Congratulations to everyone that got an item in game.
I feel like you are being lazy with the texture on the crab. By that I mean that it seems like you are deliberately avoiding putting detail into areas where there really should be. I think you should use the texture to define the areas of the crab. You should segment the legs and claws (like this: ). Simply making lines with shading on either side will do. It won't be hard to do and it will make it exponentially better because right now it looks like random blobs of color.
Congratulations to everyone that got an item in game.
I feel like you are being lazy with the texture on the crab. By that I mean that it seems like you are deliberately avoiding putting detail into areas where there really should be. I think you should use the texture to define the areas of the crab. You should segment the legs and claws (like this: ). Simply making lines with shading on either side will do. It won't be hard to do and it will make it exponentially better because right now it looks like random blobs of color.
I tried that a while ago and it didn't quite work. It ended up looking like bacon, and it didn't quite fit tf2.
plus I realized that I had horrible seams at the time... So I fixed those in the new crab, and I thought the new texture was better for tf2 style.
I like the colors and the way you stylized to fit in tf2 style, but here is just one suggestion how you could enrich the texture. And I kind of baked the joints to evidence the parts of its body.
Damn Manuca, I've been trying to get a luchador mask working for the spy for a while now but I couldn't get it done in under 800 tris and not have clipping problems with the facial animation. How did you manage this? Are you some sort of wizard?
I like the colors and the way you stylized to fit in tf2 style, but here is just one suggestion how you could enrich the texture. And I kind of baked the joints to evidence the parts of its body.
Alright, back already and I really like the detail...
@Apocol0id: The reason there are highlights is so you see it in-game, I tried them without highlights and it looks invisible. But the highlights make it awesome in my opinion...
Damn Manuca, I've been trying to get a luchador mask working for the spy for a while now but I couldn't get it done in under 800 tris and not have clipping problems with the facial animation. How did you manage this? Are you some sort of wizard?
800 Triangles? I shoot for under 1600 Triangles. That's what most of the hats in game are around.
That crab is pretty cute. And yeah, they've loosened the restrictions a lot since TF2 Contribute started, without changing the suggested max polycount. There are items they've made which are incredibly tiny that exceed 2,000 triangles now.
These are only 692, but they're a simple prop. I think with a bit more texture work, they could be good to go! Maybe a bit springy, too..?
I know my items are kind of silly, but I need help and figured I would ask here. I have been searching the past 20 minutes or so, but can't find any information on what one needs to do to make an item paintable. I imagine it's something in the VMT, along with a paint mask, but the exact information eludes me.
Can someone please explain this? Possibly with example code?
my slightly re-worked model with a quick base color layed down. imo it looks a lot better than the first, a lot less chunky in first person. crits offcourse are welcome. also if anyone knows a good tutorial for thong lighting it would be much appreciated, the model has way to intense shine making it glow largely in most areas of the map.
Doughnut: It looks fun but I think you'd be better off using more geometry. The phong highlights look really wonky and aren't really that appealing. I'd also recommend exaggerating the thickness of the flag. If you can, introduce some denting and character to the head of the mailbox, too. It's very CG-looking, without much life at the moment.
I've got paint working on my item, but only the base colour. I can't seem to get it working with 'paint with' in the testitem dialogue, nor do I have any idea how you guys are painting your items in the modelviewer. Anyway, it's a puzzle I've yet to completely solve...
Doughnut: It looks fun but I think you'd be better off using more geometry. The phong highlights look really wonky and aren't really that appealing. I'd also recommend exaggerating the thickness of the flag. If you can, introduce some denting and character to the head of the mailbox, too. It's very CG-looking, without much life at the moment.
I've got paint working on my item, but only the base colour. I can't seem to get it working with 'paint with' in the testitem dialogue, nor do I have any idea how you guys are painting your items in the modelviewer. Anyway, it's a puzzle I've yet to completely solve...
PM me your Steam or something and I can walk you through whatever you need step by step. I'm planning on putting together some documentation on all of this TF2 stuff sometime in the next week to put onto the Polycount Wiki but I don't feel like writing down a large explanation in a post right now.
Thanks Zip! Now I know how too, so if anyone has trouble they can ask me as well. Meanwhile we can all look forward to some awesome TF2 developer documentation.
Doughnut: It looks fun but I think you'd be better off using more geometry. The phong highlights look really wonky and aren't really that appealing. I'd also recommend exaggerating the thickness of the flag. If you can, introduce some denting and character to the head of the mailbox, too. It's very CG-looking, without much life at the moment.
I've got paint working on my item, but only the base colour. I can't seem to get it working with 'paint with' in the testitem dialogue, nor do I have any idea how you guys are painting your items in the modelviewer. Anyway, it's a puzzle I've yet to completely solve...
thanks for the advice! ill definetly scale the flag up abit. as far as the dents go it has been mentioned by several people so i think its a good idea deffifently, i just gotta figure out a good location and a good way to go about them >_>
I know my items are kind of silly, but I need help and figured I would ask here. I have been searching the past 20 minutes or so, but can't find any information on what one needs to do to make an item paintable. I imagine it's something in the VMT, along with a paint mask, but the exact information eludes me.
Can someone please explain this? Possibly with example code?
Paint is applied via proxies. "ItemTintColor" takes the paint color and applies it to whatever vector property you want. as far as I can tell, TF2 is the only valve game that supports it. It's used almost exclusively with the "$color2" property in practice, which paints over the base vtf based on it's alpha channel (white = paint, black = leave, greys = mix base and paint).
Here it is in practice:
"$colortint_base""{127 64 0}"//this color is used if there's no paint applied. note that this is a variable, not a parameter
"$colortint_tmp""[0 0 0]"//another variable, used to store the paint color initially
"resultVar""$colortint_tmp"//dump the paint values into the temp variable
"srcVar1""$colortint_tmp"//if this !=0, use it
"srcVar2""$colortint_base"//otherwise, use the base color
"resultVar""$color2"//finally apply the correct color to the color2 parameter
//you can use anything that's a color-based parameter here instead of $color2, depending on the desired effect.
EDIT: Found a solution to the below issue. Apparently you have to assign the red skin in your SMD.
Nevermind what is below!
I got painting working perfectly, and am now trying to set up duplicates for the different team colour textures. I have this in my qc, and yet the respective VMTs are not found - model viewer says "***ERROR*** Model attempted to load one or more VMTs it can't find"... I know they are in that directory, since I can see them plainly. It is perplexing. If I remove this from my qc and assign one of the skins within the SMD, it works fine... but the texturegroup isn't working for some reason.
my slightly re-worked model with a quick base color layed down. imo it looks a lot better than the first, a lot less chunky in first person. crits offcourse are welcome. also if anyone knows a good tutorial for thong lighting it would be much appreciated, the model has way to intense shine making it glow largely in most areas of the map.
Hey man, I think you should flip the mailbox around. So that the red flag is pointed the other way with the lid.
Damn Manuca, I've been trying to get a luchador mask working for the spy for a while now but I couldn't get it done in under 800 tris and not have clipping problems with the facial animation. How did you manage this? Are you some sort of wizard?
In fact I had some problems to do that, but I made the mask slightly wider, leaving the Heavy's face free for his expressions.
I'm having the same problem that you, I can do the item paintable but for some reason I can't make the texture group work properly. My qc file is like this:
$modelname "my_projects/dead_eye/dead_eye.mdl"
$body dead_eye "dead_eye.smd"
$cdmaterials "my_projects/dead_eye"
$cdmaterials ""
$texturegroup skinfamilies
$hboxset "default"
// Model uses material "my_projects/dead_eye/engineer_eye_red.vmt"
Manuca: The problem I had with my files was in the SMD. The SMD has to point at the first VMT... so you'd have to assign a material named engineer_eye_red to the model before exporting, or edit the SMD you are using to compile in a text editor.
edit: Oh, also I don't think it needs the path in there. Just put engineer_eye_red in the skinfamilies thing.
Why has no one commented on this? I think it's awesome, I'd wear it over any Engine hat that's currently out there.
