mode, or maybe sepia tone. I'm not sure I could play the whole game in B&W and it would be risky to stake your whole claim on something like that, but the option would rock... Good call.
  • bbob
    oh yeah, BW would be bitchin hot..

    But the visuals aside, the gameplay looks to be awesome, or at the very least refreshing. I'm giddy as a wee schoolboy to sink my talons into this..
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    what's it with the proportions in the shot posted above? an adult's head on a child's torso? a midget?
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    My girlfriend saw a LA Noire trailer and preordered it, she doesn't even have a 360 and she doesn't even play games that often, it's just so she can play it at mine. I guess it's just for the detective work, and she'll just hand me the controller whenever the combat happens.
  • wailingmonkey
    thomasp wrote: »
    what's it with the proportions in the shot posted above? an adult's head on a child's torso? a midget?
    what...you've never seen a movie from the 30's before?
    you try pullin yer pants up to your navel and see how adult you look! :)

  • Docm30
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    Docm30 polycounter lvl 10
    You could make Red Dead Redemption black and white via the graphics menu, so I reckon you can in this as well.
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    arshlevon wrote: »
    probably at the store. do some sort of exchange, a cash transaction, or credit.

    seriously, in age of flatscreen 3D TVs who would buy a b/w game?
    I personally think it would be cool to see that, something like Sin Sity style, and I agree it would make shading problems look less obvious. We artists love this stuff, but what about the rest, common gamers? Would they approve this extreme stylization? LA Noire isn't some cheap experimental indie project, publishers wants their money back, game has to look appealing to mass public in order to be sold, and mass public doesnt give a shit about shaders
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    Docm30 wrote: »
    You could make Red Dead Redemption black and white via the graphics menu, so I reckon you can in this as well.

    you could do that with any game by adjusting colors on your TV
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    As a matter of fact not really - desaturating an image turns it into RGB greyscale, whereas B&W is more like slecting a specific channel and killing the others (since some chemicals react to certain light wavelengths and not others, if I understand correctly)

    Also in real life you can get very different BW types with blue or red filters in front of the camera. It's all super easy to fake in PS, so yeah the option would be awesome. I could actually see myself buying the game if it was in! But as it is right now, no way, it's just way too ugly, especially since gameplay seems non-existent :D (conversation trees, blergh!)
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    what...you've never seen a movie from the 30's before?
    you try pullin yer pants up to your navel and see how adult you look! :)

    you win. i however was under the impression they were going for an LA confidential look, not the charlie chaplin type. ;)
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    seriously, in age of flatscreen 3D TVs who would buy a b/w game?
    I personally think it would be cool to see that, something like Sin Sity style, and I agree it would make shading problems look less obvious. We artists love this stuff, but what about the rest, common gamers? Would they approve this extreme stylization? LA Noire isn't some cheap experimental indie project, publishers wants their money back, game has to look appealing to mass public in order to be sold, and mass public doesnt give a shit about shaders

    They did BW a lot in Splinter Cell: Conviction. When you are hidden everything goes BW, and you spend a lot of time in the shadows. That game did alright.

    I think as long as the decision to keep it in that tone works for the game I say "Why not?". There are several games that take an art direction that might not be very fancy, but works marvels for them. Like the game with the shadows reflected on the wall. Not much to see there but black and white and it looks really pretty.

    So as long as the game is solid, and the visuals fit the theme then i am open to give them a chance.
  • Mark Dygert
    That would be a better use of B&W if they incorporated it into the game, as your health fades so does the color? Or a specific mode you enter to look for clues (because no one likes wondering around the screen tapping X for days) or maybe just shade things you interact with in B&W or some other way I'm not thinking of.

    If I have to screw with the colors of my TV I'll do it... it just seems like they could use it to great effect without forcing it all the time or never using it.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    seriously, in age of flatscreen 3D TVs who would buy a b/w game?
    I personally think it would be cool to see that, something like Sin Sity style, and I agree it would make shading problems look less obvious. We artists love this stuff, but what about the rest, common gamers? Would they approve this extreme stylization? LA Noire isn't some cheap experimental indie project, publishers wants their money back, game has to look appealing to mass public in order to be sold, and mass public doesnt give a shit about shaders

    seriously, in age of sci fi epics, Lady ga ga,and the internet, who would buy a 40's noir crime drama?
    I personally think it would be cool to see that, something like Double Indemnity style. We artists love this stuff, but what about the rest, common gamers? Would they approve this extreme departure from Call of Duty and sports games? LA Noire isn't some cheap experimental indie project, publishers wants their money back, game has to appeal to mass public in order to be sold, and mass public doesnt give a shit old movies.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    While the facial animation and detective skills do look damn amazing, I'm still cautious about how the rest of the game plays to be fair... We haven't really seen "gameplay" outside of these "click to progress" scenes. I wanna know what the world is like, can I explore like GTA4? Is it more closed off, like Mafia 2? Or is it totally linear "drive from a to b, no exceptions" like other games?

