Hi all. Me and some friends over at facepunch are hosting a modding competition. We already have a lot of entries like svdl, sparkwire, JZeeba... And some good judges too: Larolaro, Gerre, Sexy Robot. Feel free to join if you like. The first theme is Retro-Futuristic. More info can be found at our steam group (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/modcomp) and facepunch (http://www.facepunch.com/threads/1151433).
@Evil_Knevil: the best pipeweed in all of Mann's Land.
@BenHenry: could you by any chance snip your quote since it's mauling the forum page width?
@Flying_Furry: The patterning seems like it might be a tad on the dense side, and maybe have the wastecoat a different colour to make it stand out a bit more from the default tie?
@Pogo: awesome...have you tried out a black censorship bar style? Might look like crap, but shouldn't be too much trouble to find out...
@JZeeba: My only real gripe here is the blade texture looks rather plain in that pic.
@EArkham: I know this is going to feel rather late to say this but your flamethrower feels rather flimsy looking. You've got these twin nozzles but nothing behind them really offsets the weight, and the fuels supply is a bit small for the apparent output of flame. I like the texture work though.
Here's a WIP of the "Public Enemy Pack" Scout set I've been working on in the last week:
By WIP I mean mostly done since I wanted to post stuff when I'd done at least something on all the items, and ended up getting loads of the work done. Also the pistol was 90% made a while back.
There's an updated Brawler's Blaster in there since I've been meaning to do that for ages and people have been asking about it going in the workshop. After all this time it's still a popular mod...
Pretty much entirely inspired by Clyde Barrow (of Bonnie and Clyde) which is also where the idea for the Blaster game from originally. The bullet-hole ridden hat is based on the one he died wearing (morbid!).
Preliminary Names:
The Artful Dodger (hat)
Ill Gotten Gains (bag of money)
Pick-Pocket's Pocket Pistol
Brawler's Blaster
Mostly just tech stuff to do now but any comments are welcome.
If you mean custom particles, I don't know. I've never tried; I've had a lot of problems getting custom particles to work in HL2 mods in general. Have to modify the particles_manifest.txt and I don't know if that will work for TF2.
But if you mean existing particles, yes, you can do that in itemtest. You have to make sure you have an $attachment defined for the particle in the QC. For example:
Should be able to get the correct attachment from HLMV.
But if you were asking about custom particles and you already knew all of this, then maybe the attachment stuff will help someone else.
Yeah, just trying to get existing particles to work. I copied the qc line exactly and added a prp_cig bone to test. Still no go, no idea what the problem is. The attachment shows up in itemtest though the particles don't show up in-game.
Elbagast: that's pretty wild. I especially love the little peg on the Blaster lever - does it move while reloading? My only nitpick is that the hat seems to be too big, or perhaps it sits too high on his head. Either way, fantastic work; love your stuff.
@Sexy, Nice hand.
Mind if I ask how you got it working in both 1st and 3rd person? I was trying to help a friend get a Short Circuit replacement in and could only get alignment with one view.
Using Max too so z up is screwy.
Haven't had a problem with other weaps.
(tried attaching to both the hand models and the full engie model)
working on a bow. alot of fix up to do especially around he string area. added a rang finder to give more visual variety. need to think of what to do for the arrow(maybe an explosive tip?)
@Sexy, Nice hand.
Mind if I ask how you got it working in both 1st and 3rd person? I was trying to help a friend get a Short Circuit replacement in and could only get alignment with one view.
Using Max too so z up is screwy.
Haven't had a problem with other weaps.
(tried attaching to both the hand models and the full engie model)
Well, for hand models the rig in world and view versions slightly differs. What I did, is simply compile 2 separate models, each to be loaded onto different views. Of course, if valve WERE to accept it, they would most likely bodygroup the arm onto the engineer model like the gunslinger, and keep the view version and compile it as a c_ model, also like the gunslinger. But I don't have the time nor patience to do that myself, too much trouble.
For the short circuit problem, I've seen it around many times. But all that I can gather is that you have to rig it to "arm_attach_R" rather than the usual "bip_lowerArm_R". Presumably this works in conjunction with the animations of both world and view points in some way or another. I would decompile the short circuit, and align and rig it to the bones from there.
hmm, thanks. I did decompile it. It's been awhile but from what I can remember there was something pretty odd about it. Position of the bones was different, alignment to world space was completely off... IDK, maybe I'll look at it again one of these days.
hmm, thanks. I did decompile it. It's been awhile but from what I can remember there was something pretty odd about it. Position of the bones was different, alignment to world space was completely off... IDK, maybe I'll look at it again one of these days.
