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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread


  • Sparkwire
  • Piesandbombs
    I love the pyro bag - as for the spy stuff, I'm not too into it.

    I honestly think that the other classes need some lovin' with this new body accessory stuff. The demo, sniper (lovin' the backpack in works for him) and medic could all use some too!
  • Cronotic
    It's been a long time since my last visit and I have to say: You guys are doing a damn good job :D
    I really enjoy seeing your weapons and hats. I also learned lot only watching your works and advices.

    Sparkwire: the pyro bag looks awesome and really interesting for a paperbag :D. But I think that the spy stuff are too boring. They're cool but not great :)

    Zipfinator: Why the wires?. I mean, it's a pipetube, I've never seen a pipetube with wires before. At least add a scope with those wires connected to it to give them a purpose.

    Cbast: Nothing to say bro, It's PERFECT :3. But I think it needs a little more brightness in the black parts.

    Roninsmastermix: I like how it looks. Interesting, new and goes with TF2 artstyle perfectly. Except that transforms the spy silhouette too much. anyway, good job :D
  • Tehrasha
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    Tehrasha polycounter lvl 11
    Zipfinator: Why the wires?. I mean, it's a pipetube, I've never seen a pipetube with wires before. At least add a scope with those wires connected to it to give them a purpose.

    Looks like they come from the trigger to me.
    Got to have something to ignite the explosives.
    Having a wire to a spark-plug in the end might be more accurate on that count.

    (A small battery, car ignition coil and sparkplug....duct-taped to the barrel of course)
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    @Swizzle, I'll go through and mess around with the wear on the top more. You're right that it still isn't that natural. How I think of it right now is that it's made of pipes that were on an old ship or barge, so the top should have the most wear as water splashed onto it while on the ocean and it shouldn't be completely chipped off for the most part as it is now.

    @Cronotic, Tehrasha pretty much described my thought process on the wires. I may add something to the front though as it does look a bit bare in first person. Maybe I'll mess around with a pressure gauge or something that someone suggested earlier.
  • Doughnut Bear
    just submitted my fighter helmet replacer for the pyro and my rocket oxygen tank replacer, now to figure out something new to make >_>

    @cbast looking food so far, maybe just add abit of scratching/color variation and your good 2 go :D
  • acarr
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    acarr polycounter lvl 6
    just submitted my fighter helmet replacer for the pyro and my rocket oxygen tank replacer, now to figure out something new to make >_>

    @cbast looking food so far, maybe just add abit of scratching/color variation and your good 2 go :D

    You should help me. Because I don't know what I'm doing.
  • Ron.S
    RedSheep wrote: »
    I made these off of the combustible lemon launcher idea:

    but I made them to replace the flare gun

    Hey redsheep was wondering did you ever model this aperture stuff ? If its cool with you do you think I could give your weapon concepts a shot ? Thanks.
  • Grimbodan
    Switched back to phong by popular demand, and clipping issues fixed:
  • Sparkwire
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    Sparkwire polycounter lvl 9

    Modeled that 80's style combustible lemon launcher, just need to finish my other projects and I can unwrap this baby.

    Thats an old screenshot, by the way.
  • Doughnut Bear
    acarr wrote: »
    You should help me. Because I don't know what I'm doing.

    i can try to help, what is it that confuses you?
  • Ron.S
    What is the max poly count for weapons + hats ? Or where could I read up information for creating custom hats/weapons this will be my first time doing this :) thanks in advance !
  • RedSheep
    Ron.S wrote: »
    Hey redsheep was wondering did you ever model this aperture stuff ? If its cool with you do you think I could give your weapon concepts a shot ? Thanks.

    Sure, have at it. I have other things on my plate currently.

    Sparkwire acknowledged my existence, oh my!
    Looks good. I'm excited.
  • Ron.S
    Dang love this community you replied so fast :), I will get on it this week probably in the morning lol you guys have motivated me.
  • acarr
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    acarr polycounter lvl 6
    i can try to help, what is it that confuses you?

    I'm new to modeling.

    I've made some glasses that I'm trying to get into TF2, but I'm kind of stuck. I've modeled them, and crappily unwrapped them, but now I have no clue what to do.

    (Said glasses.)
  • Sparkwire
  • RedSheep
    I love you, spark.
    That is much better than I could have done.
  • Nzdjh
  • Doughnut Bear
    acarr wrote: »
    I'm new to modeling.

    I've made some glasses that I'm trying to get into TF2, but I'm kind of stuck. I've modeled them, and crappily unwrapped them, but now I have no clue what to do.

    (Said glasses.)


    here take a look at this it is a great tutorial that pretty much walks you through from start to finish on getting your item ingame :D
  • Flat Face
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    Flat Face polycounter lvl 10
    Zipfinator wrote: »


    The oranges are based off of Cream Spirit now, the same color as the Engineer's helmet. The salty stains are also more visible and I redid the painting on the main pipe so it looks a bit more naturally chipped.

