Did you all forget how Tyrion was mocked and ridiculed by her during his trial or something? She broke his heart, she embarrassed him, she made fun of him in front of the entire council and those attending the trial. He snapped.
She was also sleeping with Tywin it seemed. In that scene she says Tywin's name before she rolls over and realizes its Tyrion. That didn't help I'm sure...
Not only that but they show the clothes of Tywin on the chair, with the hand pin on it. So she is sleeping with Tywin. He is pretty heart broken i think.
I know all of that. I guess it's because he was never a very violent or impulsive character and it seemed like despite all that crap that happened to him he still was somewhat sane, even if hollow and bitter.
That whole "that was the worst thing you could have said" didn't sound like something a heartbroken, shaken or angry man would say IMO.
It sounds quite cynical and emotionless if anything.
Maybe it's a matter of interpretation, I dunno.
But whatever, it happened and it would be pointless to bitch about it.
i haven't seen any of this season, but this is how that event goes in the books:
Jaime rescues Tyrion from his cell, tells Tyrion before he goes that he owes him the truth;
Tysha (Tyrion's first love) was never a whore, that was a lie Jaime was commanded by Tywin to tell Tyrion. He swears he never knew Tywin's intentions for her, with giving her to all of the guards. Tyrion doesn't take this very well, he swears revenge on Jaime, Cercei, and Tywin.
Tyrion also claims responsibility for Joffrey's death, saying "he would have been worse than the mad king if he'd have lived".
Jaime offers to go with him, but he says no, and quips that they will be an "even match" if they ever come to blows now that Jaime can only fight with his left hand.
Tyrion goes with Varys who leads him to the bottom of the tower of the hand, Tyrion goes up the tower despite Varys' protests.
Tyrion meets Shae in the bed, who doesn't realise it's him and calls him "my lord". He remembers an old song:
O'er the wynds and the steps and cobbles,
He rode to a woman's sigh.
For she was his secret treasure,
She was his shame and his bliss.
A chain and a keep are nothing,
compared to a waoman's kiss.
For hands of gold are always cold,
But a woman's hands are warm.
When Shae tries to talk her way out of it, asking if he will take her with him, he sees the golden necklace of the hand of the king around her throat (a necklace made of golden hands clasping each other). She finally refers to him as "my lion of lannister" and this tips him over the edge, he strangles her with the necklace while reciting the last two lines of the song.
Tyrion then confronts Tywin on the lavatory asking him what happend to Tysha. Tywin says "the whore?" and Tyrion threatens to shoot him if he says that word again. He asks where she went, and Tywin says "wherever whore's go", and Tyrion shoots him once in the gut.
The chapter ends rather awesomely with:
"...the oft repeated jape about his father was just another lie, Lord Tywin Lannister in the end did not shit gold".
Yeah I wanted Tyrion to be saying 'Where do whores go?' in the next series, like he does in the book, but they completely removed that from the TV show. Lame. I think it's a big part of Tyrion's character..
Been looking forward to seeing Stannis turn up at the wall for ages. In general though the show is starting to ware off a little bit for me, i much more enjoyed the books.
Havent read the book but I couldnt catch anything regarding teasing of something that didnt happen? Everything seemed to be wrapped up pretty nicely imo.
Spoilers if you havent seen the show final:
I do think the whole Stannis showing up thing was a bit rushed, if they saved that scene until the end and made it look a bit more epic than that 'RTS scene' I would have been surprised as fuck. Now I felt a bit 'meh' about it even though this probably indicates a very important turning point. IE: Getting support from the iron bank, the Nights watch calling him their king, his sudden interest in the north, following melissandre visions.
Looks like there's not much interesting left to tell about events in 'the kingdom' for the 5th season and the story will probably focus on stuff happening in essos and north of the wall? Is it like that in the books? The only interesting plots centered around the kingdom would be house bolton vs the ironborn, the lannisters vs the martels and littlefinger playing his cards in the meantime if I had to guess?
Havent read the book but I couldnt catch anything regarding teasing of something that didnt happen? Everything seemed to be wrapped up pretty nicely imo.
The teasing for the thing that didn't happen was subtle. It's only something you'd notice if you know about the thing (and presumably once they get to it you'll be able to go back and notice it).
