Hey guys, first post/thread on the PolyCount forums!
I've been looking around it for ages and just never got around to signing up, theres been some amazing art work!
Ok so I decided to start creating a new portfolio piece. I want it to be possible to put in game (to show off my low poly modelling skill as well as high poly). so will be following the work flow of: concept -> base mesh (3ds max) -> high poly (zbrush) -> low poly (3ds max).
My Scene will be of a ninja-ish/woman with a sword with a dragon behind her (the dragon is kinda her persona... if that makes any sense).
I'm going to upload my concepts in a minute or so, because I want to see what details you reckon should be in and shouldn't be (im no concept artist though so I'm not looking for critique at this stage.
Hmmm think i'm nearly finished on the sculpting side...
Updated this post with a couple of the latest screenshots:
remember! I'm no concept artist but here goes *gulp*
Thubmnail was tiny so I put in the full size, because polycount has auto resizing afaik...
What I would like to know is what elements I should put in and what I shouldn't. I want something that will be a challenge to model and make people go Wow would you look at that! ^^
Also remember shes facing the camera and there will be a dragon behind her. I aim to make it turntable ofc but I think the initial camera shot tells you a lot about the mood im going for.
Also, her sword at the moment looks too small. Try something like this:
Been a slow process since I've been busy, mainly repairing the house and packing to move to a new house.
I've not been doing anything on it the last few months because I moved house, didn't get the internet for a while, my tablet broke and I was working overtime at work.
So yesterday I picked it up again and will be working on it in my spare time (which isn't very much at the moment )
And I took in the advice of putting my proxy in a better pose for when I port it into zbrush.
After a couple of hours in 3ds max and then a bit of time in zbrush heres what I've got so far:
added some detail to the helm (i wanted it to be a twisted metal crown like thing, but this reminds me more of ivory)
and also shaped and added detail to the feet (think the back claws are off a bit )
Thanks dude... not getting much time to work on it though
did a little engraving on the back of the saddle... I like the bit right at the back, but the head board piece looks a little shit imho
anyone got any better ideas?
Heres a couple of screenshots:
The bits on the tail are armour.
Looking for any feed back before I low poly the hell out of this thing
but the rest of him looks excellent.
I've got work now, a wedding alllllllll day tommorrow followed by a 14.5 hour shift on sunday...
Also on the disconnection that has grown between the ninja idea and dragon sculpt, I propose to either have the dragon as its own model or change the woman...
anyways, I have the saddle to do and the rings but hes pretty much all there, he's at about 14k triangles at the moment, Once all the pieces are there I will start to lower this even further, since I think 14k might be a bit much. I think want to hit some where between 10k-12k for all pieces (maybe less if I can).
thinking on whether or not I should do one large map or two. I reckon two 2048*2048 should do.