Little interview with Max at e3 while playing the game. I think what excites me most every time I watch these videos is when I see legendary items drop that i would love to use... Legendary items that are ACTUALLY useful. Seeing good loot makes me so giddy.... Cant wait for this
inorite? It's a good feeling to actually find something that is useful, rather than going to something like an auction house and defeating the whole purpose of empowering yourself through an investment of blood, sweat, and tears in combat.
Hopefully I`ll get to play with some of you guys? Most of my friends seem to not care at all, and will stick with diablo 3... *sigh* I feel the social aspect is one of the best parts of these games. I dont ALWAYS want to play alone.
Well, to be fair, Torchlight's head guy is that one special guy that started the entire Blizzard Diablo thing if I'm not mistaken, which means he pretty much knows what notes to hit, unlike the current guys, which while great, simply focused too much of the build of Diablo 3 around the Auction House if I'm honest.
I myself am stoked about Torchlight 2. A bunch of us here at work passed on Diablo 3 for this. The first game was great and the art style is very inspiring. Now that they have 6 player co-op its going to be even better.
So far, Runic Games was not to commit to a firm release date of its competitors Diablo 3 Torchlight second At, it was said, that would play on 3 Be available in July, originally was the action-RPG Diablo will appear shortly after third
In an official press release, the publisher Daedalic Entertainment announced now that Torchlight 2 28 from the August 2012, the market is. Until then, like the "developers still [working] in a number of details to offer players the best experience possible," says the press release. It seems to have worked just the multiplayer mode yet. Torchlight 2 supports both an online co-op and multiplayer over LAN.
Torch Light 2 is directly linked to the previous Torchlight and this time also offers quests at the surface. Otherwise, the game relies on the well-known Hack & Slay-engine Monsterhatz and acquisitiveness. Our preview of Torchlight 2 reveals whether it is worth the wait.
This article is FANTASTIC! This guy has Steven Colbert levels of hilarious sarcasm.
My favorite quote -
"Seriously, have you seen screenshots of Torchlight II? It's like the Teletubbies shat all over a box of Candy Corn and shoved it up a Care Bear's ass. In any given screenshot I've counted no less than twenty-nine colors, which is about seven colors too many for a game like this."
hahaha that was an excellent read. This is my fav quote:
"Do you know when people played games via LAN? 1963, probably! Diablo III doesn't need LAN play because it is on the cutting edge of the technological wave, surfing into tomorrow on a board made of science and wearing the Bermuda shorts of discovery. "
I feel like i am now part of an elite society, by the sheer fact that i play Diablo 3.
"What the Hell are you thinking, Torchlight II? Yeah, sure, yeah, let's all play Torchlight II locally like a couple of geekatrons from the History Channel. While we're at it, why not play on our zoetropes and spin a hula hoop across the street with a fucking stick? Oh hey, Runic Games, do you guys need your pills and your wheelchairs, you bunch of stupid granddads? "
Consider Activision your friendly neighborhood bouncer, turning away the underdressed and underfunded while allowing only the cream of society to cross the velvet rope. By making players wait in a glorified paddock for three days, the impatient and angry will also go away to play something else, meaning that potential troublemakers effectively remove themselves from the equation. This leads to a better gaming atmosphere, free from ne'er-do-wells and rich in intelligent, committed players.
Compare this to Torchlight II, where basically anybody will be allowed to play.
Who knows what kind of riff raff will stroll through the door while Runic sleeps at its post? Drug addicts? Coldblooded killers such as Toby Soprano from television's Dexter? Illegal immigrants? I'm sorry, but there's a reason why airports have metal detectors and a man paid to stick his hand up the anus of foreign-looking people. It's called FREEDOM FRIES, guys. Ever heard of it?
I'm seriously considering picking Torchlight 2 up. I got two copies of the first game. (one for me, and one for a buddy) But I never got into it too much. I hadn't really played any Diablo-style games before. But after playing through Dialbo III, I think I'm ready for another dive into a similar experience. And everything I've been hearing about Torchlight 2 makes it sound like it is going to be a solid romp. I'm especially happy to hear about the proliferation and quality of the side quests. This was a drawback in Diablo III for me. There were very few side quests, and they tended to not be particularly engaging.
