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TF2 - Polypack - nrek



  • Batt
    The knife looks really great, apart from the handle being a little too thick for his hand I'd say it's finished. The club on the other hand feels too out of place. I don't know how else to put it, really. Just seems kinda silly when compared to such a sleek looking knife.
  • JigglesMcGee
    The knife looks a bit too clean and shiny.
  • Tinker
    They both look great.
    The club does seem a bit out of place. I don't think the Sniper would beat someone to death with a club. ...

    "Feelins'? Look mate, you know who has a lot of feelings?" ..."Blokes what bludgeon their wife to death with a golf trophy. Professionals have standards."
    (Meet the Sniper)

    I also agree that the knife is too clean.
  • Psyke
    REKLAS wrote: »
    The club does seem a bit out of place. I don't think the Sniper would beat someone to death with a club. ...

    "Feelins'? Look mate, you know who has a lot of feelings?" ..."Blokes what bludgeon their wife to death with a golf trophy. Professionals have standards."
    (Meet the Sniper)

    he might kill an animal with it...?

    plus the sniper in the video is alot nicer than the one on the game.
  • nrek
    Offline / Send Message
    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Ok great, thanks for the feedback guys. I will go ahead and finish the knife up when I get a chance. It looks clean right now because they both just have flat colors and AO on them.
  • Djokson
    The club looks so much more original and interesting than the knife, IMO, you should use it.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    If it's a choice between that ugly club and the sleek shiny knife then I'd definitely choose the knife. I still think you're not exploring the Croc Jaw thing enough (That club isn't really a jaw at all) but as it's been pointed out the knife fits with the professionalism of the sniper.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    I'm liking that knife a lot more than the club.
  • Hotdogbunker
    The club is a refreshing change from the usual and you should definitely include it in your pack no matter what. Valve can decide if it's fit for the game. (I think it is) So nrek, I've gotta say that I really love this polycount pack you're making. I've sent pictures of your update to tons of my friends; they agree that it's got a great chance of getting in. Good luck!
  • Simski
    I don't like the club at all, it doesn't look a lot like something Sniper would use :S

    I seriously hope you win this Sniper entry though.
    I love the Crocback, the Dart Rifle, and the Croc hat.

    The knife I'm not so sure about, yet.... but keep up the good work.
    This is totally my favorite Sniper entry so far.
  • eXistance
    Not feelin the club but the knife looks amazing!
  • ScudzAlmighty
    I really like the knife, therefore i recomend submitting the club;)
  • Khthon
    Club is unique and my preference, but I understand you choosing the conformity of a knife for the pack. Never know how Valve will take to the originality.
  • Simski
    Khthon wrote: »
    Club is unique and my preference, but I understand you choosing the conformity of a knife for the pack. Never know how Valve will take to the originality.
    I think the Knife fits Sniper's personality and the Australian stereotype better, and is therefor a better option.

    The only thing I think he really needs to make it more "rugged".
    I assume this theme is supposed to make him look like a over the top crocodile hunter, with the two items made from a crocodile and the poisoned needles... so the knife would fit in perfectly, if it just looked a bit more savagely.

    The club however, strays from this theme and looks too unprofessional for Sniper's personality.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    You've got them both in game and looking pretty decent. Why not just submit both of them?
  • Khthon
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I am definitely going with the knife over the club so I went ahead and finished the textures on it. Since then I have also started working on my presentation image. Here is a little taste of whats to come, let me know what you think.

  • eXistance
    I love the poster. Now finish that knife!
  • Khthon
    Great stuff.

    Maybe in the selling image have a reference to Captain Hook's crocodile? His hand was eaten by a crocodile. Something along the lines of "Tick Tock Here Comes the Croc"
    Hook wears a big iron hook in place of his hand, which was cut off by Peter Pan and eaten by a saltwater crocodile. The crocodile liked the taste so much that he follows Hook around constantly, hoping for more. Luckily for Hook, the crocodile also swallowed a clock, so Hook can tell from the ticking when he is near.
  • Eyebrows Mulligan
    jgoodroad wrote: »
    I like my knifes like I like my heavys...

    perhaps larger then what you have now... as large as you can make one without it just being silly... SO large it doesn't even look like a knife... but some kind of super sword-knife hybrid...

    perhaps I am just crazy...