    That could very well make or break this title.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Apart from a combat shot I saw where you're shooting bank robbers with a shotgun I haven't seen anything else. I hope it has a bit more than that, not just walking round like Norman Jayden in the Heavy Rain Demo. I'm guessing the missions will be the basic gta style choice of 2-3, except this time they will be towards 1 investigation, instead if unrelated missions.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    It's a Rockstar game....

    so yeah, everything besides detective work is playing table tennis and laying down some fat beatz.
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I am really excited for this game :)

    There is some improvement in how the shadows read in some scenes in the trailer. But it's not something constant. I wonder if everything shown is from the latest build in the game. It's very subtle in some areas where they walk into shadow, and then there is some nice core shadows in some other scenes where they are examining the bodies and stuff.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    3rd trailer!


    lighting on characters and shadows are waaaaay better now!!! Can't wait for this to come out.
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
  • bbob
    woot, getting pretty psyched about this..

    glottis8: embedding here is automatic, just paste the regular youtube link into your post..
  • jipe
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    jipe polycounter lvl 17
    I know they've put a massive amount of time and money and effort into this game, but I can't help but feel like the technology is getting in the way of good art direction. Whatever their tech limitations with regard to the facial animation, it's really hurting the aesthetics in a major way. Color consistency, lighting direction, contrast... it's really unfortunate that a game so indebted to film noir looks so flat and unappealing. I almost wish they would have hired a team of really good animators and produced convincing animation that still allowed for, you know, shadows.

  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Hmmm... it makes sense that there would be a lacking of shadows on their face. Whenever I watch trailers, I always think that the face topology is actually pretty flat, so that the projection of the face captures sits well on the face itself... therefore they'd have to find a way to cast shadows based on the normal map information... and that can really only get you so far.

    Either way I'm so so sooo pumped for this release!
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I think even tho some of the shadows are really not that prominent over all it feels good. We'll really have to take a look at the game running to see how they look. I think this game will be awesome either way.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I know they've put a massive amount of time and money and effort into this game, but I can't help but feel like the technology is getting in the way of good art direction.

    Yup ... don't tell that to the fanboys tho, they'll get pretty mad! Because you know, "it's the most realistic game ever made" hehe

    Also - I don't see how strapping an actor to a chair and asking him or her to read a line without a single head movement could ever result in realistic and natural acting. I guess I'm too old for the hype haha.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    pior wrote: »
    Yup ... don't tell that to the fanboys tho, they'll get pretty mad! Because you know, "it's the most realistic game ever made" hehe

    Also - I don't see how strapping an actor to a chair and asking him or her to read a line without a single head movement could ever result in realistic and natural acting. I guess I'm too old for the hype haha.

    I dunn think people here will get offended if you say this is the not most realistic game. Cuz honestly it's not. I just think they bring a different concept to the table. I am most excited to be more of a detective and be intuitive asking the right questions. This game could look like the first Deus Ex, and i would still be excited. I think gameplay is always king. i still think it looks pretty nice, wether or not "it's the most realistic game ever made"that's not up to me to say until i play it. I guess there are WAAAAAAAAY better looking games out there so far.
  • Mark Dygert
    pior wrote: »
    Yup ... don't tell that to the fanboys tho, they'll get pretty mad! Because you know, "it's the most realistic game ever made" hehe

    Also - I don't see how strapping an actor to a chair and asking him or her to read a line without a single head movement could ever result in realistic and natural acting. I guess I'm too old for the hype haha.

    Yea I agree, they should of just strapped cameras to the actors heads while they acted and then paid animators to do their job. But according to them all animators hate facial animation... But it would of solved their problem, head movement and facial expressions match instead of being disjointed thanks to being recorded at different times.

    The disconnect shows too, there are some slight weird movements where the person starts acting but then their face catches up or they fall out of sync.

    For me its the consistency in the level of detail that lets it down. If you're going to have animated eye creases and subtle facial movements you can't have a stiff hallow tube for a shirt sleeve topped with fat sausage fingers that grip guns poorly. Raise the bar across the board and maintain a consistent level of detail.

    The inconsistencies in the detail are like a noisy photo sourced texture in a pixar movie... the gag reflex kicks in and you just ask what where they thinking...

    STILL it will probably be fun, probably be semi-amazing compared to anything that has come out so far and will probably do really well, even if it has a few warts.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    I've been in a detective mode recently. Just finished Heavy Rain and wanna go through that puzzle agent game. Looking forward to this.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    My only gripe with LA Noire so far has been in texture resolution on certain things... They just look so muddy? Some of the faces aniate so amazingly well but use what looks like a 128x128 texture that was made in an hour :(
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    something worth reading in Kotaku


    So far i like the description... i just hope the story and mainly the characters are engaging enough to keep me interested.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Game is pretty awesome! anyone else playing it?
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    I'll be picking it up tonight. I'm glad to read in the reviews that the emphasis is more on the investigation and interrogation parts of the game rather than the combat/driving. I thought that they would cop out and make it into more of a GTA clone. Apparently it has more in common with adventure games than open world shooters. Actually, it's linearity and slow-pacing make it sound like a cross between a point and click adventure and Mafia, which is no bad thing.
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    I'll be picking it up tonight. I'm glad to read in the reviews that the emphasis is more on the investigation and interrogation parts of the game rather than the combat/driving. I thought that they would cop out and make it into more of a GTA clone. Apparently it has more in common with adventure games than open world shooters. Actually, it's linearity and slow-pacing make it sound like a cross between a point and click adventure and Mafia, which is no bad thing.

    I never thought I would enjoy interrogating suspects more than shooting them :poly124: Pick this one up. It's a keeper
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
    I wish I was playing it, but I decided to get The Witcher 2 first. Soon though:)
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    I kinda wish I had a console still so I could pick this one up. Apparently they arent planning a PC version. I'm both curious about seeing the technology in action and the game itself. I've long wanted a Noir detective game, ala Chinatown or LA Confidential.
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