If you're getting purple & black textures, there's really only one cause: a wrong path.
1) The name of the texture in the smd is wrong (open it up in a text editor and look for "triangles" -- right after that line will be the first texture name line) and doesn't match the name of the vmt*.
* this one shouldn't be the problem in this case since you're getting the first skin correctly.
2) The path to the vmt defined in the qc is incorrect or the vmt is missing
3) The path inside the vmt to the vtf is incorrect or the vtf is missing
It's always a variant of one of the above. If I had to blindly guess, I'd say you named your texture "spy_jumper_blu" while your qc is trying to look for "spy_jumper_blue". I do this a lot myself.
EArkham thanks for your reply. Its picking up the vtf in the model viewer because it says its loaded but it just doesnt switch to it. I've checked the names and paths of the vtfs and vmts a hundred times but they all look correct. I've just run out of ideas
Oh. I thought you were seeing the red skin, but the blue one was all purple & black.
Is this when you're looking at the object by itself in HLMV?
If so, try hitting "Unload weapon" and then check if the skin shows. For some reason, loading an item on a character will cause this when you look at the item by itself.
@ComfyCushion: Yeah there's a bit of that in there, the chrome fins on a lot of older cars is definitely an influence, I may push that further.
@Ruskydoo: I don't know if drawing attention to that sort of thing would really be worth it. The existing teleporter has enough detail to suggest how it could come together but doesn't draw any attention to how it was built when it's finished, and the dispenser and sentry both flat out ignore the laws of physics by folding out of something they couldn't possibly fit inside.
@maty: I like your newer textures on the firework, it's a big improvement. Your Scout set seems to be coming along nicely, though I agree with Wiggles that the hot water bottle could do with a little extra detailing.
@Masich: Personally I think you have a bit too much going on with your rifle, you've got a lot of individual bits and pieces that might be better off being turned into individual items in their own right, e.g. small animal skull totems on a belt/necklace.
@Voidoid: Haha, that brings back memories of death by hat playing 007 Nightfire multiplayer!
@jsargent: If EArkham's suggestion doesn't work it's worth checking your SMD file in a text editor to see what the material name in the file actually is.
I thought I'd finish off something I really needed to before getting too stuck into buildings:
Source Filmmaker seems to handle transparency completely differently to the game, which was annoying. I didn't end up using their new complier thingy since it broke on me. I'll probably give it a go next time I have something ready.
@Masich: Personally I think you have a bit too much going on with your rifle, you've got a lot of individual bits and pieces that might be better off being turned into individual items in their own right, e.g. small animal skull totems on a belt/necklace.
You could be right about this. I've already unwrapped it, though, and started texturing. I might cut down on the noise of the item later on, though, but personally I was actually aiming for a very cluttered looking weapon.
the idea was the Sniper took an old bolt action rifle, some scrap metal, leather and bones, and literally just riveted and strapped this thing together in the space of a night.
It's supposed to look like a jumbled, cluttered mess of scrap metal and straps. If it ends up being a bit too much, or doesn't work out with jigglebones, though, then I'll definitely cut away some stuff.
Loving the riot act, by the way! Very polished looking set. Would benefit from a baton melee, though, I think.
@Elbagast: Thanks for the feedback. I'll get some more detail on the bottle today, add some more shape to it also.
The coffee cup has already been done by someone else over a year ago, it appears. And Its very good... Really not sure what to do about that. Whether to scrap it for something else or carry on with it. Thoughts?
I highly doubt Valve would accept something like this, they make a big deal about immediate visual distinction between classes (which is why you see so much to-do about silhouettes) and the ski mask is pretty iconic to the spy.
Updated the hot water bottle with more shape and broader & harder brush strokes.
I was having trouble getting any real detail (as per previous comments) textured in. I wasn't sure of the best approach to brush grooves in, so I've left it for now.
Comments welcome!
*** Screenshots from Maya ***
Tweaked colour and brush strokes on cup too.
Earphones are in-game and I'm happy with them, shall post up screens soon!
