moose, you can make any area you want black pretty easy. Just go into the area you want, use a stone to bring yourself back to life, then kill yourself. Port back to the nexus, re enter zone, repeat, port back to nexus, etc. Keep checking the world tendency thing each time and eventually it will be black. More items also drop when you have pure black tendency in a world so its a good way to farm ores.
cool venain, will give that a go. i wanted to try to pvp more instead of using ephemeral eyes... but one person left when i invaded them, and another invasion was like walking into a meat grinder
is it as easy to take it back to pure white, from what i understand staying pure white is difficult? Ive read about dying in your body to go black, but is there anything other than killing the named black phantoms, demons, etc to go white? IE, if i kill all but one demon, and everything is black, how do i make it white again?
- Kill bosses
- Kill primeval demons (appears in certain worlds when black, drops highly prized colorless demon souls)
- Killed named black phantoms
- Kill other players in PVP if you're hosting
- Return other players to body form (most common way is beating a boss with blue phantom helpers)
Turn the world black:
- die in body form
- kill good NPCs in a world
While it seems like it's hard to get the world black as there are less options, there is a trade off. You can always make the world black easily by what venain already mentioned- killing yourself in body form. But eventually you run out of your white options when you've fully completed a world, so making it white again is a chore. The only real way to do that is luring players in for PVP and winning.
Typically, if you're a completionist, the way to go about it is to get the world black via dying or whatever, kill the primeavl demon AND the black phantom NPC in one trip (since the world tendency doesn't change until you return to the nexus), return back to the world which will definitely be pure white (offline to be safe) and then complete the white events.
But if that's too much planning for your style you can always do one on one playthrough and another the next. But I highly advise obtaining as many colorless as you can per playthrough. max of 10 each playthrough and getting all 10 requires some luck and planning.
cleared out the Mines last night... the Dragon God was a little bit of a let down I think im going to get more specific on a 2nd or 3rd play through as far as altering the world tendencies, want to see everything first
Yeah, save for world 1, all the end of world bosses are more gimmicky than the rest. The major demons, at least for me, are always really easy compared to the rest of the game. I'm playing a mage though.
I really need to manage to get the tower of latria to PW so I can get the three corner witche's hat and the other female gear in some of the cells. But I've cleared that level and am having no luck luring BP's into my world
yeah going from pure black to pure white can be difficult, it can actually be impossible I think if you don't have all the right stuff up (primevil demon, black phantom, and a boss). I guess you can also resurrect blue phantoms for +white but I've never tried that and I think I used the soul required for that spell on a different spell.
is there a way to invite a specific person to play with? Or do we have to communicate "go to this place and ill drop a blue soul" in order to coop? I'd love to invite a friend to play with, or see if i can invade a friend's world From what i can gather so far... its very random, and there are very slim chances you'd play with/fight your friends - i havent had a single person accept my blue soul thing, and get raped in all pvp scenarios.
btw, my psn name is Moosebot, in case you A) dominate me in pvp, or we want to play some games
When I play with my brother I have to tell him to go to a certain spot and drop his note. It's not meant for traditional co-op. In fact, you can only invite folks into worlds that you have not cleared yet. It's pretty limited.
Can someone explain what one must do to return to human form?
will become human again when you kill the first boss
I think i spent too much time grinding out stat points, because the 4-1 boss was a pushover for me. I also cleared out the Latria tower level... and got a PvP battle for the boss. Aparently the person was made of paper... or i was just way over leveled - because i killed them in two hits. I then proceeded to fuck up my white-player soul path by killing The Hyena by accident in 4-2
Can i be summoned into someone's world if Ive cleared the level?
Yeah you enter into anyone's world so long as you're within 10 soul levels. Just can bring folks into your world that is already cleared. I think they did that so all blue phantoms always have a clear objective.
Im lvel 63 now, and it's very strange how radically different the difficulties are (depending on your builds).
I've decided to go with the bow/magic route, and can slaughter everyone that i can see from a distance, but I get pwnzed when im ambushed around corners.
Same with my friends who are pure melee fighters, getting completely owned by certain ranged attackers at certain situations.
Melee should be easier once i get the Moon enchantment on my Winged Spear. Then it'll deal magic damage on my melee weapon, dependant on my magic level.
So glad i didn't let the initial frustration deter me from continuing on. I haven't been this thoroughly addicted to a game since Diablo 2.
