i think i saw game doing it for £0.99 if i traded in arkham city and another "new" game...
that could be interesting, i wonder how cheap i could get it if i bought a pre-owned "new" game, then traded it back in and got it for £0.99 sure i would lose money on the pre-owned game, but it would only be like, a fiver or so right?
I agree about the loot and difficulty issues, but I'm basically mostly been a loner witch doctor who doesn't need frilly items. I throw spiders and watch em work.
Just a thought, if the auction house doesn't work out like they're hoping, doesn't the massive server space required for always-on end up COSTING them money? Sounds like a major gamble...
Yeah think I'll hold out for a reduction. Going to keep scanning HotUKDeals.
I'm still in two minds about it. Having read many of the posts in this thread I haven't heard anyone saying much about the story. From what I could garner watching an interview with Jay Wilson (think that's his name) it would seem story has taken a back seat to gameplay this time round. I've always really liked the story and atmosphere of the previous Diablo games (one of the reasons I lamented the loss of gritty sordid graphics ). Sure Diablo 1 & 2 were fun to play but without those two elements I think I probably would have been less inclined to persevere. I'm just not a huge fan of meaningless grinding without a stimulating narrative goal. The grinding aspect of Diablo always felt akin to gambling - pulling a lever hoping for a payout. I realise most of the people here probably really enjoy the looting and kicking ass and aren't too concerned about the story. I don't know perhaps I'm just getting old and jaded.
It's been a long time since I played the first two but it does feel like there is more story to this one - I haven't gotten too far but there are different intros for each class, you can talk to NPC's to get some background fluff as well as overhear conversations in town. You also pick up journals and get some lore about monsters when you first encounter them - usually a voice over by Deckard Cain or some other guy who's a world traveling adventurer:
Yeah think I'll hold out for a reduction. Going to keep scanning HotUKDeals.
I'm still in two minds about it. Having read many of the posts in this thread I haven't heard anyone saying much about the story. From what I could garner watching an interview with Jay Wilson (think that's his name) it would seem story has taken a back seat to gameplay this time round. I've always really liked the story and atmosphere of the previous Diablo games (one of the reasons I lamented the loss of gritty sordid graphics ). Sure Diablo 1 & 2 were fun to play but without those two elements I think I probably would have been less inclined to persevere. I'm just not a huge fan of meaningless grinding without a stimulating narrative goal. The grinding aspect of Diablo always felt akin to gambling - pulling a lever hoping for a payout. I realise most of the people here probably really enjoy the looting and kicking ass and aren't too concerned about the story. I don't know perhaps I'm just getting old and jaded.
Well... on the story i think the presentation is a little better. For example, while you listen to people talk to you can do stuff in your inventory and move a little bit.. as soon as the character talking is off screen he stops talking. Which is nice. you don't have to just sit and idle there while you listen to the story.
I was a big fan of the story and its mostly the reason i am playing D3, and i like how they make the story develop so far. I am actually happy I've been reading the Book of Cain, because it really helps me get into the lore of the game even more. I think the events are done better than in D2, and i heard from peeps here at work that the boss fights are pretty epic. Plus.. i am sure the FMV are amazing.
The voice acting is phenomenal, and each voice brings something to the character.
I dunno what else you would like to know. I've been playing for like 3 hrs, and the story has kept my attention and the game has been fun. No reason or event that indicates otherwise, for me at least so far.
Hope that helps.
EDIT: actually! i really like that when you have companions they talk to you, and you actually talk back. Your character has more personality. Which i think it adds a lot. The barb at least seems a little wise and seems like he has seen a lot and grown out of his exp. His companion will converse with you and if there are quest characters they will all chat. Very nice touch i think. It's interesting as you know about them and their past and what motivates them. At least its appealing to me.
In the earlier beta, there were companion scrolls you could use. They were little snakes and what not, that would collect all the nearby gold for you. Are those still in the game? or was it replaced by the gold pickup distance thing
Perhaps I need to be a bit more specific. When I say story I mean a cohesive narrative or plot which ties the entire game together from beginning to end. I don't consider lore and background to be story - they can enhance and help story but are not the same thing. Unfortunately it seems these days they are often confused with it. I realise the needs of gameplay have created a narrative dilema in games. I really hope this doesn't mean watered down stories from now on though.
Perhaps I need to be a bit more specific. When I say story I mean a cohesive narrative or plot which ties the entire game together from beginning to end. I don't consider lore and background to be story - they can enhance and help story but are not the same thing. Unfortunately it seems these days they are often confused with it. I realise the needs of gameplay have created a narrative dilema in games. I really hope this doesn't mean watered down stories from now on though.
I understand... as soon as i finish the game i can let you know if i liked the story or not. For now i am really liking the events in the game tied with the story. Specially when i look fwd to reading from the book of cain what might await me or the characters i might confront.
Maybe someone else here that has finished the game can let you know what they thought of the story overall. I know a guy here at work that finished it and he was very very pleased with the whole game and story.
I do agree that even when gameplay comes first, the story in a game like this should be cohesive and tailored with careful detail to really come across as a strong game. A game with a shallow story usually turns me off after a couple of hrs of playing. So far that has not happened.
As for the money picking scrolls... i have not seen any scrolls in the game. To teleport you just hit T and you teleport back to town after an idle of like 3 seconds. You also have to inspect your items by right clicking on them instead of using a scroll. Amm.. i have noticed in my gear that some perks add to the radius of items that get picked up. That might be what you are asking about.
There is a central plot, I'm only on act 2 but it seems to be centered around you, leah (the woman in the promotional videos) and a third person. there are narrated sequences, journals(spoken), and FMV cutscenes. It's not the deepest your going to find but it holds the game together so far.
I love the way the story is presented. In particular, the interactions between your chosen class, your chosen sidekick, and the other NPC's. My favorite characters are the Gem cutter
"How are you still alive, old man?" "I'm to good looking to kill!!"
and the scoundrel, who hits on everything, including some other prominent npcs.
That said the story itself is Saturday morning cartoon level stuff. Some really hammy writing in parts, but it's bearable and has it's silver linings.
edit: hahaha -
"It is peacefull... when I'm not getting robbed of course!"
"Have you considered travelling with guards?"
"And scare away the starving people, who steal my jewels to survive?! What kind of monster do you take me for!"
it's been a while but wasn't most of the story in the first two contained in the instruction manual?
Haha! Quite possibly. I don't think i ever read the manuals. Diablo II was more rich in story than the first game definitely and had great cinematics (probably look dated now). I remember really looking forward to the end of each act and the opportunity to see a bit more of the story unfold. It definitely wasn't Shakespeare but it was better than most game story fare at that stage. That coupled with the thick, brooding, oppressive atmosphere created a really great experience. At least I thought at the time. Okay I'm going to take my wank hat off now.
My favorite things are how many social features this game has, hit g to place a marker flag, you can shift click to add an item into chat, there's a lot of uses for ctrl and alt, etc etc, it really works amazing well at making partys see seamless.
I'm still waiting for Blizz to get back to me about my locked account.
Basically I had the authenticator on both my ipad & phone. Within 2 weeks of each other I reformatted my ipad as well as replaced my crap phone. Each time I didn't think to copy the authentication key info. Laaaame.
At least I'm missing out on some sweet loading queues.
In the earlier beta, there were companion scrolls you could use. They were little snakes and what not, that would collect all the nearby gold for you. Are those still in the game? or was it replaced by the gold pickup distance thing
Yes you are correct, gold distance pick up ''stats'' on items instead.
This game is addicting! We're having so much fun blasting through this so far. Me being a barb, then a monk and a wizard. Just tons of fun non stop action. The skills are really gratifying and the looting and crafting just pulls you in.
Even if it would be more effective to plow through to nightmare we keep on crafting and maximizing almost each or every other level up. It's great.
I also got to say that the art is amazing. The textures and art direction just constantly blows my mind, especially Act II town.
Got a guest pass from a coworker, been playing through it tonight, very very solid game. Everyone at Blizzard did a great job.
HOWEVER, I'm really not one to complain, this may just be on the guest pass servers, but i'm getting disconnected about every 5-10 minutes, consistently. About 20 times in the past hour and a bit. Iv been trying to get past the second level of the cathedral and just keep getting disconnected and sent back. Seeing as how I didn't pay a penny for this i'm ok with it, but if I had paid 60 for this, that would be kind of not cool.
Is anyone with the full game playing like this? just curious.