    Valve is already saving this idea for the 10th class though. The anime protagonist class.
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Ok one more update before work. And Khthon, I will see what I can do. Thanks for the suggestions.

  • Norron
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    Norron polycounter lvl 13
    Freaking love it. Great work!
  • Mico27
    Hahaha love the "Hale's Angels" achievements! sounds like "Hell's angels" but refers to charlie's angels :p
  • MegaMoogle
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    MegaMoogle polycounter lvl 9
    Mmmm....Down Under Thunder....makes me think of....the Thunder Down Under...thunder-down-under.jpg

    But in all seriousness, awesome work, nrek!
  • The Scrub
    I like this PP
    I'd equip the DDS anytime if it weren't just a Razorback but Valve always seems keen to asign new attributes to the community weapons (this ain't communism after all!)
  • Boylee
    If this doesn't go official I will cry.
  • Pogo
    Love the promo page, really looks genuine!
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Looking awesome! Is there some template available for making those update things or did you do it from scratch using Valve's as a reference?
  • Khthon
    Oh goodness...don't give Valve any ideas about achievements requiring three snipers on one team - they might listen, and we'll all suffer for it. :(
  • Galago
    I love it! I say remove the achievements though, only because they're fake, while everything else is genuine awesome! My favorite pack of the contest, great job.
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    I think achievements are part of the rules, Galago.
    EDIT: Actually, I'm wrong Galago, my mistake

    I'll cry if this doesn't get added into the game.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Since when are achievements a part of the rules?
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    I thought they were? I'ma have to read over them again :P

    EDIT: it says "Correctly completed Notes Template" and aren't they normally part of it?
  • Zipfinator
    Offline / Send Message
    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    The notes template is just the link to your PC thread, your PC username and your Polycount Pack name. You don't have to make any kind of website graphic at all or come up with anything other than 3D art.
  • Simski
    The Knife looks awesome now :3
    I absolutely love this entry, I badly hope you take home the win :O

    Ps, is the pocketed darts a misc item or do they come with the rifle the same way the arrows on Smiper's back comes with the Huntsman? I would prefer it to be the latter.
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    ahhh okay. I like the web graphics though.
  • Simski
    ZacD wrote: »
    I thought they were? I'ma have to read over them again :P

    EDIT: it says "Correctly completed Notes Template" and aren't they normally part of it?

    I don't think so... not sure though.
    None of the other entries have achievements though, so probably not.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah I like the web graphics with writing and achievements too but they're certainly not required.
  • Khthon
    Achievement ideas for fun-

    Tranq-n-Shank - Tranquilize an enemy with the Sydney Sleeper, then finish them with your Melee.

    Pirate Eater
    - Kill 10 enemy Demomen who have (Canon unlock) equipped while you have Darwin's Danger Shield equipped.
    (Lots of canon unlocks in this contest.)

    Tick Tock Here Comes the Croc - Kill 25 enemies while wearing Darwin's Danger Shield.

    Darwin Beats Lenin - Kill and enemy Heavy while wearing Darwin's Danger Shield

    He Likes the Way You Taste... - Kill an enemy you're Dominating while wearing Darwin's Danger Shield.

    Knifey vs Spoony - After being hit by enemy melee switch to the Bushwacka and kill them in one hit.

    Darwinian Evolutionary Arms Race - After being killed by a Sniper wearing Darwin's Danger Shield switch to Sniper and equip Darwin's Danger Shield.

    Crocs in the Sewers... - Kill 10 enemies in the Sewers on 2fort while wearing Darwin's Danger Shield.

    Survival of the Frailest - Kill 50 Heavies, Soldiers and Demomen combined with the Sydney Sleeper.

    Descended from Criminals - Steal ammunition from 50 fallen weapons.

    Carnivorous - Kill an enemy Heavy and eat his Sandvich.

    He Sees you When You're Sleeping - Shoot a tranquilized enemy 3 times with the Sydney Sleeper without them dying or the tranquilizer effect wearing off.

    He Knows When You're Awake - In the same second that the tranquilizer will wear off melee an enemy to death.

