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  • m00k
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    m00k polycounter lvl 6
    @Justo there is a distinction between the selected object and the active object. While the active object is both selected and active. The selected objects are just that, selected.

    i believe luis is just seperating the objects which don't have the type mesh. Like lamps etc. Since those are not needed and can cause errors.

    Most operators in blender operate only on the active selection just like you were to select it with the mouse in the viewport. And since there can be only one active object at a time you need to iterate the active selection.

    Here is a simple script I made to iterate through all selected objects, make them active and apply low poly smoothing

    import bpy
    for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects:
    	bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = ob
    	bpy.context.object.data.use_auto_smooth = True
    	bpy.context.object.data.auto_smooth_angle = 3.14159
    Edit: Fixed code indentation (Thanks justo)
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    Amazing! I was missing that that view_layer.objects.active = ob line, thank you m00k!

    Also, about setting code in here in the forums, it can be confusing sometimes how to do so without the page destroying your indentations haha. What I do is go to a new line, type crap like ojifdg, highlight that and make it into the code format, and then replace that with my actual code: this way the code spaces are preserved.
  • LuisCherubini
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    LuisCherubini interpolator
    @MACHIN3 Thanks a lot for the tip.
    Justo said:
    @LuisCherubini Thoroughly enjoyed watching you model those buildings, thanks for sharing. What was the light setup you were using in that eevee scene? Resembled like an sunrise/afternoon-light hitting the city, kinda :) 

    Its the second HDR on the look-dev mode, resembles London I think.  A fill light to give the base sky (blueish), and a inclined sun lamp with warm temperature.
  • Udjani
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    Udjani interpolator
    Is possible to turn off the prompt when you open and close blender?
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Is there any reason that these directional lines are so long on lights? Is there any way to change the length? On some scenes - depending on object scale - these lines shoot off screen and I have to zoom out really far just to see the ends of them.

    Edit: seems that scaling them on Z is the only hacky workaround I can find. Very annoying default.

  • xrg
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    xrg polycounter lvl 10

    Edit -> User Preferences -> Save & Load -> uncheck Save Prompt

  • Udjani
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    Udjani interpolator
    @xrg Not that one, this one when you open blender.

  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    The Edge Flow addon doesn't seem to want to install for me in the official 2.8 release. Anyone know of a way to get it working?

  • xrg
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    xrg polycounter lvl 10
    Udjani said:
    @xrg Not that one, this one when you open blender.

    Oh, heh. It's been so long since I used Windows I forgot it even did that. They really should figure out a way to get rid of it entirely.

    This post says it's in Window -> Toggle System Console. It may have moved in 2.8, though. You also might need to save the startup file (File->Defaults->Save Startup File) to make it permanent.
  • another caveman
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    another caveman greentooth
    Would anyone have a fix for having your other blender windows be on top as well ? (and so brought back when you switch back to your regular Blender window) bugs me ! :anguished:
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    There are so many Blender threads being created nowadays in the Technical Talk forums, I love it...

    Can someone enlighten me as for smart uses of median center vs bounding box center when using pivots? I understand their difference being the following, taken from here:
    -The Median center is calculated as the average of all selected points ( vertices or object centers ) so it depends on the density distribution of the mesh
    -The bounding box : is the smallest box (Cube ) that can contain the mesh of an object while aligned to the local space
    -The bounding Box center will always be at the center of this bounding box regardless of the density distribution of the mesh inside

    ...That's all good, but I was wondering what specific cases would the median center be needed for. Like, for getting certain shapes or operations. Because I've never really had a use for it and feel like I can do without it. I just wondered if anyone heavily relied on it for certain ops, so I could learn something new. 

