Mnemosyaunt: Oh, really? Does that mean I shouldn't bother animating it, or would that help if I submit it to Valve?
Well, the normal sentry can rotate, look up/down, etc. For that reason, I don't see your model fitting in as a straight-up skin. If Valve put it in the game, it'd have to be a sentry that fires in a straight line, which might actually work for medieval mode. If you want to animate it, that would certainly help your chances with Valve.
Of course, if you can make it look good with turning animations and such, there would be no problem including it in the fake update.
Intended as a Jarate replacement but I might try it out for the Milk. Not sure if an Ink Jar would make sense for the Scout (although you could say the same about the Sniper).
I still like yours a bit better. No offense to the new guy.
none taken if i knew there were 2 other forge hats being made i wouldn't have made one but there is work already done so i might as well continue getting some crits on it and try to improve and submit since it is olny my 2nd model ever done aside from a bridge roof for my tf2 map. defiantly going to try and steer clear desgine wise from the other 2 peoples version and make it unique.
The update page isn't final as I still to get the A-Ok from Pie Tony. I've also made a menu icon which will be included, and a kill icon, but that won't be included because of spacing problems.
Dunno if you've been told otherwise, but it looks good to me.
I don't know that Valve will go for the Iron Cross, SVDL. Affiliating with real world military, particularly the WW2 German army aren't too likely to fly.
I don't know, Cronotic. They've got two tricorne hats for the demo, I don't see why they wouldn't put in a kepi for the spy.
I'm having trouble with my paintball marker. I've decided to make it a lugermorph replacement, since replacing the engie's pistol causes too many problems, but now I'm running into a problem with the lugermorph.
The lugermorph's c_model has two bones in it: weapon_bone and weapon_bone_1. I've tried assigning each one on it's own and I've tried assigning both, but the same problem keeps occuring. The view_model is correct, but the world_model is still the lugermorgh. any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?
After stumbling across some of Gray Shuko's work specifically this, I sat down and started making some of it...
Then I got the idea that I could make a few store fronts and props, for TF2. I'm reluctant to do another map, just because its such a huge project for one person but it's tempting... very tempting...
ColonelBD, that may be the reason, but I tried the w_model bfore and it didn't work either. And if it uses both a c_model and a w_model, what am I supposed to do to make it work?
ColonelBD, that may be the reason, but I tried the w_model bfore and it didn't work either. And if it uses both a c_model and a w_model, what am I supposed to do to make it work?
Thanks to some help from a friend i was able to compile at least as a physics prop.
I wrote a tutorial over a year ago on how to get a TF2 item in game as a prop_physics. You could have just followed that!
Anyway, if you need help getting it in game as an actual hat/hat replacement then I can guide you through it step by step over Steam. It's not that complicated.
how do you guys get the Heavy model and the Spy model into 3ds Max?
If you have the SDK installed, you'll find the character models in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\(your username)\sourcesdk_content\tf\modelsrc\player. If you don't see them there, press the "Refresh SDK Content" button on the SDK main menu.
*sees click here for Submission details*
*clicks and clicks*
*clicks a little bit faster*
*starts that annoying clicking with one finger*
Oh crap, I've broken my mouse. Either that or I CAN'T CLICK WHERE IT SAYS "CLICK HERE"
If you have the SDK installed, you'll find the character models in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\(your username)\sourcesdk_content\tf\modelsrc\player. If you don't see them there, press the "Refresh SDK Content" button on the SDK main menu.
We should also point out that the submission deadline has been extended two weeks to the 31st of February.
You won't know me as I'm not a big known guy in the TF2 modeling community... I inspire, but am dry with ideas.... Anyway here is Some of my work....
Name:Classy Corperator
Description: You did it, Finally!
Purpose: A free hat to be distributed to everyone who owns TF2. Mainly, because when Valve gives out "free hats", it means you buying a game... So mainly this is not strings attached other than owning TF2.
Pros: A nice idea, but lacking pure model Skill
Cons: Just a reskin of Ellis' hat....
Screenies (Note: My models are low poly ones, (because my PC sucks...) They fit on normal models, primarily because its the Ellis Cap model, its just a texture reskin):
Name: Feeling Green
Description: It's Parteh Time!
Purpose: Supposed to resemble the Mask's hat... Primarily, because the Spy reminds me of "The Mask"
Pros: Good aesthtically...
