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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Skizot
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    Skizot polycounter lvl 18
    i was first >_>
  • ComfyCushion
    And I think yours is the best best so far, Skizot.
  • CidTheNinja
    Skizot wrote: »
    i was first >_>
    yeah, your's is still the best. Can we get a painted version that make him look like Candlejack? Like the other guys I want to see tha-
  • Kebab
    Jackablade wrote: »
    To be honest, I liked the black version with the big clear stitches better than these coloured ones.

    I'm not Skizot. I'm Kebab.
    You are talking about different hat. That hat of mine never was black and it's the first time I post about it in here.
    And I think yours is the best best so far, Skizot.

    Mine isn't executioner's hood or what ever. Mine is fusion between the earliest gas masks made that were hoods with home-made exaggerated TF2 twist.
  • Larate
    Here's something that isn't a hood for the Pyro...

    It's a TORCH for the Pyro!


    It's my first thing I've gotten in-engine. I still have a final pass to do on the texture, spec, and the shader, but it's pretty much done. The flame works great when you're viewing it as a worldmodel, but as a viewmodel it's all screwed up since it's just a particle effect stuck to an attachment instead of a coded muzzle attachment like the other weapons. Maybe I'll seek out how to do that myself at some point, but I have some other projects I have to move on to now.

    Once again, thanks for the help earlier.
    I would use it even if it had the crappiest(i.e. Dalakohs Bar) stats. The thing is, it looks more Victorian than Medieval, trust me I would know. As long as you didn't plan on handing it in for the Medieval Pack, it's good to ship.
  • Pogo
    Which particle effect have you used? I've been making a medieval torch and the effect I used doesn't work very well:
  • Cronotic
    Kebab wrote: »
    Mine isn't executioner's hood or what ever. Mine is fusion between the earliest gas masks made that were hoods with home-made exaggerated TF2 twist.

    mmmmmmmmmmh,I still prefer the executioner hat :D.
  • ShakerSilver

    I fixed some stuff with my magnifying glass knife. Now the size is realistic but it still clips through a couple animations. (also for the sake of not having to say that extremely long name, refer to it as the Magniknife... or something)
    (no that is not the real texture)


    I've sketched a few ideas for some Medieval weapons.

    Firstly, this melee weapon for the Solly:

    Just a mace for him. I actually started working on this, and I decided to go with design 2, but I altered it to look more interesting:

    Next up, a new flamethrower for the Pyro:
    Kind of silly, yes, but I thought it would fit in the game. It's made out of an old coal-powered stove. My idea for usage would be that it constantly uses ammo when active, makes you slightly slower, but blinds the enemy with clouds of smoke (friendlies would be able to see team-colored silhouettes in the smoke).

    Lastly for medieval concepts, a couple of Engy buildings:

    The sentry is a mounted, gravity loaded crossbow. Obviously it shouldn't be automated, so the engineer has to aim it and fire it by manually. But as a bonus, it shoots giant spears that instantly kill enemies. The dispenser is pretty basic, just that it holds arrows and crossbow bolts instead of ammo, and mutton legs instead of medicine.

    Misc concept also; another flamethrower:
    Another silly pyro weapon. Inspired by that myth that said that vacuum cleaners could ignite if they suck in fuel. So here pyro re-purposed an old vacuum cleaner into a flamethrower using some lead pipes, a tank of jet fuel, and other things that you probably don't care about.

    So anyways, any ideas on how to make these concepts better? Help is greatly appreciated. :)
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    What makes you more excited than seeing a new set, huh?
    Blackmarket_set2.jpgBig image, I know......
    Tell me what you guys think!
  • re.wind
    There are not enough cookies, internets, kittens, or other prize-worthy items within my grasp to give to you as an award for making something so cool.