I'll run a test some time.
Come to think of it I may be able to recompile the arm in that manor, i'll see about that too.
if you want to go crazy, TF2 needs some Amish hats, a child's/smaller version of the engineer's hat (Since pyro and engie work so well together), or maybe a burnt spy mask pulled half way over the pyro's head like a bloody trophy.
@Evil_Knevil: Dude! The Negativity! They've already set precedent of adding two sets for one class at once too! You have a fine scout set there, though personally the Shark-n-Awe may be pushing the outright wacky side a bit much...
@Sexy Robot: I really like how clean the design is, great job!
@kibbleknight: Yeah there will be mods. Don't know what the bag is going to replace bar the summer pack though...
@Seba: Yeah that pin is animated with the lever. Regarding the hat, I had a nose at some other fedora pics and ended up scaling the height and brim size down a bit. The smaller brim definately looks a lot better. Position wise it probably just seems a little high since the brim isn't pulled down. Other than that if it gets smaller hair pokes through so it seems about right.
@Doghnut Bear: Three pieces of string might end up being a nightmare to rig...so watch out for that. Arrowhead wise, looks like you've got enough to choose from out there that you can probably have whatever you like, though explosive tips do sound hilarious. Mini dynamite stick warheads?
@Constructor: I had a nose around since I haven't played with animated textures yet, you can actually get some working pretty easily.
"Select Import from the File menu, then in the File Open Dialog, select each frame you want in your animation (hold ctrl of shift down to do this)."
Then once everything is in the right place it should work. Then you have to figure out how to make it work well. Texture rotation would probably be easier but there doesn't appear to be a proxy for that.
@Detweiler: seems a bit dark there, does it look alright under a light?
Minor updates.
Hat tweaks based on Seba's thoughts, the smaller brim definately helps.
I ended up redoing the bag strap after having rigging issues and seeing what went wrong. Having it look perfect is going to be dependent on Valve making the default bag a bodygroup. Hiding the geometry means an awkward looking strap and bits of bag poking out some of the time, and not hiding it means awkward bits of bag poking out all of the time, but can all be fixed forever with the bodygroup. So I choose the option that has the potential to be fixed forever.
Other than that the money is now split out to be a decal, so you can make your Bison dollars or whatnot. There's a pair of jigglebones too so it flaps around a bit.
Other than that it's all the fun fun fun of lod making, which seems to be mostly done. I'm going to test the stuff ingame to see if I'm happy with the weapon materials.
cool idea with the dynamite as far as the 3 strings it actually suprisingly works well. now granted that was after about 2 hrs of frustration.
on a side note thanks to everyone who voted for my sniper rifle, excited to see it on page one
That's a great set. The hat is a bit too much like the killer exclusive for my taste, but whatever. @roninsmastermix
have you decided to make engineer items for everyone but engineer? @Rarrasdas
Get that shit out of here. This thread is for models and for people to critique them, not posting pictures of real hats like an idiot. Nobody appreciates that on Steam Workshop what makes you think anyone would want it here?
No negativity here . You are my favorite TF2 modeler. I haven't seen a single model from you that I didn't like. Everything you make is just perfect!
that just gave me an idea...
a Marty McFly pack for the Scout...
The Libyan: primary weapon. no ideas yet, just thought the name was funny. maybe something blantantly "backyard sci-fi", with plutionium and wires everywhere.
The Mad Dog: secondary. the six-shooter from part 3.
The Power of Love ("Rock n' Roll..."): melee. a team colored electric guitar. alternate description could be "I guess you chucklenuts weren't ready for that..."
Slacker's Sneakers: misc item. the self-lacing Nikes.
The Timeless Look: misc item. Marty's shirt/vest.
Hooligan's Hairdo: hat. Marty's hairdo.
Board to Tears: another idea for a misc item I really like. a teamcolored Hoverboard replacement for the backpack.
not to sound full of myself... but I really like the sound of this... I need to teach myself how to model stuff...
I mean, the Vita-Saw and Doctor Woah got in the game, and those were blatant shout-outs to outside media, so this should have a decent shot... right?
Alright, I've been looking at this thread for way too long, couldn't resist starting a flamethrower at work (during breaks and lunchtime!! yeah the social bits have been thrown away )
The flamethrower will be composed mainly from truck/fire truck parts(horns for where the fire will come out, fuel tank, fireman hose and so on) and I was going to call it The Friendly Fire. I've red a lot of the pages but was not here since the start.
If you know it's something that has already been done, something similar or the name, just let me know Don't want to steal anything from anyone. I'll keep searching this thread (haven't find anything similar with the search tool tho...)
Elbagast // This pack would be awesome in the game. Everytime I look at your backpack I can't stop picturing the money flying down behind the scout, in the same way the briefcase lets paper come out.
So many cool items in recent time, keep it up guys. Thumbs up for all!
As for me, I'm working on minigun for my heavy-navy set, and here is my progress.
Hi all. Me and some friends over at facepunch are hosting a modding competition. We already have a lot of entries like svdl, sparkwire, JZeeba... And some good judges too: Larolaro, Gerre, Sexy Robot. Feel free to join if you like. The first theme is Retro-Futuristic. More info can be found at our steam group (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/modcomp) and facepunch (http://www.facepunch.com/threads/1151433).
@Evil_Knevil: the best pipeweed in all of Mann's Land.
@BenHenry: could you by any chance snip your quote since it's mauling the forum page width?
@Flying_Furry: The patterning seems like it might be a tad on the dense side, and maybe have the wastecoat a different colour to make it stand out a bit more from the default tie?
@Pogo: awesome...have you tried out a black censorship bar style? Might look like crap, but shouldn't be too much trouble to find out...
@Seba: Hmm. Might pop in later.
@JZeeba: My only real gripe here is the blade texture looks rather plain in that pic.
@EArkham: I know this is going to feel rather late to say this but your flamethrower feels rather flimsy looking. You've got these twin nozzles but nothing behind them really offsets the weight, and the fuels supply is a bit small for the apparent output of flame. I like the texture work though.
Here's a WIP of the "Public Enemy Pack" Scout set I've been working on in the last week:
By WIP I mean mostly done since I wanted to post stuff when I'd done at least something on all the items, and ended up getting loads of the work done. Also the pistol was 90% made a while back.
There's an updated Brawler's Blaster in there since I've been meaning to do that for ages and people have been asking about it going in the workshop. After all this time it's still a popular mod...
Pretty much entirely inspired by Clyde Barrow (of Bonnie and Clyde) which is also where the idea for the Blaster game from originally. The bullet-hole ridden hat is based on the one he died wearing (morbid!).
Preliminary Names:
The Artful Dodger (hat)
Ill Gotten Gains (bag of money)
Pick-Pocket's Pocket Pistol
Brawler's Blaster
Mostly just tech stuff to do now but any comments are welcome.
Woop dee doo.
Can you show me the QC for one of your hats? Much appreciated.
edit: OH MY. Nevermind, figured it out. Feel like slapping myself. Didn't realize I had to select it in the unusual effects tab.
Mind if I ask how you got it working in both 1st and 3rd person? I was trying to help a friend get a Short Circuit replacement in and could only get alignment with one view.
Using Max too so z up is screwy.
Haven't had a problem with other weaps.
(tried attaching to both the hand models and the full engie model)
working on a bow. alot of fix up to do especially around he string area. added a rang finder to give more visual variety. need to think of what to do for the arrow(maybe an explosive tip?)
Well, for hand models the rig in world and view versions slightly differs. What I did, is simply compile 2 separate models, each to be loaded onto different views. Of course, if valve WERE to accept it, they would most likely bodygroup the arm onto the engineer model like the gunslinger, and keep the view version and compile it as a c_ model, also like the gunslinger. But I don't have the time nor patience to do that myself, too much trouble.
For the short circuit problem, I've seen it around many times. But all that I can gather is that you have to rig it to "arm_attach_R" rather than the usual "bip_lowerArm_R". Presumably this works in conjunction with the animations of both world and view points in some way or another. I would decompile the short circuit, and align and rig it to the bones from there.
I'll run a test some time.
Come to think of it I may be able to recompile the arm in that manor, i'll see about that too.
btw what bone do i rig the gun (pistol) to?
Help is Appreciated
I really wan't to make a Pyro Hat ._.
Why not something like this.
if you want to go crazy, TF2 needs some Amish hats, a child's/smaller version of the engineer's hat (Since pyro and engie work so well together), or maybe a burnt spy mask pulled half way over the pyro's head like a bloody trophy.
@Evil_Knevil: Dude! The Negativity! They've already set precedent of adding two sets for one class at once too! You have a fine scout set there, though personally the Shark-n-Awe may be pushing the outright wacky side a bit much...
@Pogo: Nice find, looks like it does work well.
@larolaro: Cheers! And before I forget to ask again, the Goalkeeper, is the barrel section based on the main gun of an Mil Mi-24 Hind gunship by any chance?...
@Sexy Robot: I really like how clean the design is, great job!
