DON'T SCRAP YOUR FIRST ENTRY!!! You can do two! I'm sure it doesn't matter if you do two for the same class. The first set of items was great and this one looks even better!
Yeah don't give up on the first one - especially when you're so close to finishing it. One top of that, I can't say that I like the Chinese theme nearly as much.
godamnit why do poeple STILL bother making facial hair. IT WILL NOT LOOK RIGHT and will create horrible clipping with the facial animation and will look like it's "floating" in midair.
(and no, facial animations are shapekey driven not bone driven).
That is one sexy rocket launcher. Maybe add some doodads on the tube part, more dragon spikes or something.
I hope it's going to be textured colorfully!
Maybe have chipping Gold paint on it and call it the Golden Dragon - or Bronze Dragon. (Yellow can be considered a neutral color for TF2, like on the Targe.)
Hope you shoot for the stars on this one...lots of potential.
yeah, i plaeyd with the super patina copper and it just didnt seem "tf2" so i held back and made some flat metal shaders
sadly the only ref for gold is the deadringer and its not so much to my liking for this asset. so i played with copper and burnished steel.
:: update on page 1 ::
Don't do such colour tests without mocking up the Soldier on it! It's very possible that the colours by themselves look good, but don't mesh with the overall colour scheme of the character.
Wow this is amazing! Although I think you may have some serious competition. There are like 2 other Asian soldier themes being made (although it might be only one other)
I really like the Dragon Cannon, and I do hope you win the Soldier entry.
You may want to consider the following: You have less than 16 days to fully complete your entry. You're going to have to go with either your Asian themed items or the Cuban themed items, if you hope to complete your entry on time.
In addition, keep in mind and relate back to the Soldier's play style and history.
If you decide to go with the Cuban theme, you may want to change the melee weapon you chose. The soldier does not typically use blades or knives. When designing the classes of TF2, Valve chose to give every class a unique silhouette with a different theme of items.
Knives are basically a Spy exclusive melee weapon type, just as Medieval weapons are exclusively a Demoman weapon type. There is a conflict in that yes, a Commando Knife is fit for a Soldier, but it also could be Spy based too. Weapons should be designed with the idea that when you look at the item, you can tell right away that this is a _____ class item.
In addition, keep in mind that Valve has likely already considered many times when in production what Soldier's melee weapon should be, both when creating the Shovel and the Equalizer in the Soldier vs Demo update. I'm sure the idea of a Commando Knife has occurred to them several times before, chances are, they've always thrown out the idea because a knife using Soldier conflicts with the uniqueness of a knife using Spy.
If one of your entry items isn't something they want (e.g. Soldier with Knife), they may just rule out your entry in the process of elimination. With either the Cuban theme or the Chinese theme, you'll likely be among the top Soldier finalists that Valve will have to decide on, and then eliminate one by one to choose the Soldier class winner. I can mostly infer that, seeing as how your modeling and texture work is great.
In addition, keep in mind Cuba is known for Communism, and the Soldier's history is very pro Allied nations in WW2. Valve may decide that Communist styled Cuban items may not fit within the history of the Soldier and may eliminate your entry based on that too. (Though they could just as easily like it, depending on their tastes. Valve is rather odd in what they like. If they like it enough, they'll rewrite and add Soldier back story to allow for Cuban themes)
So if you decide to go with the Cuban theme, you got two, potentially three, items drawn out. Rocket Launcher and Hat (if the cigar is part of the hat), or Rocket Launcher, Hat, and Misc Item.
If you go with the Chinese theme, you've got two weapons drawn out, Rocket Launcher and Hat.
In either case, you should submit whatever you don't choose for the Polypack contest as a Community Weapon, and hope it gets chosen as a single item. If you go with the Chinese theme, submit the hat you've modeled in different ways, and hope it gets chosen. Military Hat + Cigar as a single Hat, Military Hat solo in case Valve doesn't want the Cigar, and Cigar solo as a Misc item. Or if you go with Cuban theme, submit the Dragon Launcher as a solo weapon.
Personally, I think the Dragon Launcher is the best designed item you've got listed, and I would go for the Chinese theme, seeing as how an Asian helmet is already in game, Killer Kabuto.
Also, I'm not so sure about the hat you designed. First, it has facial hair, and facial hair is almost impossible to do correctly on TF2. Secondly, the straw hat doesn't have much to do with Soldier's war themed persona and items. We got an Asian hat for Soldier already, which actually has a war theme, Samurai being the typical warriors of feudal Japan. So you may want to design around maybe not making a hat. Instead you may want to design some kind of Chinese Misc Item instead, if you really want to be bold and have 4 items or more in your submission.
For ideas, you may want to rent or stream Mulan and Mulan 2 when you get the time. One of the battle scenes in Mulan uses similar Dragon Launchers, like you've designed already. You could also consider watching Avatar: The Last Airbender fight scenes with the Fire Nation. Most of the Fire Nation's equipment seems to be from China's early industrial age. Though, most of the Fire Nation's weapons use fire, so that may be out of the question, since Pyro is the exclusive user of Fire based weaponry.