  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator


    bounding box
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    @SnowInChina maybe this example illustrates it better (any irregular shape will do):

    The Median center is the average of all points, so it will prioritize clusters of points because they pull the average towards themselves. It's at the point of most density.
    The Bounding-Box center prioritizes the minimum/maximum of all points, so it's at center of the volume of the shape.
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    actually i wanted to show, that if you are working with circular objects, you should always work with median point, if they are geometrical circles
    working with the bounding box does not guarantee you that you are actually working with the exact center, it depends on the vertex count of the circle as well as the rotation since the bounding box is calculated on the furthest away vertex and not on a mathematical circle, which is an issue for rotating parts (wobbling)
    i assumed that was clear, next time i will specify
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    I hadn't notice that, that's a nice tip. If the shape is supposed to be "even" in all directions (a radial shape, like a circle), then manipulating it from the median center will probably be better than the bounding box. 
    With irregular shapes (maybe something organic), depending on what you want to do, it's best to test each center and see where they are first.
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    The Bounding-Box center prioritizes the minimum/maximum of all points, so it's at center of the volume of the shape.
    that's not correct, its at the center of the bounding box (y1+y1)/2; (x1+x2)/2; (z1+z2)/2, not the shape, its not linked to the volume, and doesn't take into account all vertices, only the ones that have the lowest and highest x,y&z value
    you can test it yourself, if you create a random shape and move vertices around without moving them past your furthest points in x,y&z, your center point will stay the same, best way to visualize that would be to take your object and build a cardboard box around it, as close as possible.
    at some point you will touch your object and cannot move the sides any closer, that is your bounding box and from there you take the exact middle of all planes and shoot a line at a 90° angle inwards, where they meet is your center point

    personally i almost never use the bounding box

    edit: another way to think about is, when you visualize your model in a 3d space with the x y & z axis
    the bounding box looks for the minimum and maximum points on each axis, this point is always a vertex, since you cannot have curved edges or faces in polymodeling.
    so when you rotate your model all points get shifted and your bounding box changes (as far as i know the bounding box is local, so rotation in object mode actually rotates the bounding box with it, rotating in edit mode does not rotate the bounding box and your center point will shift on every model, except for some geometrical forms)

    sorry to stress this, but i've seen a lot of models where they messed this up and it needed to be fixed later on
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Here's something that should be simple but isn't : 

    Starting from a set of curves (either of the "2D" or "3D" kind in Blender terms), how does one generate a surface from that while still keeping the curves independantly editable, and with the surface updating itself either in real-time or at the very least at press of a button so that edits can be done easily ? Basically, how does one perform a lathe/loft ?

    (of course it would be possible to convert these curves to mesh, then merge, then bridge/fill, but that's besides the point here unless that can be done in one click ...)

    Also : is there a way to apply all modifiers of all currently selected objects, in one click ?
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    on object creation, go under surfaces and create nurbs surfaces, or nurbs curve and connect them

    alt + c -> mesh from curve
    this way you can also apply all modifiers on multiple meshes
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    @SnowInChina - sorry, these instructions probably make sense but they are too vague to follow when trying to figure this stuff out in the first place.
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    i am still on 2.79 and the shortcut doesn't work anymore on 2.8
    still need to find some time to make the switch to 2.8, right now i don't feel comfortable working on projects since so much changed

    for the curve surface part
    you should start with a surface type object
    you can bridge these curves with "F"
    the system is not perfect and i didn't fiddle with it too much, so i am no expert with this whatsoever

    and on 2.79 you could apply all modifiers by clicking "alt+c -> mesh from curve"
    you would have to search for the new shortcut in 2.8 though since it doesn't work anymore

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    No worries - I use both myself as they have different strengths and weaknesses.
    On the topic of curve patching : looks like this is actually not possible at all, as all topics online refer to converting to mesh and adding faces from there - which I am of course aware of but not what I am looking for.

    Still curious about collapsing modifiers on multiple objects at the same time.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    rollin said:
    I have the problem where I can't do anything in the viewport. 
    The outliner does not react except the eye-icons work.
    Keymap in the preferences is an empty screen.
    Hovering over one of the buttons on the right screen gives "Internal Error" Toolttips
    The remaining interface seems to work normally but I haven't thoroughly checked.

