Yeah, and I'm trying not to completely just copy shit from the movie into TF2. The Machete is already pretty similar to the one from the movie but I differentiated the handle enough to make it a bit unique. The bow he uses in the movie is also a bit too similar silhouette wise to the Huntsman.
Checked out the reference of the bow from the movie. It would definately need more features to be used. Kind of basic on it's own. Anyways can't wait to see your progress.
The one from the movie is pretty much 3 or 4 black bamboo sticks taped together. It's more interesting than the Huntsman I'd say and looking at it again the silhouette isn't too similar to the Huntsman, but I'm still going to explore a more modern bow. Here's pictures of what I'll try out.
Has a lot to look at for the modern one. Will be great to texture wear and tear in it. Eli's bow, when I think about in tf2 style won't be so bad either :P
Finalizing the design for my spycoat. Seams are almost gone now in every animation. The collar is now paintable. Just need to add some small metal stars on the shoulder to make it more military like. Now the pockets are painted on the map.
May or may not continue this. Think targe for soldier that flings him into the air. right mouse button activates, reusing existing valve textures/models.
@ Dr.Eggman - The jiggle bones on the budenovka. Looks like the heavy is constantly in a wind tunnel. Similar thing with the bear skin, too much movement going on.
@ Dr.Eggman - The jiggle bones on the budenovka. Looks like the heavy is constantly in a wind tunnel. Similar thing with the bear skin, too much movement going on.
Taking SgtR007's advice I've changed the handle a bit and did a silhouette of the block out, I have to say it looks much better that my old handle
Cattle Prod/Electric attachment 1
Attachment 2
Which do you guys think is better? I was also thinking of submitting the wrench in two versions, 1 with the batteries etc and 1 without, so valve could then choose if they wanted to add the shock idea
The one from the movie is pretty much 3 or 4 black bamboo sticks taped together. It's more interesting than the Huntsman I'd say and looking at it again the silhouette isn't too similar to the Huntsman, but I'm still going to explore a more modern bow. Here's pictures of what I'll try out.
I'll do blockouts of both sometime over the next few days and post pictures.
A suggestion: Try a bow made from a leaf spring. It's something that would be available in any junkyard and has a nice unique silhouette. Maybe strung with a bike's brake cable.
A suggestion: Try a bow made from a leaf spring. It's something that would be available in any junkyard and has a nice unique silhouette. Maybe strung with a bike's brake cable.
Found an example of a bow made with a leaf spring hope it helps
I've been kicking around these ideas for about 2 weeks, figured I'd share them with you guys. Includes stats and original pictures. Feel free to tell me what you think.
Scout greaser pack:
The Tire Iron(bat replacement)
Based on this image-
Possible stats:
Deals more damage than the regular bat.
Increased range from the regular bat.
Slower swing(as fast as heavies default fists).
Slows down wearer(as fast as a pyro).
The Modified Exhaust Pipe(scattergun replacement)
Reference- exaust/Samson_D_801.jpg
Possible stats:
Fires and reloads faster than default scattergun.
Ignites enemies where it would normally crit.
Does less damage than default scattergun.
Causes blowback similar to The Force A Nature, with an added 10 damage penalty.
Bonk! Classic(Bonk! replacement)
Possible stats:
Doubles move and weapon(but not reload)speed, but cuts damage in half.
Side-note- I'm aware of the past glass bottle Bonk! replacements, but I think mine's a bit different in shape and textures.
I'm an entry level modeler with no idea on how to animate the things I model, so any help with the creation of these items would be excellent. I am using Blender to design these weapons and items. Thoughts?
@Xenu, that's an interesting bow. It seems a bit too simple though shape wise. I've decided to try out a modified Compound bow first. I think that'll turn out the best and be the most interesting.
@badcog, the set turned out better than I thought it would. I wouldn't submit it suggesting a speed boost for the shoes though. Doesn't really make sense stat wise in my opinion and one of the set bonuses already gives a speed boost.
