Cool shotgun BebHenry. About your problem, probably the best option is to copy material settings form vmt file of already made weapon with similar look. And I'm not sure about using normal map for wood...
Here is soft pillow:
Thx to Veko comment I put some petroleum on top of pillow. So idea is, when pyro hits burning target pillow catch fire, and burns others targets on hit.
fuck yeah, my idea helped
not sure though about the squareness of the pillow shape
Ok Ive started to texture the medieval wrench, I'm pretty happy how the wood turned out, having I'm having doubts about the metal pallette im using:
I just don't think the base colours im using is working, I know it's under detailed ATM, but this colour scheme problem is doing my head in.
Do you think that it would look nicer if I made the screws or joints a different colour from the rest of the metal parts? Or if i made all the metal or the edge highlights a different colour? Im open to any suggestions
Hey guys, can someone send me an .obj file of the Pyro's flamethrower?
I can't use GCFScape because my Vista is bugged and won't update the .NET Framework (I don't even have v1.1 yet) I'm going to get Windows 7 and do a clean install eventually to get things working, but for now it'd be appreciated if someone could send me the file so I can build my weapon around its proportions
I'm well aware this idea has been done and submitted to Valve quite a few times (and by different people) in the past, but just for the "Medieval" thing, I thought I'd rework this hat, here's the result, the "Court's Flaming Entertainer", paintable and with jigglebones:
BLU version (RED one uses brown tones instead of grey )
Oops, I forgot to post this here. If you're interested in participating in the TF2 Emporium's Medieval Update project, please join the public Steam group for contributors. We already have 25 people signed up and I know there's more out there because I went through all the pages of this thread back to when it was first announced, as well as some other threads on different forums, and I've counted around 30 people and well over 50 hats, weapons and props either in-progress or already completed.
With so much stuff going on, it's difficult to keep track of who's participating and what's being created. Again, to help us get organized, please join the Medieval Update Contributors Steam group.
Doing this includes the Pyro's poly count as well. I guess I could just delete my antennae temporarily and see how many polys are subtracted, but that's a bit troublesome... Surely there must be a better way?
EDIT: Another noob question: is it possible to create some sort of anchor point so that when I rescale the antennae, they don't move too much from the position on the Pyro's head? Currently, messing with svale will force me to reposition them. It's kind of frustrating when I'm just trying to brainstorm and mess around a bit.
Just delete the Pyro then reimport simpler than subtracting etc, as when you export your model you won't keep the pyro.
For the scaling try the base pivot or the other 2 options, it's along the top bar
BTW, those are alot polygons for a hat. I can see at least 500 polys
well the legionaire's lid isnt in use even if it is in the game files and i thought a well made one may make it in, and yes it would kind of look like the defiant spartan but the thing is there are hats that already look like each other and greek isnt rome they are two seperate cultures, yes the Romans borrowed alot of ideas from the greeks but they made their own variations that could be considered unique, and i was intending on making an updated version. in terms of poly's when i used a normal sphere it ended up looking blocky when i finally made it so i had to subdivide it to make it smooth out a little.
also jzeeba and i will be working on this together.
@ColonelBD - Maybe make the wood a bit darker? It looks a little too bright and pristine, if it were darker I think it would appear older since it is a medieval item afterall
@Sukotto Yes, but the problem with that is that he can't make the color scheme too similar to that of the Jag. He needs to make it noticeably different. I Personally like the new color. Now it just needs some detail and wear and tear.
Got the game today, bloody enjoy it. Im buying the PC's goodies sack when i get into it some more. Mechanic, demoman, flamer are my favs from the lot
And the pyro is a girl, not sure if sexuality has been determined, lol.
I actually wasn't too fond of the wrench idea at first. But now that you've got it textured up I think it looks really cool. Maybe you could darken the wood, or even destaurate it so it looks older and dried out, maybe a few cracks. But it's unique enough I odn't think it matters if the metal is close to that of another wrench.
OK, I've been refining a couple of my models since I last posted here. Firstly, I decided to remake my Sherlock Holmes hat, since I'm not exactly happy about how the previous one came out.
I've made it you more like an actual hat now. The flaps aren't fused to the body, the bow isn't coming out of the button on top, and I added the side flaps to it too. I'm going to work on the unwrapping the UVM map, but something tells me that it's going to take a while... :shifty:
Also, I went back to my Magnifying Glass knife, reduced the poly count (from 17000 to 8000), made a blue colored version, and remade the blade so that it actually looks like a blade.
Although I don't like how long the blade is, I think it might be a bit to big. But it's already shorter than the spy's other knifes, so shortening it now would make it look minuscule.