Jacque, I'm running a very heavy melee build - the only spell i use is "enchant weapon," and i only have one spell slot >< I'm about at soul level 55ish, and started as a Wanderer.
I rarely use a shield, just 2h my Falchion, and use all leather/black leather armor. Ranged dudes dont bother me too much, but if i get hit with *anything* it hurts, a lot. When i do use a shield, its to block off the heavy attackers (Golden Skeletons, Red Skeletons, Red face knights, bosses), but most of the time i just dodge past them, and cut them twice and watch them die. I generally don't worry about spell casters, as dodging their missiles is pretty easy. I do get raped by everything though if it sneezes on me, so i've been learning to dodge a lot and be very mobile.
I'm torn atm, if i want to upgrade my Falchion to a Searching Sword... or see about upgrading a Scimitar to it or something. I just started finding Katanas, and love them
I'm incredibly addicted to this game, but its slowly losing some flavor, especially after i spent an hour farming 4-2 for souls last night
I'm almost a pure mage. I can burn everything for the most part, but other casters toast me as all the best mage gear interestingly weakens you to magic.
That's probably the best thing about the game- there is no 'best' of anything. Anyone you face has a weakness. The more a guy in pvp specializes in one thing or another, the more he exposes himself to something else. Really well designed that way.
I HIGHLY recommend acquiring enough faith to get the Evacuate spell. Freely leaving a world whenever you want changed the game for me.
Yeah playing a stealthy assassin type is rough for the main game, but excellent for pvp. The best BP's I've fought are little rollin' stabbin' types that nick you while you struggle to hit them.
Edit: Ok this game is really starting to piss me off. I can't even get through 1-1.
I never thought i was that bad, but this game is too punishing and i frankly don't have that much patience to keep re-trying.
Play a royal. It's an easy way to start, just magic arrow everything from afar.
Yup, and you also get a sweet mana recharge ring to boot.
Looking back, I think the first level is by far the most frustrating and hardest, because you're spending the time to learn the skills to play the game. If they progressed you ANYWAYS, you'd be toast.
It's kind of hard not to when you've tailored your character for the past 50+hours of gameplay to be primarily a bow user.
It's great for bosses, and awful when you're doing closed quarters melee with a dual katana wielding silver skeleton.
Bow users are also pretty gimped for PvP, (so the 3-3 boss will very likely destroy you many many many times), and you're pretty toast when you're up against black phantoms.
yeah, im still working on clearing out world 1 and world 4. My main "ugh, lame" feelings of it came in world 5 - where you can out dps the leech boss via arrows, and likewise with the final boss. I also killed the gray demon in 4-1 without him stepping an inch in any direction. I know i shouldn't do it too, haha, because i want to have some fun combat (im actually tailoring my character to be a melee, dual katana guy ) .. but its kinda hard not to cheese it when i want to get to newgame +
so in short, i have no room to complain
Bows are actually pretty pro for black phantoms too ive found, if you have a theif ring on, and invisible, you can shoot the arrow past them to distract them, sprint up, and crit them in the back. I ended up beating 3-1 on Halloween weekend that way, the octopus face fuckers were dominating me.
Yeah, I finished the game last night, and dabbled in NG+.
Realised I get at least 1 PVP every single game I'm in. Which is how I developed the UBER mega CHEAP-AS-Shit PVP strategy where I always win by attrition.
First - Cast Poison Cloud
Second - Cast Dark Cloud (Plague)
Third - Run+Roll away till they have to heal (Usually they don't carry healing items, so they have to open their inventory to heal, or leave).
Then my weapon switch is the Scraping spear.
2-3 hits, and all of their armour is completely destroyed.
Then I continue to poison and plague them while running away. They'll usually run out of their healing items, and likely leave.
I don't think it registers as a PvP win, but I've done this to around 12 people now, and they've all messaged me saying it's not nice to destroy their armour like that (100k souls to repair), or kite them with poison+plague, so I must be doing something right.
I think IM done with this game for now. MW2 just came out.
hahaha, wouldnt the "just shoot them in the face" strategy work against ya there?
i had someone message me after i invaded their game. They replied "LOL STAY OUT SCRUB," then 2 minutes later got a message "Im sorry, i just need some friends, i didnt mean that." haha, so much fun, even if i suck.
