Even in multi-player it's all local. When you are hit by a monster, that info is sent to the other players you are playing with and they then see you hit by that monster. We aren't running closed servers. You start a game and you are the one hosting that game. When a monster swings and hits you it hits you locally. If the person you are playing with multi-player sees a delay, it's only because there is lag between the two of you, not to a server.
Can't there be issues when something that was meant to target one player actually hits another player on another client?, I guess it helps in that scenario when nearly every attack is an area-attack of sorts thus making those events valid no matter how they play out.
Low latency in a reflex based combat system is never bad though
*oh and we aren't worried about cheating at all ... we are making the game completely open. You can mod in whatever you want. You could spawn the most powerful weapon in the game by opening the console. We have systems in place so you can see who's done similar things and avoid them. Also in the server browser you can only games that have the same mods as you.
That's sort of how I saw it too, why even try to bother when the game is fully moddable and people will mostly play with their friends.
Which is a good thing, moddable hack & slash rpg's with multiplayer are rare.
Oh, man, that concept art. Is it just me or does the style in some of the creatures really feel like Mike Mignola? By no means a bad thing, I love Mike Mignola.
So I'm loving the game so far, except from one aspect (Only played like 4-5 hours and I'm only level 11). The difficulty is just like in Diablo 3 where it's just more health and more damage, it just makes the game more tedious. And I'm gonna guess it suffers from the same problem where ranged characters can breeze trough it and meele can't. At the moment I can take around 4-10 hits. That's nothing when you quite often have more then +5 enemies hitting on you. I have stopped spending gold on health points because there is no point, I'm just corpse running from town. Fix this and this game is golden.
So I'm loving the game so far, except from one aspect (Only played like 4-5 hours and I'm only level 11). The difficulty is just like in Diablo 3 where it's just more health and more damage, it just makes the game more tedious. And I'm gonna guess it suffers from the same problem where ranged characters can breeze trough it and meele can't. At the moment I can take around 4-10 hits. That's nothing when you quite often have more then +5 enemies hitting on you. I have stopped spending gold on health points because there is no point, I'm just corpse running from town. Fix this and this game is golden.
It's nothing that can't be patched or later modded with tools.
Do you know if there is an ETA on when the Account Manager will be up? I would really like to play some multiplayer.
Also let me congratulate you and Runic team for making a beautiful game. I played just a bit in the morning but it was enough to see the attention to detail you guys put in.
Cheers and hopefully all this online problems are because you have millions of people that bought the game.
No, they NEED to make a collections edition with an artbook+soundtrack+TL2 poster(overworld map with characters)+plushie pet. I will throw my money at this, don't care how much it costs. Well they could probably sell the art book separate.
Just use hamachi, they got LAN so I don't see why you would need connect to IP.
LAN is regular TCP/IP limited to the local range of addresses, but in any scenario where the host cannot properly announce its presence can be an issue, or the moments when the servers (although pretty solid) might go down, or when you don't want your server listed.
Even in diablo2 it was possible to specify an address, and with hamachi there's really no point to try to use it as a deterrent as it can be bypassed already.
I love that set items are so frequent, its really making me pay attention to the items that are dropping, and I care about the loot that drops. Like and dislike the lack of easy stat comparing. I'm actually reading stuff instead of looking for colors, and making actual decisions Love the challenge rooms, ghost chests, locked chests.
played a couple hours last night, I'm really digging it so far!
my only gripes:
I can't equip an item into my second hand slot by right clicking? is there any way? Should be able to hold alt or shift while right clicking to put it in that slot.
I can't see item stats on the ground - same thing, maybe we can hold a modifier button while hovering over to see stats without having to pick it up beforehand.
lastly, and I don't know what's right here, but when loot drops all of the names are visible to me. However, when loot drops they aren't to my gf, she has to hold the 'show items' button to see the names. We didn't touch any settings, yet it behaves differently.
either way, very minor gripes, can't wait to play more.
