Your Tshirt designs are really cool and have a distinct style to them. Awesome work ... Looking at your older stuff I noticed that your rendering on your digital paintings is REALLY smooth and wondered what brush you were using? I'm assuming you use photoshop ?
Keep it up, Im loving it
I do nothing special, nor do I use any special brush. Everything I do is done with a standard brush, just messing with opacity and size pressure depending on line work or painting. Nothing special at all.
Haha, thanks Wake. Yeah, still very rough and I'm moving on it slowly trying to flesh out the right composition for the idea I have in mind. Here's more:
Well, at the moment none of this stuff has sold. I am unable to fund my own endeavors into printing the shirts/posters for these, so the hope has been someone else would pick them up and purchase the rights from me to print. This, however, has not happened. I've been trying to gage the interest in certain designs, so if I can get a certain interest level which would ensure I at least make my investment back, I'd think about running the prints myself.
That's sad, you have a great design, time will tell you what to do with it and maybe the site where you post them are not the right one's for your design style. But i'm sure that someone will buy it. Let the water flow around!
They're posted in a few different market places. It's really just a patience game. People are only wanting to be cheap and low ball designers for their work, and are only willing to pay $100 or less for a design like these, which isn't even close to enough. Honestly, my asking price for full rights is really low...I generally ask for $250-375, for roughly 8 hours of work on each design. That's very cheap, considering some people in the "business" get paid $800-1200 for shoddy work because of their name. But anyway...
Sigh. I'm terrible at drawing bottles. I don't even know how to progress from here because everything I do trying to define the bottle and the light source, fails. Fuck you glass!
Do you have any of your previous attempts with the bottle saved? I would try and darken up whats behind the octopus, possibly the edges of the bottle as well, then add some sort of highlight over the front. As I said that I was trying to think about how you were going to do it and I would have no idea
Just try a bunch of things and mix and match what you like and don't like. There is no saying it has to be super realistic or anything, its a drawing. Keep up the amazing work
I think the bottle needs to generally have much thinner lines closer to what the octopus has. The cork can have some texture. The bottom has wonky perspective/shapes unless the bottle doesn't have a round bottom. Adding some water inside the bottle would give you a chance for some details with waves and places to add light sources.
The bottle as it stands in that picture is just a mockup for the shape. Don't take that as some finished design. The idea is having water inside, and then of course a lot of detail is lacking.
I've decided I'm probably ditching the bottle and just doing an enlarged version of the octopus. I need help on colors though, I don't know what type of scheme I should do for it -.-
So I added some colors...and kinda like how they work together. Dunno of the color scheme is final, but I'm stippling in highlights to see if I like it. Dunno how I feel about the light color...I mean I really like the color itself, but not sure if adding it in kills the image or not.
thats hot, like the color's! The octopus look like he's floating in the water, add some bubble with little skull(with low opacity) in it and i think this will look bad ass!!! IMO , your ligthing add more contrast to it! But i think that if you want a meanest effect add more shadow.
Funny you mentioned the skull bubbles heh, was kinda my intention. Kinda what I have going now...bubbles, not so sure about as far as placement, but meh. I'm probably doing this as a poster print, and I think I'm fairly set on that now.
Haven’t really been working on this the last few days, doing some drawing stuff with pencil/micron pens/paper. I’m pretty much making it a poster(I don’t think it’d look good on a shirt, but I could mock it up I guess).
I am having some issues deciding what to do to it to make it less bland. The scroll is an idea I like, but it feels empty without text and I really have nothing to put in it .. I’m going to dirty the edges up on green background, but still feel the background needs love.
New dilly I'm starting up -.- I have a few more ideas in the works, including a "To beer or not to beer, that is the question here."-William Shakesbeer shirt.
your illustrations all have such wonderfull fine detailing. eevrything you draw seems perfect, no messy lines, or anything. ur shading is really awesome too
Thanks, although you might not say the same thing if you look at it close up haha. At anything over 100% there's a lot of messiness, and even at 100% there is quite a bit.
It does make it a little easier that for certain things(the filigrees on the sides for instance) I draw on paper and scan in before drawing over the top of in Photoshop. Allows me to keep my lines fairly clean.