OK so it turns out that restarting my pc fixed everything and I didn't have to spend aaaaages trying to figure out what was wrong because it was all fine!!! I should have learnt by now that "turn it off and on again" might sound stupid but it works wonders. hehe
So today last year was the day the TF2 team announced that they wanted festive items, so if they're going to do that again it'll be any day now. But with the Saxxys coming up I can only wonder if they're going to do things differently this time around...
A lot of people out there seemed to want a melee weapon in the Riot Act, so I had a go at making one I didn't think was boring to look at:
Turns out a lot of older truncheons have a coat of arms printed on them (makes the beating more official?...) so I went with something like that to stop it just being a black stick.
Hey guys. Trying to do some custom first person rig animations for my shotgun. Problem is I have no idea how to set up my camera in my scene to make sure the animation will look right in game. Do any of you guys know how to set up (or where I can get) a scene with a camera and the Arm rigs to get the view right?
So today last year was the day the TF2 team announced that they wanted festive items, so if they're going to do that again it'll be any day now. But with the Saxxys coming up I can only wonder if they're going to do things differently this time around...
A lot of people out there seemed to want a melee weapon in the Riot Act, so I had a go at making one I didn't think was boring to look at:
Turns out a lot of older truncheons have a coat of arms printed on them (makes the beating more official?...) so I went with something like that to stop it just being a black stick.
Makes me feel like a copycat with the Blackjack I'm making for the Scout.
@Jsargent I really like the look of it. Hope it gets in. One thing, will there be any clipping in third/first person if they use the sharp dresser? I don't really know how it's set up as it being a completely separate model or what, but I think you should take a look into it.
I should've said this earlier but I think it looks waaay too similar to the Sydney Sleeper
I think a much bigger scope and a chunkier strap would help set it apart a bit more, and a diff colour scheme.
Um... I can see the concern here, but.. The colour scheme is already very different?
My inspiration was heavily drawn from the SS, so I tried to factor in as many differences as I could in shape, layout, coloration and overall design.
It already has a much shorter, bulkier scope, a far different stock design, vastly different silhouette and much, much darker colouration.
I can try and beef up the strap and clips a bit, but if I do anything much to the scope now it'll mess with how the Sniper holds it and looks through it.
If you want, I can show you the compared silhouettes and colour pallet, I'm not entirely sure what I'm expected to do with it now barring beefing up the strap.
UPDATE: Made an image anyway:
From the image you can see the pretty significant difference in stock shape/thickness, the shape and bulk of the scope, the length and detailing on the barrel and all the little additions, as well as the compared colours:
SS has much lighter wood, whereas TT has very dark wood. SS sports light metal, TT dark. SS is decorated in reds and whites, TT in purples and grays. Leather colour is significantly different. Even things that should be the same like brass bits are different in colouration.
As I said, I can beef up the strap but I'm not sure exactly what else I'm expected to do to make it different.
I think they look different enough to distinguish from each other, and much more with the darker colors you use. I want to see it in the Sniper's hands. Nice work.
Okay, so I've been skinning and rigging my models. I have most of them skinned, but I have custom pieces I want to have jiggle bones at some point. I want to make it so my puffy ties can jiggle freely and my coat's hood to bounce slightly (My earlier post- http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1707180&postcount=15272).
Does anyone have any suggestions for the names of the custom bones and how to actually make them behave as I want?
Also, I have the alpha for where I want paint-able areas on the texture. I know it actually has to do with VMTs but I have no idea really where to start with that. Anyone have any advice?
Should I add lenses to the frames or keep them as is like the medic?
I think that you could have the lens be a style; like just two overlapping planes where the lens would be, make them 98% clear by default, and then that can be a paint-able element. And it doesn't really hurt the poly count all that much.
Names of the bones don't really matter. They're mostly for clarity in the qc. If a model only has one jiggly part, I usually just do jiggle1, jiggle2, etc. If there are multiples, I'll use for example hair_jiggle1, hair_jiggle2, strap_jiggle1, etc.
I will say you should make sure all the standard bones and weightmapping is done before you mess with jigglebones at all. After the regular bones are working correctly, then do another pass to assign weights to jigglebones. This is because jigglebones usually require a ton of trial and error, and it's not very productive to do that if the rest of the bone weights aren't finished.