Have there been any words about what we can mod in Torchlight 2? I have only found this link so far; But I wanna know more about the engine and what we can do. Step it up runic games, the game launches tomorrow.
did you play the first one, tekoppar? You can mod anything you want. character, monsters, weapons, dungeons. you can add new skills. They are giving you the engine they literally used to make the game. Nothing is dumbed down or anything. You can make torchlight 3 if you want :P
Well, you could mod just about everything in the original Torchlight. I remember putting their editor through its paces. It was not the most user-friendly of tools, but I was able to get some custom weapon models into the game. I was even able to test them within my own mod. I know they intend to release all of the in-house tool updates that they used to produce Torchlight 2, so in theory the modding possibilities should be extensive. If it exists in Torchlight 2, you will be able to reproduce it.
I'm seriously considering picking up a copy of this game for my brother as well. He really likes loot grinds, he was the one who encouraged me to pick up Diablo III. I think he might appreciate what Torchlight 2 is going to bring to the table. (no internet required, LAN support, etc...)
Quick question: Do the enemies in Torchlight 2 respect the boundaries of the hit-box or not? Example of what I mean is in Diablo 3, if you tried to run away or use any move based skill, even if the boss is miles away from you, they would still hit you if the attack was triggered before you movement.
I was wondering if TL2 has the same gameplay style, or if moving out of the way of harm = actually no getting hit?
Are you guys releasing a Mod asset kit as with the first Torchlight? Any insight or tips on any workflow changes/improvements with the editor? Super stoked, I have a fairly large project left over from Torchlight 1 that I want to put into 2 Will the tools be available tomorrow? Or few weeks out?
want to start a PnP Torchlight 2 mod thread as soon as we can get stuff in game!
Damn damn damn, I ended up buying both Torchlight 2 and Borderlands 2 tonight...and I know I have to work overtime this weekend....why do I torture myself this way, whyyyy!!
Quick question: Do the enemies in Torchlight 2 respect the boundaries of the hit-box or not? Example of what I mean is in Diablo 3, if you tried to run away or use any move based skill, even if the boss is miles away from you, they would still hit you if the attack was triggered before you movement.
I was wondering if TL2 has the same gameplay style, or if moving out of the way of harm = actually no getting hit?
The hitboxes worked that way in D3 because all combat was done server side. Everything is client side in TL2 so yes, moving out of the way of harm = not getting hit.
Have there been any words about what we can mod in Torchlight 2? I have only found this link so far; But I wanna know more about the engine and what we can do. Step it up runic games, the game launches tomorrow.
You can mod anything you want! We are packaging up and releasing our in-house editor so you can pretty much re-make, de-make, or un-make anything in the game there is.
Are you guys releasing a Mod asset kit as with the first Torchlight? Any insight or tips on any workflow changes/improvements with the editor? Super stoked, I have a fairly large project left over from Torchlight 1 that I want to put into 2 Will the tools be available tomorrow? Or few weeks out?
want to start a PnP Torchlight 2 mod thread as soon as we can get stuff in game!
We are releasing the editor a few weeks out after launch. We need to get it properly packaged and all nice. It's called GUTs this time around. There are a TON of improvements. More than I can mention here, really. You should be able to pretty easily bring whatever work you were doing in TORCHed over.
I'm seriously considering picking Torchlight 2 up. I got two copies of the first game. (one for me, and one for a buddy) But I never got into it too much. I hadn't really played any Diablo-style games before. But after playing through Dialbo III, I think I'm ready for another dive into a similar experience. And everything I've been hearing about Torchlight 2 makes it sound like it is going to be a solid romp. I'm especially happy to hear about the proliferation and quality of the side quests. This was a drawback in Diablo III for me. There were very few side quests, and they tended to not be particularly engaging.
It's hard to even compare Torchlight 2 to Torchlight 1. They are SO VASTLY different in nearly every way. I personally suggest you go ahead and purchase a copy at 20 bucks today on Steam to find out for yourself tomorrow.