I like that you don't have to sit through 15 minutes of dialogue just to get out to the first main zone. Good job focusing on gameplay and not mass amounts of poorly voiced dialogue!
Also, it's nice that in the first zone you're already fighting hordes of rat monsters. In Diablo 3 they only have tiny groups of 2-3 zombies at a time =\
I think my pet and summons are broken, my pet keeps hitting an average of 900. Largest hit so far is 1400 at the end of act 2. My summons, which are skeletons keep hitting an average of 400 and largest hit is 800 so far. I'm just watching these beats tear trough everything, I myself hit an average of 100, lowest is 2 and highest is around 400 at crits. Got the best gear I can have equipped/found.
Edit: Is crit and dodge capped at 50% or can you get higher with items? Think it's finally time to start spending attribute points and skill points.
So, is there a merchant in this game who sells spell scrolls to you?
I think you can buy them at act 2, I know you can buy spells in act 3.
My thoughts about Torchlight 2.
Do take in account that I only played berserker when reading this, so somethings may be inaccurate for other classes.
Now that I have finished the game I think I can give my final word without upsetting people because I didn't finish it. The most important thing about games like this is of course the loot, games like these are all about the loot. I got a single word for this and it is AWESOME it's just pure awesome. There is really nothing bad to say about the loot for a game like this, it could always be better. But you can never get something perfect, there are always things to improve upon but I'm happy with how it is in this game. The amount of loot you get is madness and it's not just that you find white useless loot but you find green, blue and oranges all the time. Runic aren't afraid to spoil us and I love it, there is so much that can be said about the loot in this game. It's just that amazing.
The second big question is storage capacity and it's decent, you got yourself and your pet + 2 chests one which is shared between your characters to ease the transfer. But this is still not enough since the literally throw loot at you all the time. My pet and myself are always full and my chests too. Something Diablo 3 did good was having tabs, something TL2 should have copied. You still have a loot of space to work with and you can save a decent amount of loot, if not just create mules like in the old days.
The music and environments are mind blowing, especially how they blend together to create something even more amazing. I'm not gonna say anything more about the music, just listen to it instead, it's so damn good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iue-82DKqEI The environments are gorgeous and so much fun to explore. You can really tell that's there is an amazing talent behind the art team. The areas in the game never out stands their welcome and the pacing between different areas are spot on, there are only 2 areas that felt a bit too long, mainly the last one that should have been varied instead of having 6 floors of the exact same looking bland environment, felt a bit rushed compared to the rest of the game. Besides that the rest of the games environments are just amazing.
The combat in the game feels really meaty and the impact is of the weapons is just spot on, I tried the ranged combat and it's not as fun as the melee but there is nothing wrong with it and it still feels meaty when you hit and kill something. You can't really tell how good the combat is from just reading or seeing about it, you gotta try it out yourself. There are two bad things about the combat that will prevent PvP and that is that ranged combat seems to be impossible to dodge by the player. Either the ranged attacks are instant and will hit you or not, the only way to dodge them is having a dodge chance or staying out of the fire range/hiding behind pillars. You also have spells/rockets that seek out that player and can only be avoided if they hit the terrain (I don't know if the players are capable of firing these since I have only played the berserker class.). The second thing is that some enemies will rotate when they attack you so you can simply run around the in circles cause they will just rotate and hit you. Both of these things can be fixed, travel time for ranged attacks and make it so if you run you avoid seeking spells/rockets and make it so enemies don't rotate to you and hit you. When they start attacking you they should attack that spot and not rotate their entire body to you and swing at the same time. These are the only two bad things that take away from the combat experience. Else it's just so damn good.
The talent trees is the weak point of this game and it's sad that it is. They added in tier bonuses to add some flavor to it but most of the time it's just bland and boring things that really don't change or do much at all. Most of the time it's stuff that should have been upgraded when you actually upgraded the skill. The tier bonuses should have been something that completely changed the skill and made it more fun. It gets even worse when we come to the passives skills, they don't even have a tier upgrade, you just simply increase the values and nothing more. Let's take my favorite passive skill blood hunger, a tier bonus could have been to add that after X amount of attacks it would work on a normal attack. Just something that spices it up, don't have to be something super amazing, but simply increasing values is something that should be done when you level up the skill and not a tier bonus. But the skills are still fun and varied, it's just that I feel that it should have been something more.