    Testing with  Rc2 atm.

    Anyone had similar stuff happening?
    Hello me,
    so your problem is that your python install(ations) are bit strange and blender 2.8 is using the wrong one.
    The reason the debug batch files (like 'blender_debug_gpu_glitchworkaround.cmd') is because they clear the windows 'PYTHONPATH=' variable.
    So I made a minimum batch file which does just that and allows to be called with parameters which will get forwarded to blender

    @echo off
    echo Starting blender with PYTHONPATH=''
    %~dp0\blender %*

  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    @pior this is your best option at the moment:

    EDIT: I have to say it's a bit weird for me right now in the current 2.8 release. I don't get the menu to adjust spans after creating a surface from curves.
  • m00k
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    m00k polycounter lvl 6
    @pior snowinchina means this function.

    It says from curve or whatever but you can use it on a mesh with modifiers just as well. It will apply all your modifiers.
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    m00k said:
    @pior snowinchina means this function.

    It says from curve or whatever but you can use it on a mesh with modifiers just as well. It will apply all your modifiers.
    thanks mate, thats what i was looking for in 2.8 :)
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey that's pretty cool ! Had no idea this would take care of modifiers as well, neat :)

    Also Curves2mesh sure has some great potential. Thanks !
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    I have to say Blender is really great and 2.8 did the amazing thing that it just clicked - for me at least.
    So I thought I do a small project from modelling, unwrapping, rigging, skinning, scripting. You know, the usual stuff I do with max.
    The aim is to improve my overall speed with the tool.

    But - of course - it wouldn't be Blender without some headaches..

    Weight painting for example! Imo this sucks in vanilla Blender atm.
    (Found your thread pior ;) https://blenderartists.org/t/weight-painting-questions-from-a-modeler/664143)
    I found this addon though: https://gumroad.com/l/weight_paint_tools
    Looks quite nice for the usual symmetry stuff
    Do you guys know some more?

    Also I seem to be unable to find the Vertex Weights panel: Has anyone seen it in 2.8?

    But there's one thing I can't stand and I couldn't find a workaround yet:
    You can't see the weighting on the vertices as you can in max. This makes it impossible to weight in wireframe mode and it's impossible to see how the weights on backfaces or otherwise obstructed parts behave. 

    And as I want to get into scripting too I just picked this as a reason to start building my first tool:

    Take That blender nonsense (to be continued)
  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    rollin said:
    Also I seem to be unable to find the Vertex Weights panel: Has anyone seen it in 2.8?

    But there's one thing I can't stand and I couldn't find a workaround yet:
    You can't see the weighting on the vertices as you can in max. This makes it impossible to weight in wireframe mode and it's impossible to see how the weights on backfaces or otherwise obstructed parts behave. 

    And as I want to get into scripting too I just picked this as a reason to start building my first tool:

    Take That blender nonsense (to be continued)
    Vertex weights should show up on the "n"-panel item tab, it's hidden if you don't select a vertex and it only show the last selected vertex, dosn't work for box select etc.
    It's quite weird or I just don't understand it correctly, but I would expect to see averaged values and being able to make changes for the whole selection not just the last one.

    Yes the default weight shading in wireless view is next to useless. Vertex or edge colouring would be very useful.
  • m00k
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    m00k polycounter lvl 6
    Seems someone was trying to develop weight shaded wireframe view back in '14. It almost got committed but not quite. You can look at the blender developer article here:

  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    m00k said:
    Seems someone was trying to develop weight shaded wireframe view back in '14. It almost got committed but not quite. You can look at the blender developer article here:

