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  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    The heads a bit large, looks more like a child XD
  • Grindigo
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    Grindigo polycounter lvl 6
    There is a whole subreddit dedicated to dexter's finale, so the picture is from there, not my work though.

  • mLichy
    This bugged me too.
    I figured, if anything, she would have been the one to stumble upon evidence that would have outed dexter. She was just another pretty face

    Harrison's character didn't go anywhere either.
    No signs of him becoming like his father.
    Pretty bland, but they had the opportunity to edge up the intensity with it.

    Yup, Debs off-camera complication at the end was lame.
    If Saxon came in and finished Deb off, instead of the whole Blood Clot -> coma scenario , it wouldn't have been so weak.
    Imagine Saxon did kill deb, it would have given Dexter character even more incentive to go full-on serial killer at the end, not caring about whether he was being video taped or not. Just to see him finally lose touch with 'the code' that had protected him all these years. When he entered the cell to take Saxon out, he could have given the writers the opportunity to reveal his true nature to the main characters. This would have been enough to finally see him go on the run. Which most of us have been waiting for. Just to see him fall.

    To finish up: A motherfuckin epic police chase... one of his friends(Batista or Joey) killing him... and his son witnessing the death of his father.

    This would have allow the story to come full circle, especially to have him killed right in front of his son.
    Just like dexter's mom was killed in front of him.
    I could hardly be called a writer, but I thought that was a pretty important plot point.

    /enough rambling from me

    This ^

    That is exactly what I had in my mind as I was watching it. Or very similar to that.

    AT the very least, I wish they just didn't show that last 30 seconds or so with him. I would have been happier seeing Hannah and Harrison walking away together, and it end.

    So far though, Six Feet Under had one of the best endings I think.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Tbh, the show turned pretty bad to me after season 4. But this is a decent ending atleast.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter

    To finish up: A motherfuckin epic police chase... one of his friends(Batista or Joey) killing him... and his son witnessing the death of his father.

    This would have allow the story to come full circle, especially to have him killed right in front of his son.
    Just like dexter's mom was killed in front of him.
    I could hardly be called a writer, but I thought that was a pretty important plot point.

    /enough rambling from me

    In that case, I'll put my version forward as well.

    On his boat before dropping Deb's body into the water, Dexter pulls the cover off to instead reveal Doakes. "Surprise muthafucka!" Doakes exclaims, while swiftly uppercutting Dexter into the water.

    "That's for leaving me for dead, candy ass BIATCH." Doakes sails off into the hurricane, laughing defiantly.

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