But this game is still sooo much fun to play and if you are a dungeon crawler fan you need to buy this game, it's a must own for an dungeon crawler fan. Even if you aren't a fan of dungeon crawlers you shouldn't miss out on Torchlight 2. They have a demo so go try it out. In the end the only thing that matters about a game is how much fun you've had playing it, they 24 hours I have played it so far have been a blast and I can't wait to mod it.
There's something I don't quite understand. I'm playing a Berserker, and it seems that the only attack I have that doesn't cost Mana is the regular weapon attack. So does that mean that the basic weapon attack is the main Left-Click attack that I have to use throughout the whole game? Do you not get to spec in a different main attack?
There's something I don't quite understand. I'm playing a Berserker, and it seems that the only attack I have that doesn't cost Mana is the regular weapon attack. So does that mean that the basic weapon attack is the main Left-Click attack that I have to use throughout the whole game? Do you not get to spec in a different main attack?
Depending on the weapon you use the attacks are different. Whether you're using a shield/one hand or two handed weapon or two one handed weapons or a wand or a shotgun or dual pistols or a bow or a crossbow decides what your main attack is. On the Outlander and Engineer (The two I'm playing) there are a few skills though that augment your main attack depending on how you want to play.
@Tekkoppar, you can send your pet back to town to sell your loot for you any time. Just click the little house button next to him.
I know, I used to do that at the start of the game when my pet was just my side kick. But at the start of act 2 and forward he was pretty much my main way of damage and I always forgets to send him away until we are both full and there are items lying on the ground. So instead of just standing still for 2 minutes I just port to town and sell everything myself goes faster and I can check if I can use any loot from my stash in the meantime.
Played Berserker at first, I really like it. Favorite class so far. Game is pretty awesome as a Berserker.
The other classes though make very little sense to me. I tried an Outlander. Specced it down Sigil. So I use the main shadow shot as my main attack. It has no cooldown, and a low mana cost. So I thought I could just use it permanently. But I constantly run out of mana. So I put all my points into Focus to get more mana, but then my damage really sucks, and I still run out of mana. For some reason those abilities go off of weapon damage. So I guess that means I need to spec in Strength?
I'm having a hard time understanding how stats affect abilities. In some cases you need Mana, but if you spec for it then you're not getting a damage bonus, and you still go out of mana. Other abilities feel like they're randomly using poison damage, so you need focus for them, but then you also need a lot of dexterity.
Also, am I missing something, or can you not fully respec your character?
So I finished my first playthrough on the Engineer (Aegis Tanktastic Build). Game is pretty awesome. ONLY complaint is lack of story, but the sheeeeer fun factor, the gameplay, the quest design totally overshadow any complaint I could have. I'm going to invest a hell of a lot more time in this game making alts than I did in D3 for SURE. (also can't wait for the mod tools)
I'm actually confused about New Game+ vs The Map Room. Because with the map room, you can purchase map locations that are geared for levels 50-105+
I'm guessing you have 2 options when you beat the game?:
1. Go through the map room and grind out max level using the new challengy mode dungeons
2. Go with New Game+ you and replay the game as a higher level with the rest of the world tuned with you and redo the quests?
(please please please people correct me if I'm wrong I'm mostly asking because I have no idea)
I was thinking of designing a new pet. Do they have design docs around somewhere for styles? Maybe even the import process or original files to see mesh sizes and all animations needed. I didn't see much of anything on the Runic forums.
3. Wait a bit longer and try out some of the awesome mods I bet you will see soon, might include some new story arcs.
I don't have enough time for both, between these games, my online course, and well, life. I Dont have time. I find I choose BL2 more often, but I've kind of made it so that I play BL2 at home, and TL2 on my lunch at work.