Some ideas you may want to consider, the Chinese used blast powder and explosives rather often in many of their weapons, so you may want to design items around that explosive weapon property. After all, Soldier already has an explosive Rocket Launcher. Soldier may not be a Demoman, but it's not a hard stretch for him to use explosives in other weapons. Just make sure that these explosives are grenade in nature, since that seems to be Demoman's style (Sticky Bombs, Grenades, etc)
For example, you could try looking up several pictures of Chinese fireworks or even crude Chinese guns and try to create a Chinese themed explosive shotgun. For example, you may want to model or adapt a standard in game explosion to erupt out of the muzzle of your Chinese shotgun when fired.
In addition, for a Melee weapon, I would try to find a suitable bludgeoning or blunt weapon that has a Chinese feel to it. If you can find a Chinese themed digging weapon, that would also go along with Soldier's existing Shovel and Pickaxe. You could also add a team-colored feather tassel to the handle of the weapon. Someone earlier posted a very cool mace which you could adapt to fit in with TF2's art style.
Good luck with your entry, and I hope my critique helps.
Knives are basically a Spy exclusive melee weapon type, just as Medieval weapons are exclusively a Demoman weapon type. There is a conflict in that yes, a Commando Knife is fit for a Soldier, but it also could be Spy based too. Weapons should be designed with the idea that when you look at the item, you can tell right away that this is a _____ class item.
You seem to miss the point of the commando knife. Let us compare it to the spy's balisong. Note that the balisong is a small, dainty thing, perfectly suited to an operation that would require precision, like a backstab. Now look at the commando knife. Note that it looks much thicker and more cumbersome than the balisong. Can you see this thing being used for a backstab? The commando knife would be likely used to gut a man's stomach open.
The point being you shouldn't say that one class has the monopoly on a specific type of weapon. Think about function, not weapon type when saying who should be using what. The spy's melee weapons are things that can be concealed and used for a quick kill. The soldier's weapons are the bullets not fast enough so melee to the fast type of thing. Do you see the point I'm trying to make here? The two knives are completely different species of weapons.
In addition, keep in mind that Valve has likely already considered many times when in production what Soldier's melee weapon should be, both when creating the Shovel and the Equalizer in the Soldier vs Demo update. I'm sure the idea of a Commando Knife has occurred to them several times before, chances are, they've always thrown out the idea because a knife using Soldier conflicts with the uniqueness of a knife using Spy.
This is where I find your logic to be flawed. I mean, this argument here is so ridiculously interchangeable you can use it for a good 40% of the things submitted in this contest. Do you realize how pretentious it is to say things like this? Despite the fact you have absolutely no idea whether they have or not, you are heavily implying that valve has completely and utterly rejected the concept of a combat knife and they go with your philosophy of who wields the knife.
yes. your all bring up great feedback. due to the time contraints ill probably finish these two and finish my third entery quickly "the trench town warrior)
Trench hat (already done), Mg1 grand(shot gun replacement), and yes, the TRENCH CLUB!.
also i would like to note that winning would be awsome!! it was never my end goal or i would have put A LOT more thought into my entries . im just doing this for fun, and it has been a BLAST so far. I cant thank you peeps enough for the input you've all given. polycount has always been a good place to compare art standpoints.
almost finished with the "Cuban cammando" pack. will post final images soon
This. A thousand times over.
Also the first set was great, don't scrap it.
facial hair is better as a misc.
(and no, facial animations are shapekey driven not bone driven).
I hope it's going to be textured colorfully!
Maybe have chipping Gold paint on it and call it the Golden Dragon - or Bronze Dragon. (Yellow can be considered a neutral color for TF2, like on the Targe.)
Hope you shoot for the stars on this one...lots of potential.
sadly the only ref for gold is the deadringer and its not so much to my liking for this asset. so i played with copper and burnished steel.
:: update on page 1 ::
As it seems a bit more..robust´
Oooor, a broken/end of a "Monk Spade"
Just cause it's a..deadlier shovel
time for some research
Perhaps a blade like this? Plus the tassel will make a nice excuse for jiggle bones.
Maybe these pics will give ya some interesting ideas. I'm a fan of the spear.
Maybe a hook sword
Or part of chinese spear.
Well, damn. I got mixed up when I saw his Katana. Do you want to go for a Gyan dao with the staff broken off?
You may want to consider the following: You have less than 16 days to fully complete your entry. You're going to have to go with either your Asian themed items or the Cuban themed items, if you hope to complete your entry on time.
In addition, keep in mind and relate back to the Soldier's play style and history.
If you decide to go with the Cuban theme, you may want to change the melee weapon you chose. The soldier does not typically use blades or knives. When designing the classes of TF2, Valve chose to give every class a unique silhouette with a different theme of items.
Knives are basically a Spy exclusive melee weapon type, just as Medieval weapons are exclusively a Demoman weapon type. There is a conflict in that yes, a Commando Knife is fit for a Soldier, but it also could be Spy based too. Weapons should be designed with the idea that when you look at the item, you can tell right away that this is a _____ class item.