@re.wind, that's a pretty fancy thing. The only thing I dislike about it is how it's just a metal structure that's jammed into the soldier's back. How is it held on? Did they bolt it into him? You should try out adding some backpack-like straps to it or something.
Don't focus too much on the stats. Your stats already aren't that great and even when acceptable stats are submitted they still require testing and tweaking before being put in. It's better to just leave that to Valve.
You said you have no idea how to animate them. Don't animate them. Make them fit the standard animations for the weapons you're replacing. Valve have said that they currently don't have a workflow for implementing community items that lets them put in community animations quickly so submitting your items with custom animations only hurts their chance to get in, especially when it's completely plausible for your items to use the standard animations.
The set sounds interesting and I haven't seen anything too similar to it done before. Good luck with it.
Alright, thanks people. Figured the stats wouldn't get accepted, and it's a huge relief to not animate the guns. Will begin further modeling on the set shortly.
@Sexy Robot: I might be able to assist; I've done particles on hats before so maybe you could try this, I apologize if what i say is exactly what you've done:
First you need to add a bone (make sure the latter is a child of the main bone which i presume is "bip_head") to the end of the cigarette, Then give it a name like "cigarettebone" or something, Provided it's something you can remember and not just "null" or something. Then in the QC add this at the end:
$attachment "<insert name of bone here>" "bip_head" -0.00 -0.00 0.00 rotate -0.00 -0.00 0.00
name "<insert name of particle here>"
attachment_type follow_attachment
attachment_point <insert name of bone here>
Provided you've got the name of the particle/bone right that should work. Also the particles only show ingame.
@Sexy Robot: I might be able to assist; I've done particles on hats before so maybe you could try this, I apologize if what i say is exactly what you've done:
First you need to add a bone (make sure the latter is a child of the main bone which i presume is "bip_head") to the end of the cigarette, Then give it a name like "cigarettebone" or something, Provided it's something you can remember and not just "null" or something. Then in the QC add this at the end:
$attachment "<insert name of bone here>" "bip_head" -0.00 -0.00 0.00 rotate -0.00 -0.00 0.00
name "<insert name of particle here>"
attachment_type follow_attachment
attachment_point <insert name of bone here>
Provided you've got the name of the particle/bone right that should work. Also the particles only show ingame.
Hope this helps
This should be helpful for Baddcog's Lady Liberty pack
@Sexy Robot: I might be able to assist; I've done particles on hats before so maybe you could try this, I apologize if what i say is exactly what you've done:
First you need to add a bone (make sure the latter is a child of the main bone which i presume is "bip_head") to the end of the cigarette, Then give it a name like "cigarettebone" or something, Provided it's something you can remember and not just "null" or something. Then in the QC add this at the end:
$attachment "<insert name of bone here>" "bip_head" -0.00 -0.00 0.00 rotate -0.00 -0.00 0.00
name "<insert name of particle here>"
attachment_type follow_attachment
attachment_point <insert name of bone here>
Provided you've got the name of the particle/bone right that should work. Also the particles only show ingame.
im not sure but i dont think you need to add a new bone for it, when doing the ejection// muzzle flash effects for my gun both of them were attached to the weapon_bone with there 3d location specified(the -0.00 -0.00 0.00 rotate -0.00 -0.00 0.00)
MMM makin horns because i figured id go easy for a bit. Turns out organic shapes like horns are hard. ahahaa well i like how they turned out. I guess the shapes done with. what color yall thinkin? tan? red? black? stripey?
@Sexy Robot: Yes that should work. Also, You don't need to make another bone to add an attachment, But it's a lot easier to get it in place than doing it the other way. The values in Doughnut Bear's post specify an offset, Which will result in a compile/edit/recompile cycle until you get the position right. Using a seperate bone works better in my opinion, And saves time.
