Oh, and I also thought AD had licensed your work (I use a homebrew version so wasn't aware of the differences) - didn't know they'd basically just made a poor copy
Poor doesn't begin to describe it. so frustrating.
It makes me realize just how much I should appreciate outliner.
Is is difficult to get a version of this compiled for Max 2015?
Is is difficult to get a version of this compiled for Max 2015?
There are one or two methods in the LayerManager SDK that have a different signature. That would have to be addressed for it to be able to compile to both 2015 and pre-2015 versions.
Then there's the new nested layers that should be supported. In the Outliner for 2015 my NestedLayers implementation should be made obsolete, in favor of the core nested layers. It would be nice to have some kind of transition script for it too, so you can preserve pre-2015 nested layers when opening a scene in 2015.
2. 3dsMax is not a good platform for developers
Developing tools with maxscript is not too bad, but the C++ SDK is a different story. It's poorly documented and without any support, it's pretty hard to work with. The C# wrapper for the SDK makes it worse by being incomplete and convoluted. Some things you would really want to be able to do are plain impossible (catching errors in a generic way for example).
So it's simply not fun developing plugins for 3dsMax. And the fact that I would have to pay for a full license just to develop the Outliner doesn't help either.
I can echo this. Tried learning/experimenting with the C++ SDK and spent more time wrangling with it than actually doing stuff. Havent messed around too much with Python. Thanks for making this open source btw!
It's probably as close as you'll be able to get going forward. Scene explore falls pretty short of actually recreating outliner but with some work they can improve it substantially, fingers crossed.
Poor doesn't begin to describe it. so frustrating.
It makes me realize just how much I should appreciate outliner.
Is is difficult to get a version of this compiled for Max 2015?
Then there's the new nested layers that should be supported. In the Outliner for 2015 my NestedLayers implementation should be made obsolete, in favor of the core nested layers. It would be nice to have some kind of transition script for it too, so you can preserve pre-2015 nested layers when opening a scene in 2015.
So it's not trivial, but it can be done.
I can echo this. Tried learning/experimenting with the C++ SDK and spent more time wrangling with it than actually doing stuff. Havent messed around too much with Python. Thanks for making this open source btw!
I had to change from Maya to Max and was glad to see it has an outliner plugin but sad to see it isnt for 2015.
Autodesk upgraded scene-explore to include more outliner-like features.
It's probably as close as you'll be able to get going forward. Scene explore falls pretty short of actually recreating outliner but with some work they can improve it substantially, fingers crossed.