You guys can rip any game to shreds here. The official Halo Reach forum is about information regarding the game but last few posts are anything but.
There are other game threads here, but none of them has anything negative about the game per say except the Halo one. So that's why I started this one.
I'll start.
Bayonetta sucks. Borrowed it from a friend and hated it. I just couldn't see what was going on the screen the whole time, way to many things happen at one time, made my head numb.
Hey guys,
We love that you guys are chatting about games and what you didn't like about them. But please, we ask that you keep it constructive. There's *many* professionals in this community and to shit all over a game they may have worked on, in the end, puts you in a bad spot (not them) - especially if its the artwork you disagree with.
So.. hate away, just try and keep it civil and constructive whenever possible. If it gets out of line once - just once - we'll let that person know they were out of line and deal with it accordingly.
This game was my Dave Mirra alternative at the time and the controls can frustrate the most peaceful of people.
I'll assume that's directed towards me? I wasn't being negative towards Halo, just insisting it could use some new life.
As for a new game that sucks - Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. I'd rather have a steaming turd on my desk than play this game again. It's an embarrassment to the Flashpoint franchise.
It's entirely geared towards consoles. Horrible UI, horrible AI, weapons are atrocious, FOV is ridiculously shallow and non-customizable, graphics are all brown and TOO MUCH F'N BLOOM. It's arcadey to hell, not a realistic shooter like it's OFP namesake infers.
and that included comments on large games like halo.
But this thread isn't generally about critiques, it just posting up games you dislike and why.
I refuse to endorse this thread when the OP can't even appreciate one of the best action games ever made.
This. Tried the demo a while back, and talk about a frustratingly-shit game. As I recall, my favorite bit of dumbassery was the way it handled weapon/ammo switching... I've got my M16 equipped, and I want to launch an HEDP grenade from the underslung M203 launcher, so I switch to M203 which is loaded with HE grenades. Hit weapon switch again to unload the HE and load HEDP. Fire off a round, watch the reload animation. Weapon switch. Watch as it unloads the HEDP and loads a different 40mm. Weapon switch. Ah, there we go, back to M16. Shoot a bit more, I want to fire another HEDP grenade. Weapon switch. watch it unload 40mm and load HE again. Weapon switch. Unload HE, load HEDP.
I prefer mashing buttons. I hate games that make me hit buttons at certain times. Even worse is when I have to hit multiple buttons simultaneously and in order.
Or you could at least try to pull off one of the countless combos, which is how the game is meant to be played, rather than mindlessly mash buttons.
I thought Toadstool was the guy with the mustache and the green hat?
We love that you guys are chatting about games and what you didn't like about them. But please, we ask that you keep it constructive. There's *many* professionals in this community and to shit all over a game they may have worked on, in the end, puts you in a bad spot (not them) - especially if its the artwork you disagree with.
So.. hate away, just try and keep it civil and constructive whenever possible. If it gets out of line once - just once - we'll let that person know they were out of line and deal with it accordingly.
Oh... and Shadow Complex just hit a sour spot with me. Fucking *loved* the game up until
Assassin's Creed 2 did this as well.
killingpeople you better hand in your gamer card. "A green elf named Zelda?" Facepalm!
Modern Warfare and WoW (although I sometimes play this one, it's love/hate)
I don't understand the obsessions. Neither of those games do much for me. I can think of many examples of games in both genres that I enjoy more than these two, however they are crazily popular. What's the appeal? Why are these games so much more widely enjoyed?
Such a missed opportunity.
1st minute: WOW! This game looks good even though its almost a year old now!
4 minutes later: So I have to press the right buttons to cross this area to the boss...
1 minute later: Wow, everytime I die, I dont REALLY die, but just have to repeat the last part because I pressed the wrong button!
9 minutes later: ahhh.. To beat this boss I need to use only grab when he starts glowing!
The rest of the 10 hours of gameplay: repeat first 15 minutes 40 times.
That game had more grinding than a Korean MMO! The game has so much polish, but the inital game isnt even fun... its like they took 10% of the time for the initial gameplay and 90% was the polish phase
but as a big time shock fan you might see where I'm getting at with the gameplay.
Zelda 64 killed the series for me. Zelda 2 was an underrated masterpiece in my opinion.