Up next, I made this mace for the Soldier for the Medieval Update.
I think it's coming along nicely so far, but I don't like how the light is reflecting off of it, makes it look like plastic. I'll try to see what I can do with the spec map later to fix that.
Lastly, I started work on my Crossbow Sentry, also for the Medieval Update:
...although it's not so much work as it is putting a bunch of random shapes together. :poly141: This is just a WIP pic now, it'll get better soon, but I'm not exactly sure how it should look, mostly about the details. A little help here would be nice.
That's it for models, but I have a question about the Medieval Update: Would my Sherlock Holmes themed pack for the Spy be allowed to enter? The items aren't that advanced ('cept than the flintlock revolver I'm planning on making, but not by much), but they are from Victorian era, which might be too far ahead from Medieval times... so yeah, are they ok?
So I'm done here, gotta get back to work my models. Any comments or crits would be appreciated.
Working on finishing up some kit items to add to my Defiant Spartan.
The manuballista is in it's early stages so things collide and the fit is awkward. Not sure about this design. May go for full length spears instead of these half bolts and turn the bow vertical. My other concept is a 5 barrel gatling spear launcher.
I feel the texures are getting a bit to detailed. I have to pull it back a bit, I find it's a challenging style to get right. Thoughts, crits?
Up next, I made this mace for the Soldier for the Medieval Update.
I think it's coming along nicely so far, but I don't like how the light is reflecting off of it, makes it look like plastic. I'll try to see what I can do with the spec map later to fix that.
That's it for models, but I have a question about the Medieval Update: Would my Sherlock Holmes themed pack for the Spy be allowed to enter? The items aren't that advanced ('cept than the flintlock revolver I'm planning on making, but not by much), but they are from Victorian era, which might be too far ahead from Medieval times... so yeah, are they ok?
Also, the mace looks like plastic because of the smoothing groups. Not sure what modeling program you're using but look into that. As for the Sherlock Holmes stuff, they don't really fit the medieval theme.
I finally finished it, and I submitted it.
There are alot of minor changes if you have a good eye you can spot them.
I know, its like the 4th time putting this up, but this is the last time, forever.
so, in a way I'm saying, don't criticize it anymore :P
does anyone know a good tutorial to make specular maps for Tf2? All my models have AO, difuse..but i dont know how to render a spec map.:poly127:
you dont render out the spec map per say prolly the easiest way would be to just grap the greyscale from one of your rgb channels and tweak the brightness and contrast on different sections of it. the brighter something is the more specular it has.
and since it is a Grey scale image your are best to just save it in the alpha channel of tour diffuse texture.
here is a example of one and the diffuse map for reference.
Your trigger goes straight through his finger. Just lose the trigger, none of the other miniguns have bothered.
Going to be very hard to get the strap to move convincingly...
Front handle... Ok this is really picky but it wouldn't be attached with just one bolt like that in real life as it would rotate around that point.
Wooden stock on the back of the ammo drum. Can we get a better view of that.
You need to model a double bass case for it to go in
hard to tell from a normal shotgun without seeing the stock... Is there some way to make the front look more distinctive?
Ok ive done what Sukotto and Baddcog said and desaturated the wood, once again using the Bashers pallete:
I've still got both textures on me so I can still go either way. So what do you think, better or worse ?:)
@benhenry: yeah that trigger is just getting in the way, and personally the model will look more styilised without it. I can't really the shotgun being a problem, colour wise its pretty different from the default and the stock is still pretty visible even from those sorts of angles.
Thanks guys,
By the way, all of those screenshots (except for the knuckles) were taken in hlmv, so what you see is what you get. The textures up close are so much better....Here.
Ok ive done what Sukotto and Baddcog said and desaturated the wood, once again using the Bashers pallete:
I've still got both textures on me so I can still go either way. So what do you think, better or worse ?:)
@benhenry: yeah that trigger is just getting in the way, and personally the model will look more styilised without it. I can't really the shotgun being a problem, colour wise its pretty different from the default and the stock is still pretty visible even from those sorts of angles.
To be honest i'm not sure why you made the clamps themselves out of wood, doesnt make sense for them to make the smaller, harder to make metal bits out of metal, and the big stuff out of wood.
Well as Jackablade said a while back, medieval tools, such as wine presses were generally made of wood with metal couplings, which is what im doing on the wrench.
Besides, metals generally easier to mold and shape than wood, I mean, wooden couplings, I don't think it would work as well.
Finally, the wood also helps it stand out from the existing wrenches and at the same time makes it look significantly medieval.
Well as Jackablade said a while back, medieval tools, such as wine presses were generally made of wood with metal couplings, which is what im doing on the wrench.