    AKA: HOT-Damn sexy indeed
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    rewind, would you be talking to me?
  • RedSheep
    @Ben Henry I like what you did with the shotgun. What is the white bottle-like object on the front though? Personally, I think the shotgun is the best thing in the pack.
  • JZeeba
    @Jackablade - thx :). I didn't change the name, although 'Big Trouble' could have been good

    @sconlogue - yeah, I had to watch that movie again as well :)
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    The white bottle is either medicine or hotsauce, medicine went a little better though :P
    Thanks guys!
  • RedSheep
    You could claim that it contains drugs. After all, he is the Black Market Heavy.
  • re.wind
    @benhenry: Yes, yes i would be. Gangster heavy is just smooooth 'n sexy. Names, textures, humour, all just fits in perfectly, even if Heavy never put a foot in america, oh wait...:p
  • ComfyCushion
    I'm trying to compile my paintball marker as a pistol replacement for the engineer, but I keep getting this error: ERROR: cannot find bone weapon_bone_2 for bbox

    Here's my qc:

    $cd "C:\Users\Cody\Desktop\Paint gun\Output"
    $modelname "/player/items/engineer/paint_gun.mdl"
    $model "Body" "paint_gun.smd"
    $sequence idle "idle" fps 30.00
    $cdmaterials "/models/player/items/engineer/"
    $texturegroup skinfamilies
    { "Paint_Gun" }
    { "Paint_Gun_Blu" }
    $hboxset "default"
    $hbox 1 "weapon_bone_1" -4.495 -3.149 -7.220 1.074 7.029 8.632
    $hbox 1 "weapon_bone_2" -0.834 -3.935 -3.264 0.823 4.283 2.217
    // Model uses material "/models/player/items/engineer/Paint_Gun"
    // Model uses material "/models/player/items/engineer/Paint_Gun_Blu"
    $attachment "eject_brass" "weapon_bone_1" 1.01 6.19 3.46 rotate 0.00 44.89 -180.00
    $attachment "muzzle" "weapon_bone_1" 0.00 5.96 9.19 rotate -90.00 -0.00 0.00
    $surfaceprop "metal"
    $illumposition -0.926 -2.127 1.940
    $collisionmodel "phymodel.smd" {

    $mass 1.7
    $inertia 1.00
    $damping 0.00
    $rotdamping 0.00

    What am I doing wrong?

    ...BenHenry, the textures on your weapons aren't very good. Have you reviewed Swizzle's TF2 Texturing thread?


    Your brush strokes are really messy, and there are too few of them concentrated on too little space. It's like someone spray painted the weapons and then drew on them with crayons.

    I like the colors, the texture just isn't developed enough.
  • TankTaur
    Hey folks! A quick question: I'm trying to get into TF2 modeling, but the necessary plugins for 3ds Max don't seem to work in Max 2011, the only version I have access to. So, what do I do now? (I asked the same thing in a SPUF thread but I'm not expecting an answer anytime soon...)
  • Pogo
    $hbox 1 "weapon_bone_1" -4.495 -3.149 -7.220 1.074 7.029 8.632
    $hbox 1 "weapon_bone_2" -0.834 -3.935 -3.264 0.823 4.283 2.217

    chop out these lines - they are for npc collision, and you don't need them
  • Don Karnage
    BenHenry.... that hat.... Beautiful.
  • Simski
    I replied to your post on Facepunch regarding your Black Market Heavy. I hope you won't feel my critique is too harsh, I'm only trying my best to help you improve your creations (not to imply that I'm not impressed already).
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    i would have thought that doing a mobster style heavy theme you should have done a thompson style gun for the pack?? an ice pick would have been cool too. Not sure if those are spikes on the knuckles, but right now it looks like lipstick. should put some more blood splatter on the actual knuckle rings some.
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    I was starting to think of maybe I should replace the mini-gun with a Tommygun.
    The mobster hat is getting some editing right now, and the wood on the shotgun is also on my list. The knuckles are gonna get some attention too, I am going to fix the blood so it looks a little more like blood.
    Thanks guys for your help, and BTW, the people on the face-punch forums, that was my old "fake update" and it had a bunch of errors, sorry for that, just look up and tell me if I have any more errors.

    And thank you simski, I am looking for that kind of help! Don't feel like you need to apologize :P

    edit: does anyone know how to add spec maps to the models, because I have all the spec maps, they just need to be applied, and I don't know how.
  • Sukotto
    Offline / Send Message
    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    How about a tommygun inspired minigun instead of just creating a normal tommygun?
  • Captain of The Chalk Ship
    As Shortstop shows us, your primary weapon can work like your secondary. Just make a tommygun primary using shotgun animations.

