this has been getting getting a lot of favorable reviews. It reminds me a lot of shadow of the colossus....both sorta unconventional and innovative looking titles. I think I'll pick up a copy soon
It's my personal favorite game of 2009 and have been super vocal about it. It's an absolute blast and a sequel has been hinted (i think..). Which is something I am looking forward too.. That and From Software's next PS3 titled, 3D Dot Game Heroes!
ok. picked this game up. finding it hard as hell. i cant even beat the first level. keep testing out new classes to see what i like best. not really sure what i wanna use yet. I dont even know how to level? like who i bring my souls to? anyone got any tips for a newb?
Game is tough, but i've always been a fan of difficult games. I've gotten killed lots, but learned from a few of them. Leaving messages is pretty fun, etc. I need to buy the game when I have money.
ok. picked this game up. finding it hard as hell. i cant even beat the first level. keep testing out new classes to see what i like best. not really sure what i wanna use yet. I dont even know how to level? like who i bring my souls to? anyone got any tips for a newb?
you have to beat the first boss (phalanx) in order to gain access to the leveling up in the Nexus (from the faceless chick).
If you're having trouble, try the Royal class. Hang back, keep a wand & shield equipped and bolt everyone to death. You can kill just about everything from ranged with the Royal class, and your mana will regenerate - since they start with a ring with that stat.
Also, be sure to explore, you can unlock easier paths through that first level by backtracking/going alternate routes and flipping switches. when you reach the first blue face knight, kill him and go straight instead of the door that is behind him, and work your way down the tower. When you reach the bottom there is a switch to open the gate for a shortcut & an item (ring?).
other tips: Early on, avoid Red Face knights. avoid red&black fresnel looking enemies if possible, and don't be afraid to run away and kite enemies. They will not respawn behind you, so if you kill them once, they're gone until you die.
Keep oils, save them for when you fight the Phalanx boss, and hack the little guys from behind.
i beat the first level!!! with only 1 death on my new guy! i started a thief.
blue face knight eh? hmmmmm. im going to have to explore 1-1 more. though, not sure how the level numbers go. obviously i know the 1-1, 1-2, 1-3... but i dunno what people call the other levels.
though, not sure how the level numbers go. obviously i know the 1-1, 1-2, 1-3... but i dunno what people call the other levels.
2-1, 2-2, etc and then 3-1, 3-2 etc going in a clockwise direction from 1-1.
I've suddenly got the urge to play this again as well, damn thread revival
Just started today as a Royal. Getting smacked down instantly by the first red knight was pretty hilarious. Targeting system is complete horse crap but I guess they always are.
Just beat Phalanx and now I'm pretty clueless as what to do/get next. What should I be using my souls on? Levels? Weapon upgrades? Should I do 1-2 or X-1 in other worlds? Are some weapon types clearly better than others?
The only thing I know for certain is I'm supposed to die
I have been playing it pretty frequently on my friend's PS3.
He started a temple knight character but I liked him so much that my friend sort of took let me take over that char.
The multiplayer aspect of the game seems pretty scarce in the first playthrough and once the game started getting kinda old around the end of the 2nd playthrough I started noticing more and more people putting down soulsigns and invading me.
Some things to increase the fun: summon blue phantoms whenever you can. They really really help out in clearing the level, fighting bosses, and of course eliminating asshole black phantoms.
Help people out (& get your body back!) by playing as a blue phantom. Use your blue eye stone at the beginning or end of a battle when you're in soul form. The best thing about being a blue phantom is that if you die, you still get to keep the souls you had. This really decreases the frustration and helping people out feels good, too.
Magic is surely the most powerful thing in the game, but I find melee to be a lot more challenging and a lot more fun in the long run.
The great thing about the game is that it's deceptively complex... There's a lot of depth behind the facade of simplicity.
this is the only game that made me ask myself: "Holy shit, I have to hit a dragon in the head with an arrow, as it dives, from 200 feet away? More than once?"