I think im in the same boat, kinda patience wearing thin moments as i realize the cheaper moments of the game (4-2... wtf, seriously. Its almost like they encourage exploitation), and have a pile building up of things to take notes on and get through
Breezed through 1-1 in my body form, no deaths, kept my 350k souls from beating the game (horray).... and got those soul levels back that the King stole (bastard). After getting cocky for dominating 1-1... 4-1 proceeded to rape me repeatedly. Did end up beatng 3-1 and 2-1 though, so guess i just gotta take it slow
The Old Hero's sword is B.A. too, btw. Increases drop rate, and rips faces apart!
I Finally killed Flame Lurker last night. Wore Brushwood armor, flame resistance, purple shield +1.
Then I marched down the hall and nearly sh@t at what I saw. I was so scared of losing those 22k Flame Lurker souls that I was super cautious and managed to beat Dragon God.
The game is awesoem again. I can finally craft sweet weapons!
Was working on NG+ flame lurker last night, fought him for nearly 45 minutes and died at the very end Did a fail-dodge and smacked by a swipe.
Upside though, my soul was pure-white, and did some exploring in 3-2 and other worlds, collecting lots of stuff. Found a different area in the mines, have been finding a lot of NPCs!
been gone for a week, played again tonight, doing bosses in NG+ is soooo much more fun co-op. a little less rewarding, but still more fun than repeatedly dying. Plus... its a super cheap way to farm souls, as long as people are playing that level!
I also finally did some "real" pvp... f'ing BRUTAL! Had some really awesome fights tonight, the game really has some strong combat. Most 1 on 1s lasted for at least 10 minutes of dancing, poking, healing, buffing, dodging, chasing. Had one match where one guy kept summoning new friends in 4-1... ended up being 3 on 1, and the fight still lasted for 30 odd minutes before they finally killed me. Was a badass battle, i could almost kill them, then id be out of stamina.
I can't seem to get that Dragon Bone Smasher, my world is not ever going pure white but meh, curved swords FTW. I'm working to get Blind, which is a 100% shield penetration!
I love this game, so hard. (Royal!) But it just seems like a such a pain in the ass to get a pure white tendency! I've been trying, but alas.. Co-op is incredibly fun.. and this game is probably one of the creepiest and most stressful games I played.. Suprisingly enough, I've played for like 10+ hours.. mostly in body form..and have never once been invaded?? I'm Soul level 42 already! What the heck, man? I want to kick some invaders ass
go to world 4 in your body Erich, you'll get invaded. Just hang out near the spawn point there, well slightly up from it, around the corner.
Ive also noticed that ive been getting invaded much more now that ive completed the game once. I dont think it pays mind to your state of completion when invading or joining a game, so you could get some lowbie invading you, or you could invade some crazy soul level 300 persons world
I'm just sitting on my current save, have everything finished except for the last boss, and some world tendency events. I'm just trying to farm stones to upgrade my weapons. Loving my darkmoonstone scimitar +5, fast magic regen. Where can you find marrowstone? I'm working on a fatal secret dagger +3. right now it does about 500 damage on a backstab. And is there any other place to farm spiderstone other than the miners in world 2?
Hung out in 1-4 for a while..never got invaded once.. I think something is wrong with my game! I didn't even have to kill the dude in 3-1 to keep the Doll boss from respawning.
I kicked serious butt this weekend. I took my time and cleared 1-3, 4-1, 4-2, 5-1, 5-2.
Got the Great Moonlight Sword, so knights are no longer a problem. Otherwise I am Dragonbone Smashing the snot out of everything.
I think I somehow lost the Hands of God and Adjudicator's Shield earlier. I went to pick them up, but couldn't because of encumberance, and then lost them. Now what?
anoon- You get a fair warning. You'll find two red shirts dead first, then the real NPCs start dropping. Just take him out when you play next (without injuring the others).
I flew home last night and managed to get a hold of Yurt before he did any damage. Ostrava was missing, but I think he's wandering 1-4 looking for his dad or something. So no dead NPCs... well except for Yurt. I gave him two whacks with my Dragon Bone Smasher and that was that.
This game is so awesome.
Now I see it requires 4 playthroughs for the Platinum Trophy. Ugh... not sure I can force myself through that, especially if the game gets harder with each New Game +.
is it as easy to take it back to pure white, from what i understand staying pure white is difficult? Ive read about dying in your body to go black, but is there anything other than killing the named black phantoms, demons, etc to go white? IE, if i kill all but one demon, and everything is black, how do i make it white again?
- Kill bosses
- Kill primeval demons (appears in certain worlds when black, drops highly prized colorless demon souls)
- Killed named black phantoms
- Kill other players in PVP if you're hosting
- Return other players to body form (most common way is beating a boss with blue phantom helpers)
Turn the world black:
- die in body form
- kill good NPCs in a world
While it seems like it's hard to get the world black as there are less options, there is a trade off. You can always make the world black easily by what venain already mentioned- killing yourself in body form. But eventually you run out of your white options when you've fully completed a world, so making it white again is a chore. The only real way to do that is luring players in for PVP and winning.
Typically, if you're a completionist, the way to go about it is to get the world black via dying or whatever, kill the primeavl demon AND the black phantom NPC in one trip (since the world tendency doesn't change until you return to the nexus), return back to the world which will definitely be pure white (offline to be safe) and then complete the white events.
But if that's too much planning for your style you can always do one on one playthrough and another the next. But I highly advise obtaining as many colorless as you can per playthrough. max of 10 each playthrough and getting all 10 requires some luck and planning.
cleared out the Mines last night... the Dragon God was a little bit of a let down
I really need to manage to get the tower of latria to PW so I can get the three corner witche's hat and the other female gear in some of the cells. But I've cleared that level and am having no luck luring BP's into my world
btw, my psn name is Moosebot, in case you A) dominate me in pvp, or
Can someone explain what one must do to return to human form?
will become human again when you kill the first boss
I think i spent too much time grinding out stat points, because the 4-1 boss was a pushover for me. I also cleared out the Latria tower level... and got a PvP battle for the boss. Aparently the person was made of paper... or i was just way over leveled - because i killed them in two hits. I then proceeded to fuck up my white-player soul path by killing The Hyena by accident in 4-2
Can i be summoned into someone's world if Ive cleared the level?
I've decided to go with the bow/magic route, and can slaughter everyone that i can see from a distance, but I get pwnzed when im ambushed around corners.
Same with my friends who are pure melee fighters, getting completely owned by certain ranged attackers at certain situations.
Melee should be easier once i get the Moon enchantment on my Winged Spear. Then it'll deal magic damage on my melee weapon, dependant on my magic level.
So glad i didn't let the initial frustration deter me from continuing on. I haven't been this thoroughly addicted to a game since Diablo 2.
I rarely use a shield, just 2h my Falchion, and use all leather/black leather armor. Ranged dudes dont bother me too much, but if i get hit with *anything* it hurts, a lot. When i do use a shield, its to block off the heavy attackers (Golden Skeletons, Red Skeletons, Red face knights, bosses), but most of the time i just dodge past them, and cut them twice and watch them die. I generally don't worry about spell casters, as dodging their missiles is pretty easy. I do get raped by everything though if it sneezes on me, so i've been learning to dodge a lot and be very mobile.
I'm torn atm, if i want to upgrade my Falchion to a Searching Sword... or see about upgrading a Scimitar to it or something. I just started finding Katanas, and love them
I'm incredibly addicted to this game, but its slowly losing some flavor, especially after i spent an hour farming 4-2 for souls last night
That's probably the best thing about the game- there is no 'best' of anything. Anyone you face has a weakness. The more a guy in pvp specializes in one thing or another, the more he exposes himself to something else. Really well designed that way.
I HIGHLY recommend acquiring enough faith to get the Evacuate spell. Freely leaving a world whenever you want changed the game for me.
Invest in Evacuate (20k souls), and get to level 4-2 (Reaper farming grounds)
Once that happens, you probably won't be attached to losing souls. heck, I'll leave 40k souls on the ground after dying if I'm bored of the level.
Moose: Damn you can dual wield??
Edit: Ok this game is really starting to piss me off. I can't even get through 1-1.
I never thought i was that bad, but this game is too punishing and i frankly don't have that much patience to keep re-trying.
Maybe i'll start with a new class.
Yup, and you also get a sweet mana recharge ring to boot.
Looking back, I think the first level is by far the most frustrating and hardest, because you're spending the time to learn the skills to play the game. If they progressed you ANYWAYS, you'd be toast.
When you beat that first boss in 1-1, your chest hair grows, your penis enlarges, and women will find you insatiably attractive.
When you beat that first boss, you will become more of a man.
im going to beat this game, but a little annoyed that i can exploit nearly every boss to kill it via ranged.
You're playing through the first time.
In New Game+ you can't do it so easily. They self heal, and have better AI patterns.
**yeah, I've went bow user, and I'm owning everyone as well**
+5 Sticky Compound Bow FTW
um, so don't do that? :P
It's kind of hard not to when you've tailored your character for the past 50+hours of gameplay to be primarily a bow user.
