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Castlevania: Lord of Shadows

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teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15

So who else is pumped? I've always been a fan of the series and Symphony of the Night is among one of my favourite games. Sadly, all 3d Castlevania games so far have been quite disappointing, but it seems like Konami is very serious about this one.

Art direction is delicious and though the main character creeps me out a bit (his head looks far too small for his body) the monsters look great. Environments are also looking great and are surprisingly detailed. Having Kojima involved also raises my hopes of bringing the series back to its glory.

I only hope that it won't be a straight DMC/GoW/Dante Inferno clone and will retain some RPG elements.


  • bounchfx
    I'm a HUGE fan of Castlevania, and I was really looking forward to this. Played it at e3, it feels good, but it also feels exactly like GoW. I'm hoping it differentiates itself... at the very least give me a big open world castle to explore and all the other trademark castlevania things. I'd still much rather see a full HD 2D side scrolling next gen castlevania.. but either way, this looks better than the other 3d ones so far.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    If you like symphony of the night you should check out the ds and gba castlevania games instead. This one seems more like gears of war when it comes to gameplay :/
    It looks pretty cool though. It's refreshing to actually see cinematic scenes with acting and stuff instead of just stiff faces with talk bubbles. Also the cast is pretty impressive(Robert Carlyle!).
    If I had a console I would probably buy it.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    those ds/gba games were fantastic! I sure hope they incorporate more of the character-building/lootfarming elements of those games into this new one...
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    bounchfx wrote: »
    but it also feels exactly like GoW.

    I love Castlevania.. Symphony of the night is one of my fav games of all time, but I was afraid of this. Don't get me wrong, I love god of war, but I don't want a GoW clone.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    To the people that say it's a God of War clone..

    Castlevania: Lament of Innocence came out in 2003...God of War came out in 2005. Look at gameplay from Lament of Innocence. You've got everything that was in GOW, the dodge mechanic, the swinging blades of Kratos is exactly like the whip in LOI. There's weak attacks and strong attacks that swing the whip in circles and can be combined for combos. There's magic that acts much like Kratos' spells. A fixed camera. There's even a gauntlet that Leon uses in LOI much like Kratos. It's been awhile since I played it but I want to say they even have the same control set up. LOI even got some negativity at the time for having more of an emphasis on combat instead of exploration. Yes, a lot of 3d action games share these things, but I remember playing GOW and thinking that it played a hell of a lot like LOI.

    I don't know why more people don't point this out, maybe just no one played that game. But I always thought that God of War basically took Lament of Innocence and made it better.

    Anyways, Castlevania was the very first video game I ever played on a home console, on my cousins NES waaaay back in the day. I've always loved the series and can't wait for this one.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    I'm with TheMadArtist.

    To be honest, as long as it has high production values and is fun to play I couldn't care less about it being a GoW clone. Hell, the atmosphere and art alone would be enough to get me rolling.

    By the way, I might be asking about the obvious but had anyone else got Shadow of The Colossus vibe from the fight with that giant?
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    TheMadArtist: Thats a great point, I mean honestly I never played Lament of Innocence, I didn't hear too much about it, and the things I did hear were not too positive, so I never picked it up. I also feel that the atmosphere has changed in the recent Castlevania games, to a much more GoW atmosphere, which could have also been done in LoI, but I wouldn't know. I just know that this game doesn't quite feel like Symphony of the Night or the older 2d castlevania games, and thats kind of what I miss, is that atmosphere.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12

    Man, hard to find good clips of that game. I really liked Lament of Innocence, it had the same kind of tone that Super Castlevania IV had (my favorite of the series, and one of my favorite games period). It looked like it was heading in the right direction for a 3d Castlevania, just lacked the exploration or vertical-ity in the levels (I think I just made up a word) that games like GOW had. You just went from room to room, killing things. It had a pretty cool story though, and decent voice acting.

    This new one looks like they took it where it needed to go. I do hope it's not a short, straightforward game, and at least has somewhat of a stronger RPG element.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    the part @ 1:47 (first vid) was just outrageously cool
  • Cap
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    Cap triangle
    I really liked Lament as well, the only thing that bugged me was the whole "get to each area by way of wacky floating elevators". That didn't do anything for me. Other than that the gameplay was solid and the story was really cool, so I give it a thumbs up in my book, especially after Curse of Darkness was released since that game was essentially a bunch of connected hallways where you kill some dudes. I'm a little worried that Lords of Shadow will be more cutscene than gameplay though since Kojima is involved.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    well you guys have convinced me to pick up lament of innocence (and another reason to dust off the trusty ps2) as well as have me thoroughly looking forward to Lord of Shadows.:)
  • bounchfx
    I've beaten Lament, got it the day it came out. It was alright. I enjoyed it. but it wasn't anything super special. and because of this, I'm still going to be calling LoS a GoW clone. there's just a lot done now to the point where it feels that way, regardless... not to mention the fact that not many people did play lament, so it gives them a much better idea of what to expect. Oh, and this is (so far) closer to GoW than it is to LoI. donno dood, but good of you to bring it up, for sure. I like how you don't mention curse of darkness ;)

    Don't get me wrong..I'm still really, really looking forward to this game though.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    some badass character design in that trailer! Looks like another one to pick up, and another art book to hunt down. feels like they gave a shitload away though... :(
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Anybody remember this video?