@re.wind, that's a pretty fancy thing. The only thing I dislike about it is how it's just a metal structure that's jammed into the soldier's back. How is it held on? Did they bolt it into him? You should try out adding some backpack-like straps to it or something.
/me points at all the existing buff banners, all which don't have any apparent connection to the soldier besides *MAGIC*.
Very well, i admit defeat. I'll see what i can do.
I love the engineer set Sexy Robot. Sticks with the theme of last years update by giving the engineer some new play methods, and these are some that I'd actually use. Have you submitted it to Valve yet?
I love the engineer set Sexy Robot. Sticks with the theme of last years update by giving the engineer some new play methods, and these are some that I'd actually use. Have you submitted it to Valve yet?
Not quite yet, a few things need tweaking with the toolbox and then I'll publicly release it and contribute it too.
Thanks Zipf.
I was thinking the feet would make him quicker, and the torch would swing slow, but maybe do more damage than the rift axe on hit. But still lights em up. And with a really slow swing might be nice to have a faster movement.
Didn't realize the attendant set was a 10% boost, been awhile since I used it.
Still going to try and figure out a flamethrower item before wrapping it up and submitting so I'll have to brainstorm.
@1Fort, I suppose that's the Wizrd's hat from Holy Grail? If not it looks a lot like it, I think a skull cap like in the movie would be great on it.
Nice pack. I think it would be good alternate weaps for the engie and he needs them. It also looks very well done.
Hello working over a new sentry for engineer...i think it's my hobby, i like doing sentries.
well, as you voted in the site, that sentry was the winner and then im making it. I have a thread in SPUF art section, but i will share here too because that forum is great for seeking help and hear constructive feedbacks. So.i will keep you all updated and opened to hear your thoughts.
MMM makin horns because i figured id go easy for a bit. Turns out organic shapes like horns are hard. ahahaa well i like how they turned out. I guess the shapes done with. what color yall thinkin? tan? red? black? stripey?
Eli's Bow
Modern Bow
I'll do blockouts of both sometime over the next few days and post pictures.
I'm kind of surprised the Royal Guard hat hasn't found its way into the game already. It's such an obvious fit for the Solly.
Finalizing the design for my spycoat. Seams are almost gone now in every animation. The collar is now paintable. Just need to add some small metal stars on the shoulder to make it more military like. Now the pockets are painted on the map.
i really think your metal texture on there is not all that fitting with the tf2 style, other than that it looks fine.
I agree with this.
@Zipfinator that was a great yet underrated movie, hope to see more
Taking SgtR007's advice I've changed the handle a bit and did a silhouette of the block out, I have to say it looks much better that my old handle
Cattle Prod/Electric attachment 1
Attachment 2
Which do you guys think is better? I was also thinking of submitting the wrench in two versions, 1 with the batteries etc and 1 without, so valve could then choose if they wanted to add the shock idea
Crit welcome
The wrench from the front so far, with both attachments
@uberphoenix - attachment 1 looks better I think
A suggestion: Try a bow made from a leaf spring. It's something that would be available in any junkyard and has a nice unique silhouette. Maybe strung with a bike's brake cable.
Found an example of a bow made with a leaf spring
Also need to figure out jigglebones for the shackles.
Scout greaser pack:
The Tire Iron(bat replacement)
Based on this image-
Possible stats:
Deals more damage than the regular bat.
Increased range from the regular bat.
Slower swing(as fast as heavies default fists).
Slows down wearer(as fast as a pyro).
The Modified Exhaust Pipe(scattergun replacement)
Reference- exaust/Samson_D_801.jpg
Possible stats:
Fires and reloads faster than default scattergun.
Ignites enemies where it would normally crit.
Does less damage than default scattergun.
Causes blowback similar to The Force A Nature, with an added 10 damage penalty.
Bonk! Classic(Bonk! replacement)
Possible stats:
Doubles move and weapon(but not reload)speed, but cuts damage in half.
