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  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    So is this like Ninja Gaiden on the xbox gameplay wise?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    In that it's third person, and has multi-button combos, yes. If the only dmc style action game you've ever played is NG it might be a tough adjustment though. Just like not all shooters play whatsoever similarly, the combat model and how timing and movement and damage dealing work vary wildly. NG is, in my experience, a pretty oddball action game, very focused on nearly unlimited movement and direct damage dealing compared to the god of wars and devil may cry's chunkier, more area of attack and timing based combat.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    if i was to compare it to anything, Devil May Cry is the closest neighbor. The only major difference in Bayonetta from NG and DMC, is that you never block. Bayonetta is all about avoiding attacks and dodging stuff.

    Its a fighting game where you kick the shit out of stuff, and as Skank says "throw churches at dragons." If you think too hard about it, try to dissect it, to validate it, compare it, and want to find any "merit of your time" for playing it, you'll probably be disappointed solely because it was built up to be a big deal in your head.

    If it looks cool, relax, and play it. Otherwise, what is the purpose in playing new games?
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    not sure if you guys were aware but penny arcade is doing a little contest.

    - Open Only To Those In The Continental US
    - Defeat Bayonetta On Hard, Earning The "Umbra Elder" Achievement/Trophy
    - Entries Must be Sent To bayonettacontest@gmail.com
    - Entry Must Include Your Gamertag/PSN ID, Photo Of Final Credits, And A Current Address
    - First Five Hundred Valid Entries Will Win A Rad Shirt
    - The Shirt Is Size Large

    and here's a picture of the shirt: http://www.penny-arcade.com/uploads/2010/01/07/Scarborough_Fair_Front_Red.jpg and http://www.penny-arcade.com/uploads/2010/01/07/Scarborough_Fair_Back_Red.jpg

    last i heard they hadn't gotten 500 yet. I just beat it on hard last night and submitted my entry.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Bah! Always larges... one day, I'll come across a game shirt in a small... oooone day...

    Really kick ass shirt, though! Hope you can get it! :D
    Dunno if I'll even manage to get the game finished on hard anyway, so what am I bitchin' about... :P
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Just to taunt Skanker, I got my Scarborough Fair replica this morning :p
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Nice shirt. I better get cracking.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    I've played quite a bit, but for the life of me, I cannot see what all the rave reviews are about really. DMC did it already years ago and just as well. Not that it's a bad game, but it seems to play right into the little boy and his xbox stereo type game, big-titted women hitting stuff that is completely over the top, maybe this is the actual point I don't know but I really not that impressed.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Gilga, I think you should give it a bit more time, it felt like this at first when seeing the promo art and the early screens but it really isn't.

    She isnt big-titted and bimbo, she is more like a dominatrix femme fatale with deadly legs and an hilarious sense of self esteem and badassitude. Lets say she bends only for what she wants to bend for.

    After a little while even the weird body proportions make a lot of sense - her breakdance and well all her other moves too just wouldn't work too well on a regular kind of bodytype. Just imagine the loading screen practice action on a body out of a realistic game ... that would be so terrible haha
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Great fun, just finished chapter 3, definitely starting to get the tactics and techniques down now. Its like DMC but without the boredom and running around. For me the style is all about despatching the enemy as best you can. The boss fights are epic.
  • skankerzero
    Marine wrote: »
    Just to taunt Skanker, I got my Scarborough Fair replica this morning :p

  • Lorex
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    Lorex polycounter lvl 7
    Looked pretty tacky at first but then, really, wow ! Bayonetta's art direction is cool as f**k ! It's like a twisted supercharged henta
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    I'll give it a bit more time and effort then I think, at the moment seems a bit of a waste of cash :).

    Might as well give it a go before I trade it in.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    this game is hard in some battles. dmc4 compare to this is easy. but i gota say this is one of the best action games this gen.
  • skankerzero
    Well, it IS the same director that created the DMC series. This is basically his 'perfected' version of that gameplay.
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    this game is hard in some battles. dmc4 compare to this is easy. but i gota say this is one of the best action games this gen.

