Anyone else playing this? I'd never heard of it until last week, rented it on the weekend, and now I'm scouring sold-out stores around vancouver to try to find a copy.
Absolutely awesome game.
Ninja gaiden execution and difficulty, mixed with diablo-1-esque loot, stats and body recovery, mixed with a pseudo-mmo style multiplayer setup.
Best rpg of the year.
in fact, I won't say this in the uncharted or brutal legend threads (at least there should be a BL thread), but I'm hurrying to finish those games ... so I can get back to Demon's Souls. I keep gushing about it to everyone. there's just some alluring aspect about it that just makes me want to keep playing.
It's not easy, but it's not too difficult if you just take your time. there's no 'cheap' moments.
buy buy buy.
In 15+ hours of play, I have 3 trophies, having only beat 1-1, 1-2, and 2-1. I managed to get World 1 to white tendency and messed around in the event area that was triggered, only to get smoked. Other than that, I am working on 2-2. Briefly visited 3-1, 4-1, 5-1 and got the hell out of there.
It is BRUTAL. Brutal but fair. Don't run around hoping to hack and slash, because you will be skewered relentlessly. No saves. No checkpoints. No pause. You die and you come back with half your life.
...and yet, I keep going back to it. I just love the solitary exploration, the constant tension and fear that you are going to die at any moment. Never before has spending 3 hours trying to make it 100 yards further felt like a major accomplishment.
This game rocks.
Been following it for awhile, and it looks bloody awesome and hard. The use of tactical combat is really what interests me, and the online portion is really neat too.
I really wonder if red souls enter your game to steal your body much, or if its mainly blue souls trying to work together. You have any experience with that yet glib?
I think you can only be invaded by black phantoms (other players) if you are "alive" yourself and not in phantom form.
I wouldn't know about that though. I have only been alive for 10 minutes of my 15 hours.
Same for summoning blue phantoms: you have to be alive.
Thanks! It seems cool to have players help or invade your game, but I wonder if it would just become annoying (if your alive that is).
Well, utter hate and frustration, but in a loving way.
I wonder if games in general are just so easy now that people are able to respect a game that is so deliberately different.
Crazy that it's hard to find in stores now. Atlus really must have not expected it to sell at all. When I picked it up at my local Frys, they had a shelf full of copies. Today when I go in to grab Uncharted, the entire shelf where Demon's Souls used to be is empty. Sony really should have published this over here like they did in Japan. If this had come out in the summer with a little bit of marketing, it could have been a big hit. But now I'm guessing most people will pass on it because of the holiday glut.
Hope it was worth it.
I haven't been invaded yet. I'm rarely alive anyway.
The general way of things seems to be settling into: try new level, die. Learn, progress, die, repeat. Get to boss, put down blue marker and wait for someone to invite you to their game. See what the boss is like in a more carefree environment (since if you die, you just go back to where your marker was instead of the beginning of the level). Once you've beaten the boss and have an idea of the level design, boss' attacks, then you'll be resurrected (your bonus for helping out someone beat a boss), then trek down there again without dying (take your time) and recruit a few blue souls to help, then beat boss.
I've also only beaten 1-1, 1-2, and 2-1. I tried 2-2 in blue soul form about 10 times last night and we never managed to beat him. Back to grinding and leveling up before I try again. I'm thinking I might try 4-1.
My roommate got invaded and killed this evening. I laughed.
Ugghhh soo many games I need to get and play, not including the stack sitting unopened on my counter.
Uncharted 1 + 2, Arkham Asylum, Then this.
Followed by Modern Warfare 2, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age, and everything else that's coming out next month.
I am kind of lost now though. I killed that giant ball of corpses, and am now at the arrow spitting death machine not knowing where to go. Now my corpse holding 6000 souls is laying in the midst of the storm of arrows.
I can't wait to get back in.
Do you know how awesome your post sounds? GAAAH WANT THIS GAME!!! :poly127:
Bit of spoilers for 3-1 ahead:
That level is a bit of a maze. If you can get down to the level with the corpse ball, you should find, or already have, a key that should unlock the gates to the level directly above. That level isn't lined with prison cells like the others. It's U shaped and there's just a couple of cthulu guys patrolling. There should be a door at the end of the hall that will take you outside where you'll be able to get behind the arrow machine and turn it off. And that sets up a quick shortcut to get to the boss of the level.
coop is really cool, have to find some system so that I can play with people who I want, though it seems hiding your request in some strange dead end corner could work pretty well.
did anybody else find it funny and mood breaking when you first enter the nexus and see the blood stains for the first time? "wow! This is some kid's last moments", you think while seconds later you see him sprinting up the ridiculously tall staircase, make a bad turn with the PS3's janky controller and fly off towards the ground? ... then watching the nearly identical 10 or so bloodstains on the same staircase. i really like this game. : ) it is funny.
also, really funny to put "BAD MONSTER AHEAD, ATTACK FAST" type warnings right in front of areas with hidden merchants. I'll never know if they had the desired effect, but I do like the mental image of some guy killing one of your only lifelines in those difficult levels.
edit: I just called every HMV and Gamestop within a 50km radius. Everyone says they'll be sold out for another 2-3 weeks. You lucky bastard. My rental copy is due back today.