For paintable, you'd add something like this to the vmf:
// Paintable
"$blendtintbybasealpha" "1" // this tints just the alpha whites
"$blendtintcoloroverbase" "0" // this tints the whole model
"$colortint_base" "{100 56 56}" // this is if $blendtintcoloroverbase is 1
"$color2" "{179 76 79}" // Stock Red
// $color2" "{94 124 170}" // Stock Blu
// "$color2" "{233 150 122}" // Dark Salmon Injustice
// "$color2" "{207 115 54}" // Mann Co. Orange
// "$color2" "{240 230 140}" // The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants
// "$color2" "{231 181 59}" // Australium Gold
// "$color2" "{50 205 50}" // The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime
// "$color2" "{114 158 66}" // Indubitably Green
// "$color2" "{128 128 0}" // Drably Olive
// "$color2" "{66 79 59}" // Zephaniah's Greed
// "$color2" "{47 79 79}" // A Color Similar to Slate
// "$color2" "{216 190 216}" // Color No. 216-190-216
// "$color2" "{255 105 180}" // Pink as Hell
// "$color2" "{125 64 113}" // A Deep Commitment to Purple
// "$color2" "{81 56 74}" // Noble Hatter's Violet
// "$color2" "{230 230 230}" // An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge
// "$color2" "{197 175 145}" // Peculiarly Drab Tincture
// "$color2" "{165 117 69}" // Muskelmannbraun
// "$color2" "{126 126 126}" // Aged Moustache Grey
// "$color2" "{124 108 87}" // Ye Olde Rustic Color
// "$color2" "{105 77 58}" // Radigan Conagher Brown
// "$color2" "{20 20 20}" // A Distinctive Lack of Hue
// "$color2" "{184 56 59}" // Team Spirit (RED)
//"$color2" "{88 133 162}" // Team Spirit (BLU)
"$colortint_tmp" "[0 0 0]"
"$rimlight" "1"
"$rimlightexponent" "4"
"$rimlightboost" "2"
"$cloakPassEnabled" "1"
"animatedtexturevar" "$detail"
"animatedtextureframenumvar" "$detailframe"
"animatedtextureframerate" 30
"resultVar" "$detailblendfactor"
"resultVar" "$yellow"
"srcVar1" "$yellow"
"resultVar" "$color2"
"resultVar" "$colortint_tmp"
"srcVar1" "$colortint_tmp"
"srcVar2" "$colortint_base"
"resultVar" "$color2"
There's a post somewhere in this thread where someone explains the mechs of it better than I could, so search for that. Or copy & paste the code into a vmf and experiment. Make sure your vtf has an alpha channel to determine which parts of the model will be painted.
Okay, so I've been skinning and rigging my models. I have most of them skinned, but I have custom pieces I want to have jiggle bones at some point. I want to make it so my puffy ties can jiggle freely and my coat's hood to bounce slightly (My earlier post- http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1707180&postcount=15272).
Does anyone have any suggestions for the names of the custom bones and how to actually make them behave as I want?
Also, I have the alpha for where I want paint-able areas on the texture. I know it actually has to do with VMTs but I have no idea really where to start with that. Anyone have any advice?
Hi guys. Im trying to add a replacement for the heavy boxing gloves and they work great in third person but I cant find how to add them as first person items to test them. Can someone point me in the right direction? Can they use the same models? Thanks!
Oh also are the gloves added on top of the hands ingame or are the hands not underneath them?
Did another dorky seasonal. Have to admit, most of the reason was because I wanted to understand the workflow of making a conforming clothing item. Obviously not as big a project as, say, the various full outfits folks have done, but it was educational all the same.
Paintable spam!
Think I'll end up doing one more seasonal, then go back to doing some more "serious" type items.
@emrfish6 Maybe the image is not very good, but did the diamonds shine like the diamond botkiller weapons?
While I was unable to achieve that effect with my own compiling, it seems using valve's compiler thing made it work. I just didnt have that when I made the promo. But I added pictures of each class with the earrings which shows the effect.