@kibbleknight: Yeah there will be mods. Don't know what the bag is going to replace bar the summer pack though...
@Seba: Yeah that pin is animated with the lever. Regarding the hat, I had a nose at some other fedora pics and ended up scaling the height and brim size down a bit. The smaller brim definately looks a lot better. Position wise it probably just seems a little high since the brim isn't pulled down. Other than that if it gets smaller hair pokes through so it seems about right.
@Doghnut Bear: Three pieces of string might end up being a nightmare to rig...so watch out for that. Arrowhead wise, looks like you've got enough to choose from out there that you can probably have whatever you like, though explosive tips do sound hilarious. Mini dynamite stick warheads?
@Constructor: I had a nose around since I haven't played with animated textures yet, you can actually get some working pretty easily.
From the documentation of material proxies I put this in the proces section of a VMT: http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?c=178
To make a VTF with multiple frames using VTFEdit go by what the creator says to do:
"Select Import from the File menu, then in the File Open Dialog, select each frame you want in your animation (hold ctrl of shift down to do this)."
Then once everything is in the right place it should work. Then you have to figure out how to make it work well. Texture rotation would probably be easier but there doesn't appear to be a proxy for that.
@Detweiler: seems a bit dark there, does it look alright under a light?
Minor updates.
Hat tweaks based on Seba's thoughts, the smaller brim definately helps.
I ended up redoing the bag strap after having rigging issues and seeing what went wrong. Having it look perfect is going to be dependent on Valve making the default bag a bodygroup. Hiding the geometry means an awkward looking strap and bits of bag poking out some of the time, and not hiding it means awkward bits of bag poking out all of the time, but can all be fixed forever with the bodygroup. So I choose the option that has the potential to be fixed forever.
Other than that the money is now split out to be a decal, so you can make your Bison dollars or whatnot. There's a pair of jigglebones too so it flaps around a bit.
Other than that it's all the fun fun fun of lod making, which seems to be mostly done. I'm going to test the stuff ingame to see if I'm happy with the weapon materials.
cool idea with the dynamite
on a side note thanks to everyone who voted for my sniper rifle, excited to see it on page one
Some progress. Left to right, from earlier to latest.
Wow, yes it was, good eye! In fact, that picture was one of the references I used.
That's a great set. The hat is a bit too much like the killer exclusive for my taste, but whatever.
have you decided to make engineer items for everyone but engineer?
Get that shit out of here. This thread is for models and for people to critique them, not posting pictures of real hats like an idiot. Nobody appreciates that on Steam Workshop what makes you think anyone would want it here?
Thanks for the warm welcome :P
almost exat same angle n the pictures though
No negativity here
You are my favorite modeler too
that just gave me an idea...
a Marty McFly pack for the Scout...
The Libyan: primary weapon. no ideas yet, just thought the name was funny. maybe something blantantly "backyard sci-fi", with plutionium and wires everywhere.
The Mad Dog: secondary. the six-shooter from part 3.
The Power of Love ("Rock n' Roll..."): melee. a team colored electric guitar. alternate description could be "I guess you chucklenuts weren't ready for that..."
Slacker's Sneakers: misc item. the self-lacing Nikes.
The Timeless Look: misc item. Marty's shirt/vest.
Hooligan's Hairdo: hat. Marty's hairdo.
Board to Tears: another idea for a misc item I really like. a teamcolored Hoverboard replacement for the backpack.
not to sound full of myself... but I really like the sound of this... I need to teach myself how to model stuff...
I mean, the Vita-Saw and Doctor Woah got in the game, and those were blatant shout-outs to outside media, so this should have a decent shot... right?
The flamethrower will be composed mainly from truck/fire truck parts(horns for where the fire will come out, fuel tank, fireman hose and so on) and I was going to call it The Friendly Fire. I've red a lot of the pages but was not here since the start.
If you know it's something that has already been done, something similar or the name, just let me know
Elbagast // This pack would be awesome in the game. Everytime I look at your backpack I can't stop picturing the money flying down behind the scout, in the same way the briefcase lets paper come out.
possible arrow design
dont mind the fugly uvs, for testing purposes only
Worst. Reference. Ever.
Something i modeled, frying dutchman at facepunch is now txturing it.
Here is a hat for the soldier:
What do you think about it, please?
The dangling gas can cap is jiggleboned.
Still need to do LODs, specular, etc and maybe a few small details like strap latches.
nilouco // Like the idea, but there's something with the texture resolution and the spec that bugs me..
The Boston Beatdown
Go vote for it!
As for me, I'm working on minigun for my heavy-navy set, and here is my progress.