The rest of what's in the books is (not really spoilers, but just in case)
mostly a series of "Meanwhile..." moments -- lots happens, but not much time passes. There are still a fair number of characters that need to be followed up on. IIRC most of it does happen outside the boundaries of the kingdom, but it's still pretty significant for it.
iconoplast: Is that the glance across the fire? I think I know already, been able to connect that with a previous character that wasn't in the latest season.
And where the hell are Black Fish and Benjen Stark - something I have no idea about, but would like to know about.
Also, Mance Rayder, Stannis Barratheon and John Snow - can see them working together for some reason, based from the latest episode.
I do think the whole Stannis showing up thing was a bit rushed, if they saved that scene until the end and made it look a bit more epic than that 'RTS scene' I would have been surprised as fuck. Now I felt a bit 'meh' about it even though this probably indicates a very important turning point. IE: Getting support from the iron bank, the Nights watch calling him their king, his sudden interest in the north, following melissandre visions.
Yeah it could have been much better, also I didn't think it got the point across that they just kicked the ass of the entire wildling army it looked like they just charged a camp of about 50 of them.
also I didn't think it got the point across that they just kicked the ass of the entire wildling army it looked like they just charged a camp of about 50 of them.
That's pretty much how it was meant to go down. Mance united the Free Folk and led them south to avoid being slaughtered; the plan isn't to run straight into it on the battlefield (not all the wildlings are blood thirsty savages). They were prepared to face a severely under-manned (and potentially ambushed) Castle Black. What they got was the last thing they were expecting: a properly equipped and mounted war machine their side of the wall. They were caught off guard and flanked, and so their ranks (and the siege) broke pretty quickly. Their ass was kicked in the sense that they didn't even get a chance to put up a fight, they were overwhelmed into surrender and/or retreat.
I see no one mentioned about Arya going to see the faceless man in braavos or at least sparked a discussion about it, I am excited however, Jaqen H'Ghar was one of my favorite characters for the short period of time.
I see no one mentioned about Arya going to see the faceless man in braavos or at least sparked a discussion about it, I am excited however, Jaqen H'Ghar was one of my favorite characters for the short period of time.
Did those wildlings look to you like people who can build large boats?
The Wall has three fortresses still manned by the Night's Watch, one of them is on the eastern shore of the continent. I think they're sort of watching over the sea from there and that's also where the fleet of Stannis has gotten through.
Yeah I kinda thought the same thing once I'd made my post, heh. Makes sense!
Edit - Don't you also go past Skagos too? I think because the waters are quite rough, a lot of sailors get swept onto the island of Skagos and don't survive, probably due to all the nasty cannibals living there.
Is it still just a theory that Rickon goes to Skagos with Osha, or has that been confirmed?
Did those wildlings look to you like people who can build large boats?
The Wall has three fortresses still manned by the Night's Watch, one of them is on the eastern shore of the continent. I think they're sort of watching over the sea from there and that's also where the fleet of Stannis has gotten through.
iconoplast: Is that the glance across the fire? I think I know already, been able to connect that with a previous character that wasn't in the latest season.
There are a number of them -- that one wasn't in my original count, but on reflection it could be. Hard to say for sure.
. That scene looked EXPENSIVE. It got a little video gamey though, that was the first scene that really went crazy with the fantasy elements. In one scene you have walking skeletons, bran controlling hodor's mind, and some weird child creature throwing fireballs. That's pretty out there compared to most things we've seen.
I really loved the episode though, and I especially liked the Brienne vs the Hound fight. This was the first fight where I really cared just as much about each of the characters so I was definitely conflicted while watching it.
Not good ones, and not nearly enough (its not just an army, its the entire population with their livestock, etc that they want to get across). Quality boats would take too long to make when they have an enemy at their backs, and they'd still be more dangerous than capturing a poorly defended tunnel.
if i remember rightly from the books, Jon sent scouts to the nearest wildling fishing villages to see the state of their ships and such, the reports came back that the harbours had all but frozen over and the "ships" were locked in anyway.
Ship building takes serious engineering knowledge and advanced tools and metallurgy and such. The wildlings can barely put their hands on a few metal weapons, most of which they need to scavenge from Night's Watch patrols and scavenging runs south of the Wall. They're still living in tribes, most haven't even seen houses made of stone at all.
Doesn't mean that they couldn't build boats which could cross great distances. But a few boats won't get a hundred thousand people around the Wall.