... or you could wait till tomorrow and pick up the demo.
The hitboxes worked that way in D3 because all combat was done server side. Everything is client side in TL2 so yes, moving out of the way of harm = not getting hit.
From what I read they had the "always hit" be a gameplay choice for the cases of monsters not actually looking good if the animation was fast enough to comply with the gameplay, but gameplay-balance requiring that the monster had to hit you fast, such as with zombies.
Everything is client side would technically imply that nothing happens on the server, which would imply that multiplayer doesn't happen at all .
Do you mean that cases of hit-detection when it comes to a monster vs a player might be done locally for that player and result sent back to server in TL2?, doesn't that open up TL2 for cheating quite a bunch?
Or maybe you meant that when playing singleplayer the server/client runs locally and thus suffers no delay?
Also, I'm really looking forward to it, awesome work!
Even in multi-player it's all local. When you are hit by a monster, that info is sent to the other players you are playing with and they then see you hit by that monster. We aren't running closed servers. You start a game and you are the one hosting that game. When a monster swings and hits you it hits you locally. If the person you are playing with multi-player sees a delay, it's only because there is lag between the two of you, not to a server.
*oh and we aren't worried about cheating at all ... we are making the game completely open. You can mod in whatever you want. You could spawn the most powerful weapon in the game by opening the console. We have systems in place so you can see who's done similar things and avoid them. Also in the server browser you can only games that have the same mods as you.
I have a question for you, Matabus. Is the boxed version of Torchlight 2 going to be different from the Steam version? (as it kind of was with original Torchlight) Or is every boxed version of Torchlight essentially going to be a steam copy that comes with a box? (like they did with Civilization 5)
I like buying boxed copies of games, just because I like to have the box. (which is a more collectible item) At the same time, I prefer my PC games to be on Steam.
I have a question for you, Matabus. Is the boxed version of Torchlight 2 going to be different from the Steam version? (as it kind of was with original Torchlight) Or is every boxed version of Torchlight essentially going to be a steam copy that comes with a box? (like they did with Civilization 5)
I like buying boxed copies of games, just because I like to have the box. (which is a more collectible item) At the same time, I prefer my PC games to be on Steam.
I believe we are only doing a boxed version for a few European countries. Where are you from?
I believe we are only doing a boxed version for a few European countries. Where are you from?
Curses. I'm in the U.S. (sunny AZ to be specific) Well, I suppose that's okay. It's not like I haven't gotten used to buying Steam games. And at the price you guys are charging, I can't really complain.
Still, I would love to see a special-edition boxed set on sale at next years PAX, maybe?
And at the price you guys are charging, I can't really complain.
Still, I would love to see a special-edition boxed set on sale at next years PAX, maybe?
And as it turned out, I didn't complain. Purchased and pre-loaded. Looking forward to trying it out over the weekend.
Also, I'm serious about that special-edition for sale at PAX 13. See about making that happen. I'd drop upwards of $60 for a proper special edition boxed game.
did you play the first one, tekoppar? You can mod anything you want. character, monsters, weapons, dungeons. you can add new skills. They are giving you the engine they literally used to make the game. Nothing is dumbed down or anything. You can make torchlight 3 if you want :P
Yes but only for a few hours, since it came with TL2 preorder. So will it be like the Warcraft 3 editor where stuff is hard coded and can't be changed unless we got the source code or can we literally do whatever we want and create a strategy game?
You can mod anything you want! We are packaging up and releasing our in-house editor so you can pretty much re-make, de-make, or un-make anything in the game there is.
So can we create new stuff or are we limited to the stuff you have created and can just modify that? Also how hard will it be to import custom assets? I'm just curious since I haven't found a good game to mod since Warcraft 3 and I need something new, my fingers are itching.
anyways, August 28th!
German conference press release thing -,46348,2569132.html
Google translate
This is fantastic.
Monsterhatz© should be our next game.
This article is FANTASTIC! This guy has Steven Colbert levels of hilarious sarcasm.
My favorite quote -
"Seriously, have you seen screenshots of Torchlight II? It's like the Teletubbies shat all over a box of Candy Corn and shoved it up a Care Bear's ass. In any given screenshot I've counted no less than twenty-nine colors, which is about seven colors too many for a game like this."