    I dunno...I picked up DMC4 not too long ago and a few days before the bayonetta demo came out I started playing it. It just felt like my character was so slow and clunky, no real fluidity or anything. The levels also seemed very...obvious? I never beat the game though because the bayonetta demo came out, I played it, and instantly felt that silky smooth gameplay DMC4 seemed to be missing.

    That said I am on chapter 13 of Bayonetta and just LOVING IT! Really am very happy I picked this one up. It's a great game and I hope it doesn't get forgotten about when GOTY awards come around...though it will probably have to compete with God of War III and on the hype alone that game will probably win despite it looking exactly like the first too from the little I have cared to see about it.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    DMC4 -WAS- too easy, if you compare it to any of the past ones. (Not including the second--as far as I'm concerned, that one doesn't exist.)

    What I love about Bayonetta, as I've heard mentioned elsewhere, is that it's more about rewarding what you do WELL then punishing you for where you're struggling. You can manage to survive battles and keep going forward in Bayonetta, but getting things like witch time and kick-ass combos makes it go better, faster, and a HELL of a lot more fun! Hence, rewarding rather than punishing. DMC series is more like... HA! You died again, and you don't want to waste a precious continue. START THE LEVEL FROM THE BEGINNING!!! Bwhahaha. And Bayonetta is like, ok cool, have countless continues, but you ain't getting a sexy statue after this...

    Not to bash the DMC series, cause I love it... but Bayonetta sure makes for a less frustrating/more rewarding expereince a lot of the time!! :D
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    did you guys play DMC4 on the hardest difficulty? that shit was insane.... if you guys think that is easy, then i'm clearly "getting too old for this shit."

    I was trying hard for a few days to unlock the time bangle accessory, finally got it by beating it on Normal in 2:44:30. I think i could easily shave off about 10-15 min of that too (failed a few times). Next up.... 100 normal+ chapter completions, afelwhatevers, hard, and ultimate climax mode :D

    i cleaned out my 360 friends list (can finally add more people now), need some more people to compete with combo scores!! Moosebot, add it!
  • electric_geisha
    Game looks wicked...I am with Autocon I don't love the character more of a Uncharted kind of guy but will check this one out I think.
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    just unlocked the rocket launcher guns... got them on my hands and on my feets (sooo much rockets :))

    gotta finish off a few more normal chapters before unlocking all the extra stuff (i hear there's even more guns to unlock and a bunch of costumes... haven't even looked at accessories yet :S)... the 3d model viewer in the gallery is pretty fancy btw
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Dmc4 may have started slow, and Nero definitely had an easier to pick up and play flow through combat, but by no means was that game any easier than the prior entries in the series on the harder difficulties.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Alright, let me retract part of my previous statement:

    No, I haven't played on any mode but the normal mode, so I don't have experience with any other difficulty, and therefore could not say if those difficulties are on par with previous DMC games. However, imo, it kinda seemed to me that this game on normal was easier than some of the previous DMC games on the same mode.

    Now, without any further ado, let's get back to Bayonetta!!
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    just a note for those of you trying to beat the game in under 3 hours for the bracelets of time. You don't have to complete it in 3 hours from start to finish, you just have to make sure the completed time under the ALL section in your play history is under 3 hours. so just go back and work on levels you had a high time on one at a time.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    yep...gotta find where I could save those 14 mins :(:(

    also once you have the Lt killgore, a very good combo for me is :

    have guns in hands, durga on feet on set A, blade in hands and rocket launcher on feet on set B

    then do punch, punch, punch, punch, kick, switch set, mash kick, rocket frenzy !

    one of the killing machine combo for me is the simple punch kick punch with the blade in hands and electric durga on feet, you can easily kill one of those flying dragons in like 2-3 combos with this.