Hmmm sure you can press Z to zoom-step in, but this is more of a way to look at your character than a way to zoom in and out the way David most likely wants it...
The best way to zoom out is to use a wider windowed (or letterboxed) aspect ratio, actually.
TrevorJ, it depends a lot of the time when you connect. In Europe my friends have connection problems sometimes, when almost all the people are playing, but in the late night.. zero issues. All the kids are in the bed and the servers are not so populated .
Is there any way to select which game you join? I want to get a full game but keep getting put in with 1 other person. 2 person pvm is not what I want...
Yes you are correct, gold distance pick up ''stats'' on items instead.
Well the game got a bit harder haha, tons of fun!
I think fearian was running around with a big spider... and I know theres a ferret that picks up gold for the demon hunter. :S
Got a lvl 33-34 monk on nightmare now. This game is awesome! Feels like most of the creative juices went into the monk class though. Or maybe I'm just a monk kinda guy.
I'm considering ignoring all side stuff and just plowing right to the end, because demon hunter on normal is crazy OP. You have a bunch of super overpowered AOE range spells that run off hatred (which regens fast anyway) and a bunch of passive and active skills which replenish hatred instantly... soooo just pick one skill of death and just spam it. Forever. And ever. And ever.
the fun comes from trying a new skill of death every once in a while. It all adds up the same though, every encounter over in 10 seconds.
I've been playing coop with a hunter friend and we're at chapter 3 so far. Although most encounters do end in like 10 secs, you do have to pay a little attention - especially to explosive mobs.
He's completely focused on dex and has died a few times without even seeing what killed him I guess that's just down to carelessness though rather than "difficulty" (like charging into a crowd of mobs that I'm tanking in a tight doorway just to spam his aoe stuff to hit the things behind the door)
Figures. The day I talk about it's easy I end up getting owned three times in one session. Seems like it's been getting harder and since I'm playing solo to catch all the storyline first, any beefed enemies w teleport or vortex tear me up. Gotta love sacrificing my doggies though... ka-boom. Nothing personal, doggies.
@Ferian - I've been trying new skills too. I basically switch to the one I unlock each time I level-up. It's keeping the fights fresh and taking the repetiveness out of it. It may not be my favorite combos, but adjusting the play to each skill is mighty fun
Just finished the game on normal. Really liked the game and the cinematics were probably the best I've ever seen, but then again, I didn't except anything less from Blizz Going to give Nightmare a go later today.
The environments were probably my favorite part of of the game from an art perspective. Lots of hero-props all over the place! I had to revisit a lot of zones after clearing them of mobs just to take a second look at all the juicy textures and models.
I am. I think it becomes necessary at some point for all characters, but was around lvl20 for my barbarian. It's a matter of time until you have a skill category that's not very useful, and at the same time you have two skills that are useful in another category.
Crazyfingers, you were saying that you always pick the weapon with the highest dps, and that's all that matters. But all your skills are based off weapon damage. Not weapon Dps. So, if you`re a wizard, for instance, you want want higher base damage.
Though, ive noticed, no character actually uses a regular attack.
So this game is pretty fun and addictive. 35 Barbarian and just started Nightmare, though I'm waiting a bit to let friends catch up, so levelling other things in the meantime and started on Hardcore.
My only issue so far is the fact that I have latency issues, disconnects and the like when playing alone and blocking instant player joining etc. There are few things more aggravating than exploring an entire area before entering your question location only to be disconnected and losing all progress. Doubly so if it costs you your achievements or that awesome weapon that dropped and you equipped. Yep. Oh well, in a few weeks or months all the server kinks will have been worked out, I hope.
Battletag is Skamberin#1203 for anyone who's playing in the EU, some of my friends were unlucky enough to not see that the region defaults to America, and spent hours levelling chars they cannot use to partner up with friends in Europe, Blizz doesn't offer transfers either. Which is kind of shitty.. You'd think the game would set your default region based upon Battle.net Location and PC location
No disconnect problems here, have a 44 Monk and 22 Wizard. I'm having a good time but it might be short lived.
The matchmaking is annoying, if you aren't with friends it's hard to find a team. Maybe it's just the lower levels when everyone would rather just blow through solo and get it over with. That is sad in a sense though, because Normal mode is pretty much a tutorial it introduces you to the entire storyline and it feels a little less epic to me than if I had worked for it at a harder difficulty with a team of 4. To each his own I guess, many of the later bosses on normal I just pounded like a newb and didn't have to heal.