I played through the demo a few times so far and love it! I almost NEVER play the melee class in ANY game, but the Berserker is my favorite in TL2. So I have to give them props for making a melee class that appeals to me which as I said before almost never ever happens. In all the RPG-ish games I play I almost always pick mages from Wizardry 8 all the way to League of Legends. Mages mages mages, but in TL2, I'm just loving the melee, ignoring the other attributes going full Strength attribute on Elite difficulty yayooo.
Got really lucky on my drops in my first play though of the demo. Formulated my battle plan so that I know enough to start out on elite.
I am now at the point where the bad guys usually can't cause any damage nevermind my lifesteal and passive regen, well it's still only the first act I suppose
Well I basically have about 4 different Berserker builds that I'm playing and they are all fun, but the most powerful one seems to be the one where I put 1 point into Shadow Burst, and all the other skill points into the passives, Frenzy Mastery, Shred Armor, and Blood Hunger. So I built my character to have a high max HP to take advantage of Blood Hunger and then I also equipped this weapon.
My equipment reflects 75 physical damage to anyone who attacks me. And I have 10 hp regen per second, but my dodge, block and armor are so high that the enemies really don't damage me usually. I think my block is close to 30% and dodge is 11%. To get this awesome set up I played through the first few quests with all of my Berserkers and picked out all the best equipment from all those times and put them all on one new uber Zerker that I will be using to play through the rest of the game. I mean she does not take damage unless the actual boss directly hits her all the mobs do next to nothing.
I'm still really early in the game. I'm not at level 15 yet.
So basically what you do is you build up charge with your lifesteal weapon until you frenzy, then you switch to wielding whatever you have that gives bonus critical damage and stuff just explodes.
TL2 editor will come out in due time, but it wouldn't make sense for them to gimp it since the working base is already there from V1.
Can't there be issues when something that was meant to target one player actually hits another player on another client?, I guess it helps in that scenario when nearly every attack is an area-attack of sorts thus making those events valid no matter how they play out.
Low latency in a reflex based combat system is never bad though
That's sort of how I saw it too, why even try to bother when the game is fully moddable and people will mostly play with their friends.
Which is a good thing, moddable hack & slash rpg's with multiplayer are rare.
Yeah I did that, seemed simple but effective. Although some things were just plain odd, like not supporting copy/paste but instead shift-drag.
It's, uh, a bit beyond rare.
Let's see... there's Dungeon Siege, Neverwinter Nights, Dungeon Siege 2... Neverwinter Nights 2... and, um, Torchlight.
I don't think I missed any.
but GOD DAMMIT, i gotta sit here at work all day until I cam go home and play this!
Titan quest perhaps, and thatยดs about it (minus neverwinter nights as those are not diablo-likes)
As you see itยดs a rarity, and one that just got showered in full open toolkit with multiplayer modding and workshop support at that.
A polycount collection in the workshop would be awesome!
It's nothing that can't be patched or later modded with tools.
Do you know if there is an ETA on when the Account Manager will be up? I would really like to play some multiplayer.
Also let me congratulate you and Runic team for making a beautiful game. I played just a bit in the morning but it was enough to see the attention to detail you guys put in.
Cheers and hopefully all this online problems are because you have millions of people that bought the game.
Please make a Torchlight Artbook.
P.S. Make it no less than 200 pages, thank you
Love the game, love the art.Don't know about you guys but an art of Torchlight book would be an instant purchase for me.
I really second that.
Just use hamachi, they got LAN so I don't see why you would need connect to IP.
LAN is regular TCP/IP limited to the local range of addresses, but in any scenario where the host cannot properly announce its presence can be an issue, or the moments when the servers (although pretty solid) might go down, or when you don't want your server listed.
Even in diablo2 it was possible to specify an address, and with hamachi there's really no point to try to use it as a deterrent as it can be bypassed already.