Haha. whipSwitch, I really wouldn't recommend it.... It's not worth it. Just find out the furthest place on the bridge that is safe and run immediately after the dragon passes.
you get a soul from killing that dragon, and it permanently removes the dragon from that level, letting you run through. I'd recommend getting a good bow first, and take as many arrows that you can afford/carry! Killing the dragon is crucial if you want to take your world to Black, at the entrance to the castle there is the one Blue Face knight, and 2 red face knights there to back him up. Keeping the dragon alive severely limits your range of motion, and they're easier to handle if you can kite them back.
Jacque - do ittttt. I played a Wanderer, only wore leather, and only used a single sword in both hands. Was soooooo much fun, i had super high dexteritiy, but i couldn't take hits. Was fun learning how to dodge everything instead of blocking! I think i stopped around soul level 176 or somethin need to get back and do more!!
As far as level progression, its completely up to you. You should be able to do 2-1 easilly (use ranged v boss, its hax), and 1-2, 2-2's boss can be tricky, but 2-3 is a cakewalk. 1-3 is kinda hard at the end. 3-1 is also easy (you get the black stone at the end of 3-1), 3-2 isn't too tough but ManEater is a bitch if you like to dodge 3-3 is fun, because its either an AI fight, or PVP boss fight, depending on if players have stones down in the level.
4-1 and 5-1 always gave me troubles at first, but once you level up your stats and weapons some it becomes a lot easier. Once you get to 4-2 though, you get the best soul-grinding spot in the game
aosdfj;sadkjlsdajkl;fsd;jklsdfa;kjldafsw need to play again!!!
man, now that i finally got past the first level, im so stoked for this game. learning to dodge and block and counter and stuff. soooo fun! as i mentioned, im playing a thief. dagger and shield. question though. ive heard about using boss souls to get skills and stuff?? or rare armour. how does that work? where do i trade them in or buy skills? I hear all this stuff about making weapons uber, but the upgrades in town dont seem all that great.
also, what about special weapons? can they drop off guys? or do you have to start with regular stuff and upgrade them somehow?
can someone just clarify. 2-1 is stonefang tunnel, ya? just wanna make sure im getting the level numbers right
It is, and you're getting to the stage where you're best off looking at the demons souls wiki for answers because you're gonna run into a lot of questions like "how many bladestone do I need for xxx..." or "what does this boss soul do..." and then once you're there, you'll find a bunch of answers to questions you never even knew you had.
Just don't look at the "guide" section that walks you through the levels.
you have to unlock/find the NPCs that have the shops for buying & upgrading specific weapons.
For the Smith, he is located in 2-1, and can access him after activating the elevator near the start of the level. Gotta fight your way through first, but once you turn it on, its on forever. Once you can reach him, you have to beat the 2-2 boss, and give his soul to that old guy down the elevator (may need to talk to him 3 or 4 times). From there, you can take specific weapons (i think mostly +5) and he'll offer upgrades. I used the 4-2 boss's sword primarily (upgrade from falchion or other curved blades), its badass
For spells, you have to unlock the mage guy, who is in 4-1 (maybe thats the priest...). You can get to him after you find a key near the end of the level, backtrack, and open his cell. He'll show up in the Nexus then.
There are a lot of hidden things like that, all over, its awesome If you kill the guy from 1-1, and get his key - you can go fight the Old King, or if you save him in 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and 1-4, he'll give you a key then. You'll fight the dark phantom version of him too, and drops some nice stuff. If you save the guy in 4-2, i think that unlocks the Mephistopheles quests - but i never did any of them, and killed the guy for his armor. Some NPCs only show up when your world is pure white, just as a lot of paths aren't open unless your world is pure white. At the end of 2-3, there is a sword you can get if your world is pure white. Pure Black levels have rare NPCs that drop unique weapons, but some are pretty tough! There is also a vendor NPC in 4-1 you can unlock, who will follow you to 4-2, an NPC in 4-2 who has a badass shield, and also functions as a vendor in the Nexus (based on if you kill him or leave him be).
in 4-1, you can drop an item in front of the tree where the birds talk to you, save & reload your game, and there will be an item there. You can get the best arrows in the game that way, as well as getting souls for spells & weapon upgrades.