While I was unable to achieve that effect with my own compiling, it seems using valve's compiler thing made it work. I just didnt have that when I made the promo. But I added pictures of each class with the earrings which shows the effect.
Oh ok, i thought only some parts of the item shine properly, but i was wrong. Nice work. :thumbup:
Oh ok, i thought only some parts of the item shine properly, but i was wrong. Nice work. :thumbup:
Thank you, unfortunately the workshop voters dont seem to like it too much (last I checked it was 37/62 upvotes or w/e, assuming what its telling me is accurate)
1) The name of the texture in the smd is wrong (open it up in a text editor and look for "triangles" -- right after that line will be the first texture name line) and doesn't match the name of the vmt*.
* this one shouldn't be the problem in this case since you're getting the first skin correctly.
2) The path to the vmt defined in the qc is incorrect or the vmt is missing
3) The path inside the vmt to the vtf is incorrect or the vtf is missing
It's always a variant of one of the above. If I had to blindly guess, I'd say you named your texture "spy_jumper_blu" while your qc is trying to look for "spy_jumper_blue". I do this a lot myself.
Is this when you're looking at the object by itself in HLMV?
If so, try hitting "Unload weapon" and then check if the skin shows. For some reason, loading an item on a character will cause this when you look at the item by itself.
If that doesn't fix, I am out of ideas.
@Ruskydoo: I don't know if drawing attention to that sort of thing would really be worth it. The existing teleporter has enough detail to suggest how it could come together but doesn't draw any attention to how it was built when it's finished, and the dispenser and sentry both flat out ignore the laws of physics by folding out of something they couldn't possibly fit inside.
@maty: I like your newer textures on the firework, it's a big improvement. Your Scout set seems to be coming along nicely, though I agree with Wiggles that the hot water bottle could do with a little extra detailing.
@Masich: Personally I think you have a bit too much going on with your rifle, you've got a lot of individual bits and pieces that might be better off being turned into individual items in their own right, e.g. small animal skull totems on a belt/necklace.
@Voidoid: Haha, that brings back memories of death by hat playing 007 Nightfire multiplayer!
@jsargent: If EArkham's suggestion doesn't work it's worth checking your SMD file in a text editor to see what the material name in the file actually is.
I thought I'd finish off something I really needed to before getting too stuck into buildings:
Steam Workshop Collection
Source Filmmaker seems to handle transparency completely differently to the game, which was annoying. I didn't end up using their new complier thingy since it broke on me. I'll probably give it a go next time I have something ready.
You could be right about this. I've already unwrapped it, though, and started texturing. I might cut down on the noise of the item later on, though, but personally I was actually aiming for a very cluttered looking weapon.
the idea was the Sniper took an old bolt action rifle, some scrap metal, leather and bones, and literally just riveted and strapped this thing together in the space of a night.
It's supposed to look like a jumbled, cluttered mess of scrap metal and straps. If it ends up being a bit too much, or doesn't work out with jigglebones, though, then I'll definitely cut away some stuff.
Loving the riot act, by the way! Very polished looking set. Would benefit from a baton melee, though, I think.
The coffee cup has already been done by someone else over a year ago, it appears. And Its very good... Really not sure what to do about that. Whether to scrap it for something else or carry on with it. Thoughts?
The Riot Act is extremely nice. Remind's me of Bang's Mitigator set (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=14578). Rated up!
I was having trouble getting any real detail (as per previous comments) textured in. I wasn't sure of the best approach to brush grooves in, so I've left it for now.
Comments welcome!
*** Screenshots from Maya ***
Tweaked colour and brush strokes on cup too.
Earphones are in-game and I'm happy with them, shall post up screens soon!
Check your team colors in game in itemtest. Team colors often don't work in Hlmv.
Thanks. The item is all-class, but those two look better for me.
The Cover Up
Looks pretty shnazy!
Can we see some wireframes/techincal specs?
Not gonna lie. That shiz is awesome.
Excellent work!!! Rated up as deserved!
Afternoon all!
Quick LODs for scout items done. Didn't get chance last night for earphone screenshots again... will try for time tonight!
