the texture for the bamboo model doesn't refer to the axetinguisher's texture. You're replacing the model, not the texture, so put the texture for the model in "materials/models/weapons/" or wherever they normally go. you don't need to rename your texture, just the model.
make sure the name of the texture applied to the model in your 3d program is the same for the texture you're using in tf2. open your compiled smd files (before qc compiling them) with a word editor (such as notepad++) and check to see what the texture's name is, ignore the extensions. it doesn't matter where the texture is (within the materials folder) but the qc should have the exact texture name as used in your 3d program.
edit: well, actually, if you put the texture in the base materials folder it should work.
...Steam\steamapps\<username>\team fortress 2\tf\materials\bamboo.vtf/vmt
usually the material for weapons is something like this
EDIT: Finally got the texture to work in Model Viewer, but now for some strange reason I cant connect to TF2 item servers, it isn't fixed by restarting either, so I'm at a loss, it's just one issue after another.
I'll post images ASAP,
Thanks again, for the help.
EDIT: Just a few Pics
I'm having some clipping issues, but I'm not sure if I should just make it skinnier or not, nay input on that?
Also if someone could give me a tip on how to smooth out the polys, it seems that they're rendering flat.
@Rowinish are you using blender? if so set the shading to smooth, add an edge split modifier and set it to sharp edges than select the edges that need to be smart and set those sharp, it should fix up your shading. also for the texture i would suggest more large brush strokes
So is it kosher to post concepts in here if I haven't got any modeling skills myself in the hopes that one of you talented gentlemenne and/or ladies likes the idea?
@Sexy Robot: Very nice shotgun there, but I'm afraid that pumping it will result in massive clipping. Also, but that's a technical nitpick, the label should be saying 700Ah instead of just A. Nothing major, just a small detail. Overall great job. Cracks on the wrench handle look a bit off to me, apart from that it looks good and makes me confused as to what exactly is it made of. Hammer, wrench handle and part of another wrench screwed onto it?
Right, my shotgun, finally textured. Don't mind HLMV's crappy envmaps, looks better in game. Not even gonna bother asking for opinions.
Still sticking on the tanker hat for now until i find a better hat to replace it with. Exploring the possibility of hair + strap/band. Right now this is a basecolor test. Comments and crits are welcome.
Svdl!! you better put that Damn Russian navy sailor outfit in!! goddamit , that was awesome.(at least make a sleeveless top!)
I tried making a sleeveless one, actually, the problem was that there wasn't enough team colors on the character (also would need valve making heavy's arms bodygroups)
but yes I'll be submitting the stripes along with everything else, can't hurt.
everytime i compile something with guiSTUDIOmdl it crashes. did that ever happened to you guys?i google'd my problem and i cant find how to fix it.HALP
I made this a few weeks back. Upgradable robot arm as primary and dispenser backpack as secondary. Needs a hat and an interesting melee that's not a wrench. Feel free to suggest.
A good cyborg hat you say? How about this:
Half robotic face with a rocket attached to it. The hair is optional.
For melee, maybe a screwdriver? Just an ordinary screwdriver.
Wow, I personally love to see some of these engineer weapons get into the game and pass this "Standard" i saw talked about on the SPUF. Engineer be my main class in all i do wish they would add something:(
Anyhow, this is my first post, woo, i'm sort of new to the whole modelling thing, but i've done my research and i think i'm close to know what i'm supposed to be doing. I hope anyway.
So i'd thought i post my weapon idea just so i have dubs on it, i'm that kind of paranoid :poly121:
A Rivet Gun! the upcoming model will primarily based on the top half of this little image here :
of course i understand animation problems etc. but i'll sure to sort them out soon!
well i think im pretty much done, besides some general cleanup/fix up i feel like im set to go. probably will submit tomorrow afternoon. any crits/comments before then?
also randomteddybear i like 1 and 3 the most and to everyone else i think there is enough batteries on shotguns already :poly105:
well i think im pretty much done, besides some general cleanup/fix up i feel like im set to go. probably will submit tomorrow afternoon. any crits/comments before then?
also randomteddybear i like 1 and 3 the most and to everyone else i think there is enough batteries on shotguns already :poly105:
I think it looks rather boring, the weapon has barely any contrast whatsoever, resulting in it looking like a big, gray box. From afar, it looks almost untextured.
I wanted to jump on the engineer badwagon but I wanted to create something other than "just" shotguns, pistols or wrenches.
I'm not sure what it is, but I guess it's a start.
The rifle's a great idea, but you're going to need something to spice up any kind of hat you'll make, there's no lack of brimmed hats or bowler hats in game.
@Doughnut bear
I think the insides of the holes should be darkened a bit, would create some more contrast which the gun needs. Also, is there a reason for rectangular holes? I kind of figured they'd be round.
I wanted to jump on the engineer badwagon but I wanted to create something other than "just" shotguns, pistols or wrenches.
I'm not sure what it is, but I guess it's a start.
The rifle's a great idea, but you're going to need something to spice up any kind of hat you'll make, there's no lack of brimmed hats or bowler hats in game.
@Doughnut bear
I think the insides of the holes should be darkened a bit, would create some more contrast which the gun needs. Also, is there a reason for rectangular holes? I kind of figured they'd be round.
Guys i know this is offtopic but is related with TF2 and i really need help.
The thing is that i want to format my pc and change to seven ultimate, i want to keep the tf2 games, is there a way to back up all the information of the steam games?, thx very much
The thing is that i want to format my pc and change to seven ultimate, i want to keep the tf2 games, is there a way to back up all the information of the steam games?, thx very much
What's in Steamapps stays in Steamapps
Nothing to worry about, I carried my Steamapps all the way from the Win98 days. A new Windows won't nuke it.