It's great for bosses, and awful when you're doing closed quarters melee with a dual katana wielding silver skeleton.
Bow users are also pretty gimped for PvP, (so the 3-3 boss will very likely destroy you many many many times), and you're pretty toast when you're up against black phantoms.
so in short, i have no room to complain
Bows are actually pretty pro for black phantoms too ive found, if you have a theif ring on, and invisible, you can shoot the arrow past them to distract them, sprint up, and crit them in the back. I ended up beating 3-1 on Halloween weekend that way, the octopus face fuckers were dominating me.
Realised I get at least 1 PVP every single game I'm in. Which is how I developed the UBER mega CHEAP-AS-Shit PVP strategy where I always win by attrition.
First - Cast Poison Cloud
Second - Cast Dark Cloud (Plague)
Third - Run+Roll away till they have to heal (Usually they don't carry healing items, so they have to open their inventory to heal, or leave).
Then my weapon switch is the Scraping spear.
2-3 hits, and all of their armour is completely destroyed.
Then I continue to poison and plague them while running away. They'll usually run out of their healing items, and likely leave.
I don't think it registers as a PvP win, but I've done this to around 12 people now, and they've all messaged me saying it's not nice to destroy their armour like that (100k souls to repair), or kite them with poison+plague, so I must be doing something right.
I think IM done with this game for now. MW2 just came out.
i had someone message me after i invaded their game. They replied "LOL STAY OUT SCRUB," then 2 minutes later got a message "Im sorry, i just need some friends, i didnt mean that." haha, so much fun, even if i suck.
I think im in the same boat, kinda patience wearing thin moments as i realize the cheaper moments of the game (4-2... wtf, seriously. Its almost like they encourage exploitation), and have a pile building up of things to take notes on and get through
Breezed through 1-1 in my body form, no deaths, kept my 350k souls from beating the game (horray).... and got those soul levels back that the King stole (bastard). After getting cocky for dominating 1-1... 4-1 proceeded to rape me repeatedly. Did end up beatng 3-1 and 2-1 though, so guess i just gotta take it slow
The Old Hero's sword is B.A. too, btw. Increases drop rate, and rips faces apart!
The one hit kills from bosses can blow me though
Also, apparently I am a an even bigger idiot for pouring level-ups primarily into strength and vitality.
Flame Lurker is still owning me.
Roll Backwards. Not Side to Side.
Purple Shield, and Flame Resist Ring, and you should be good to go.
Str and Vitality are awesome to put stats into if you're going to be a melee fighter.
Then I marched down the hall and nearly sh@t at what I saw. I was so scared of losing those 22k Flame Lurker souls that I was super cautious and managed to beat Dragon God.
The game is awesoem again. I can finally craft sweet weapons!
Upside though, my soul was pure-white, and did some exploring in 3-2 and other worlds, collecting lots of stuff. Found a different area in the mines, have been finding a lot of NPCs!
been gone for a week, played again tonight, doing bosses in NG+ is soooo much more fun co-op. a little less rewarding, but still more fun than repeatedly dying. Plus... its a super cheap way to farm souls, as long as people are playing that level!
I also finally did some "real" pvp... f'ing BRUTAL! Had some really awesome fights tonight, the game really has some strong combat. Most 1 on 1s lasted for at least 10 minutes of dancing, poking, healing, buffing, dodging, chasing. Had one match where one guy kept summoning new friends in 4-1... ended up being 3 on 1, and the fight still lasted for 30 odd minutes before they finally killed me. Was a badass battle, i could almost kill them, then id be out of stamina.
I can't seem to get that Dragon Bone Smasher, my world is not ever going pure white
Ive also noticed that ive been getting invaded much more now that ive completed the game once. I dont think it pays mind to your state of completion when invading or joining a game, so you could get some lowbie invading you, or you could invade some crazy soul level 300 persons world
Got the Great Moonlight Sword, so knights are no longer a problem. Otherwise I am Dragonbone Smashing the snot out of everything.
I think I somehow lost the Hands of God and Adjudicator's Shield earlier. I went to pick them up, but couldn't because of encumberance, and then lost them. Now what?
I am dying to get out of work so i can go home and check in.
This game is awesome.
This game is so awesome.
Now I see it requires 4 playthroughs for the Platinum Trophy. Ugh... not sure I can force myself through that, especially if the game gets harder with each New Game +.