Cons: Over 6000 tris (due to a subsurf modifiers in blender, yeh I was dat noob). Yellow, so yellow it wouldn't fit with TF2's theme (See textured picture...)
Too big (So big that it would clip and probably give the spy away without a disguise...)
The next hat is a WIP, therefore it'll be finished by tomorrow afternoon... Btw how to read... Each name has a number, each description has a number that associates with said name. Maybe we can vote on this? Which ones you guys like.... And Global Descriptions, apply to every name .
Name(s): *** THIS IS A WIP!***
1. Keeping Kool
2. Cone-ilicious!
3. Wafflicious Waffle Cone
4. Genuine Gelato...
5. Comical Cone
6. Weighty Waffle Cone
7. Wobbly Waffle Cone
8. Knicked Ninety-Nine
9. Conniving Cone
10. Conceiving Cone
11. Nifty Ninety-Nine
12. Seductive Sherbert
13. Shady Sherbert
14. Killer Kone
15. Krazy Kone
16. Ice Scream
1. "Why eat it. Just go Slip Slop Slap!"
"You dropped ur ice cream... on your head!"
"Keeping you cool, anytime anywhere, best is it never melts! Why? It's a secret."
3. "Do you like waffles?"
4. "Its not icecream. Oh no, its sugar-free gelato. Your worst nightmare."
"Pshhhh, gelato. if only it was Ice Cream"
2 & 5. "Crunchy, coneshaped and cool, what else do you need?"
6. "You'll be over 9000... pounds, after these!"
"Do you like waffles?"
7. "Don't let it drop, or you'll cry!"
"Do you like waffles?"
8. "Stealing, is this is bad. The Reward, better..."
"You knicked this.... 99 times! You'll soon hit 100"
"If ninety-nine wasn't enough..."
"You dropped this 98 times, the 99th, you picked up and licked anyway."
"You've batted ninety-nine, this is your reward!"
9 & 10. "You never know, sweet things conceiving!"
11. "Ninety-nine, a pretty nifty number..."
"Ninety-nine, your baseball number. And the number of cones you've gone through"
"If ninety-nine wasn't enough..."
"You dropped this 98 times, the 99th, you picked up and licked anyway."
"You've batted ninety-nine, this is your reward!"
"Prototype #99, 99% Plastic... 1% Plutonium, try it."
12. "Get everyone jealous, even yourself, because u can't eat this until you win!"
"Seductive, sleek and frozen!"
13. "You don't know where this has been, but you licked it and slapped it on your head anyway!"
"So Shady you don't know what's inside"
"Sherbert can be tasty, this however is too damn shady to eat!"
"Sherbert is awesome, this however is shady... DON'T LICK!"
14."You'll die for this one!"
"You'll kill for this!"
15. "You'll be going mad over this!"
"Krazy like the guy who served it to ya!"
"You thought bonk made ur head spin. This is worse!"
"You thought bonk made ur head spin. This is worse! Maybe its the cold, freezing ur brain!"
16. "Hear the screams of your artwork!"
"Grass Grows, Birds Fly and Brothar. I hurt People "ARGHHHH" Heh..."
"Ice Scream.... I think you get the jist."
"Ice scream... thats it!"
"You scream, I... laugh!"
"You scream, I scream, we all scream for Ice Cream"
Global: "Keeping your head cool in the heat of battle"
"Sugar Free, Fat Free, Ice Cream free. Why? Cause, it's plastic."
"Don't take a bite, it's poisoned! Only joking.... It's frozen pesticides"
"When ur feeling crazy... Just wear it!"
"Every time you kill someone, take a lick, it's your reward!"
"This never melts, why? It's a secret."
"90% Plutonium, 5% Sugar, 4% Fat, 1% Plastic. MMMMM Tasty!"
"5% Plutonium, 5% Sugar, 90% Plastic."
"5% Plutonium, 5% Sugar, 90% Plastic. That's why it never melts!"
"Brain freeze! Literally!"
"Freeze your brain, forever!"
"Stop your development! And stay fast! By freezing your brain, with this!"
"Stay alert with this thing keeping you awake on the battlefield. Even in death!"
"Cool, cold and air conditioning for your body!"
"Don't make the mistake, this is is dead cold!"
"You thought ur dead cold hands are bad... Try your head!"
"Feeling cold? Thought so..."
Anyway, give em any type of criticism except maybe ones that are too harsh I don't like dat XD...
Looks like you don't have an idle animation specified. Paste this in your .qc if you don't already have it in there and replace the .smd with the name of your .smd.