That is one awesome-looking gun, Svdl. :poly124:
Oh, and did someone say rifles with batteries?
So yeah, I think I'm almost done with modeling this sucker. Just need to fix certain details and stuff.
Also, can you guys help me decide on which front grip to use. (broken grip or new one I made)
I wanted to jump on the engineer badwagon but I wanted to create something other than "just" shotguns, pistols or wrenches.
I'm not sure what it is, but I guess it's a start.
The rifle's a great idea, but you're going to need something to spice up any kind of hat you'll make, there's no lack of brimmed hats or bowler hats in game.
@Doughnut bear
I think the insides of the holes should be darkened a bit, would create some more contrast which the gun needs. Also, is there a reason for rectangular holes? I kind of figured they'd be round.
I'm really liking that actually, the engie needs some love, and it certainly isn't found in a wide assortment of shotgun. This - as mentioned - as a nail gun would be perfect. I imagine pinning spys to the wall in the same style as the huntsman with it.
in my output folder i have 3 files:
.qc file:
edit: well, actually, if you put the texture in the base materials folder it should work.
...Steam\steamapps\<username>\team fortress 2\tf\materials\bamboo.vtf/vmt
usually the material for weapons is something like this
I'll post images ASAP,
Thanks again, for the help.
EDIT: Just a few Pics
I'm having some clipping issues, but I'm not sure if I should just make it skinnier or not, nay input on that?
Also if someone could give me a tip on how to smooth out the polys, it seems that they're rendering flat.
Made a different helm (now a tanker helm)
Baked and currently in blender AO.
1177 tris
Crits encouraged.
Also, that helmet looks 100% badass.
Decided to try and go for a more complete Lady Liberty pack.
This would be secondary. 10% faster speed possibly.
about 750 tris per foot. Jiggly bones for the broken shackles? Looking at this i'm not liking the big toe.
Right, my shotgun, finally textured. Don't mind HLMV's crappy envmaps, looks better in game. Not even gonna bother asking for opinions.
Update on my infraredhelm
Still sticking on the tanker hat for now until i find a better hat to replace it with. Exploring the possibility of hair + strap/band. Right now this is a basecolor test. Comments and crits are welcome.
I tried making a sleeveless one, actually, the problem was that there wasn't enough team colors on the character (also would need valve making heavy's arms bodygroups)
but yes I'll be submitting the stripes along with everything else, can't hurt.
Also I went back to my old soldier pack.
edit: added hatless picture
Half robotic face with a rocket attached to it. The hair is optional.
For melee, maybe a screwdriver? Just an ordinary screwdriver.
Texture still needs a bit more detail but its getting there.
The battery helps the bullet do stuff. It looked far to plain without it. If someone has a better idea for what could be there let me know.
fyi, those aren't coils, its a reciprocating compressor. Also the round thing on 1, 4, and 7 is a clamp on work light.
Still looking for a better helm...
This also made me think that i really don't need a melee anymore. Too much already, i guess.
with the gazer...
Set name?
More machine than man
that is looking awesome
Engie is becoming one of the Centurions
1, or 4.
Anyhow, this is my first post, woo, i'm sort of new to the whole modelling thing, but i've done my research and i think i'm close to know what i'm supposed to be doing. I hope anyway.
So i'd thought i post my weapon idea just so i have dubs on it, i'm that kind of paranoid :poly121:
A Rivet Gun! the upcoming model will primarily based on the top half of this little image here :
of course i understand animation problems etc. but i'll sure to sort them out soon!
first a revolver riffle similar to this
but with a crazy ass scope like this
perhaps a western style hat,, maybe a bowler or a typical cowboy hat to go along with it,, i will start modeling promptly after work!
well i think im pretty much done, besides some general cleanup/fix up i feel like im set to go. probably will submit tomorrow afternoon. any crits/comments before then?
also randomteddybear i like 1 and 3 the most and to everyone else i think there is enough batteries on shotguns already :poly105:
I think it looks rather boring, the weapon has barely any contrast whatsoever, resulting in it looking like a big, gray box. From afar, it looks almost untextured.
Just my opinion, though.
I'm not sure what it is, but I guess it's a start.
The rifle's a great idea, but you're going to need something to spice up any kind of hat you'll make, there's no lack of brimmed hats or bowler hats in game.
@Doughnut bear
I think the insides of the holes should be darkened a bit, would create some more contrast which the gun needs. Also, is there a reason for rectangular holes? I kind of figured they'd be round.
@Slider any suggestions on giving it more contrast?
I prefer 9 myself, but do what you wish.
could be some sweet industrial nailgun
The thing is that i want to format my pc and change to seven ultimate, i want to keep the tf2 games, is there a way to back up all the information of the steam games?, thx very much
A pal suggested darkening the ammo box, barrel and/or muzzle. Make it look less like one piece!
What's in Steamapps stays in Steamapps
Nothing to worry about, I carried my Steamapps all the way from the Win98 days. A new Windows won't nuke it.
@Rhinokey, looks like an interesting sniper. I haven't seen anything like that made before. Good luck with the set.
thanks ill start working on that soon :poly121:
Oh, and did someone say rifles with batteries?
So yeah, I think I'm almost done with modeling this sucker. Just need to fix certain details and stuff.
Also, can you guys help me decide on which front grip to use. (broken grip or new one I made)
I'm really liking that actually, the engie needs some love, and it certainly isn't found in a wide assortment of shotgun. This - as mentioned - as a nail gun would be perfect. I imagine pinning spys to the wall in the same style as the huntsman with it.