Monk = awesome! Finally my connection is decent enough with 300 to 400 ms so I had time to play around. Nothing revolutionary new so far, but I love how the entire game (except the nasty login process) is smooth and superbly crafted. Really great polish. The only thing putting a dent into it is that it's got all the drawbacks an MMO has (except for gold spammers).
Fortunately no disconnects yet, but rubber-banding here and there.
that could be interesting, i wonder how cheap i could get it if i bought a pre-owned "new" game, then traded it back in and got it for £0.99 sure i would lose money on the pre-owned game, but it would only be like, a fiver or so right?
Just a thought, if the auction house doesn't work out like they're hoping, doesn't the massive server space required for always-on end up COSTING them money? Sounds like a major gamble...
Yeah think I'll hold out for a reduction. Going to keep scanning HotUKDeals.
I'm still in two minds about it. Having read many of the posts in this thread I haven't heard anyone saying much about the story. From what I could garner watching an interview with Jay Wilson (think that's his name) it would seem story has taken a back seat to gameplay this time round. I've always really liked the story and atmosphere of the previous Diablo games (one of the reasons I lamented the loss of gritty sordid graphics
it'd be nice but the FMV's are pretty stunning.
(old video)
Well... on the story i think the presentation is a little better. For example, while you listen to people talk to you can do stuff in your inventory and move a little bit.. as soon as the character talking is off screen he stops talking. Which is nice. you don't have to just sit and idle there while you listen to the story.
I was a big fan of the story and its mostly the reason i am playing D3, and i like how they make the story develop so far. I am actually happy I've been reading the Book of Cain, because it really helps me get into the lore of the game even more. I think the events are done better than in D2, and i heard from peeps here at work that the boss fights are pretty epic. Plus.. i am sure the FMV are amazing.
The voice acting is phenomenal, and each voice brings something to the character.
I dunno what else you would like to know. I've been playing for like 3 hrs, and the story has kept my attention and the game has been fun. No reason or event that indicates otherwise, for me at least so far.
Hope that helps.
EDIT: actually! i really like that when you have companions they talk to you, and you actually talk back. Your character has more personality. Which i think it adds a lot. The barb at least seems a little wise and seems like he has seen a lot and grown out of his exp. His companion will converse with you and if there are quest characters they will all chat. Very nice touch i think. It's interesting as you know about them and their past and what motivates them. At least its appealing to me.
Perhaps I need to be a bit more specific. When I say story I mean a cohesive narrative or plot which ties the entire game together from beginning to end. I don't consider lore and background to be story - they can enhance and help story but are not the same thing. Unfortunately it seems these days they are often confused with it. I realise the needs of gameplay have created a narrative dilema in games. I really hope this doesn't mean watered down stories from now on though.
I understand... as soon as i finish the game i can let you know if i liked the story or not. For now i am really liking the events in the game tied with the story. Specially when i look fwd to reading from the book of cain what might await me or the characters i might confront.
Maybe someone else here that has finished the game can let you know what they thought of the story overall. I know a guy here at work that finished it and he was very very pleased with the whole game and story.
I do agree that even when gameplay comes first, the story in a game like this should be cohesive and tailored with careful detail to really come across as a strong game. A game with a shallow story usually turns me off after a couple of hrs of playing. So far that has not happened.
As for the money picking scrolls... i have not seen any scrolls in the game. To teleport you just hit T and you teleport back to town after an idle of like 3 seconds. You also have to inspect your items by right clicking on them instead of using a scroll. Amm.. i have noticed in my gear that some perks add to the radius of items that get picked up. That might be what you are asking about.
That said the story itself is Saturday morning cartoon level stuff. Some really hammy writing in parts, but it's bearable and has it's silver linings.
edit: hahaha -
"Have you considered travelling with guards?"
"And scare away the starving people, who steal my jewels to survive?! What kind of monster do you take me for!"
Haha! Quite possibly. I don't think i ever read the manuals. Diablo II was more rich in story than the first game definitely and had great cinematics (probably look dated now). I remember really looking forward to the end of each act and the opportunity to see a bit more of the story unfold. It definitely wasn't Shakespeare but it was better than most game story fare at that stage. That coupled with the thick, brooding, oppressive atmosphere created a really great experience. At least I thought at the time. Okay I'm going to take my wank hat off now.
