I just played through both levels of the demo. Lots of nice, visceral combat, excellent animation, VERY good sound (I especially liked the audible indication that your ammo is running low), and shooty-choppy-gory-splattery action. I hope there's a little more variation in environments than the brown-on-brown that's in the demo and all the videos and screens I've seen, though.
I played through the first part of the demo and it was awesome! Huge props for the great PC version of the game! I cant wait until i get my hands on the full game, we are around 6 at work so far who are talking about playing multiplayer together.
I just played through both levels of the demo. Lots of nice, visceral combat, excellent animation, VERY good sound (I especially liked the audible indication that your ammo is running low), and shooty-choppy-gory-splattery action. I hope there's a little more variation in environments than the brown-on-brown that's in the demo and all the videos and screens I've seen, though.
I was going to write a reply, but this is exactly what I felt.
Great demo - looks to be an awesome game. I'm a huge fan of Space Marines in general, and I dare say this is absolutely the best portrayal of the space marines yet. Dawn of War was fantastic in that regard, and Space Marine is as well.
Really enjoyed the demo on the 360. Controls felt tight and the mechanics seem nicely balanced between shooting and melee. The power axe is a great weapon to carve greenskins with
downloaded the demo, but the game does not render on my pc. the UI shows up fine, but the only part of 'game' that shows AT ALL is about an inch square in the top left corner.
I'm playing the demo now and this shit is so fun! Congrats to the sound and vfx teams. This might seem weird but this team needs to make a robocop game
I had such high expectations for this game and oh man did that demo just live up to them
From what i can see it feels perfect. The weight of the Space Marines feels spot on. The visuals, sound, gameplay and everything else are just really, really well thought out. Can't wait to have the final product in my hand.
Really want to play it but the audio is being hell buggy for me and being all choppy in action. .
This was the only thing bad about my experience as well... I'm not sure what it is but I would assume it has to do with my computer not being too uber. Maybe some drivers need updating?
I will say though that I have had this problem in other much less graphically intensive games and it usually resulted in the game slowing down so much it crashed. This didn't happen with this game though, once the action slowed down and there weren't so many bodies exploding it went back to normal.
I played the demo for this and I gotta say it's the surprise of the summer for me. I'm really hoping the multiplayer is as good and meaty as the demo SP seems to be.
We're in a ridiculous situation here in the UK. Even though it's a Steamworks game, we can neither buy it or even play the demo on Steam (without an obscure workaround) because the retail chain "Game" has flatly refused to stock it in any format if UK punters can buy it on Steam. Dick move Game, dick move.
Singleplayer campaign: awesome. The characters, the environments, the lighting, the story: all exceptional. Melee combat mechanics are fluid. The weapons always felt exceptionally strong even on hard difficulty. Mad props for getting Mark Strong to voice Titus. Perfect match if there ever was. Thank you for the cameos and thank you for showing off Titans.
Multiplayer: I'm not sure if anyone else experienced this, but the game feels close to Gears of War 2 multiplayer in the sense of weapons behaving as they should. Aside from that, not much to complain. However it seems that, as host, in these peer to peer games you will do better than most. Not as host, people took an extreme amount of damage before dying. Even when melee'ing other people they could take 3-6 swings. Whereas on the receiving end of assault swings, you could only take 1 hit before dying. Man is it frustrating to put melta shots point blank into someone and watch them strut right through it. p.s. I'm already level 41. At least the leveling system in this game is infinitely more favorable than that of similar multiplayer setups i.e. Bioshock 2, Dead Space 2.
Watched my 10 year old brother burn through the single player, it looked very cool and the hack and slash gameplay suits it well. Multiplayer seems shallow, but fun enough if you love the license and want to continue playing after beating the campaign.
This game really was dead on arrival for me. The lack of co-op is just brutal. The horde mode coming within a month isn't going to help, seeing as how Gears 3 will be on store shelves before then. Still, I'm glad Relic was able to please fans of the license and deliver a solid game!
I bought 2 copies expecting a co-op campaign and i should have cancelled one (in the Relic forums they said it was a co-op game, LIES!!!!), so now i'm terribly disappointed with the game. The "free DLC" of "exterminatus" is like a bad joke for me, free huh? don't make me laugh. They rushed a lot in the development and they sold the game without the content a game must have on its first day. Wtf is this?