Side-note- I'm aware of the past glass bottle Bonk! replacements, but I think mine's a bit different in shape and textures.
Leather Jacket(misc item)
Greaser Hair(hat item)
I'm an entry level modeler with no idea on how to animate the things I model, so any help with the creation of these items would be excellent. I am using Blender to design these weapons and items. Thoughts?
@badcog, the set turned out better than I thought it would. I wouldn't submit it suggesting a speed boost for the shoes though. Doesn't really make sense stat wise in my opinion and one of the set bonuses already gives a speed boost.
@re.wind, that's a pretty fancy thing. The only thing I dislike about it is how it's just a metal structure that's jammed into the soldier's back. How is it held on? Did they bolt it into him? You should try out adding some backpack-like straps to it or something.
@ThreeEyedRanger, here's a few tips.
Don't focus too much on the stats. Your stats already aren't that great and even when acceptable stats are submitted they still require testing and tweaking before being put in. It's better to just leave that to Valve.
You said you have no idea how to animate them. Don't animate them. Make them fit the standard animations for the weapons you're replacing. Valve have said that they currently don't have a workflow for implementing community items that lets them put in community animations quickly so submitting your items with custom animations only hurts their chance to get in, especially when it's completely plausible for your items to use the standard animations.
The set sounds interesting and I haven't seen anything too similar to it done before. Good luck with it.
All I need to do is add the smoke particle to the cigarette, but I can never seem to get it to work.
Can anybody help me with this?
First you need to add a bone (make sure the latter is a child of the main bone which i presume is "bip_head") to the end of the cigarette, Then give it a name like "cigarettebone" or something, Provided it's something you can remember and not just "null" or something. Then in the QC add this at the end:
$attachment "<insert name of bone here>" "bip_head" -0.00 -0.00 0.00 rotate -0.00 -0.00 0.00
name "<insert name of particle here>"
attachment_type follow_attachment
attachment_point <insert name of bone here>
Provided you've got the name of the particle/bone right that should work. Also the particles only show ingame.
Hope this helps
This should be helpful for Baddcog's Lady Liberty pack
Thanks man, this'll come in really handy.
thats from my qc, hope that is somewhat helpfull
Is this correct? Done the way Doughnut Bear said, without bones.
/me points at all the existing buff banners, all which don't have any apparent connection to the soldier besides *MAGIC*.
Very well, i admit defeat. I'll see what i can do.
No dl obv.
I had mixed feeling about this one, but I think this'd be a good update, not game changing, but very nice as someone that loves to play engie.
Not quite yet, a few things need tweaking with the toolbox and then I'll publicly release it and contribute it too.
Smoke works now, thanks everyone!
I was thinking the feet would make him quicker, and the torch would swing slow, but maybe do more damage than the rift axe on hit. But still lights em up. And with a really slow swing might be nice to have a faster movement.
Didn't realize the attendant set was a 10% boost, been awhile since I used it.
Still going to try and figure out a flamethrower item before wrapping it up and submitting so I'll have to brainstorm.
@1Fort, I suppose that's the Wizrd's hat from Holy Grail? If not it looks a lot like it, I think a skull cap like in the movie would be great on it.
Nice pack. I think it would be good alternate weaps for the engie and he needs them. It also looks very well done.
gonna go ahead and call this done,few changes souch as the front sight is now rounded out. no fancy poster though
decided on the name "the bolshevik barrager"
thanks everyone for your crits !
well, as you voted in the site, that sentry was the winner and then im making it. I have a thread in SPUF art section, but i will share here too because that forum is great for seeking help and hear constructive feedbacks. So.i will keep you all updated and opened to hear your thoughts.
Here is the bluprint [ame]
Here is the building animation [ame]
and here the gibs [ame]
Im almost there, im making the final shooting animation like you saw in the sentry catalog update page.
There are some who call me... Tim?
i literally just finished watching that movie :poly142: