It's an item that you're submitting to a competition. Of course it needs detail (yet still be fitting for TF2). If you say that something on your model is supposed to be metal and it looks like rubber instead, then there's a problem with either your diffuse or specular, or possibly the material you are using for that piece.
0:dead and on the floor.
25:Being Held
50:Sapping a Teleporter (or Teleporter Replacement) or Being Healed By Medic
75:Sapping Dispencer (or Discpenser Replacement)
100:Sapping Sentry (or Sentry Replacement) or Being Ubered By Medic
The the edge loops and intersections on your blade add unneeded triangles.
It's best not to have a ton of edges converge on one vertex like that or it will fight with your texture.
Wow! Thanks! That's really helpful! But the more I look at it the more I think of scraping it and starting over. This contest is until July, so I have time, the Gun and the PDA are practically over, but the knife just bugs me somehow!
Wow! Thanks! That's really helpful! But the more I look at it the more I think of scraping it and starting over. This contest is until July, so I have time, the Gun and the PDA are practically over, but the knife just bugs me somehow!
Don't scrap the idea! You say you'll have time now, but before you know it you're going to run out of time. I've had some time management issues myself when I first learned how to model and trust me, when you reach that last week before the deadline you're going to wish that you had everything figured out weeks ago. Modeling takes time and practice. Learn from your mistakes now so you'll make less later on and hopefully eliminate them!
I'm not a big fan of the gun, it doesn't really "feel" right. The trigger guard is way too big compared to the rather flimsy barrels and it makes the gun look oddly proportioned and not in a good way.
I'd suggest looking at some real guns and taking inspirations from them, I feel the gun would have more character if it for example had some stylistic inspiration from the volcanic repeater pistols, especially in the area where the barrels meet the rest of the gun. I'd also think it'd look better if the barrels were a sort of over-under style instead of side by side, but that's a matter of opinion.
That said, I really like the knife and the pda thingy.
Actually he's not. It's pretty blatant when you posted all three, the knife and the gun are a completely different style from the Saboteur. The specular, the fine detailing, even the modeling detail is different between the three.
Actually he's not. It's pretty blatant when you posted all three, the knife and the gun are a completely different style from the Saboteur. The specular, the fine detailing, even the modeling detail is different between the three.
The Saboteur isn't finished yet. It was a fast render just to show the colors, as always I ask for suggestion in the forums. I want to polish the gun and the knife, then go to the PDA.
The Saboteur isn't finished yet. It was a fast render just to show the colors, as always I ask for suggestion in the forums. I want to polish the gun and the knife, then go to the PDA.
I would suggest that as it stands now, the Saboteur is actually the closest to the TF2 style over the other two items.
I think you should keep working on the Fleur De' Lis instead of making an entire new gun.
Working on it means trashing the UVW unwrap map, which I'm sick of. Maybe it's just the perfectionist in me, but the more I see all my models , the more I see imperfections! Anyone has this syndrome?
I am not even a novice at modeling, but I think either gun would look better if there was a gradual change from your boxy shapes and your rounded shapes. Most guns that I am thinking of either lean one way or another: very square or very curvy. Think about the difference between the common 9mm pistol and the revolver. I do think that the saboteur looks fitting to the TF2 world and great to boot!
Also, I do agree with the comment about the volcanic pistols. I think the Fleur de Lys would benefit from the vertical arrangement of the barrels to improve the profile in regards to the stark contrast between the barrel shape and the gun body shape.
Working on it means trashing the UVW unwrap map, which I'm sick of. Maybe it's just the perfectionist in me, but the more I see all my models , the more I see imperfections! Anyone has this syndrome?
I know exactly what you mean. I'm not a modeler but I can get like that with my artworks. Still, I liked what you had going with the other revolver and knife, the darker shades gave them an eerie, dark theme, if you added something a bit darker, beat up, or shadier to The Saboteur you'd have yourself a nice pack. Maybe the shades are a bit extreme for TF2 but it just seems like it perfectly fits the Blood Letter knife, maybe lightening up the textures a little bit would be good but keeping the knife darker than usual in general will give it a very eerie feel that could really seal the deal.
I am not even a novice at modeling, but I think either gun would look better if there was a gradual change from your boxy shapes and your rounded shapes. Most guns that I am thinking of either lean one way or another: very square or very curvy. Think about the difference between the common 9mm pistol and the revolver. I do think that the saboteur looks fitting to the TF2 world and great to boot!
Also, I do agree with the comment about the volcanic pistols. I think the Fleur de Lys would benefit from the vertical arrangement of the barrels to improve the profile in regards to the stark contrast between the barrel shape and the gun body shape.
Working on it means trashing the UVW unwrap map, which I'm sick of. Maybe it's just the perfectionist in me, but the more I see all my models , the more I see imperfections! Anyone has this syndrome?
Looks cool. I still think the trigger guard is somewhat fat, though.
Also, is there any way you could get the cylinder to look somewhat plausible for two barrels?
Don't feel awkward, you're still learning.
The the edge loops and intersections on your blade add unneeded triangles.
It's best not to have a ton of edges converge on one vertex like that or it will fight with your texture.
Don't scrap the idea! You say you'll have time now, but before you know it you're going to run out of time. I've had some time management issues myself when I first learned how to model and trust me, when you reach that last week before the deadline you're going to wish that you had everything figured out weeks ago. Modeling takes time and practice. Learn from your mistakes now so you'll make less later on and hopefully eliminate them!
however you say it guage,gauge,blah,its a thing that shows percentages on a thing.
they're about as realistic as the ambassador and such
they fit perfect. it's just something that deviates from spies regular stuff.
I'd suggest looking at some real guns and taking inspirations from them, I feel the gun would have more character if it for example had some stylistic inspiration from the volcanic repeater pistols, especially in the area where the barrels meet the rest of the gun. I'd also think it'd look better if the barrels were a sort of over-under style instead of side by side, but that's a matter of opinion.
That said, I really like the knife and the pda thingy.
Actually he's not. It's pretty blatant when you posted all three, the knife and the gun are a completely different style from the Saboteur. The specular, the fine detailing, even the modeling detail is different between the three.
I would suggest that as it stands now, the Saboteur is actually the closest to the TF2 style over the other two items.
makes it look like a snap together gun that alot of spy types might possess
Also, I do agree with the comment about the volcanic pistols. I think the Fleur de Lys would benefit from the vertical arrangement of the barrels to improve the profile in regards to the stark contrast between the barrel shape and the gun body shape.
I think I do
i like this revolver more then the other gun.
Something like
Don't likey...too modern...
not TF2-style
Also, is there any way you could get the cylinder to look somewhat plausible for two barrels?