I'm still waiting for Blizz to get back to me about my locked account.
Basically I had the authenticator on both my ipad & phone. Within 2 weeks of each other I reformatted my ipad as well as replaced my crap phone. Each time I didn't think to copy the authentication key info. Laaaame.
At least I'm missing out on some sweet loading queues.
Yes you are correct, gold distance pick up ''stats'' on items instead.
Well the game got a bit harder haha, tons of fun!
Even if it would be more effective to plow through to nightmare we keep on crafting and maximizing almost each or every other level up. It's great.
I also got to say that the art is amazing. The textures and art direction just constantly blows my mind, especially Act II town.
HOWEVER, I'm really not one to complain, this may just be on the guest pass servers, but i'm getting disconnected about every 5-10 minutes, consistently. About 20 times in the past hour and a bit. Iv been trying to get past the second level of the cathedral and just keep getting disconnected and sent back. Seeing as how I didn't pay a penny for this i'm ok with it, but if I had paid 60 for this, that would be kind of not cool.
Is anyone with the full game playing like this? just curious.
The best way to zoom out is to use a wider windowed (or letterboxed) aspect ratio, actually.
This is some of the best stuff I've played through in quite some time!
I think fearian was running around with a big spider... and I know theres a ferret that picks up gold for the demon hunter. :S
Got a lvl 33-34 monk on nightmare now. This game is awesome! Feels like most of the creative juices went into the monk class though. Or maybe I'm just a monk kinda guy.
the fun comes from trying a new skill of death every once in a while. It all adds up the same though, every encounter over in 10 seconds.
He's completely focused on dex and has died a few times without even seeing what killed him
@Ferian - I've been trying new skills too. I basically switch to the one I unlock each time I level-up. It's keeping the fights fresh and taking the repetiveness out of it. It may not be my favorite combos, but adjusting the play to each skill is mighty fun
Have fun spending 45mins+ on one pack of blue or yellow mobs.
The environments were probably my favorite part of of the game from an art perspective. Lots of hero-props all over the place! I had to revisit a lot of zones after clearing them of mobs just to take a second look at all the juicy textures and models.
My copy of d3 does not arrive until the next week or later... and i'm very impatient to play it lol
I am. I think it becomes necessary at some point for all characters, but was around lvl20 for my barbarian. It's a matter of time until you have a skill category that's not very useful, and at the same time you have two skills that are useful in another category.
I have the stuff necessary to get there, just waiting to go there
Though, ive noticed, no character actually uses a regular attack.
its a little lame that i get cool weapons on my monk, and he puts them on his back/hips when i use any attacks. heh.
the game is attacking my brain, must play more!
What? If I do not take 3 months to finish this game I would punch myself in the face for ruining the experience?
Try slowing down and enjoying all the talent? Right?
Still on Act 1 nightmare though
That's roughly 15 hours on just normal(tutorial) difficulty, the real game begins after that
My only issue so far is the fact that I have latency issues, disconnects and the like when playing alone and blocking instant player joining etc. There are few things more aggravating than exploring an entire area before entering your question location only to be disconnected and losing all progress. Doubly so if it costs you your achievements or that awesome weapon that dropped and you equipped. Yep. Oh well, in a few weeks or months all the server kinks will have been worked out, I hope.
Battletag is Skamberin#1203 for anyone who's playing in the EU, some of my friends were unlucky enough to not see that the region defaults to America, and spent hours levelling chars they cannot use to partner up with friends in Europe, Blizz doesn't offer transfers either. Which is kind of shitty.. You'd think the game would set your default region based upon Battle.net Location and PC location
Oh and Torchlight type pet's plez
The matchmaking is annoying, if you aren't with friends it's hard to find a team. Maybe it's just the lower levels when everyone would rather just blow through solo and get it over with. That is sad in a sense though, because Normal mode is pretty much a tutorial it introduces you to the entire storyline and it feels a little less epic to me than if I had worked for it at a harder difficulty with a team of 4. To each his own I guess, many of the later bosses on normal I just pounded like a newb and didn't have to heal.
Fortunately no disconnects yet, but rubber-banding here and there.
edit: crud. back to 1000ms and uplayable...gah!