Arent there also simultainious attacks on both the western watch and eastern watch by the wildings in the books? I seem to remember a mentioning of that with one of the commanders being injured at the shadow tower/west watch by the bridge.
however on thinking further I think those attacks may happen after the main one at castle black
. That scene looked EXPENSIVE. It got a little video gamey though, that was the first scene that really went crazy with the fantasy elements. In one scene you have walking skeletons, bran controlling hodor's mind, and some weird child creature throwing fireballs. That's pretty out there compared to most things we've seen.
I really loved the episode though, and I especially liked the Brienne vs the Hound fight. This was the first fight where I really cared just as much about each of the characters so I was definitely conflicted while watching it.
Man, Brienne is pretty badass
to beat the Hound in a fight
. I agree that they did an excellent job making it really hard to determine who would win the fight...great scene.
Ok so i rewatched episode 10.
Question for book readers. Does it ever say how Hodor feels about all the warging. I know bran does it mainly when they are in danger but it feels so pervasive. Hodor abandoning Bran one day? or will he just Hodor away.
And also in the skeleton fight, Hodor uses a hammer from a skeleton to fight. I remember there was something about Bran the builder? does this signify anything?
How Hodor feels is never a straightforward issue, but I can't imagine him ever abandoning anyone. He's probably the one character whose loyalty I wouldn't question. (Now that I've said that, I expect I'll regret it later in the story. That's how it seems to work.)
Bran the Builder was supposedly the founder of House Stark. He may not have ever existed -- it's far enough back in history that no one could say definitively. I think the hammer was just a hammer. When you need to kill something quickly you use whatever's at hand.
Apparently episodes 1-4 leaked. Easy to find online
They really should release full season in on day, and simply let people over entire world pay to watch it. I would pay.
I really don't get what is the point of what episode per week, and more over not in every country.
And then they wonder, why people torrent their series on mass scale..
this way they can continue to make another season while you're being entertained by the old one. If you crush an entire season in one day by time they are ready to release another one they risk fans forgetting about the show, or what happened, or just losing interest, etc
Except there aren't ads during GoT :P
Besides, they want you to maintain your subscription. If you could watch it all, in one night, then why keep HBO going? Just drop it, and renew in 6 months.
It feels so good to watch the show again. Can't wait to see what happens with Tyrion and Jon next Too bad we have to wait a week between each episode, it kills me
Except there aren't ads during GoT :P
Besides, they want you to maintain your subscription. If you could watch it all, in one night, then why keep HBO going? Just drop it, and renew in 6 months.
Good episode, though not much worth discussion.
So I can rewatch, watch something else ?
Netflix doesn't have problem with dumping entire season at once (but they have problem with being accessible everywhere, though I understand it's not really their fault).
My point is, we have internet, I want to watch at my leisure. Not when some dumb ceo, thinks I should watch. If they can't understand it, they won't get my money.
I don't particularly care. I have read books, so whatever ;p.
Possible his state of mind was easily snapped when seeing Shae for what she was...a heart can only take so much.
That whole "that was the worst thing you could have said" didn't sound like something a heartbroken, shaken or angry man would say IMO.
It sounds quite cynical and emotionless if anything.
Maybe it's a matter of interpretation, I dunno.
But whatever, it happened and it would be pointless to bitch about it.
Tysha (Tyrion's first love) was never a whore, that was a lie Jaime was commanded by Tywin to tell Tyrion. He swears he never knew Tywin's intentions for her, with giving her to all of the guards. Tyrion doesn't take this very well, he swears revenge on Jaime, Cercei, and Tywin.
Tyrion also claims responsibility for Joffrey's death, saying "he would have been worse than the mad king if he'd have lived".
Jaime offers to go with him, but he says no, and quips that they will be an "even match" if they ever come to blows now that Jaime can only fight with his left hand.
Tyrion goes with Varys who leads him to the bottom of the tower of the hand, Tyrion goes up the tower despite Varys' protests.
Tyrion meets Shae in the bed, who doesn't realise it's him and calls him "my lord". He remembers an old song:
O'er the wynds and the steps and cobbles,
He rode to a woman's sigh.
For she was his secret treasure,
She was his shame and his bliss.
A chain and a keep are nothing,
compared to a waoman's kiss.
For hands of gold are always cold,
But a woman's hands are warm.