Coolest part is, if you play the game one way, killing some NPCs but saving others, you can change it up in your next playthrough. There are two ways to end the game too, keeping the "kill or let live" idea in mind
Phew, I ran into Flamelurker not realizing 2-2 was so short, was totally unprepared, and beat him first try. Pretty intense though at one point I had so little HP I couldn't even see red on the health bar. And yeah 2-3 is a joke. World 2 is pretty easy all around. Beat Tower Knight (1-2) too who is also a joke once you realize how exploitable he is.
If I have any complaint with the game it just feels like I either need to a) play melee and die instantly from a single mistake ten million times or b) exploit constantly (i.e. play ranged). Doing the latter I've managed to stay in body form for a while now...
ive given up on body form. lol. screw that. soul form all the way! i was trying to finish 2-1, but didnt have arrows for the boss so i died. then couldnt make it back. so now im just farming 1-1 to get some soul levels first. i beat my first blue faced knight last night! only soul level 16 or something. and most of that went into my luck. lol. just did 1 counter attack and a couple more slashes and he dropped like a fly. after i dropped like a fly 10 times before that. lol
kicking up an old!!! i played this when it first came out but kinda gave up. last couple of weeks i've been researching how to upgrade my character/weapons. now i am TOTALLY hooked. i think about it during the day. never before have i experienced such an amazing atmosphere in a game....just breath-taking. 4 bosses down....charging my ps3 controller as i type to get back in there. anyone else currently playing this in anticipation for dark souls? one of the top ten games ever.
(Since this thread already got revived and I am so excited for Dark Souls...)
I wonder why there has not been any "Top [nuber] Videogame Bosses" with the 4-3 Old Monk Boss. This old monk sacrifices himself and summons a "black phantom" with some cheap attacks and a five-magic-homing-missles buff, nothing fancy so far, but there is something different happening when you are in Demon's Souls' "online mode" (which also varies greatly from all the other generic online modes)
Spoiler (kinda...):
While in online mode, go to level 4-3 aggain after you killed the old monk. Use the stone that lets others summon you to help them. If a randon dude enters the bossfight then, the old monk will summon YOU to kill said random dude. You then get that five-homing-missles buff and the yellow turban that boosts your magic greatly. So basically you are the boss for 4-3 instead of the basic NPC plack phantom. In what other game are you the Boss enemy? :P
You also get that monks yellow turban as a reward if you kill the poor guy that got to defeat you.
Thats such a great and unusual way to design a bossfight. I was totally stunned when I first experianced it (which was at my third playthrough... :P)
I've finished it. I think quite a few people have, but the END of the game isn't REALLY the end, as the replay value is really high.
I still wish I'd done the bad ending
Second to disgaea my favourite game, even though I am useless at it!
I better re-read the thread for some tips!
you have to beat the first boss (phalanx) in order to gain access to the leveling up in the Nexus (from the faceless chick).
If you're having trouble, try the Royal class. Hang back, keep a wand & shield equipped and bolt everyone to death. You can kill just about everything from ranged with the Royal class, and your mana will regenerate - since they start with a ring with that stat.
Also, be sure to explore, you can unlock easier paths through that first level by backtracking/going alternate routes and flipping switches. when you reach the first blue face knight, kill him and go straight instead of the door that is behind him, and work your way down the tower. When you reach the bottom there is a switch to open the gate for a shortcut & an item (ring?).
other tips: Early on, avoid Red Face knights. avoid red&black fresnel looking enemies if possible, and don't be afraid to run away and kite enemies. They will not respawn behind you, so if you kill them once, they're gone until you die.
Keep oils, save them for when you fight the Phalanx boss, and hack the little guys from behind.
man i want to play this game again!
blue face knight eh? hmmmmm. im going to have to explore 1-1 more. though, not sure how the level numbers go. obviously i know the 1-1, 1-2, 1-3... but i dunno what people call the other levels.
2-1, 2-2, etc and then 3-1, 3-2 etc going in a clockwise direction from 1-1.
I've suddenly got the urge to play this again as well, damn thread revival
Just beat Phalanx and now I'm pretty clueless as what to do/get next. What should I be using my souls on? Levels? Weapon upgrades? Should I do 1-2 or X-1 in other worlds? Are some weapon types clearly better than others?