I think it's because it was his first post and it didn't show up for a bit so it got pushed back in the thread quickly. I recall seeing it and thought I posted about it but perhaps not. It is a great Engineer hat. Reminds me of something someone in a post apocalyptic universe would wear.
Sexy you're a little late on the detonator, it already has a contributor tied to its future release.
Is that also the case with the Quick Fix? I'd like to know because I recently finished this, taking the feedback I received from here into account. I already submitted it, but further comments would be appreciated.
Slightly old, before adding phong shading and a few minor texture changes.
Current ingame
I'd like to make it into a set with a firefighting theme. I learned that during the Third Reich era, German firefighters were made part of the police force and began carrying edged weapons like bayonets. Seemed perfect themewise, but his melee animations were made with a saw in mind rather than a bayonet, so I improvised a solution and and attached it to a broken hand pump, which is a German invention by funny coincidence.
Sorry about the quality, these were quick and dirty netbook renders of a model meant only to show the general concept.
I like the overall look of it, but I have a few concerns. I know TF2 is a goofy game, but is this too much? I wouldn't worry so much if it was another class, but this almost doesn't seem like the Medic's style. But then again, I would have said the same about the crossbow, so I don't know what to think. I also can't help but wonder if the firefighting theme is encroaching on the Pyro's territory. Any thoughts?
Im guessing he got it off the wiki, its on the detonator page that the stats are indirectly ripped from the "Gentlemannes Olde firecannone" from the advanced weaponiser, so it would make sence that Valve could use the actual model, although the one of the weapons stats got used for the Backscratcher so its not a certainty.
Im guessing he got it off the wiki, its on the detonator page that the stats are indirectly ripped from the "Gentlemannes Olde firecannone" from the advanced weaponiser, so it would make sence that Valve could use the actual model, although the one of the weapons stats got used for the Backscratcher so its not a certainty.
I'm fairly sure Jman was referring to the fact that he himself submitted a Flare Gun not too long ago, along with a few other items to go in a set with said Flare Gun. That's why I asked if he had any other information on items being put in because they could possibly include the other items from this set he submitted.
@BenHenry thanks for the idea but i think ill keep it like it is. i thought of having held with the lid on the hitting end early on but then it just seemed better to use the blunt back end.
I feel like you are being lazy with the texture on the crab. By that I mean that it seems like you are deliberately avoiding putting detail into areas where there really should be. I think you should use the texture to define the areas of the crab. You should segment the legs and claws (like this: ). Simply making lines with shading on either side will do. It won't be hard to do and it will make it exponentially better because right now it looks like random blobs of color.
I also made this hat today, but I don't know if anyone will like it. maybe some girls. still WIP though
I agree with you, I Will put some other label or just take off.
Very stylish item!
I personally prefer just "spycrab'' the crab is not so sinister, he is quite cute.
Yeah, it was me ^^
But I found that the hat fit better to the demoman
WIP Detonator thing.
I tried that a while ago and it didn't quite work. It ended up looking like bacon, and it didn't quite fit tf2.
plus I realized that I had horrible seams at the time... So I fixed those in the new crab, and I thought the new texture was better for tf2 style.
I'm trying pick good color for gold.
I like the colors and the way you stylized to fit in tf2 style, but here is just one suggestion how you could enrich the texture. And I kind of baked the joints to evidence the parts of its body.
Available here :
hope someone will like it and use it in his map
I really like that, time to get mudbox out!
Might actually help to take out the highlights and make him look more clay-like. The whites of the highlights look a little too bright.
@Apocol0id: The reason there are highlights is so you see it in-game, I tried them without highlights and it looks invisible. But the highlights make it awesome in my opinion...
800 Triangles? I shoot for under 1600 Triangles. That's what most of the hats in game are around.
These are only 692, but they're a simple prop. I think with a bit more texture work, they could be good to go! Maybe a bit springy, too..?
Detonator progress, texturing done by Pie_Tony.
And another 30 second model with working paint.