Besides, metals generally easier to mold and shape than wood, I mean, wooden couplings, I don't think it would work as well.
Finally, the wood also helps it stand out from the existing wrenches and at the same time makes it look significantly medieval.
Fair enough, it just doesn't seem very strong for a wrench, in my eyes atleast.
@Majortomm: Hm, I was thinking of that, but I afraid that it'd be a bit too complicated. I'll try and think of some sort of way to simplify the design (hopefully no by a lot). @Mnemosynaut: Ah thanks for the links, I bet they'll help a lot.
OK, I finished unwrapping my detective hat (and what do ya know, I was right, IT DID TAKE A LONG TIME) and compiled it, here's how it looks like so far:
The texture isn't so great now, but I'm working on it. Also, quick question: the tricount on the hat in model viewer is about 3000 right now. Is that too much for a hat, or is it ok?
Also here's a pic of the hat and the knife together:
Now the Spy looks like a REAL DETECTIVE!
Ok, I've adding a the phong map and added some more wear and tear to the texture. Very close to calling this done:
I just need to fix up the phys mesh and come up with a name for the thing. I don't have any ideas for names though (again) any suggestions will be appreciated:).
fuck yeah, my idea helped
not sure though about the squareness of the pillow shape
That's Engineer Demoman Pyro for you!
I just don't think the base colours im using is working, I know it's under detailed ATM, but this colour scheme problem is doing my head in.
Do you think that it would look nicer if I made the screws or joints a different colour from the rest of the metal parts? Or if i made all the metal or the edge highlights a different colour? Im open to any suggestions
I can't use GCFScape because my Vista is bugged and won't update the .NET Framework (I don't even have v1.1 yet) I'm going to get Windows 7 and do a clean install eventually to get things working, but for now it'd be appreciated if someone could send me the file so I can build my weapon around its proportions come on Rada, I know you can do it better
BTW, those are alot polygons for a hat. I can see at least 500 polys
I'm well aware this idea has been done and submitted to Valve quite a few times (and by different people) in the past, but just for the "Medieval" thing, I thought I'd rework this hat, here's the result, the "Court's Flaming Entertainer", paintable and with jigglebones:
BLU version (RED one uses brown tones instead of grey )
Pretty sick.
Nice to see some more props in here.
With so much stuff going on, it's difficult to keep track of who's participating and what's being created. Again, to help us get organized, please join the Medieval Update Contributors Steam group.
may i suggest you tone down the scratches on the shotgun they really struck me as way to in your face otherwise looks awsome :poly142:
Just delete the Pyro then reimport simpler than subtracting etc, as when you export your model you won't keep the pyro.
For the scaling try the base pivot or the other 2 options, it's along the top bar
well the legionaire's lid isnt in use even if it is in the game files and i thought a well made one may make it in, and yes it would kind of look like the defiant spartan but the thing is there are hats that already look like each other and greek isnt rome they are two seperate cultures, yes the Romans borrowed alot of ideas from the greeks but they made their own variations that could be considered unique, and i was intending on making an updated version. in terms of poly's when i used a normal sphere it ended up looking blocky when i finally made it so i had to subdivide it to make it smooth out a little.
also jzeeba and i will be working on this together.
And the pyro is a girl, not sure if sexuality has been determined, lol.
I actually wasn't too fond of the wrench idea at first. But now that you've got it textured up I think it looks really cool. Maybe you could darken the wood, or even destaurate it so it looks older and dried out, maybe a few cracks. But it's unique enough I odn't think it matters if the metal is close to that of another wrench.
OK, I've been refining a couple of my models since I last posted here. Firstly, I decided to remake my Sherlock Holmes hat, since I'm not exactly happy about how the previous one came out.
I've made it you more like an actual hat now. The flaps aren't fused to the body, the bow isn't coming out of the button on top, and I added the side flaps to it too. I'm going to work on the unwrapping the UVM map, but something tells me that it's going to take a while... :shifty:
Also, I went back to my Magnifying Glass knife, reduced the poly count (from 17000 to 8000), made a blue colored version, and remade the blade so that it actually looks like a blade.
Although I don't like how long the blade is, I think it might be a bit to big. But it's already shorter than the spy's other knifes, so shortening it now would make it look minuscule.
Up next, I made this mace for the Soldier for the Medieval Update.
I think it's coming along nicely so far, but I don't like how the light is reflecting off of it, makes it look like plastic. I'll try to see what I can do with the spec map later to fix that.