    @Baddcog, Here's a shot of the untextured launcher from first person. I guess it is pretty large. I'll have a friend of mine who plays soldier play a few rounds with it and see if he thinks it gets in the way.

    I like the model but I hate that texture, it just looks so out of place and unimaginative :/
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I think the colour on the culvert pipe launcher is an improvement, but the texture still has a way to go. I think what you've got on the handle parts is working reasonably well. I'd suggest working some subtle discoloration through the paint in a variety of colours would help. Likewise varying the shades of brown in the rust would help. It looks like you've done that on the handle at that helps sell it.

    Stains where the water has picked up rust and run down the surface would help sell it too.

    Add some small sharp brown points where the paint has chipped off around the corners of raised sections.

    Team Fortress textures are surprisingly tricky for such a simple style. I think what you've got can work, it just needs a bit more refinement.

    With regards to the handle attachments, I think if you run them right though the handles and added threaded ends (though it may not be necessary to illustrate that) with a nut screwed on to each it'd help sell them and add a nice little extra detail. I'd keep the orange paint of them and make them bare, possibly very rusty metal.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the crits guys. I'll continue working on the texture and will post updates tomorrow.

    @Jack, I like the idea about extending the rods through the handles. It'll add some much needed detail for the first person view and make it seem more stable. I'll mess around with your texture suggestions too.
  • ColonelBD
    Which of these do you prefer:

    I personally like the spike version better, but the blade holds up a more noticable silhoutte.

    I like the wrench, but the branding horseshoe looks like it was just tacked on. Maybe if you use the horseshoe shape in the stock or something.
  • re.wind
    Spike version definitely.
  • DrWolf
    Foam Hand for the scout used as a melee weapon. Better Called "The Finger of Justice" xD I just made this for fun since i liked the idea. It can either be used normal or grabbed by the finger.

  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    of course a quick google search after i make it yields almost the same model but oh well i have others im itching to work on

  • MrHoku
    Hi guys ,

    First post for me ! and first hat try, and I got a few questions.
    So here it is (rough model for now) :

    it's a thracian's gladiator helmet for the demoman actually

    So questions :

    - Can use alpha channel in-game ? (actually the holes for the eyes are just opacity map.)
    - What is the maximun polycount for a hat ?(the model is about 600tris)
    -Shall I use specific shader for the texture or just a normal scanline one? (I'm working on 3ds max)

    that's pretty it for the moment !
    Keep up the good work !
  • roninsmastermix
    While i wait on Spark to rig the whole coat, i worked on the vmt file to see how it would look like if i applied the spy model's vmt on the coat and it was surprisingly good. I was expecting more phong issues on the seems based on the blender renders and its a relief to see so little of it. I decided to delete the long coat parts for now because i can't rig it for the life of me (that's where sparkwire comes in) and i'm also surprised that it still retains the look without the long extensions of the coat.

    I'm aware that some of the hidden models are showing due to the spy's posture and i'm hoping i can fix that a bit. (Like the bottom of the collar) Crits are more than welcome, even prefered.
  • Deity Link
    Cbast wrote: »
    Something new to go along the Rail Tracer :3

    So your entry to the steampunk pyro contest is a flaregun? :3 Looks promising.
  • Dashtoronto
    While i wait on Spark to rig the whole coat, i worked on the vmt file to see how it would look like if i applied the spy model's vmt on the coat and it was surprisingly good. I was expecting more phong issues on the seems based on the blender renders and its a relief to see so little of it. I decided to delete the long coat parts for now because i can't rig it for the life of me (that's where sparkwire comes in) and i'm also surprised that it still retains the look without the long extensions of the coat.

    I'm aware that some of the hidden models are showing due to the spy's posture and i'm hoping i can fix that a bit. (Like the bottom of the collar) Crits are more than welcome, even prefered.

    the belt stands out too much. i suggest making it the same color as the coat itself
  • Ron.S
    Hey Im trying to render some progress on my TF 2 Hat/pack when I render the model the mesh has no texture on it when it renders, although it has the correct texture maps and displays the textures in the viewport. Is there something that I am not doing correctly ?


    Here is my progress so far, it's just under 600 polys

    Got another little update started on the jetpack

  • Seba

    Bad like me. Anyway off to unwrap, texture, and forget about this forever.
  • Doughnut Bear
    @Ron.S isnt that from some old tv show/movie because if so i don't think valve could put it in game due to copyright
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Are you using Xoliul's Shader or 3 Point Shader? Those are real time shaders. They work 100% in the viewport. Rendering them isn't necessary and doesn't work.
  • Ron.S
    I switched to the shader yes, but when i render normally with the textures / diffuse maps applied to the model it doesn't show up in the render.