(hence the pink)
Can someone please explain this? Possibly with example code?
my slightly re-worked model with a quick base color layed down. imo it looks a lot better than the first, a lot less chunky in first person. crits offcourse are welcome. also if anyone knows a good tutorial for thong lighting it would be much appreciated, the model has way to intense shine making it glow largely in most areas of the map.
I've got paint working on my item, but only the base colour. I can't seem to get it working with 'paint with' in the testitem dialogue, nor do I have any idea how you guys are painting your items in the modelviewer. Anyway, it's a puzzle I've yet to completely solve...
PM me your Steam or something and I can walk you through whatever you need step by step. I'm planning on putting together some documentation on all of this TF2 stuff sometime in the next week to put onto the Polycount Wiki but I don't feel like writing down a large explanation in a post right now.
thanks for the advice! ill definetly scale the flag up abit. as far as the dents go it has been mentioned by several people so i think its a good idea deffifently, i just gotta figure out a good location and a good way to go about them >_>
Here it is in practice:
Thanks farmboy, that's awesome!
EDIT: Found a solution to the below issue. Apparently you have to assign the red skin in your SMD.
Nevermind what is below!
I got painting working perfectly, and am now trying to set up duplicates for the different team colour textures. I have this in my qc, and yet the respective VMTs are not found - model viewer says "***ERROR*** Model attempted to load one or more VMTs it can't find"... I know they are in that directory, since I can see them plainly. It is perplexing. If I remove this from my qc and assign one of the skins within the SMD, it works fine... but the texturegroup isn't working for some reason.
Hey man, I think you should flip the mailbox around. So that the red flag is pointed the other way with the lid.
In fact I had some problems to do that, but I made the mask slightly wider, leaving the Heavy's face free for his expressions.
I'm having the same problem that you, I can do the item paintable but for some reason I can't make the texture group work properly. My qc file is like this:
edit: Oh, also I don't think it needs the path in there. Just put engineer_eye_red in the skinfamilies thing.
I thought that might be the case... Would you perhaps happen to know if any other such items will be tied to its release?
Please say paintball gun, please say paintball gun, please say paintball gun...
I think it's because it was his first post and it didn't show up for a bit so it got pushed back in the thread quickly. I recall seeing it and thought I posted about it but perhaps not. It is a great Engineer hat. Reminds me of something someone in a post apocalyptic universe would wear.
Is that also the case with the Quick Fix? I'd like to know because I recently finished this, taking the feedback I received from here into account. I already submitted it, but further comments would be appreciated.
Slightly old, before adding phong shading and a few minor texture changes.
Current ingame
I'd like to make it into a set with a firefighting theme. I learned that during the Third Reich era, German firefighters were made part of the police force and began carrying edged weapons like bayonets. Seemed perfect themewise, but his melee animations were made with a saw in mind rather than a bayonet, so I improvised a solution and and attached it to a broken hand pump, which is a German invention by funny coincidence.
Sorry about the quality, these were quick and dirty netbook renders of a model meant only to show the general concept.
I like the overall look of it, but I have a few concerns. I know TF2 is a goofy game, but is this too much? I wouldn't worry so much if it was another class, but this almost doesn't seem like the Medic's style. But then again, I would have said the same about the crossbow, so I don't know what to think. I also can't help but wonder if the firefighting theme is encroaching on the Pyro's territory. Any thoughts?
very rude.
absolutely great...
@MattQ86 - I was trying to make a Spy wrestler mask too but I kind of gave up on it XD
It's called a forum troll.
@Jman source on confirmation on future release?
But I can still use and release mine. Just because it's not getting ingame doesn't mean it's pointless.
Im guessing he got it off the wiki, its on the detonator page that the stats are indirectly ripped from the "Gentlemannes Olde firecannone" from the advanced weaponiser, so it would make sence that Valve could use the actual model, although the one of the weapons stats got used for the Backscratcher so its not a certainty.
Mr. Bean's Teddy WIP.
I'm fairly sure Jman was referring to the fact that he himself submitted a Flare Gun not too long ago, along with a few other items to go in a set with said Flare Gun. That's why I asked if he had any other information on items being put in because they could possibly include the other items from this set he submitted.
Insider information?!.... interesting :P