    about the climax bracelet, is that only available by hitting 3 millions halos and then using the cheat code ? or is there a "legit" way ? (or is this the legit way?)
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    you can get the climax bracelet after collecting 101 umbran tears of blood apparently (that's alot of acheiv's >_<). Cool combo's btw ^^

    Also, if you need an easier way to get normal mode clear in 3 hours, you can equip the immortal marionette after finishing easy or very easy and just mash triangle through every lvl... yeah i feel kinda cheap now -_-

    anyone know if the bracelet of time makes witch time not activate at all outside of pressing the taunt button btw? Not sure dodging is doing much now :\

    And are the handguns you get from finishing normal mode any good? They look cool and it's fun to shoot things but maybe the regular witch pistols are better (the description makes it seem that way)
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Nizza, from what i was finding, witch time was disabled unless manually activated. I only tried it briefly though, so i could be completely wrong :) Haven't had much chance to play again since.

    Vahl, in my 2:44 clear (i did it straight through.. silly me, didnt realize the 'total time' until i had completed it) i used the sword + fire durga exclusively since that set seemed to kill dudes the fastest... but it is horrible on total combo score (make sure to hold the kick until it explodes, don't plant bombs). Id alternate between the wicked weaves, while exploding bombs during the combos, and especially on bosses. I'd punch kick punch for a sword weave, and do punch kick kick hold kick til asplosion - pause - kick - kick for a bomb and double fire weave (or somethin like that, whichever does the stomp + stab one). I just made sure to use bombs *everywhere* and every time i could. There was one chapter i shaved 10 minutes off of by doing that. Also, panther everywhere!

    This also relied heavilly on waiting for their attacks, or dodging into attacks to get witch time. I think i got lucky on the last boss too, as she only did the punch attacks - and you can get a witch time easy on the 3rd punch, and take 80% of her health away with the right weaves and bombs. It also took about 3 or 4 playthroughs before i was completely comfortable with every enemy spawn. The wheel guys gave me trouble occasionally, but you can kill them in one shot with a fire bomb.

    I need to do more experimenting with different weapons, and still need to unlock two of them :( Went back after getting the time bracelet and quadrupled my combo score on a few maps :D
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    blah blah blah necro blah blah

    Just beat the game on Hard finally, after unlocking the sai-fon.

    This game is so amazing, i cannot stop playing it! I have ME2, but it bores me when i know i have Bayonetta lying around. This will be the first game i get 100% achievements in.

    Started working on the Applesause-heimswhatevertheyrecalled, and doing some of the non-stop infinite climax chapters. Thankfully, its not much harder than Hard, just don't get to use witch time :o

    god this game rules my face
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I finally had time to boot this up again, and there was an update, I guess all it did was allow the option to install the entire game to the HDD.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    It's a bit late... but it's a welcome update. The game loads so much faster now.

    What's the best way to use the time bracelet? I feel like it drains mana way too fast.

    If you're going for the under 3 hour game completion:
    Avoid all unnecessary combat. Unless there's a seal in front of you, don't bother fighting.
    Like in chapter 1, you can avoid the 1st set of dudes (just use the sword/key), avoid he 2nd set, (lol just fly across the water), and avoid the 4th. I did a bunch of spin attacks to break down the wall w/o having the kill the 2 little dudes inside the building.

    It's lame 'cause it lowers your score and forces you to have to go back and play through again if you want to get a Platinum medal.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    I've been playing on the 360, but recently did see how slow the ps3 load times were. That was pretty attrocious, the 360 version is super fast! Its good they got that update out, just a little sad it wasn't out-of-box.

    i use the time bracelet on bosses soul, with dual electric durgas, for halo farming. Other than that, its useful in non-stop-infinite climax mode, where you cannot trigger witch time from dodging - or for doing fancy combo videos. With that combo, or the SaiFon, you can build magic so quickly that it is never really an issue (punchx5 or punch x4 kick). I'd also use it, and the beads when fighting the "super gold claw angels," and in general other fights where Witch Time was disabled (Route 666 fight vs the axe guys).