Red Faction Armageddon has its "infestation" mode, and that's the same... but you know what? i can't find players to play with because the game didn't sell a shit due to piracy, you know... one player does not sell nowadays (and it's a GREAT game).
The single player may be ok if you like to play alone. but again, like in too many games, in the demo i noticed the AI for the other space marines are useless, because it's like they don't kill a shit, they don't do anything (for that i prefer to play without bots, alone, they are just a nuisance). The game could have had a great potential if at least could have something like Transformers: War of Cybertron, with a very very arcade co-op campaign and its several multiplayer modes.
BTW, another example, Gears of War PC had co-op campaign and was spectacular.
So difficult is to add a co-op campaign like other games do?. The example games i put also have its own multiplayer modes, but what the heck... why this?
Sorry, but i needed to say all this! the next time i will wait to see the metascore points
A good game that could have been great. I received a kick in the balls buying 2 copies
seriously loved the demo, when i get some $$ ahead its a definite buy for me.
great PC support, Very optimized, runs great on my terrible pc and a fine tribute to 40k i'd say. Great work to everyone involved!
Fun note. You can vengeance launcher a fellow assault marine, have him come down on someone and you can detonate for the kill. Your fellow marine will be unharmed. Much like UAV bombing in BFBC2.
Sad note. Host player can go idle and continue to host, leaving a team 1 man down...unacceptable.
For future content - I can't say anything other than what's been said. We've got stuff coming, it's gonna be awesome (atleast I hope people will think it's awesome).
For future content - I can't say anything other than what's been said. We've got stuff coming, it's gonna be awesome (atleast I hope people will think it's awesome).
I started playing the multiplayer today, and wow. Very sluggish controls, only two mission types, and one hit kill easy mode weapons.
Not being able to kill anything and expending all my ammo into some level 30+ people and not getting a kill. They just turn around look at me, and I die.... instantly.
Very poor multiplayer experience coupled with only one environment and three classes. Seriously.... one environment in the whole game!
As a huge 40k fan my self this was a huge let down in regaurds to the multiplayer. Sorry guys! Singleplayer was a very enjoyable experience though!
I'd like to play on a drifting space hulk with genestealers and other nids. I know the pacing probably wont change but I think something dead space 1 paced horror on a space hulk would be so cool. Maybe playing as an inquisitor searching for relics or whatever. I love you 40k
Very poor multiplayer experience coupled with only one environment and three classes. Seriously.... one environment in the whole game! Overall this game feels like a rushed xbla game at best.
There is a whole singleplayer campaign attached to that multiplayer. So you can accuse it of having tacked on multiplayer but comparing it to a rushed xbla game is really over doing it and a major disservice to everyone who worked on it.
There is a whole singleplayer campaign attached to that multiplayer. So you can accuse it of having tacked on multiplayer but comparing it to a rushed xbla game is really over doing it and a major disservice to everyone who worked on it.
I may have taken it to far. However I thought the single player was an enjoyable experience. I'm just not having fun with the multiplayer right now. I don't want to give any disservice, but I'm just just straight up frustrated with the multiplayer right now.
The xbla comment was in regards to the multiplayer. Just felt like their wasn't much in the multiplayer.
Also great job on bolters. Feels just like it should
Also, that lighting looks really nice, everything seems to pop with a lot of form
I was going to write a reply, but this is exactly what I felt.
Great demo - looks to be an awesome game. I'm a huge fan of Space Marines in general, and I dare say this is absolutely the best portrayal of the space marines yet. Dawn of War was fantastic in that regard, and Space Marine is as well.
TOTAL BISCUIT! He casts starcraft 2 games as well.
But wheres the AA?
comes out tues. found my new desktop background
was fun when I had a chance earlier to play tho
So glad to see what Relic have been doing with the GW franchise.
From what i can see it feels perfect. The weight of the Space Marines feels spot on. The visuals, sound, gameplay and everything else are just really, really well thought out. Can't wait to have the final product in my hand.
But I still want this game. Badly.
Congrats Relic? :P
This was the only thing bad about my experience as well... I'm not sure what it is but I would assume it has to do with my computer not being too uber. Maybe some drivers need updating?