"Do you know when people played games via LAN? 1963, probably! Diablo III doesn't need LAN play because it is on the cutting edge of the technological wave, surfing into tomorrow on a board made of science and wearing the Bermuda shorts of discovery. "
I feel like i am now part of an elite society, by the sheer fact that i play Diablo 3.
LOL. Great article. Man, he's brutal.
Here's some more awesome art
COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!!!! Add me on steam. SLipsius
Matt Uelmen is awesome. I will get this. Thanks for the headsup.
I'm seriously considering picking up a copy of this game for my brother as well. He really likes loot grinds, he was the one who encouraged me to pick up Diablo III. I think he might appreciate what Torchlight 2 is going to bring to the table. (no internet required, LAN support, etc...)
I was wondering if TL2 has the same gameplay style, or if moving out of the way of harm = actually no getting hit?
Question for Runic dudes:
Are you guys releasing a Mod asset kit as with the first Torchlight? Any insight or tips on any workflow changes/improvements with the editor? Super stoked, I have a fairly large project left over from Torchlight 1 that I want to put into 2
want to start a PnP Torchlight 2 mod thread as soon as we can get stuff in game!
The hitboxes worked that way in D3 because all combat was done server side. Everything is client side in TL2 so yes, moving out of the way of harm = not getting hit.
You can mod anything you want! We are packaging up and releasing our in-house editor so you can pretty much re-make, de-make, or un-make anything in the game there is.
We are releasing the editor a few weeks out after launch. We need to get it properly packaged and all nice. It's called GUTs this time around. There are a TON of improvements. More than I can mention here, really. You should be able to pretty easily bring whatever work you were doing in TORCHed over.
It's hard to even compare Torchlight 2 to Torchlight 1. They are SO VASTLY different in nearly every way. I personally suggest you go ahead and purchase a copy at 20 bucks today on Steam to find out for yourself tomorrow.
... or you could wait till tomorrow and pick up the demo.
Also there's this -
And then this -
From what I read they had the "always hit" be a gameplay choice for the cases of monsters not actually looking good if the animation was fast enough to comply with the gameplay, but gameplay-balance requiring that the monster had to hit you fast, such as with zombies.
Everything is client side would technically imply that nothing happens on the server, which would imply that multiplayer doesn't happen at all
Do you mean that cases of hit-detection when it comes to a monster vs a player might be done locally for that player and result sent back to server in TL2?, doesn't that open up TL2 for cheating quite a bunch?
Or maybe you meant that when playing singleplayer the server/client runs locally and thus suffers no delay?
Also, I'm really looking forward to it, awesome work!
*oh and we aren't worried about cheating at all ... we are making the game completely open. You can mod in whatever you want. You could spawn the most powerful weapon in the game by opening the console. We have systems in place so you can see who's done similar things and avoid them. Also in the server browser you can only games that have the same mods as you.
I like buying boxed copies of games, just because I like to have the box. (which is a more collectible item) At the same time, I prefer my PC games to be on Steam.
I believe we are only doing a boxed version for a few European countries. Where are you from?
Curses. I'm in the U.S. (sunny AZ to be specific) Well, I suppose that's okay. It's not like I haven't gotten used to buying Steam games. And at the price you guys are charging, I can't really complain.
Still, I would love to see a special-edition boxed set on sale at next years PAX, maybe?
And as it turned out, I didn't complain. Purchased and pre-loaded. Looking forward to trying it out over the weekend.
Also, I'm serious about that special-edition for sale at PAX 13. See about making that happen. I'd drop upwards of $60 for a proper special edition boxed game.
Yes but only for a few hours, since it came with TL2 preorder. So will it be like the Warcraft 3 editor where stuff is hard coded and can't be changed unless we got the source code or can we literally do whatever we want and create a strategy game?
So can we create new stuff or are we limited to the stuff you have created and can just modify that? Also how hard will it be to import custom assets? I'm just curious since I haven't found a good game to mod since Warcraft 3 and I need something new, my fingers are itching.