    I wonder what ever happened with that..or did it morph into Lords of Shadow? And if so, is Alucard still in the game. I know they showed a few voice actors that were high in the billing but didn't show who they were playing.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    A cool game :), and developed by spaniards. Too sad it's not for PC.

    I'm really proud to see that at least, in my country, one studio can do great things. I wish i could see a good game industry here.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    I'm a little worried that Lords of Shadow will be more cutscene than gameplay though since Kojima is involved.
    I'm excited that Kojima's involvement might result in a Castlevania game that has a plot. Igarashi sure as hell isn't ever going to write one. I think after this many mindless games you can survive a few cutscenes.

    But since GoW already translated Castlevania combat into 3D so well the only thing left for LoS to accomplish is exploration. If LoS doesn't have that it can join Dante's Inferno in the "why don't I just play GoW instead?" club.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I hope Alucard makes a cameo of some sort, like he did in one of those Ds games, i can't remember which one. And yes, Hopefully this will have more plot than "Kill dracula plz" (Symphony of the night was the one with the most plot as far as I can tell, and that's only cause of the daddy issues.) Also if Kojima is involved that means that any of the cutscenes that their are will be incredibly entertaining. And it better have exploration, seriously.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    This one looks like another one to get.
  • ikken
    The last scene from the trailer literally screams LORDS OF SHADOW OF COLOSSUS.
    Really liked the melting snowflakes in the beggining, nice and subtle touch;

    environments, monsters and the main hero are absolutely great,
    but ladies look so ugly :<
    Gay them up a little bit, make them pretty.

    Anyway, I'm excited for this game.
  • Taylor Hood
    Playing it on the GBA in my early days was amazing and just looking at the retail box art it sends so much nostalgia to my noggin' ;P

    Definitiley excited.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    I'm a big GOW fan as well and I cant wait for this. :)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Wow, that game looks epic, don't know how else to say it. Really awesome!

    Although it makes me sad they didn't work on the main character more. Like teaandcigarettes said, His Head Is Too SMALL! What the hell? You would think they would work on proportions and stuff like that till he is absolutly perfect. If he didn't have that puffy hair his head would really look rediculously small.

    I pray they fix this, because as a character artist, this is something hard to get past. Anyways, it looks like they are indeed putting a ton of effort into this game. I can't wait to see more from it. I just hope they don't give too much away next time. ;)
  • bounchfx
    in castlevanialand his head is the correct size. seriously look up some of their concepts.. heh
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Did anyone pick this up? Curious to here some honest reviews for the 360.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I picked it up yesterday, I heard there is some performance issues on 360 so i put my achivement whoreness aside and got it on ps3.

    first things first, this game is fucking gorgeous, approaching god of war levels of visual fidelity in some areas. the mud and rain in the 1st area looks wicked.

    the only thing i noticed that is a bit annoying is the game is so crisp and lots of things are really glossy which leads to a really noisy appearance in some areas with millions of little white dots. its not too bad when you are moving around but it kinda feels like a little to much unsharp mask.

    gameplay wise I'm about 1.5 hours in i think, feels pretty much like god of war. I'm loving it cause I love GoW, but to the hardcore oldschool castlevania fan I'm sure it would be kinda offputting. it seems really linear which allows for fucking amazing art.

    really enjoying it so far, would recommend it. although I hear it does get repetitive in its 20 hours or so playtime.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    I'm at the Boss for chapter 2.
    There are a few things that really bug me with the game. But I'm having a good time so far.

    Not gonna spoil anything yet for anyone who hasn't had a chance to play.
    Environments are really well done. What they've shown so far reminds me a lot of the environments in Uncharted 2... but slightly more fantastic.
    Voice acting is a bit too dramatic at times. It's kinda neat to have Patric Stewart narrate during the loading screens, though.

    They do some cool stuff with the UI. I love how they do the pencil drawing animations of Gabriel's skills.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I got in on PS3 as well because of the performance issues on 360.

    I loved the couple hours of it I played last night. It's a very polished game. The Art is breathtaking in parts, besides the occasional over sharpness like PixelMasher mentioned. Combat is really solid and fun. So far I've been fighting less enemies but each is tougher, rather than GoW's endlessly spawning trash mobs. I like that dynamic a lot better, never having to wonder when the battle is going to end. The titan battles are quite faithful to SotC, it's surprising it's taken so long for another game to make use of those mechanics. The animation is really good, even in the cutscenes. Lots of dynamic camera work in-game and videos. There's some simple skills and upgrades very much like God of War and the 2d castlevanias. Gives a good sense of progression and a reason for exploration.

    The cutscenes and story stuff seem pretty good. About as good as you need for a game like this; to help advance you through the adventure. One downside is the terrible writing. It's really awkward listening to Partrick Stewart recite these schlocky badly written lines. It actually takes away from it for me. His performance is odd, and unfitting of the game. He reads the lines like poetry but they are really not and it falls flat.

    It shouldn't be negatively compared to the 2d Castlevanias. There's no way anyone should be expecting that experience from this game if they've been paying attention. However a lot of stuff from the 2d games is still in there. Same universe, same monsters, same epic scale, same gaining of skills that let you explore more areas as you progress (double jump for instance). It takes some common elements from those games and adapts them. People see it as elements from God of War, which they are, but they're highly applicable to Castlevania.

    It's exactly what I want a 3d Castlevania to be. When I first played GoW that's what I thought about it. That's what 3d Castlevania should be, and now it is.

    I recommend it if you are a fan of either GoW or Castlevania.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    I was waiting for the PS3 EU Limited Edition, which will now arrive later than expected, so i had to go for the standard edition. :( Hopefully it'll arrive today as its only officially released tomorrow for us brits.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    If the game keeps this way till the end I might build myself a little dog house with all the bricks I shit.

    And yeah I haven't played GoW 3 so you can imagine my excitement=)
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Copy arrived and my god this game is beautiful! The environments and textures are right up there with Uncharted 2. Id go as far to say this is the best looking console game on the market at the moment, IMHO.

    Can't believe this is the same company that made Jericho, even though Jericho had some great enemy character art, the game wasn't that good. By god they've improved a whole lot.

    It plays well too! :D
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Watched a co-worker play this at lunch.

    definitely going to pick this up.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    Watched a co-worker play this at lunch.

    definitely going to pick this up.

    Justin doesn't count. He doesn't play games.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I intend to get this.
    and dead rising..
    and metal gear rising..
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    The enviro art for this game is really good.

    I LOVE the camera shots. It makes me forgive the fact you can't control the camera.

    And props to the artists who put together the many statues in the game. They have so many!
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    the lighting is so nice in this game, some of the best i have seen in games, the character art is the weakest part of the visuals, and its still not bad at all, it is just not to the quality level of the environments and lighting. i really like the camera work too, it can be a little frustrating sometimes, but i think they pull off some really epic compositions with the framing and pacing.

    i would recommend picking this up just to look at, its worth it. by all means not a bad game, but really nice to look at.
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    Currently wading through Chapter 7.
    Yet another flawed epic gem, I'm enjoying the shit outta this game, I've had a few very frustrating moments with camera angles and control mechanic responsiveness. All is forgiven when the environments induce ocular orgasms, even some of the character work like Pan. Unfortunately Pan makes Claudia and Zobek all the more jarring.

    I agree whole-heartedly with Frump, also the GoW comparisons making the rounds through all the review sites are so tired and lack merit to me when I couldn't imagine a 3d Castlevania being any other way. I also question whether any of them truely played the 2d ones as many say there's nothing castlevania about this game... I couldn't agree less.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Game is pretty amazing. I've been enjoying it immensely so far. I really love the concept art that you can unlock as well as the bestiary in game. Only problem I've had is my own fault for playing on hard. Checkpoint autosaving when you have less that 10% health is kind of lame.

    One thing I love though is the difference between species like werewolves for example. Less and moderate werewolves look nothing alike. They didn't just reskin the character and call it a day. I really wish more games would follow this trend.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I actually bought this game, than returned it, than I was like...."why would I want castlevania? The last one was crap!!"
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    So, can anybody tell me if its anything at all like the old 2d ones in terms of character progression? i.e. leveling up, new items and experience etc? If it is, just in a 3d god of war style world, I think I may have to have a walk down town after work tomorrow...
  • empeck
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    empeck polycounter lvl 18
    I'm in second chapter now, love it so far. Fight with Ice Titan was great!

    Am I the only one who thinks this looks like LOK:Soul Reaver should look in 2010? Hey CD, enough with those Lara-games, make some vampire goodness! LOK: Soul Reaver remake would be more than enough ;)

    Back to Castlevania. I like it much better than GoW. I just prefer gothic style over mythology.
  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    I got it on xbox360. No performance issues noticed at all. The only thing is that it comes on two discs but I've been playing for a while now (on chapter 5) without needing to swap discs so all is well.

    The game is solid. Some control issues and camera issues. But a lot of the camera work is gorgeous I'd say.

    I think they also did a pretty good job with the story. Presenting only the necessary and letting people delve further into it if they feel like it. The only problem is that letters from dead soldiers aren't as neat as voiced audio tapes from random dudes (Bioshock).

    There are some odd quicktime events... well, they become odd when you retry the event cause it is so specific to the moment and it shouldn't happen more than once. Haha.

    So ya.. anyone who has run out of these kind of games and want some more can safely pick it up.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    You earn experience to unlock new abilities as the game progresses. Also, you learn new forms of magic.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Little late on the ball with this one, but I just picked it up today...

    My first impressions after an hour and a half of play: Good, but hasn't hooked me yet.

    It is definitely a gorgeous game.
    The story is pretty cool, so far.

    I agree with what's been said about the flat narrative and the "unsharp mask gone crazy" noise.
    The camera makes me dizzy, probably due to the static camera. :(
    Some control issues.

    My big concern is that, yeah they share similar gameplay elements from God of War...but I haven't seen anything that's built upon that, so far. I'm hopeful that changes as I progress. More so, God of War, Darksiders, and Heavenly Sword all had much more 'fun' to offer up front...with different combos and combat types, seemingly, right out of the gate.

    So yeah, as far as first impressions go, not overly impressed as of yet...but I shall continue! :)
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    keep continue :) i love when you starting gain new power and abilities.
    it has some little SOTN elements, where you need certain skill to access some area.

    you may start with the mostly forrest and ruins level,
    but in progress the level getting bigger and more breathtaking.
  • empeck
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    empeck polycounter lvl 18
    I've finished chapter 2 yesterday, and ruins in this chapter remind me Lea Monde from Vagrant Story. VS remake with this graphics would be awesome.
  • xvampire
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    odium wrote: »
    So, can anybody tell me if its anything at all like the old 2d ones in terms of character progression? i.e. leveling up, new items and experience etc?

    So Symphony and the subsequent ones are the old ones?

    Psh, kids today. :)

    I'll take the old ones, meaning the classic original 4 games, with Super Castlevania IV being the crown jewel. Leveling up and gaining new abilities is great as long as the challenge increases as well. That was my problem with Symphony and some of the later titles, you could power yourself up so much that the game had no challenge.

    Haven't had a chance to pick it up yet, but might grab it this weekend. Everything I've read about it gets me more and more psyched about it. I agree with the people that oppose the reviewers saying it isn't anything like the 2d ones. Maybe it's not like the post-Rondo of Blood releases where Castlevania took on a more anime, Metroid style; but it sure looks like it's in the same vein as far as mood and atmosphere as Castlevania IV, and gameplay wise, a definite refinement of the game God Of War took from, Castlevania Lament of Innocence.
  • UltraLrod
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    UltraLrod polycounter lvl 7
    Great game and recommend it. Only confusing part is the control scheme. The game reminds me so much GoW that I keep thinking of GoW control. Just finally starting use the block on the boss fight and really helps me from dying multiple time. ^^

    Worth the play if anyone hasn't played it.
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    My roommate got the LE release (edit:weekend after release.) If your thinking about it, unless you're really hard up for the music cd skip the LE and get the standard ed. The art book is actually just a fanciful case (granted it is cool)

    He ran through the game in two days, (like 3 hours of sleep), but he's a CV crack addict, and was sorely disappointed by the story.

    My impressions of the game:
    The first environments are B-E-A-Utiful. However, they waver in quality throughout the game (never "bad" though) and they take a serious turn for uninteresting and bland towards the end of the game. I understand why they did it, but it got seriously boring to watch then. Before I was tearing apart the environment construction, but once it got there it was like "woo...>.> (searches net for ref)."

    The first couple enviros (with the exception of the very first) had more of a Legend of Zelda feel to me, don't get me wrong, beautiful, but some of it just reeked LoZ and not CV.

    Story-wise patrick stewart does a great job as you might expect with his VO. Overall it had more of a lord of the rings epicness to it than say what I expect from CV and fighting legions of damned.

    I hate the after credit ending, at least the last half of it. But then again thats just me
    I am not going to spoil it for anyone.

    Overall it is a cool game, worth a rental or at least watching a friend play if you're an environment artist/enthusiast/wannabe or whatever. However, it just never really captured the spirit of CV for me except in a couple of key spots. Other than that, it was just a "for the most part" super pretty game with some good gameplay from what I witnessed/talked with roommate about.

    Also Lament gameplay wasn't bad, imo anyway, but GoW did make it better.

    /my 2 cents
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    eh, I put down this $65 game for a $14 dollar game...Minecraft.

    It's not Castelvania. It's a God of War rip with a Castlevania nametag. Visually amazing, but overall...unimpressed. :/
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