The only thing I know for certain is I'm supposed to die
He started a temple knight character but I liked him so much that my friend sort of took let me take over that char.
The multiplayer aspect of the game seems pretty scarce in the first playthrough and once the game started getting kinda old around the end of the 2nd playthrough I started noticing more and more people putting down soulsigns and invading me.
Some things to increase the fun: summon blue phantoms whenever you can. They really really help out in clearing the level, fighting bosses, and of course eliminating asshole black phantoms.
Help people out (& get your body back!) by playing as a blue phantom. Use your blue eye stone at the beginning or end of a battle when you're in soul form. The best thing about being a blue phantom is that if you die, you still get to keep the souls you had. This really decreases the frustration and helping people out feels good, too.
Magic is surely the most powerful thing in the game, but I find melee to be a lot more challenging and a lot more fun in the long run.
The great thing about the game is that it's deceptively complex... There's a lot of depth behind the facade of simplicity.
I did my first playthrough as a Magic/Bow Royal.
This thread bump makes me realise I want to go back, and play as a Melee fighter.
Jacque - do ittttt. I played a Wanderer, only wore leather, and only used a single sword in both hands. Was soooooo much fun, i had super high dexteritiy, but i couldn't take hits. Was fun learning how to dodge everything instead of blocking! I think i stopped around soul level 176 or somethin
As far as level progression, its completely up to you. You should be able to do 2-1 easilly (use ranged v boss, its hax), and 1-2, 2-2's boss can be tricky, but 2-3 is a cakewalk. 1-3 is kinda hard at the end. 3-1 is also easy (you get the black stone at the end of 3-1), 3-2 isn't too tough but ManEater is a bitch if you like to dodge
4-1 and 5-1 always gave me troubles at first, but once you level up your stats and weapons some it becomes a lot easier. Once you get to 4-2 though, you get the best soul-grinding spot in the game
aosdfj;sadkjlsdajkl;fsd;jklsdfa;kjldafsw need to play again!!!
also, what about special weapons? can they drop off guys? or do you have to start with regular stuff and upgrade them somehow?
It is, and you're getting to the stage where you're best off looking at the demons souls wiki for answers because you're gonna run into a lot of questions like "how many bladestone do I need for xxx..." or "what does this boss soul do..." and then once you're there, you'll find a bunch of answers to questions you never even knew you had.
Just don't look at the "guide" section that walks you through the levels.
For the Smith, he is located in 2-1, and can access him after activating the elevator near the start of the level. Gotta fight your way through first, but once you turn it on, its on forever. Once you can reach him, you have to beat the 2-2 boss, and give his soul to that old guy down the elevator (may need to talk to him 3 or 4 times). From there, you can take specific weapons (i think mostly +5) and he'll offer upgrades. I used the 4-2 boss's sword primarily (upgrade from falchion or other curved blades), its badass
For spells, you have to unlock the mage guy, who is in 4-1 (maybe thats the priest...). You can get to him after you find a key near the end of the level, backtrack, and open his cell. He'll show up in the Nexus then.
There are a lot of hidden things like that, all over, its awesome
in 4-1, you can drop an item in front of the tree where the birds talk to you, save & reload your game, and there will be an item there. You can get the best arrows in the game that way, as well as getting souls for spells & weapon upgrades.
Coolest part is, if you play the game one way, killing some NPCs but saving others, you can change it up in your next playthrough. There are two ways to end the game too, keeping the "kill or let live" idea in mind
If I have any complaint with the game it just feels like I either need to a) play melee and die instantly from a single mistake ten million times or b) exploit constantly (i.e. play ranged). Doing the latter I've managed to stay in body form for a while now...
I wonder why there has not been any "Top [nuber] Videogame Bosses" with the 4-3 Old Monk Boss. This old monk sacrifices himself and summons a "black phantom" with some cheap attacks and a five-magic-homing-missles buff, nothing fancy so far, but there is something different happening when you are in Demon's Souls' "online mode" (which also varies greatly from all the other generic online modes)
Spoiler (kinda...):
You also get that monks yellow turban as a reward if you kill the poor guy that got to defeat you.
Thats such a great and unusual way to design a bossfight. I was totally stunned when I first experianced it