When Shae tries to talk her way out of it, asking if he will take her with him, he sees the golden necklace of the hand of the king around her throat (a necklace made of golden hands clasping each other). She finally refers to him as "my lion of lannister" and this tips him over the edge, he strangles her with the necklace while reciting the last two lines of the song.
Tyrion then confronts Tywin on the lavatory asking him what happend to Tysha. Tywin says "the whore?" and Tyrion threatens to shoot him if he says that word again. He asks where she went, and Tywin says "wherever whore's go", and Tyrion shoots him once in the gut.
The chapter ends rather awesomely with:
"...the oft repeated jape about his father was just another lie, Lord Tywin Lannister in the end did not shit gold".
Spoilers if you havent seen the show final:
Looks like there's not much interesting left to tell about events in 'the kingdom' for the 5th season and the story will probably focus on stuff happening in essos and north of the wall? Is it like that in the books? The only interesting plots centered around the kingdom would be house bolton vs the ironborn, the lannisters vs the martels and littlefinger playing his cards in the meantime if I had to guess?
The rest of what's in the books is (not really spoilers, but just in case)
And where the hell are Black Fish and Benjen Stark - something I have no idea about, but would like to know about.
Also, Mance Rayder, Stannis Barratheon and John Snow - can see them working together for some reason, based from the latest episode.
That's pretty much how it was meant to go down. Mance united the Free Folk and led them south to avoid being slaughtered; the plan isn't to run straight into it on the battlefield (not all the wildlings are blood thirsty savages). They were prepared to face a severely under-manned (and potentially ambushed) Castle Black. What they got was the last thing they were expecting: a properly equipped and mounted war machine their side of the wall. They were caught off guard and flanked, and so their ranks (and the siege) broke pretty quickly. Their ass was kicked in the sense that they didn't even get a chance to put up a fight, they were overwhelmed into surrender and/or retreat.
In the books they take a boat to the other side of it, I think. Which makes me think; why don't the Wildings do the same thing?
The Wall has three fortresses still manned by the Night's Watch, one of them is on the eastern shore of the continent. I think they're sort of watching over the sea from there and that's also where the fleet of Stannis has gotten through.
Edit - Don't you also go past Skagos too? I think because the waters are quite rough, a lot of sailors get swept onto the island of Skagos and don't survive, probably due to all the nasty cannibals living there.
I really loved the episode though, and I especially liked the Brienne vs the Hound fight. This was the first fight where I really cared just as much about each of the characters so I was definitely conflicted while watching it.
Huhh? What kind of logic is that?
Ship building takes serious engineering knowledge and advanced tools and metallurgy and such. The wildlings can barely put their hands on a few metal weapons, most of which they need to scavenge from Night's Watch patrols and scavenging runs south of the Wall. They're still living in tribes, most haven't even seen houses made of stone at all.
Doesn't mean that they couldn't build boats which could cross great distances. But a few boats won't get a hundred thousand people around the Wall.
however on thinking further I think those attacks may happen after the main one at castle black
Man, Brienne is pretty badass
Question for book readers. Does it ever say how Hodor feels about all the warging. I know bran does it mainly when they are in danger but it feels so pervasive. Hodor abandoning Bran one day? or will he just Hodor away.
He'll probably turn out to be Kaiser Soze in the end.
haha yeh, I think I'm grasping for straws when I try to predict who will survive. Someone has to live in the end right??
Hodor generally speaking doesn't seem to like it.
I don't blame Hodor for not liking it; I'd be fairly unhappy if someone took over my head and made me do things too.
Having to wait another 4 weeks until the show catches up to me? No thanks.
They really should release full season in on day, and simply let people over entire world pay to watch it. I would pay.
I really don't get what is the point of what episode per week, and more over not in every country.
And then they wonder, why people torrent their series on mass scale..
big business won't like that.
Just think of all the people suddenly taking a day off.
unless it's just a one season show
also the money side of things
Besides, they want you to maintain your subscription. If you could watch it all, in one night, then why keep HBO going? Just drop it, and renew in 6 months.
Good episode, though not much worth discussion.
So I can rewatch, watch something else ?
Netflix doesn't have problem with dumping entire season at once
My point is, we have internet, I want to watch at my leisure. Not when some dumb ceo, thinks I should watch. If they can't understand it, they won't get my money.
I don't particularly care. I have read books, so whatever ;p.