In addition, keep in mind that Valve has likely already considered many times when in production what Soldier's melee weapon should be, both when creating the Shovel and the Equalizer in the Soldier vs Demo update. I'm sure the idea of a Commando Knife has occurred to them several times before, chances are, they've always thrown out the idea because a knife using Soldier conflicts with the uniqueness of a knife using Spy.
If one of your entry items isn't something they want (e.g. Soldier with Knife), they may just rule out your entry in the process of elimination. With either the Cuban theme or the Chinese theme, you'll likely be among the top Soldier finalists that Valve will have to decide on, and then eliminate one by one to choose the Soldier class winner. I can mostly infer that, seeing as how your modeling and texture work is great.
In addition, keep in mind Cuba is known for Communism, and the Soldier's history is very pro Allied nations in WW2. Valve may decide that Communist styled Cuban items may not fit within the history of the Soldier and may eliminate your entry based on that too. (Though they could just as easily like it, depending on their tastes. Valve is rather odd in what they like. If they like it enough, they'll rewrite and add Soldier back story to allow for Cuban themes)
So if you decide to go with the Cuban theme, you got two, potentially three, items drawn out. Rocket Launcher and Hat (if the cigar is part of the hat), or Rocket Launcher, Hat, and Misc Item.
If you go with the Chinese theme, you've got two weapons drawn out, Rocket Launcher and Hat.
In either case, you should submit whatever you don't choose for the Polypack contest as a Community Weapon, and hope it gets chosen as a single item. If you go with the Chinese theme, submit the hat you've modeled in different ways, and hope it gets chosen. Military Hat + Cigar as a single Hat, Military Hat solo in case Valve doesn't want the Cigar, and Cigar solo as a Misc item. Or if you go with Cuban theme, submit the Dragon Launcher as a solo weapon.
Personally, I think the Dragon Launcher is the best designed item you've got listed, and I would go for the Chinese theme, seeing as how an Asian helmet is already in game, Killer Kabuto.
Also, I'm not so sure about the hat you designed. First, it has facial hair, and facial hair is almost impossible to do correctly on TF2. Secondly, the straw hat doesn't have much to do with Soldier's war themed persona and items. We got an Asian hat for Soldier already, which actually has a war theme, Samurai being the typical warriors of feudal Japan. So you may want to design around maybe not making a hat. Instead you may want to design some kind of Chinese Misc Item instead, if you really want to be bold and have 4 items or more in your submission.
For ideas, you may want to rent or stream Mulan and Mulan 2 when you get the time. One of the battle scenes in Mulan uses similar Dragon Launchers, like you've designed already. You could also consider watching Avatar: The Last Airbender fight scenes with the Fire Nation. Most of the Fire Nation's equipment seems to be from China's early industrial age. Though, most of the Fire Nation's weapons use fire, so that may be out of the question, since Pyro is the exclusive user of Fire based weaponry.
Some ideas you may want to consider, the Chinese used blast powder and explosives rather often in many of their weapons, so you may want to design items around that explosive weapon property. After all, Soldier already has an explosive Rocket Launcher. Soldier may not be a Demoman, but it's not a hard stretch for him to use explosives in other weapons. Just make sure that these explosives are grenade in nature, since that seems to be Demoman's style (Sticky Bombs, Grenades, etc)
For example, you could try looking up several pictures of Chinese fireworks or even crude Chinese guns and try to create a Chinese themed explosive shotgun. For example, you may want to model or adapt a standard in game explosion to erupt out of the muzzle of your Chinese shotgun when fired.
In addition, for a Melee weapon, I would try to find a suitable bludgeoning or blunt weapon that has a Chinese feel to it. If you can find a Chinese themed digging weapon, that would also go along with Soldier's existing Shovel and Pickaxe. You could also add a team-colored feather tassel to the handle of the weapon. Someone earlier posted a very cool mace which you could adapt to fit in with TF2's art style.
Good luck with your entry, and I hope my critique helps.
The point being you shouldn't say that one class has the monopoly on a specific type of weapon. Think about function, not weapon type when saying who should be using what. The spy's melee weapons are things that can be concealed and used for a quick kill. The soldier's weapons are the bullets not fast enough so melee to the fast type of thing. Do you see the point I'm trying to make here? The two knives are completely different species of weapons.
This is where I find your logic to be flawed. I mean, this argument here is so ridiculously interchangeable you can use it for a good 40% of the things submitted in this contest. Do you realize how pretentious it is to say things like this? Despite the fact you have absolutely no idea whether they have or not, you are heavily implying that valve has completely and utterly rejected the concept of a combat knife and they go with your philosophy of who wields the knife.
But I digress.
Trench hat (already done), Mg1 grand(shot gun replacement), and yes, the TRENCH CLUB!.
also i would like to note that winning would be awsome!! it was never my end goal or i would have put A LOT more thought into my entries
This is the latest update.
He's been posting them on the front page. You should post your updates on the newest page graff! More people will see them that way!
you are too kind
heres my melee for the chinese theme
Looking good. MUCH better than the baby Katana you had before.