Water bottle:
1312 -> 896 -> 680
Coffee Cup:
772 -> 512 -> 346
And if anyone missed it, my Firework (Ullapool Caber replacement) could do with a few more rates, so do rate if you like it! I do not yet have the legions of followers some of you have.
Still got some small details to add, of course, and I've not even started on shaders or lods yet. But things seem to be coming along okay.
I really like SFM for promos so far, but I am barely scratching the surface on its capabilities.
A lot of people out there seemed to want a melee weapon in the Riot Act, so I had a go at making one I didn't think was boring to look at:
Turns out a lot of older truncheons have a coat of arms printed on them (makes the beating more official?...) so I went with something like that to stop it just being a black stick.
Models and textures by me, rigging and compiling by JZeeba.
Now that's more like it! Looks wonderful man, the set is now complete if you ask me.
I'm almost ashamed of it, it's such a silly thing (and probably done before), but I figured why not.
Makes me feel like a copycat with the Blackjack I'm making for the Scout.
I should've said this earlier but I think it looks waaay too similar to the Sydney Sleeper
I think a much bigger scope and a chunkier strap would help set it apart a bit more, and a diff colour scheme.
Um... I can see the concern here, but.. The colour scheme is already very different?
My inspiration was heavily drawn from the SS, so I tried to factor in as many differences as I could in shape, layout, coloration and overall design.
It already has a much shorter, bulkier scope, a far different stock design, vastly different silhouette and much, much darker colouration.
I can try and beef up the strap and clips a bit, but if I do anything much to the scope now it'll mess with how the Sniper holds it and looks through it.
If you want, I can show you the compared silhouettes and colour pallet, I'm not entirely sure what I'm expected to do with it now barring beefing up the strap.
UPDATE: Made an image anyway:
From the image you can see the pretty significant difference in stock shape/thickness, the shape and bulk of the scope, the length and detailing on the barrel and all the little additions, as well as the compared colours:
SS has much lighter wood, whereas TT has very dark wood. SS sports light metal, TT dark. SS is decorated in reds and whites, TT in purples and grays. Leather colour is significantly different. Even things that should be the same like brass bits are different in colouration.
As I said, I can beef up the strap but I'm not sure exactly what else I'm expected to do to make it different.
I think they look different enough to distinguish from each other, and much more with the darker colors you use. I want to see it in the Sniper's hands. Nice work.
Does anyone have any suggestions for the names of the custom bones and how to actually make them behave as I want?
Also, I have the alpha for where I want paint-able areas on the texture. I know it actually has to do with VMTs but I have no idea really where to start with that. Anyone have any advice?
Should I add lenses to the frames or keep them as is like the medic?
I think that you could have the lens be a style; like just two overlapping planes where the lens would be, make them 98% clear by default, and then that can be a paint-able element. And it doesn't really hurt the poly count all that much.
I will say you should make sure all the standard bones and weightmapping is done before you mess with jigglebones at all. After the regular bones are working correctly, then do another pass to assign weights to jigglebones. This is because jigglebones usually require a ton of trial and error, and it's not very productive to do that if the rest of the bone weights aren't finished.
For paintable, you'd add something like this to the vmf:
There's a post somewhere in this thread where someone explains the mechs of it better than I could, so search for that. Or copy & paste the code into a vmf and experiment. Make sure your vtf has an alpha channel to determine which parts of the model will be painted.
Oh also are the gloves added on top of the hands ingame or are the hands not underneath them?
Paintable spam!
Think I'll end up doing one more seasonal, then go back to doing some more "serious" type items.
And now redoing some of my old items, because i got zero ideas for the moment :poly122:.
While I was unable to achieve that effect with my own compiling, it seems using valve's compiler thing made it work. I just didnt have that when I made the promo. But I added pictures of each class with the earrings which shows the effect.
Oh ok, i thought only some parts of the item shine properly, but i was wrong. Nice work. :thumbup:
Thank you, unfortunately the workshop voters dont seem to like it too much (last I checked it was 37/62 upvotes or w/e, assuming what its telling me is accurate)
In Sovite Russia TURKEY STUFFS YOU!!!!