$sequence idle "model.smd" loop fps 30.00
If that doesn't fix it, post your .qc file in here so we can take a peek at it.
That looks wrong it's usually "$sequence idle "idle" loop fps 30.00" without the quotes let me know if it works
What's in the quotes is just the name of the idle .smd. If he put what you suggested in it wouldn't work because I'm guessing he didn't export a .smd named idle. They way I suggested is easiest as it just uses the .smd you exported for the mesh, meaning you won't have to export an extra .smd for an idle animation.
What's in the quotes is just the name of the idle .smd. If he put what you suggested in it wouldn't work because I'm guessing he didn't export a .smd named idle. They way I suggested is easiest as it just uses the .smd you exported for the mesh, meaning you won't have to export an extra .smd for an idle animation.
I never do this, when you decompile the the actual model I just keep the Idle file separate and only save over the ref file I decompiled the mask and saved over the file with my own hat and got it to compile but with the idle bounding box out of range but that can be fixed by changing one thing, so worked for me
I never do this, when you decompile the the actual model I just keep the Idle file separate and only save over the ref file I decompiled the mask and saved over the file with my own hat and got it to compile but with the idle bounding box out of range but that can be fixed by changing one thing, so worked for me
I guess fine if you recompile decompiled models. I always compile my models from scratch as their own .mdl's though and replace the item through the items.txt file which is a much cleaner method in my opinion.
Yea it's better if you're releasing or submitting it, I don't really tend to do that at the moment.
very quick sketch of the kind of look I will he going for with the headgear not sure how to go about covering the back of the head as it won't genuinely fit the medic without a recolouring him, but I also don't want it to look like the blighted beak
Hey Napy, just at a quick glance I can see what appears to be the problem:
{ "Sewed_Madman" }
{ "Sewed_Madman_Blue" }
Here you have begun a block of code that was not finished. Currently everything after your skinfamilies will be compiled as garbage (no sequences to be read)!
Get a bracket in there:
{ "Sewed_Madman" }
{ "Sewed_Madman_Blue" }
I guess fine if you recompile decompiled models. I always compile my models from scratch as their own .mdl's though and replace the item through the items.txt file which is a much cleaner method in my opinion.
Not sure what you mean by cleaner but it's no better, your hat will stop working pretty much every update and won't work in any online servers (or some online servers, I forget which it is).
The Grimm Gravedigger v2. I made a version of this to go with the Blighted Beak, but the hat didn't get in, so I'm remaking it, and making it nicer this time.
Not sure what you mean by cleaner but it's no better, your hat will stop working pretty much every update and won't work in any online servers (or some online servers, I forget which it is).
I don't care about having it not work in updates. I only need to see it in game to test it out before submitting. Then when it's time to submit I have all of the files (.smd, .qc, .mdl, .vtf, .vmt) files set up as their own hat which would make it easier for Valve to implement it if they choose it.
Also whether or not item replacements work online depends on if the server is set to sv_pure 1.
Well, the normal sentry can rotate, look up/down, etc. For that reason, I don't see your model fitting in as a straight-up skin. If Valve put it in the game, it'd have to be a sentry that fires in a straight line, which might actually work for medieval mode. If you want to animate it, that would certainly help your chances with Valve.
Of course, if you can make it look good with turning animations and such, there would be no problem including it in the fake update.
Intended as a Jarate replacement but I might try it out for the Milk. Not sure if an Ink Jar would make sense for the Scout (although you could say the same about the Sniper).
I made this a while back. Going to be annoying to rig properly.
none taken if i knew there were 2 other forge hats being made i wouldn't have made one but there is work already done so i might as well continue getting some crits on it and try to improve and submit since it is olny my 2nd model ever done aside from a bridge roof for my tf2 map. defiantly going to try and steer clear desgine wise from the other 2 peoples version and make it unique.
that dog should be made into a statue fixture in a few of the best maps on TF2. It would really improve the quality and appearance of many maps.
Thanks to some help from a friend i was able to compile at least as a physics prop.
For being your first hat, is pretty good. But seriously, this style of hat is overused :S.
I'm having trouble with my paintball marker. I've decided to make it a lugermorph replacement, since replacing the engie's pistol causes too many problems, but now I'm running into a problem with the lugermorph.
The lugermorph's c_model has two bones in it: weapon_bone and weapon_bone_1. I've tried assigning each one on it's own and I've tried assigning both, but the same problem keeps occuring. The view_model is correct, but the world_model is still the lugermorgh. any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?