    I just unlocked Father Rodin the other night and tried for about 2 hours to beat him. Got him below 1/2 health a few times, but god DAMN he's going to take some serious patience to kill. It never actually charges you the 9999999 halos for the ticket if you fail, so you can keep trying him if you die - just sucks having to go through a few screens to get to him each try. I tried the time bracelet there as well, just couldnt ever seem to build and keep magic around.

    Think in order to beat him, im going to need to warm up on the Tower level in Infinite Climax mode a few times, since fighting him puts you in Non Stop Infinite Climax mode regardless.

    I'm almost 100% complete... haha, just need Rodin's weapon, 2 accessories, and the weapon from Ifinite Climax mode. Working on all Platinums on Normal too, about 1/4 the way there!
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    On a slightly more random note...

    Ok, this has been driving me nuts, so anyone who can guide me to the right place I'll be really grateful to...

    Does anyone know where I can get some of the songs/soundtrack from the game??? Especially the two main battle musics. I keep getting them stuck in my head, I gotta hear them away from the game. :P

    Thanks!! :D
  • skankerzero
    Mezz wrote: »
    On a slightly more random note...

    Ok, this has been driving me nuts, so anyone who can guide me to the right place I'll be really grateful to...

    Does anyone know where I can get some of the songs/soundtrack from the game??? Especially the two main battle musics. I keep getting them stuck in my head, I gotta hear them away from the game. :P

    Thanks!! :D

    i found it on the all mighty internets.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Or the mighty Amazon: Bayonetta OST.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8

    Ok, apparently I just didn't look hard enough... but thank you! XD
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    necro... for a good cause!!!

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o09zRJNpmI4&quot;]Wii U - Bayonetta 2: Did You Miss Me? - YouTube[/ame]
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Can`t buy a WiiU for one game... damn it. I hope it comes out o PS4...
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Really hoping for a PC release with Japanese voices ... With MGS Rising Revengence already ported one can only hope ...
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Lamont wrote: »
    Can`t buy a WiiU for one game... damn it. I hope it comes out o PS4...

    Can always play Monster Hunter, Wonderful 101, Mario, thats 4! :)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Did they give her more realistic proportions? That's no fun...
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Something a little better:


    @ Moose, I will get a WiiU when it is like $100 used from someone. But I already finished Wonderful 101 and a ton of Marios at work.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Aw man I remember when I bought the first one.. I really wasnt sure it would be a good purchase.. after like 5 minutes I was hoooked hooooked.. lol

    PS4 pls omg I already bought a 3DSXL for pokemon wtf..
  • ikken
    I hope they're making a legit ps4/xbone bayonetta sequel, I can't care less for wiiu and have no friends who would purchase one either, such a waste of a really fun looking game
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Holy shit!

    Bayonetta 2 with a perfect 10/10 score on Gamespot!
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Holy shit!

    Bayonetta 2 with a perfect 10/10 score on Gamespot!

  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Mmmmm.. Platinum Games. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Come to me, baby. I must hold you.
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    One of my favourite titles of last gen. Can't wait to play this sequel!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Here's an enthusiastic review by a gamer/youtuber some of you might be familiar with :

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOJTTvDztEo&quot;]BAYONETTA 2: Game Of The Year? - YouTube[/ame]

    Bayonetta2 seems to be one of these games totally self-aware that it is, in fact ... a game. Smooth, fast and fluid. That makes me want to pick up the first one again, and it's a good reminder that I still have to finish Vanquish too ...
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    Tried the demo and it was quite the fun game, can't wait to play the first and second game. It's totally worth a buy if you have a Wii U, thanks Nintendo.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Cant wait! as;lkdjf;askljdf!
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Sucks it will only be on the WiiU. So I guess this is the game that will make me want to buy a WiiU finally as it will never be on the PS4 since Nintendo fronted the money so Platinum can stay afloat and finish it.
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