And Eld, i agree with the Bioshock statement, in fact the bioshock 2 thread in this forum is pretty negative about the future of the franchise. So as not to offend the fragile flowers in this forum, the graphics, atmosphere and storytelling in Bioshock are awesome, but yes, the gameplay and upgrade system suck nuts
(ps, I'd still play it)
What I seriously, fucking, can't stand, is how there's achievement shit in games, this new trend of playing for points/gamerscore and achievement is not cool with me, if I could just ignore it, fine. But I can't. It's fucking intrusive, and it's breaking the immersion in games I'd otherwise love.
I don't want games telling me that this is a game every minute, I just want to zone out and get lost in another world.
I also can't stand this Games for Windows shit, having to make online accounts and sign in to play and be able to save my games. What the fuck.
It's no wonder PC gaming has gone downhill bigtime.
Back on topic, most of the games I play these days seem to be unlikeable, so I'll just go with what I'm playing now: Mass Effect. I'm only about eight hours in, and dear Greentooth, is it bland. You've got all these people willing to share information about their race and culture, but what it eventually comes down to is that the lives of all races revolve around talking with each other on the Citadel. Show, don't tell, please. Or do both, but just telling me stuff and never showing it isn't why I play video games. The Keepers are the most interesting race yet, I think, because they actually show their personality.
There is also a ridiculous amount of fake choices. Again, eight hours in, I don't think I've had to make any real choice. Example:
"No, Garrus, I don't want you in my team, I don't trust aliens and I've only just met you"
"You'll need me"
*Garrus has joined the team*
"No, Tali, I don't want you in my team, I don't trust aliens, I've only just met you, and you're wearing a gas mask (don't trust anyone with a gas mask, is what fighting Nazis taught me)."
"C'mon, Shepard, take her"
*Tali has joined the team*
"No, Liara, I don't want you in my team, I don't trust aliens, I've only just met you, and you seem to be an idiot"
"I'm not an idiot, this is a one-time occurrence"
*Liara has joined the team*
Come on! If you're a shooter, find some decent combat mechanics. If you're an RPG, quit playing my role for me! In Arcanum, at least, I can finish the game while stabbing everyone before they even say a word (well, some people initiate dialogue if you approach them, so you can only stab them after you've insulted them).
Mostly though, I dislike that I haven't met a single likeable character... The most interesting one is my Shepard, being a sort of Space-Francis ("I hate Citadels", "I hate Asari", "I hate Spectres"), but the character I'm trying to play is constantly ignored and I'm forced into being a happy, alien loving, Citadel lapdog. Which, again, wouldn't be so bad if other people actually had any character, but they're as standard and same-y as the architecture.
Ok, I'm done.
i would disagree with this one. granted you do get trophies for this noise, but they're all part of the story, and it is made very obvious as such throughout the cutscenes and memory markers in the beginning of the game. if you didn't catch on to that, then shame on you for not paying attention. :P
i enjoyed the aspect of collecting everything very much since it really allowed me to move around the environment more than i would have in the previous title. personally, i felt compelled
"Congratulations you've completed the tutorial. You are a real Hero"
I'm waiting for an achievement to reward me for navigation through the title screen.
And I'm waiting for dumpnuts to ranting about games that just don't offer achievements. Like "What am I supposed to do? Why even bother playing ..."
Meanwhile I think about a short list of games I really don't like and the reasons.
On the off chance you haven't played this yet: Achievement Unlocked
nice one.
After beating Fable 2, I realized I didn't actually ever have fun playing it.
Mass Effect flirted with being flat-out boring, and their no-reward side missions made me feel stupid after completing them all.
The only games I really enjoyed for the 360 were: Gears and Gears 2 (as long as I didn't play multiplayer, only because I suck), Modern Warfare (because multiplayer was easy :P) and Fallout 3 (I know, I know, most hated it, but I enjoyed it. Just do the side missions or the game is SUPER short).
L2P Dead Rising, nub
Them's fightin' words. I loved the visuals so hard that it made the crazy quicktime events bearable.
I couldn't play Fallout 3. The whole world just depressed so much that it was no fun to be in. Which I suppose is sort of like a backwards compliment - it just means they really achieved the bleakness they were going for.
Characters look really cool though and i enjoy the music.
All the great art in the world won't make up for bad mechanics. But great mechanics can make up for some sloppy art.