@Comfy cushion: That is because the world model uses w_ttg_max_gun instead of the c_model version which you replaced.
Then I got the idea that I could make a few store fronts and props, for TF2. I'm reluctant to do another map, just because its such a huge project for one person but it's tempting... very tempting...
I wrote a tutorial over a year ago on how to get a TF2 item in game as a prop_physics. You could have just followed that!
Anyway, if you need help getting it in game as an actual hat/hat replacement then I can guide you through it step by step over Steam. It's not that complicated.
im going to try and learn what i need to at least to test it in game as a hat.
"beard" needs to be added .
for now ( I know ) , It's freaky
Should I make it more circular ?
Texture will be added
wee test
I finally opened submissions. GO GO.
If you have the SDK installed, you'll find the character models in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\(your username)\sourcesdk_content\tf\modelsrc\player. If you don't see them there, press the "Refresh SDK Content" button on the SDK main menu.
We should also point out that the submission deadline has been extended two weeks to the 31st of February.
*sees click here for Submission details*
*clicks and clicks*
*clicks a little bit faster*
*starts that annoying clicking with one finger*
Oh crap, I've broken my mouse. Either that or I CAN'T CLICK WHERE IT SAYS "CLICK HERE"
edit or just go to:
also, i should probably get started
Here is my british police hat i submitted, i hope it makes it in the game:
models/player/items/pyro/pyro_tripwire_mask.mdl I believe.
You won't know me as I'm not a big known guy in the TF2 modeling community... I inspire, but am dry with ideas.... Anyway here is Some of my work....
Name:Classy Corperator
Description: You did it, Finally!
Purpose: A free hat to be distributed to everyone who owns TF2. Mainly, because when Valve gives out "free hats", it means you buying a game... So mainly this is not strings attached other than owning TF2.
Pros: A nice idea, but lacking pure model Skill
Cons: Just a reskin of Ellis' hat....
Screenies (Note: My models are low poly ones, (because my PC sucks...) They fit on normal models, primarily because its the Ellis Cap model, its just a texture reskin):
Name: Feeling Green
Description: It's Parteh Time!
Purpose: Supposed to resemble the Mask's hat... Primarily, because the Spy reminds me of "The Mask"
Pros: Good aesthtically...
Cons: Over 6000 tris (due to a subsurf modifiers in blender, yeh I was dat noob). Yellow, so yellow it wouldn't fit with TF2's theme (See textured picture...)
Too big (So big that it would clip and probably give the spy away without a disguise...)
The next hat is a WIP, therefore it'll be finished by tomorrow afternoon... Btw how to read... Each name has a number, each description has a number that associates with said name. Maybe we can vote on this? Which ones you guys like.... And Global Descriptions, apply to every name
Name(s): *** THIS IS A WIP!***
1. Keeping Kool
2. Cone-ilicious!
3. Wafflicious Waffle Cone
4. Genuine Gelato...
5. Comical Cone
6. Weighty Waffle Cone
7. Wobbly Waffle Cone
8. Knicked Ninety-Nine
9. Conniving Cone
10. Conceiving Cone
11. Nifty Ninety-Nine
12. Seductive Sherbert
13. Shady Sherbert
14. Killer Kone
15. Krazy Kone
16. Ice Scream
1. "Why eat it. Just go Slip Slop Slap!"
"You dropped ur ice cream... on your head!"
"Keeping you cool, anytime anywhere, best is it never melts! Why? It's a secret."
3. "Do you like waffles?"
4. "Its not icecream. Oh no, its sugar-free gelato. Your worst nightmare."
"Pshhhh, gelato. if only it was Ice Cream"
2 & 5. "Crunchy, coneshaped and cool, what else do you need?"
6. "You'll be over 9000... pounds, after these!"
"Do you like waffles?"
7. "Don't let it drop, or you'll cry!"
"Do you like waffles?"
8. "Stealing, is this is bad. The Reward, better..."
"You knicked this.... 99 times! You'll soon hit 100"
"If ninety-nine wasn't enough..."
"You dropped this 98 times, the 99th, you picked up and licked anyway."
"You've batted ninety-nine, this is your reward!"
9 & 10. "You never know, sweet things conceiving!"
11. "Ninety-nine, a pretty nifty number..."
"Ninety-nine, your baseball number. And the number of cones you've gone through"
"If ninety-nine wasn't enough..."