    This looks nice. So how does this blender development work. Do I have to vote for this feature?
    Also it seems to be not thought through yet. The wires are colored, which is nice but the verts need it more desperately. 
    However, this is done in the C core of Blender? This would obviously be nicer but so long I'll use the python workaround
  • RaphaelBarros
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    RaphaelBarros polycounter lvl 2
    rollin said:
    Do I have to vote for this feature?
    You prey that Blender devs find it necessary enough and has a desire to maintain the code. The Right Click Select (https://blender.community/c/rightclickselect/) suggestion board supposedly is the place to give some weight to our needs in Blender, but I'm not sure if core Blender devs go there at all. You can also try to check https://devtalk.blender.org/

    I also highly recommend you talking with the rigging community from Blender in twitter. They seem to be pretty friendly and help each-other quite a lot. @Muream, @TheLapisSea, @JeannotLandry and @chadvernon are some I can remember from the top of my head.

  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    Prime8 said:
    Vertex weights should show up on the "n"-panel item tab, it's hidden if you don't select a vertex and it only show the last selected vertex, dosn't work for box select etc.
    It's quite weird or I just don't understand it correctly, but I would expect to see averaged values and being able to make changes for the whole selection not just the last one.

    Yes the default weight shading in wireless view is next to useless. Vertex or edge colouring would be very useful.
    Sorry I totally missed your replay. 
    Ok wait, ... I'll have to prepare:

    Wooooooooooot??? If I box-select a single vertex it doesn't show up but if I single-click??? Thx blender that you are still there to astonish me... 

    Anyway, thx for helping me out!

    Edit: does someone know how to access the default weight ColorRamp? 
    I know I can access bpy.context.preferences.view.weight_color_range but this doesn't return the red-green-blue ramp if bpy.context.preferences.view.use_weight_color_range is disabled
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    Wooooooooooot??? If I box-select a single vertex it doesn't show up but if I single-click??? Thx blender that you are still there to astonish me... 
    I know it will probably not make you feel any better, but the reason for this seems to be that: box selecting stuff "only" selects stuff while clicking directly on a single thing makes that thing immediately the *active* selection
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    ant1fact said:
    Wooooooooooot??? If I box-select a single vertex it doesn't show up but if I single-click??? Thx blender that you are still there to astonish me... 
    I know it will probably not make you feel any better, but the reason for this seems to be that: box selecting stuff "only" selects stuff while clicking directly on a single thing makes that thing immediately the *active* selection
    I had to laugh so hard when I saw this today: 
    Blender is a tool allowing artists to create content, and not a coders API! That's quite obvious, but it provides emphasis on functionality for things that first-most *work* and improve the creation process. Of course Blender should be very flexible to configure and extend to serve many workflow issues, for that high-end and accessible (scripting) APIs have to be available.
    Who ever wrote that must had a good time while doing so :D
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    @rollin Blender is certainly not without its flaws. There is an increasing monthly budget for hiring developers though, and slowly but surely the wishes of the community are transformed into features via sites like https://blender.community/c/rightclickselect/

    If you ever feel like missing a feature in Blender, please submit it and hopefully it will be implemented sooner or later.
  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    box select a single vertex just works as expected.. it just does not set the active element - which makes sense for every selection with more than one element.. but yeah might be an idea to handle the single element case differently - its not like they are not up for ideas ;)
  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    In my previous post I just wanted to point out that the vertex weight values in the panel are just for the active element and not all selected element. Box selection was not the point, just an example.
  • m00k
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    m00k polycounter lvl 6
    I know this might not be what most people want to hear but the best way to get a feature implemented in blender.... is to develop it yourself! Often times a simple python script will do the trick. Learning to code will pay dividends even in other programs.

    Blender is open-source after all! Which is both it's strength and maybe it's weakness   :)
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    Jeppa.. But writing python addons and building your own version of blender are magnitudes of hassle apart.

    I have 'maxed' blender a bit  :3

  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    hah thats the spirit :D
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    @SnowInChina @RN Thank you for your input on median points vs bounding boxes! I never really got the difference until now. I suppose I'll 
    try working always with Median Point rather than BB unless I need the latter for something specific. 