I will say though that I have had this problem in other much less graphically intensive games and it usually resulted in the game slowing down so much it crashed. This didn't happen with this game though, once the action slowed down and there weren't so many bodies exploding it went back to normal.
Singleplayer campaign: awesome. The characters, the environments, the lighting, the story: all exceptional. Melee combat mechanics are fluid. The weapons always felt exceptionally strong even on hard difficulty. Mad props for getting Mark Strong to voice Titus. Perfect match if there ever was. Thank you for the cameos and thank you for showing off Titans.
Multiplayer: I'm not sure if anyone else experienced this, but the game feels close to Gears of War 2 multiplayer in the sense of weapons behaving as they should. Aside from that, not much to complain. However it seems that, as host, in these peer to peer games you will do better than most. Not as host, people took an extreme amount of damage before dying. Even when melee'ing other people they could take 3-6 swings. Whereas on the receiving end of assault swings, you could only take 1 hit before dying. Man is it frustrating to put melta shots point blank into someone and watch them strut right through it. p.s. I'm already level 41. At least the leveling system in this game is infinitely more favorable than that of similar multiplayer setups i.e. Bioshock 2, Dead Space 2.
edit: for spelling.
This game really was dead on arrival for me. The lack of co-op is just brutal. The horde mode coming within a month isn't going to help, seeing as how Gears 3 will be on store shelves before then. Still, I'm glad Relic was able to please fans of the license and deliver a solid game!
Red Faction Armageddon has its "infestation" mode, and that's the same... but you know what? i can't find players to play with because the game didn't sell a shit due to piracy, you know... one player does not sell nowadays (and it's a GREAT game).
The single player may be ok if you like to play alone. but again, like in too many games, in the demo i noticed the AI for the other space marines are useless, because it's like they don't kill a shit, they don't do anything (for that i prefer to play without bots, alone, they are just a nuisance). The game could have had a great potential if at least could have something like Transformers: War of Cybertron, with a very very arcade co-op campaign and its several multiplayer modes.
BTW, another example, Gears of War PC had co-op campaign and was spectacular.
So difficult is to add a co-op campaign like other games do?. The example games i put also have its own multiplayer modes, but what the heck... why this?
Sorry, but i needed to say all this! the next time i will wait to see the metascore points
A good game that could have been great. I received a kick in the balls buying 2 copies
Now is time to define what is Co-op...
As posted previously,
Never have i heard him so happy.
great PC support, Very optimized, runs great on my terrible pc and a fine tribute to 40k i'd say. Great work to everyone involved!
Sad note. Host player can go idle and continue to host, leaving a team 1 man down...unacceptable.
And any hints on future content?
For future content - I can't say anything other than what's been said. We've got stuff coming, it's gonna be awesome (atleast I hope people will think it's awesome).
Exterminatus is what I've been working on. It's our coop survival mode. http://www.spacemarine.com/blog-post/space-marine-%E2%80%93-co-op-mode-%E2%80%98exterminatus%E2%80%99-announced
So there's going to be quite a bit more planned after Exterminatus, yeah? That's all I hope for.
Really enjoying it so far, addicted to multiplayer.. Managed a 15 win streak last night! Playing as an Assault with a Chainsword and Bolter.
Though, when I bump into a team of mainly Devastators.. *cries*
It's a good game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, with a twist of skill.
Not being able to kill anything and expending all my ammo into some level 30+ people and not getting a kill. They just turn around look at me, and I die.... instantly.
Very poor multiplayer experience coupled with only one environment and three classes. Seriously.... one environment in the whole game!
As a huge 40k fan my self this was a huge let down in regaurds to the multiplayer. Sorry guys! Singleplayer was a very enjoyable experience though!
There is a whole singleplayer campaign attached to that multiplayer. So you can accuse it of having tacked on multiplayer but comparing it to a rushed xbla game is really over doing it and a major disservice to everyone who worked on it.
I may have taken it to far. However I thought the single player was an enjoyable experience. I'm just not having fun with the multiplayer right now. I don't want to give any disservice, but I'm just just straight up frustrated with the multiplayer right now.
The xbla comment was in regards to the multiplayer. Just felt like their wasn't much in the multiplayer.
Also great job on bolters. Feels just like it should