    Sleeping Around Like a Bloody Idiot - Tranquilize an enemy Spy.

    Monsoon Immune
    - Survive an enemy Sniper's Jarate while wearing Darwin's Danger Shield.

    Throw Another Shrimp On the Barbey - Assist friendly Pyros in killing 10 Scouts with the Sydney Sleeper.

    Australia Jones and the Temple of MPHMMMM - Kill an enemy Pyro with the Sydney Sleeper then who airblasted you in the last 5 seconds.

    Scout-Back Ache-House - Shoot a Scout with less than 10% health in the back with the Sydney Sleeper, killing him.

    Zookeeper Sleeper - Tranquilize one of every class with the Sydney Sleeper.

    That Ain't a Knife, THIS is a Knife - Kill an enemy Sniper wielding the Kukri or Tribalman's Shiv with the Bushwaka.

    Crocodile Dun-Pee - Jarate 20 enemies while wearing Darwin's Danger Shield.

    Alligators Vs Crocodiles - Kill an enemy Sniper while both of you are wearing Darwin's Danger Shield.

    Crocodillian Reptilians - Assist another Sniper in killing 3 enemies while both of you have Darwin's Danger Shield equipped.

    Cold Blooded - Kill 5 Pyros while you have Darwin's Danger Shield equipped.

    Rabbit Season - Kill 50 Scouts with the Sydney Sleeper.

    Bear Season - Kill 50 Heavies with the Sydney Sleeper.

    Cyclops Season - Kill 50 Demomen with the Sydney Sleeper.

    Eagle Season - Kill 50 Soldiers with the Sydney Sleeper.
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Wow Khthon, thanks for the plethora of ideas. I will definitely have to snag a few of those :poly121:

    Zipfinator - There is no template that I am aware of. I have just been looking at all the previous updates and picking out stuff I like. I based mine primarily off of the soldier/demo update.

    Galago - Glad you enjoy the pack:) . I don't see any reason to remove the achievements though, I mean everything on this page is fake. If it helps make my presentation feel just a little bit more authentic then I might as well keep it. And who knows maybe valve will want to add more achievements latter on down the road.

    Simski - I am doing the dart pouch as a misc item : /. Mainly because I didn't have it done when I rigged my model and sent it out to Sparkwire for animating. I hope it's not a big deal :(

    Thanks again for all the wonderful comments everyone, it is very much appreciated. I need to get a power nap in before I finish this thing. But if all goes according to plan this should be wrapped up tonight/tomorrow morning.
  • En Ex
    Are you going to implement the airpuff particle when firing the rifle?

    This is my favorite pack in the contest so far, BTW.
  • eXistance
    I'm glad you're wrapping things up! I hope this pack wins!
  • Contrails
    Great stuff... hope to see these in game :)
  • Twigbag
    You win. Valve, he wins!
  • Simski
    nrek wrote: »
    Simski - I am doing the dart pouch as a misc item : /. Mainly because I didn't have it done when I rigged my model and sent it out to Sparkwire for animating. I hope it's not a big deal :(
    Darn :(

    I just think people might think it's a little boring as a misc item, especially since it's an accessory built on your new weapon rather than the Snipers personality.
    It would be like having the Huntsman arrows on Sniper's back as a misc item, it wouldn't make much sense when he's wielding the Sniper Rifle.

    I also think that it would look nice on the opposite side of Sniper's vest alongside the medal...
  • Blueplastic
    This is beautiful...you could update your first post with this fake update :D
  • Khthon
    nrek wrote: »
    Wow Khthon, thanks for the plethora of ideas. I will definitely have to snag a few of those :poly121:

    Glad to help! :poly142:

    Valve could rig the darts to his pocket when he equips the Sydney Sleeper themselves if they want anyways.
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    YES! I am done, just finished submitting all my items ( i hope it went ok). I still need to add all the fancy descriptions to this image but I am too tired. I will get back to that a little later. Thanks for all the support guys, this was/is an awesome contest.

    Here is the near final presentation sheet.

  • Simski
    I wish it said "Shaved Bear Season" as a reference to that voiceline by Scout :D!!
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