I love that set items are so frequent, its really making me pay attention to the items that are dropping, and I care about the loot that drops. Like and dislike the lack of easy stat comparing. I'm actually reading stuff instead of looking for colors, and making actual decisions
Great stuff.
Can't wait to keep playin!
my only gripes:
I can't equip an item into my second hand slot by right clicking? is there any way? Should be able to hold alt or shift while right clicking to put it in that slot.
I can't see item stats on the ground - same thing, maybe we can hold a modifier button while hovering over to see stats without having to pick it up beforehand.
lastly, and I don't know what's right here, but when loot drops all of the names are visible to me. However, when loot drops they aren't to my gf, she has to hold the 'show items' button to see the names. We didn't touch any settings, yet it behaves differently.
either way, very minor gripes, can't wait to play more.
Awesome job Runic
Also, it's nice that in the first zone you're already fighting hordes of rat monsters. In Diablo 3 they only have tiny groups of 2-3 zombies at a time =\
Edit: Is crit and dodge capped at 50% or can you get higher with items? Think it's finally time to start spending attribute points and skill points.
I think you can buy them at act 2, I know you can buy spells in act 3.
My thoughts about Torchlight 2.
Do take in account that I only played berserker when reading this, so somethings may be inaccurate for other classes.
Now that I have finished the game I think I can give my final word without upsetting people because I didn't finish it. The most important thing about games like this is of course the loot, games like these are all about the loot. I got a single word for this and it is AWESOME it's just pure awesome. There is really nothing bad to say about the loot for a game like this, it could always be better. But you can never get something perfect, there are always things to improve upon but I'm happy with how it is in this game. The amount of loot you get is madness and it's not just that you find white useless loot but you find green, blue and oranges all the time. Runic aren't afraid to spoil us and I love it, there is so much that can be said about the loot in this game. It's just that amazing.
The second big question is storage capacity and it's decent, you got yourself and your pet + 2 chests one which is shared between your characters to ease the transfer. But this is still not enough since the literally throw loot at you all the time. My pet and myself are always full and my chests too. Something Diablo 3 did good was having tabs, something TL2 should have copied. You still have a loot of space to work with and you can save a decent amount of loot, if not just create mules like in the old days.
The music and environments are mind blowing, especially how they blend together to create something even more amazing. I'm not gonna say anything more about the music, just listen to it instead, it's so damn good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iue-82DKqEI The environments are gorgeous and so much fun to explore. You can really tell that's there is an amazing talent behind the art team. The areas in the game never out stands their welcome and the pacing between different areas are spot on, there are only 2 areas that felt a bit too long, mainly the last one that should have been varied instead of having 6 floors of the exact same looking bland environment, felt a bit rushed compared to the rest of the game. Besides that the rest of the games environments are just amazing.
The combat in the game feels really meaty and the impact is of the weapons is just spot on, I tried the ranged combat and it's not as fun as the melee but there is nothing wrong with it and it still feels meaty when you hit and kill something. You can't really tell how good the combat is from just reading or seeing about it, you gotta try it out yourself. There are two bad things about the combat that will prevent PvP and that is that ranged combat seems to be impossible to dodge by the player. Either the ranged attacks are instant and will hit you or not, the only way to dodge them is having a dodge chance or staying out of the fire range/hiding behind pillars. You also have spells/rockets that seek out that player and can only be avoided if they hit the terrain (I don't know if the players are capable of firing these since I have only played the berserker class.). The second thing is that some enemies will rotate when they attack you so you can simply run around the in circles cause they will just rotate and hit you. Both of these things can be fixed, travel time for ranged attacks and make it so if you run you avoid seeking spells/rockets and make it so enemies don't rotate to you and hit you. When they start attacking you they should attack that spot and not rotate their entire body to you and swing at the same time. These are the only two bad things that take away from the combat experience. Else it's just so damn good.