"You dropped this 98 times, the 99th, you picked up and licked anyway."
"You've batted ninety-nine, this is your reward!"
"Prototype #99, 99% Plastic... 1% Plutonium, try it."
12. "Get everyone jealous, even yourself, because u can't eat this until you win!"
"Seductive, sleek and frozen!"
13. "You don't know where this has been, but you licked it and slapped it on your head anyway!"
"So Shady you don't know what's inside"
"Sherbert can be tasty, this however is too damn shady to eat!"
"Sherbert is awesome, this however is shady... DON'T LICK!"
14."You'll die for this one!"
"You'll kill for this!"
15. "You'll be going mad over this!"
"Krazy like the guy who served it to ya!"
"You thought bonk made ur head spin. This is worse!"
"You thought bonk made ur head spin. This is worse! Maybe its the cold, freezing ur brain!"
16. "Hear the screams of your artwork!"
"Grass Grows, Birds Fly and Brothar. I hurt People "ARGHHHH" Heh..."
"Ice Scream.... I think you get the jist."
"Ice scream... thats it!"
"You scream, I... laugh!"
"You scream, I scream, we all scream for Ice Cream"
Global: "Keeping your head cool in the heat of battle"
"Sugar Free, Fat Free, Ice Cream free. Why? Cause, it's plastic."
"Don't take a bite, it's poisoned! Only joking.... It's frozen pesticides"
"When ur feeling crazy... Just wear it!"
"Every time you kill someone, take a lick, it's your reward!"
"This never melts, why? It's a secret."
"90% Plutonium, 5% Sugar, 4% Fat, 1% Plastic. MMMMM Tasty!"
"5% Plutonium, 5% Sugar, 90% Plastic."
"5% Plutonium, 5% Sugar, 90% Plastic. That's why it never melts!"
"Brain freeze! Literally!"
"Freeze your brain, forever!"
"Stop your development! And stay fast! By freezing your brain, with this!"
"Stay alert with this thing keeping you awake on the battlefield. Even in death!"
"Cool, cold and air conditioning for your body!"
"Don't make the mistake, this is is dead cold!"
"You thought ur dead cold hands are bad... Try your head!"
"Feeling cold? Thought so..."
Anyway, give em any type of criticism except maybe ones that are too harsh I don't like dat XD...
Medieval was broken on Chrome. Now it isn't. How embarassing!
how do you guys do the rollover for the mouse on the images?
Did you extract the model first and place it in that directory so it can be overwritten?
It's quite sloppy and we'll try not to use it in the final update page with all the downloads. My web guy frowns at me all the time.
$sequence idle "model.smd" loop fps 30.00
If that doesn't fix it, post your .qc file in here so we can take a peek at it.
What's in the quotes is just the name of the idle .smd. If he put what you suggested in it wouldn't work because I'm guessing he didn't export a .smd named idle. They way I suggested is easiest as it just uses the .smd you exported for the mesh, meaning you won't have to export an extra .smd for an idle animation.
I never do this, when you decompile the the actual model I just keep the Idle file separate and only save over the ref file I decompiled the mask and saved over the file with my own hat and got it to compile but with the idle bounding box out of range but that can be fixed by changing one thing, so worked for me
I guess fine if you recompile decompiled models. I always compile my models from scratch as their own .mdl's though and replace the item through the items.txt file which is a much cleaner method in my opinion.
very quick sketch of the kind of look I will he going for with the headgear not sure how to go about covering the back of the head as it won't genuinely fit the medic without a recolouring him, but I also don't want it to look like the blighted beak
Hey Napy, just at a quick glance I can see what appears to be the problem:
{ "Sewed_Madman" }
{ "Sewed_Madman_Blue" }
Here you have begun a block of code that was not finished. Currently everything after your skinfamilies will be compiled as garbage (no sequences to be read)!
Get a bracket in there:
{ "Sewed_Madman" }
{ "Sewed_Madman_Blue" }
The Grimm Gravedigger v2. I made a version of this to go with the Blighted Beak, but the hat didn't get in, so I'm remaking it, and making it nicer this time.
the concept in the corner is by Pie_tony.
I don't care about having it not work in updates. I only need to see it in game to test it out before submitting. Then when it's time to submit I have all of the files (.smd, .qc, .mdl, .vtf, .vmt) files set up as their own hat which would make it easier for Valve to implement it if they choose it.
Also whether or not item replacements work online depends on if the server is set to sv_pure 1.