invaded a dude last night in that soldier infested area in 1-4. (or whatever) at first, the guy was super cautious after I had popped in, but eventually went ahead doing his thing and taking on all the soldiers on one of the bridges. i didn't want to fight the dude head on, (he had much much better gear than me by the looks) and the one time I had invaded a guy's game earlier, I had gotten fucked by that Soul Arrow spell the royals have. Timing the dodge seemed really difficult. Hiding around corners, I waited until he'd pulled 2 red eyed knights before sprinting up behind him. As expected, that shitty soul arrow started flying around, but he couldn't lay it down enough with the mobs there. I wittled him down with a spear and shield until he got some distance from me to finish off the knights. Switched to broadsword, managed to get behind him and take him out with a backstab. It was pretty stacked against him, but that's kinda the nature of this game, and fuck is it cool. : )
Try mate; might be a bit cheaper than playasia. It's where I got my copy from.
Now I'm into new game + though, and while it's harder I was initially thinking, 'oh this isn't that bad'... until I got invaded while in soul form, in 1-1. Oh man there's gonna be a lot of pvp in this run.
ooooh cheers... but I decided to leave it for a bit..
I got my spiritmaster to 34 in Aion ^^
but have anyone faced the problem of occasionally dc from the server? seems i was online for awhile until i realize that there aren't any bloodstain/message/phantoms around
I paid £53 off ebay and think its well worth it.:poly121:
I did however, manage to get the brushwood armor set without having to battle Miralda or whatever her name is.
But then Flamelurker obliterated me.
So now I'm torn between grinding to get my soul out of level 1, or just throwing in the towel. This game is ridiculously hard.
It's the stupid kind of hard, where it's more about memorization than actual skills or tactics, and it's ridiculously unforgiving when you die. won't take much to get out of soul level 1.. and in fact your soul level won't make you that much stronger right out of the back. just go through 1-1 again, gather like 500 souls, then exit the level via the warp stone.. cash souls in, repeat.
the key is not to rush.. and if you die, get your corpse and you'll recover your souls. it's kinda your fault that you went and jumped the ledge twice without recovering your souls the first time :P
just pay attention in the game.
I started playing this weekend..... for the first time. this is what i thought at the time. However i spent a lot of time grinding and leveling my dude up, to the point that when i was playing yesterday it was almost easy
I've beaten 1-1, and 1-2, and unlocked the Armored Spider in 2-1, as wellas progressing to the arrow wall in 3-1. This game is kind of retardedly awesome... I HHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEED it at first, until i unlocked the first gate in level 1-1. Once i did that... i realized the level design is so ridiculously tight, that there was more thought put into this game than I've seen before. The armored spider has been ridiculously hard for me so far, since I am a melee class (Wanderer)... but hopefully soon I'll destroy it
Only things i dont understand.......... are the red glowing-frenel-arific guys, and world Tendencies. How in the fuck can you tell what a world is on that screen? there is no text >< I understand "light color" "dark color," but this "pure dark" and "pure light" shit is confusing to me. I also could not beat 1-2 for the longest time, because there were 2 red-fresnel blue-eye demons right before the doorway, who'd rape the shit out of me. I died, and suddenly, they did not spawn anymore. I have no idea how or why those things were there, and also, everywhere else in the game.
Level 3-1 is also the creepiest level I've ever seen in a game. Rip your heart out Silent Hill and Resident Evil. The ball-of-corpses made me shit my pants.
RE: Not sure who those two demons were except that they may have spawned due to your world tendency at the time. Then when you died and it shifted the other direction, it prevented them from spawning.
The thing I still don't get is upgrading weapons. Sure, I understand going from a +1 to a +2 and so on, but I see people on other forums talking about meat cleavers and other special named weapons they have somehow upgraded to. I am so afraid of upgrading myself down a bad path.
Anoon, at specific upgrade points the weapons can be branched by using different stones. Be weary though, if you dont have many of those stones, you'll need more of them to upgrade that weapon further... and starting over on it requires a meltstone... that destroys all that work
upgrade a club with the 4-1 boss soul @ eld
Level 33, finished the tower boss, and I managed to kill the red dragon.
It's intentionally vague. You can check via the WT screen or just look at the top right corner. One thing to keep in mind though if going for pure tendencies is that playing online always alters your WT a bit. By playing online you're actually being impacted by the actions of everyone else to some small degree. This generally results in you thinking you should have say, pure white WT but it's not because all those black WT's out there are bringing you down.
Safest way to get a pure is play offline for that last push in either direction, like killing a boss or something to get pure white. It's one of the poorer executed features of the game, but maybe it will be flexed better in the inevitable sequel.
The red-fresnel guys start showing up in black WTs. It's basically the game getting harder on you. Later on they spawn silently on you in very bad spots and make your life hell. The upside is that the blacker your world gets, the more souls and items you get per monster.
I feel like I have been playing for a long time and not getting very far. At this rate it will take me a year to finish.
I am the type of guy that likes to get platinums on the game he plays. I can't imagine how many playthroughs it will take to platinum Demon's Souls. ugh.
I wish it was black though... you get more souls, and now the game is too easy