The talent trees is the weak point of this game and it's sad that it is. They added in tier bonuses to add some flavor to it but most of the time it's just bland and boring things that really don't change or do much at all. Most of the time it's stuff that should have been upgraded when you actually upgraded the skill. The tier bonuses should have been something that completely changed the skill and made it more fun. It gets even worse when we come to the passives skills, they don't even have a tier upgrade, you just simply increase the values and nothing more. Let's take my favorite passive skill blood hunger, a tier bonus could have been to add that after X amount of attacks it would work on a normal attack. Just something that spices it up, don't have to be something super amazing, but simply increasing values is something that should be done when you level up the skill and not a tier bonus. But the skills are still fun and varied, it's just that I feel that it should have been something more.
But this game is still sooo much fun to play and if you are a dungeon crawler fan you need to buy this game, it's a must own for an dungeon crawler fan. Even if you aren't a fan of dungeon crawlers you shouldn't miss out on Torchlight 2. They have a demo so go try it out. In the end the only thing that matters about a game is how much fun you've had playing it, they 24 hours I have played it so far have been a blast and I can't wait to mod it.
Final words, buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it!
Depending on the weapon you use the attacks are different. Whether you're using a shield/one hand or two handed weapon or two one handed weapons or a wand or a shotgun or dual pistols or a bow or a crossbow decides what your main attack is. On the Outlander and Engineer (The two I'm playing) there are a few skills though that augment your main attack depending on how you want to play.
I know, I used to do that at the start of the game when my pet was just my side kick. But at the start of act 2 and forward he was pretty much my main way of damage and I always forgets to send him away until we are both full and there are items lying on the ground. So instead of just standing still for 2 minutes I just port to town and sell everything myself goes faster and I can check if I can use any loot from my stash in the meantime.
The other classes though make very little sense to me. I tried an Outlander. Specced it down Sigil. So I use the main shadow shot as my main attack. It has no cooldown, and a low mana cost. So I thought I could just use it permanently. But I constantly run out of mana. So I put all my points into Focus to get more mana, but then my damage really sucks, and I still run out of mana. For some reason those abilities go off of weapon damage. So I guess that means I need to spec in Strength?
I'm having a hard time understanding how stats affect abilities. In some cases you need Mana, but if you spec for it then you're not getting a damage bonus, and you still go out of mana. Other abilities feel like they're randomly using poison damage, so you need focus for them, but then you also need a lot of dexterity.
Also, am I missing something, or can you not fully respec your character?
I'm actually confused about New Game+ vs The Map Room. Because with the map room, you can purchase map locations that are geared for levels 50-105+
I'm guessing you have 2 options when you beat the game?:
1. Go through the map room and grind out max level using the new challengy mode dungeons
2. Go with New Game+ you and replay the game as a higher level with the rest of the world tuned with you and redo the quests?
(please please please people correct me if I'm wrong I'm mostly asking because I have no idea)
3. Wait a bit longer and try out some of the awesome mods I bet you will see soon, might include some new story arcs.
It's installed at home and work. I'll be playing it by the end of the week, once I'm through disposing of Handsome Jack.
I don't have enough time for both, between these games, my online course, and well, life. I Dont have time. I find I choose BL2 more often, but I've kind of made it so that I play BL2 at home, and TL2 on my lunch at work.
steam id: hafazeh
Got really lucky on my drops in my first play though of the demo. Formulated my battle plan so that I know enough to start out on elite.
My equipment reflects 75 physical damage to anyone who attacks me. And I have 10 hp regen per second, but my dodge, block and armor are so high that the enemies really don't damage me usually. I think my block is close to 30% and dodge is 11%. To get this awesome set up I played through the first few quests with all of my Berserkers and picked out all the best equipment from all those times and put them all on one new uber Zerker that I will be using to play through the rest of the game. I mean she does not take damage unless the actual boss directly hits her all the mobs do next to nothing.
I'm still really early in the game. I'm not at level 15 yet.
So basically what you do is you build up charge with your lifesteal weapon until you frenzy, then you switch to wielding whatever you have that gives bonus critical damage and stuff just explodes.