    Something I came across today: about reference images in Blender. As I understand it, the quickest way to bring an image to Blender is by dragging images from your Explorer to the viewport, which will automatically create the images. This is super convenient and all, but...is there no way to modify these created images, inside Blender? Say for example, if I wanted to divide it in two and cut it in half, to move around the drawings separately or put them in different views. These "Image" object-types dont seem to be able to be edited like meshes, after all.  

  • LuisCherubini
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    LuisCherubini interpolator
    Justo said:

    ... if I wanted to divide it in two and cut it in half, to move around the drawings separately or put them in different views. These "Image" object-types dont seem to be able to be edited like meshes, after all.  

    For that you should use the "Image as planes" option  :) 

  • Skinpop
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    Skinpop polycounter lvl 9
    Coming from Max and being completely new to blender, are there any settings that will make life easier for me? I just started with a basic 2.8 tutorial and it bothers me that selecting transformation tools using the default hotkeys involves so many button presses. I'm a bit hesitant to go changing a lot of stuff without more experience but I was hoping that maybe there's a proven path to transitioning.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    Skinpop said:
    Coming from Max and being completely new to blender, are there any settings that will make life easier for me? I just started with a basic 2.8 tutorial and it bothers me that selecting transformation tools using the default hotkeys involves so many button presses. I'm a bit hesitant to go changing a lot of stuff without more experience but I was hoping that maybe there's a proven path to transitioning.
    Use the industry standard key map. I'm from max too and the only thing you might should drop is max "non-standard" way of camera navigation. Maya won  :s

    (even though you can setup blender to behave like max I wouldn't suggest bc then it gets into the way of selecting and other default hotkeys)
  • Skinpop
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    Skinpop polycounter lvl 9
    rollin said:
    Skinpop said:
    Coming from Max and being completely new to blender, are there any settings that will make life easier for me? I just started with a basic 2.8 tutorial and it bothers me that selecting transformation tools using the default hotkeys involves so many button presses. I'm a bit hesitant to go changing a lot of stuff without more experience but I was hoping that maybe there's a proven path to transitioning.
    Use the industry standard key map. I'm from max too and the only thing you might should drop is max "non-standard" way of camera navigation. Maya won  :s

    (even though you can setup blender to behave like max I wouldn't suggest bc then it gets into the way of selecting and other default hotkeys)
    Thanks I'll try that then. I'm not necessarily looking to make Blender more like max, I get how that would be a bad idea. Anyway having just started with Blender I'm probably getting ahead of myself.
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    @Skinpop Try this. I use it (plus some modifications for my own hotkeys) and I love it; there's just no going back. You can always switch back and forth to the default hotkeys in the preferences window with the press of a button, so you don't really sacrifice anything and can decide to switch back if you don't like it. 
  • TheGabmeister
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    TheGabmeister interpolator
    Is there any reason that these directional lines are so long on lights? Is there any way to change the length? On some scenes - depending on object scale - these lines shoot off screen and I have to zoom out really far just to see the ends of them.

    Edit: seems that scaling them on Z is the only hacky workaround I can find. Very annoying default.
    Yeah, this has been a problem with lights even in Blender 2.7. Someone in the Blender Artists forums suggested a workaround.
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    @LuisCherubini Thanks for the answer. I was wondering why I wasnt seeing the option, but it turns out it's an addon I need to enable from Preferences. It works like a charm! It's too bad though we cannot set it as the default image-import method when dragging images to the viewport from the explorer...
  • Skinpop
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    Skinpop polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks! This looks exactly like what I wanted.
  • FourtyNights
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    FourtyNights polycounter
    Last weekend I made my switch to 2.8, but I had to tweak it... with 2.79 shortcuts + some other settings adjusted in preferences). Just for fun, this is what greets me every time I open 2.8. Now I'm happy, and every time I open 2.79, it starts to feel more and more ancient, lol.

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