    Also, lose the Mann Co from them since I don't think Mann Co does black marketing.
  • Jman
  • Colossal
    Too bad guitars are way overdone.
  • Simski
    BenHenry wrote: »
    I was starting to think of maybe I should replace the mini-gun with a Tommygun.
    The mobster hat is getting some editing right now, and the wood on the shotgun is also on my list. The knuckles are gonna get some attention too, I am going to fix the blood so it looks a little more like blood.
    Thanks guys for your help, and BTW, the people on the face-punch forums, that was my old "fake update" and it had a bunch of errors, sorry for that, just look up and tell me if I have any more errors.

    And thank you simski, I am looking for that kind of help! Don't feel like you need to apologize :P

    edit: does anyone know how to add spec maps to the models, because I have all the spec maps, they just need to be applied, and I don't know how.
    I'm glad I could be of help :)

    I think your Minigun is great, but perhaps it should be released separately as it isn't fitting the theme of the rest of your pack all that well.
    So yeah a Tommy Gun would perhaps be a good idea, but isn't that more stereotypical to the American/Italian mobsters more than the Russian mobsters?

    Then again you could hook onto into the "Heavy likes America" idea some people have gotten from the Hound Dog, Football Helmet, and arguably the "Big Chief".
  • Jman
    I've yet to see one that doesn't look like trash, though, colossal.
  • mutatedjellyfish
    Offline / Send Message
    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    Jman wrote: »
    I've yet to see one that doesn't look like trash, though, colossal.

    I'm more jazzed about that hat/glasses combo. Pretty awesome.
  • Zipfinator
    Offline / Send Message
    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    The guitar is the best one I've seen and the flaregun is nice, but I don't see how the hat and glasses fit into the rocker theme you're doing for the set.
  • SuPa-
    Offline / Send Message
    SuPa- polycounter lvl 11
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    but I don't see how the hat and glasses fit into the rocker theme you're doing for the set.

    It's a rocker style some people do (like Marilyn Mason for example)
    Anywho, I'll post the zombie head I'm making for the Pyro soon... was wondering if anyone could animate it for TF2?

  • Jman
    That hat was worn by the beatles at one point, and since I was doing John Lennon's glasses I went for it. That hat has way too many meanings (pilots,officers,nazis,chauffeurs).
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Yea, it will be sukotto.
  • JZeeba
    I'm trying to add jigglebones to a hat and it seems to be working, I can see the jigglebones effect in the model viewer, but if I go to TF2 and use the testitem tools, it doesn't work... anybody knows what could be the reason? :S

    the jigglebones look like this in the .qc:
    1. $jigglebone "jiggleside1" {
    2. is_flexible {
    3. yaw_stiffness 300
    4. yaw_damping 2
    5. pitch_stiffness 50
    6. pitch_damping 2
    7. length 20
    8. tip_mass 5
    9. angle_constraint 10
    10. }
    11. }

    @Jman - That guitar looks nice!
  • Zipfinator
    Offline / Send Message
    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Jman wrote: »
    That hat was worn by the beatles at one point, and since I was doing John Lennon's glasses I went for it. That hat has way too many meanings (pilots,officers,nazis,chauffeurs).

    I thought it might be something like that. Seems a bit obscure and I don't think pop culture references like John Lennon's glasses belong in TF2. I guess it's better than nothing though. Just don't think everyone will understand it as I didn't at first.

    @Jzeeba, if it's working in Model Viewer it should work in game. Maybe it's because when you jerk the camera in model viewer it's a lot more force than the player moving in game.
  • mutatedjellyfish
    Offline / Send Message
    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    I thought it might be something like that. Seems a bit obscure and I don't think pop culture references like John Lennon's glasses belong in TF2. I guess it's better than nothing though. Just don't think everyone will understand it as I didn't at first.

    Eh, I think John Lennon's glasses go a bit deeper than a throw away pop culture reference, particularly since they are period-accurate and signify both design and fashion style of that period. TF2 DEFINITELY employs design and style cues from the 60's.

