I saw this shot at a glance and thought "WTF? That's me!?"...maybe in 15 years or so. His nasolabial folds are much more pronounced than mine tho(older).
Mezz: Trent Reznor is the guy who is Nine Inch Nails. (My most recent desktop pic)
Also Peter Steele CAN look quite good.. he can also look like utter crap, but yeah, these three shots = good.
edit: Oh yeah, I cant deny that Bill Kaulitz makes a pretty human. Totally thought he was a girl at first glance, then was annoyed that he's in an Emo band I can't stand having to play through on Guitar Hero.
If this is really "what do you want to look like" then it would have have to be something chiselled like matey from young superman or that vampire geezer moon whatever the fuck it is.
I don't have the enthusiasm to get down the gym, and am missing the square jaw.
Wait, so I can actually be loved?
/switches to Econ bachelor
+1 Female posting.
Thank you! Yesss. This post made my day.
I'm gonna be honest with you guys. I went to see the movie Ninja Assassin for him:
I think most of my other choices have already been posted...
Ah yes, back in the day... Orlando Bloom
A personal fan favourite of mine, Hiro Mizushima:
One last thing--who is this Trent Reznor and where has he been my whole life?!?
I saw this shot at a glance and thought "WTF? That's me!?"...maybe in 15 years or so. His nasolabial folds are much more pronounced than mine tho(older).
Also Peter Steele CAN look quite good.. he can also look like utter crap, but yeah, these three shots = good.
edit: Oh yeah, I cant deny that Bill Kaulitz makes a pretty human. Totally thought he was a girl at first glance, then was annoyed that he's in an Emo band I can't stand having to play through on Guitar Hero.
Michael Madsen
Steven Segal
Also ...
I don't have the enthusiasm to get down the gym, and am missing the square jaw.
its a forum full of men making art. did you really expect anything else?
(also young Trent Reznor is more man pretty, while the newer Trent is more MAN than pretty, which isnt necessarily a bad thing.)
you're right i pushed it in the back of my mind since there is no sexual orientation in art
I figured the constant posting/talk of cock drawings (and cocktanks) and talk of "buttsekz" woulda been the giveaway.
In speedos, for his/her pleasure.
Dan actually looks pretty good in this picture, he was always the hot one.
I've gotta agree, Richard Armitage is pretty awesome.
Henry Rollins:
Kim Coates (I'd give it up for Tig)
Well this pic should also be here i think.
yo have a problem?
Poor Nagoshi; his middle-age crisis is turning him into a carrot:
Speaking of Japanese designers; Kojima is such a pimp he has his own face on an Ipod.
Ok, ok; I'm stopping. Don't want to ruin the thread.
Elijah Wood
and of course gotta add him
Zac Efron
Ewan McGregor. He and his smile are so cute
Chris Pine. (You know, the new Captain Kirk...)
Heath Ledger:
Cutest in "10 Things I hate about you" imo
Agreed. Agreed. And Strongly Agreed.
I thought of another guy that I love to look at.
James Marsden
Thank you, yes, I'm quite proud of the find myself!
God, there is something so hauntingly beautiful about Jonathan Rhys Meyers... Thanks for posting, poopinmymouth :P
exactly what i think about this thread
-Borat from Kazakhtstan