Lastly, I started work on my Crossbow Sentry, also for the Medieval Update:
...although it's not so much work as it is putting a bunch of random shapes together. :poly141: This is just a WIP pic now, it'll get better soon, but I'm not exactly sure how it should look, mostly about the details. A little help here would be nice.
That's it for models, but I have a question about the Medieval Update: Would my Sherlock Holmes themed pack for the Spy be allowed to enter? The items aren't that advanced ('cept than the flintlock revolver I'm planning on making, but not by much), but they are from Victorian era, which might be too far ahead from Medieval times... so yeah, are they ok?
So I'm done here, gotta get back to work my models. Any comments or crits would be appreciated.
This is awesome-great, by the way. Can I have one once Valve puts it in the game?
I'm not a huge fan of the class-logo medal, but whatever.
How about the Arrow Machine Gun that mythbusters built?
The manuballista is in it's early stages so things collide and the fit is awkward. Not sure about this design. May go for full length spears instead of these half bolts and turn the bow vertical. My other concept is a 5 barrel gatling spear launcher.
I feel the texures are getting a bit to detailed. I have to pull it back a bit, I find it's a challenging style to get right. Thoughts, crits?
Few things to help you with this:
AO Bake Tutorial: [ame]
TF2 Texturing Guide:
Also, the mace looks like plastic because of the smoothing groups. Not sure what modeling program you're using but look into that. As for the Sherlock Holmes stuff, they don't really fit the medieval theme.
Also, just look at some examples of textures that are in the game to get a feel for how things are
C&C would be much appreciated since im kinda at a block for the texture.
the next piece i will be working on is a officers sword from the same time frame as this hat
Oh right, it was just a weird angle. False alarm.
He does not say it is for the medieval update, if you read what he put above the Soldier image
Some stuff i'm making for the medieval update, the bombs don't really fit but i'll look into something more medieval
There are alot of minor changes if you have a good eye you can spot them.
I know, its like the 4th time putting this up, but this is the last time, forever.
so, in a way I'm saying, don't criticize it anymore :P
Now they just need to release it in-game so i can kill some scouts with a tommygun
you dont render out the spec map per say prolly the easiest way would be to just grap the greyscale from one of your rgb channels and tweak the brightness and contrast on different sections of it. the brighter something is the more specular it has.
and since it is a Grey scale image your are best to just save it in the alpha channel of tour diffuse texture.
here is a example of one and the diffuse map for reference.
Your trigger goes straight through his finger. Just lose the trigger, none of the other miniguns have bothered.
Going to be very hard to get the strap to move convincingly...
Front handle... Ok this is really picky but it wouldn't be attached with just one bolt like that in real life as it would rotate around that point.
Wooden stock on the back of the ammo drum. Can we get a better view of that.
You need to model a double bass case for it to go in
hard to tell from a normal shotgun without seeing the stock... Is there some way to make the front look more distinctive?
Overall very strong theme. Good work
I've still got both textures on me so I can still go either way. So what do you think, better or worse ?:)
@benhenry: yeah that trigger is just getting in the way, and personally the model will look more styilised without it. I can't really the shotgun being a problem, colour wise its pretty different from the default and the stock is still pretty visible even from those sorts of angles.
By the way, all of those screenshots (except for the knuckles) were taken in hlmv, so what you see is what you get. The textures up close are so much better....Here.
To be honest i'm not sure why you made the clamps themselves out of wood, doesnt make sense for them to make the smaller, harder to make metal bits out of metal, and the big stuff out of wood.
Besides, metals generally easier to mold and shape than wood, I mean, wooden couplings, I don't think it would work as well.
Finally, the wood also helps it stand out from the existing wrenches and at the same time makes it look significantly medieval.
Fair enough, it just doesn't seem very strong for a wrench, in my eyes atleast.
I'm thinking of going with the bright version, the desaturated version just looks too grey and boring.
@Mnemosynaut: Ah thanks for the links, I bet they'll help a lot.
OK, I finished unwrapping my detective hat (and what do ya know, I was right, IT DID TAKE A LONG TIME) and compiled it, here's how it looks like so far:
The texture isn't so great now, but I'm working on it. Also, quick question: the tricount on the hat in model viewer is about 3000 right now. Is that too much for a hat, or is it ok?
Also here's a pic of the hat and the knife together:
Now the Spy looks like a REAL DETECTIVE!
It's just too insane to not be put in TF2...
"But doc, what the hell is a gigawatt?!"
"Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems. Not problems like what is gigawatt."
I love it !
I just need to fix up the phys mesh and come up with a name for the thing. I don't have any ideas for names though (again) any suggestions will be appreciated:).
Maybe The (ye) NutteCracker would sound more medieval, or do you think thats pushing it too far?