    Besides, they put Kanye's shutter shades in there, so I don't think they'll be out of place.
  • ColonelBD
    Ok unwrapped the wrench and baked AO. Not a final bake. Hell, I'm gonna have to rework the entire base because I just noticed his hands clipping into the handle joint :(

    @Jman, i do like that flare gun, although i have to agree with Zipfinator and say that the hat is just too obscure. I didn't get that it was a John Lennon reference until you pointed it out.
  • Zipfinator
    Offline / Send Message
    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Eh, I think John Lennon's glasses go a bit deeper than a throw away pop culture reference, particularly since they are period-accurate and signify both design and fashion style of that period. TF2 DEFINITELY employs design and style cues from the 60's.

    Besides, they put Kanye's shutter shades in there, so I don't think they'll be out of place.

    Those are some good points. Now that I think about it a bit more, it's not exactly that they don't fit into TF2. They don't particularly fit with the other two of Jman's items in my opinion. It seems like he was going for more of a harder rock feeling with the firecracker shooting and the Pyro jamming out on the guitar. I don't associate that type of behavior with John Lennon or the kinds of musicians that wear hats/glasses like that.
  • Jman
    Well I didn't want to add a gaudy mohawk or attempt long hair in tf2's style, plus the elvis thing has been done. :[
  • SuPa-
    Offline / Send Message
    SuPa- polycounter lvl 11
    Dum dee dum
    1,352 tris
    Open to suggestions!

    Also, Honest Abe's back from the dead... for vengeance (this one probably wouldn't be practical due to the Pyro's voice sounds... it's more of a joke)
    It's also pretty dense, at 3690 tris
  • re.wind
    Thats...um...Odd, to say the least :p
  • Dashtoronto
    SuPa- wrote: »
    Dum dee dum
    1,352 tris
    Open to suggestions!


    VERY NICE. I like it ALOT. Of all the creations in this entire 200 page thread. I think this one is one of my favorites. I REALLY like the facial structure (the cheekbones, the nose, the bald head) I would say leave it the way it is. Looks REALLY GOOD the way it is, but its up to you which direction you want to take it.
  • ComfyCushion
    Okay, here's my current problem with my pistol replacement. It seems that it has two separate sets of bones: one for the worldmodel and one for the viewmodel. This is causing the gun to behave appropriately in the worldview, except that it's ignoring the ammo clip part of the model, and it completely ignores the animations in the viewmodel.

    Now, do I need to make a viewmodel for it, or is there a reliable way to make all of these animations work off of just one model?
  • selentic
  • RedSheep
    @Jman I don't know why everyone is nay-saying the hat. I almost immediately identified it with the pack and also I think it looks cool. I do think you should tone down the shades on the other two items. I know the guitar is supposed to look like that, but I think it would be better to make it look like a TF2 version instead (again, mainly by making it have less deep of tones).

    @ColonelBD Wow, that wrench looks very good. I really don't think one could make a better medieval themed wrench for the Engi, nice job.
  • Rada
    started on my legionnaire helm any critiques

    also looking at crests but cant decide on what to choose front to back or side to side what do you think
  • Thrillho
    Just a little update on The Pocket Medic... We've finally gotten around to finishing it up, and submitted it today with fully working jigglebones.

  • Mnemosynaut
    Working on a lance for the Medieval Update thing. Texture is mostly done but I still need to do something with the flag and touch up a few things here and there. Name is pending but I'm thinking of calling it the "Pride of the Tiltyard".



    Rada wrote: »
    started on my legionnaire helm any critiques

    Poly count is way too high. Should only be like 5-6 polys from the base to the top but it looks closer to 20. Decompile some of the official hats from the gcf to get a better idea of what a standard hat should be. Or just look at them in HLMV.
  • ShakerSilver
    Having more trouble on my hat. Whenever I try to compile it I get this:
    1. Working on "mdldecompiler.qc"
    2. ERROR: c:\users\shaker\models\spy thinking hat\decompiled\mdldecompiler.qc(3): - could not load file 'C:\Users\Shaker\Models\Spy fexing Hat\Decompiled/fez.dmx.smd'
    3. ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'player/items/spy/fez.mdl'
    4. WARNING: Leaking 1 elements
    Help please?
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