    @doughnut its from a old movie but that movie took stuff from older things and made a movie out of it, how could i changed it so it would be acceptable ? Also the jet pack design comes from references online from other steampunk style jetpacks and the helmet is from the movie.
  • Mad Mike
    @ColonelBD: I'd go with the spikes. Blade is pretty neat too, but there's certainly no harm in making it different from the Southern Hospitality.

    @Roninsmastermix: Once again top notch stuff from you, fits the character perfectly. Can't wait to see it rigged.

    @Zipfinator: You got crits from Swizzle, you lucky, lucky man. Others have already said what was to be said, so I'll mention something else. To me it seems there's only one base colour on all parts, which makes it look monotonous. Make the T-bars, or the steel bolts holding them darker, or a different tone of orange, experiment and see if it helps bit. Second thing is that it looks like AO bake is missing, though it might just be me.

    Well, now time for my shotgun. After a brief period of lacking creativity it came back in short burst and resulted in the following: altered the pump; added a shell holder fitted with a vacuum tube and a capacitor connected with some wires to the inside of the shotgun. It's supposed to deal more damage while being healed by a Medic, so I guess it makes perfect sense. Inspired by the Quick-Fix and its backpack mostly. It's pretty much done, now time to unwrap.


  • Sharc
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    Sharc polycounter lvl 7
    Looks better suited as an Engineer weapon in my opinion.
  • re.wind

    So, yeah, as its part of an IP valve won't be putting it ingame, no matter what you do. :(
  • Svdl
    As far as the rocketeer helmet goes, you could always make it different so it's fairly obvious as to what it's referencing, but different enough so that there won't be any problems with putting it in.

    I doubt anyone asked DC when putting they put the Bonk Boy in.

    Though I hear someone did ask the bioshock guys before the vita-saw was added.
  • Ron.S
    Well I can make a new helmet its not a big deal but jetpacks are not copywritten, i didn't use the rocketeer design :O. Any ideas on a different type of helmet ? :O
  • roninsmastermix
    Ron.S wrote: »
    Well I can make a new helmet its not a big deal but jetpacks are not copywritten, i didn't use the rocketeer design :O. Any ideas on a different type of helmet ? :O

    You know, the helmet was done before and i think you can find them posted here. As a comics buff I can attest that your model is different enough. But to be sure, try making a different styled eye holes and mouth shape. As what's said before, silhouette is key, it's your call to make. Make the silhouette close enough to rocketeer and the small details can keep you safe from infringement. Make it too close and you get what people are saying here.
  • Ron.S
    @ronin - thanks mate I will do like 3-4 different helmets and styles just to keep pushing it further, your work inspired me as well cause your going all different directions with your stuff. So thanks for the C&C I hope to get some new stuff later this week.

    Also wondering what are the poly limits for hats and weapons, I think the site said 800 polys for hats, under 8k for weapons, what is your guys average poly count for either or ?
  • ant
    This was posted way back and submitted then , never got accepted...
    On a similar note, my first mecury helmet didnt get accepted because it was too similar to a certain golden age speedy dc character's helmet.
  • Ron.S
    It's hard considering everything has been done or created, so its a bit tough coming up with something that someone else has not seen done before so :P. But I will not give up ! @ant helm looks great, the top part reminds me of rocketeer as well :O love your texturing.

    PSS @roninsmastermix what is a easy way to do electrical wires, like the ones you've done for your mech arm, was it just created from a cylinder and edge extrusion then bending verts, or did you create a spline and make it renderable ?


    Whipped up something quick, will do 2 more helm styles to try to get the right style for him, let me know what you guys think. Was thinking about adding some connecting tubes from his ears to the jetpack.

  • Sparkwire
  • nordahl154
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    nordahl154 polycounter lvl 9
    Spy's not interested in Scout's mom anymore... He's interested in Scout himself!
  • SgtNasty
    So, I'm super late to the party on TF2 items, but I thought I would give it a shot. Going to do a riot gear set for the demo man.

    Here's the first item (grenade launcher pistol):





    I still need to add screws, and make some misc. adjustments based on feedback before I UV it. C&C plz
  • Sparkwire
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    Sparkwire polycounter lvl 9

    Svdl is my brother from another mother.
  • ant
    SgtNasty that topology looks solid, Is it designed to be a single shot? I only say this because the shell Cylinder looks a little small. Maybe you could roid it up a bit. Also just noticed the trigger looks a little delicate. Other than that looks pretty original. GJ., as a side note, A screen based occ render would benefit the assessment of detail and focus.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    @SgtNasty, I was thinking of doing a set with a launcher based off of that too but decided against it. Glad to see that someone else found it and is doing it. Looking good so far. The handle could definitely be improved though. Right now it doesn't look like a handle at all, just an awkward cylinder.

    @Sparkwire/SVDL, looking quite fancy. Only thing that looks a bit off is the top of the turtleneck to me. Does the top ring of polys have a separate smoothing group to the rest? It's not looking as smooth as I would expect a cloth turtleneck to be up there.
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