And obviously the A won't have the honeycomb lines over it. It'll be cleaned up after I finish the honeycomb. Same with the spider web, the center will be diffused so it's not a dense patch of shittiness as it looks now.
I really meant to get this chugging along sooner so it'd be done before Halloween, but life got in the way -.-. It's going to be based more on the NES game when all is said and done(with a health bar for a child and the number of children remaining), but yeah. Gonna be sporting the amazing purple jumpsuit!
I've done more on the nature filigree thing too, been dicking around with the honeycomb area, but didn't SS just this for now. Shifting focus to it first until it's finished, then I'll go back to the filigree.
More on this. The little Jason on the side is what I'm using as ref, but clearly upgrading it's graphical appearance. Mainly just using it for stand, kinda for clothing, and probably gonna use it for color too. Bed won't be as prevalent in the image as it stands, but it's still black until I finish it. Composition needs to be moved around, and other things added, but chugging through(slowly).
I do nothing special, nor do I use any special brush. Everything I do is done with a standard brush, just messing with opacity and size pressure depending on line work or painting. Nothing special at all.
I think I might be done with this.
Helps more people see them, thus getting me more offers of purchase
Takes a few to sign up, then hit the "Love This" button on the right side. Much appreciated to whomever breaks down and signs up haha
Oh, and same thing with my Behance profile...
hit the "click to appreciate it" button.
I couldn't see what it was until DarkStar pointed it out, but once you put in some color it'll pop instantly. Nice work.
We want more! MORE!
Still chugging along. Lots left.
Got a question for ya. Is your first t-shirt selling well???
More of this.
Sigh. I'm terrible at drawing bottles. I don't even know how to progress from here because everything I do trying to define the bottle and the light source, fails. Fuck you glass!
Just try a bunch of things and mix and match what you like and don't like. There is no saying it has to be super realistic or anything, its a drawing. Keep up the amazing work
Haven’t really been working on this the last few days, doing some drawing stuff with pencil/micron pens/paper. I’m pretty much making it a poster(I don’t think it’d look good on a shirt, but I could mock it up I guess).
I am having some issues deciding what to do to it to make it less bland. The scroll is an idea I like, but it feels empty without text and I really have nothing to put in it .. I’m going to dirty the edges up on green background, but still feel the background needs love.
I'm honestly sick of looking at it haha -.-
New dilly I'm starting up -.- I have a few more ideas in the works, including a "To beer or not to beer, that is the question here."-William Shakesbeer shirt.
Don't know that I'm happy with the symmetry, or if I'm even going to use the right side period, just throwing ideas around.
Spider webs are a pain in the ass to draw on such a small scale(even though the web itself is probably 8 inches wide by 3 or 4 inches tall).
I'm still eagerly awaiting the ability to buy your shirts
It does make it a little easier that for certain things(the filigrees on the sides for instance) I draw on paper and scan in before drawing over the top of in Photoshop. Allows me to keep my lines fairly clean.
The red is a scanned in drawing I did of the new logo I'm going to use for myself...which I'll digitally ink eventually.
Still bouncing back and forth on this.
And obviously the A won't have the honeycomb lines over it. It'll be cleaned up after I finish the honeycomb. Same with the spider web, the center will be diffused so it's not a dense patch of shittiness as it looks now.
Now you've mentioned it, it seems obvious... but It's not how I read it to begin with :P
Haha. Here's the letter by itself...and the design by itself:
I really meant to get this chugging along sooner so it'd be done before Halloween, but life got in the way -.-. It's going to be based more on the NES game when all is said and done(with a health bar for a child and the number of children remaining), but yeah. Gonna be sporting the amazing purple jumpsuit!
I've done more on the nature filigree thing too, been dicking around with the honeycomb area, but didn't SS just this for now. Shifting focus to it first until it's finished, then I'll go back to the filigree.
More on this. The little Jason on the side is what I'm using as ref, but clearly upgrading it's graphical appearance. Mainly just using it for stand, kinda for clothing, and probably gonna use it for color too. Bed won't be as prevalent in the image as it stands, but it's still black until I finish it. Composition needs to be moved around, and other things added, but chugging through(slowly).
This is getting any better, and it's annoying me.