playing around in 2.49, got a few questions..
1. this 3d cursor: is there a better way to place it than just clicking? it seems to just go somewhere random in z depth when you click..
can I attatch it to the camera's target?
or, can I make grease pencil use something other than the 3d cursor for it's stroke positions (like a camera target- can you make a targetted camera)?
2. how on earth do you load a texture. I managed to 'create' a bunch of texture thingies (nodes I guess), but I can't see any way of actually connecting up a .png
3. changing the specular glossiness only seems to affect the material preview- can it be shown in the viewport too?
4. how do you average vertex normals (appear smooth)
I tried 'clear sharp' but it still looked pretty sharp..
got plenty more but thats a good start, cheers!
5. how do you change the size (distance) of the proportional edit falloff? (not the type of falloff)
6. it just closes when you hit close. no 'how about you save that unsaved work there hun?' dialogue. wtf! is that an option?
2. press F6, press the "add new" button if there isn't already a texture, in "texture type" choose image then press the load button that appears (you can also press "nodes" button under that texture type button and add and image in the nodes window with an image input node)
3. From the Game menu at the top choose "Blender GLSL materials" then change draw type to textured (alt + Z, or choose it from the toolbar)
4. select the object in object mode and press F9 then press "set smooth" button in links and materials box. You can then choose which edges are sharp with the edge split modifier, then with ctrl+e choose "mark sharp" to get your sharp edges.
5. Whilst doing a transform, you can use the scroll wheel on a mouse, I use the circle thing on my wacom. There might be another way but I don't know.
6. I think that's just how it is.
the manual wiki
yeah I would indeed like to try blender's 3d sketching ability, its *almost just what I'd like. there's bits that are better than doing it in maya, but other bits that arent
my first order of buisness is trying to force blender into some acceptible hotkeys/navigation. I remember the main blender dude saying something like ' its not a simple tool, its like a piano- you need to be a pianist to use it'. I didn't realise he was talking about blender not the piano
but, after beginning to look at it seriously there's definately a lot of potential.. I'm investigating switching all/most of my regular tools over to cheap/open source products
Mind that 2.5 will allow you to set your own hotkeys - it's supposed to be released in about two weeks from now. I've read that people are actually working on getting it to possibly work exactly like Max/Maya. Still, some of Blender's conventions might not be as bad as they sound. People hate RMB select, but a dedicated selection button does have its advantages and I think deselecting by hotkey is quicker than by clicking an empty space.
ctrl click extrusion is awesome for strip modelling
how do you 'delete history' on a mesh? flatten the stack so to speak
I added a multires, but now I just want it to act like normal geom again. its saying I can't edit because of the multires
zweb: i have a beta version of 2.5, lots of it isn't working properly as fas as I can tell, so I don't plan to switch right away unless they do an almighty crunch in the next 2 weeks
about the quit thing though.. cmon, the X button is right next to maximize window. its not stupidity, its clicking 5 pixels right of where you aimed for. They have a confirm dialogue for deleting objects!
also, I have heard a lot about the blender developers really thinking carefully about their shortcuts, and its great when you get used to it.. well I'm sure as hell not going to be pressing ctrl-tab-1 every time I want to edit verts
The shortcuts often do suck, yes. Consider yourself lucky, the old way of merging vertices was selecting them, Shift+S, 4, Alt+M, 2
rooster, I've just remembered a way to get the 3D cursor to stick to an object's surface. Go in Texture Paint mode, then ctrl+click. There might be a better way to manipulate the cursor/greasepencil with a script but I'm not experienced with Blender API.
new question: I can't find how to split UVs
I want to select some edges, and split UVs along the edge borders
There has been some interest in this, so with any luck it will be added during/after Durian.
If you mean split islands in the UV Editor, that's indeed a bit nasty. It's possible to select the parts you want to split off in the 3D Window (so that only those are visible in the UV Window) and move them. Be sure to mark the seams, though, or Blender will notice that dirty trick you did and it'll try to weld everything back together the next time you Unwrap something, regardless of pinning.
zwebbie: I noticed you could select individual faces and move them away, however this isn't much use when you just want to split part of an island, not detatch a whole new island
another one
what about backface culling in the viewport? I noticed it turns on if I go into textured mode, but then the model goes white. I always model with culling on
also: convert selection tools, what is there along those lines? convert vert selection to faces, or faces to edges etc
and tab is the only key you need to use to get into vert edit mode. no combinations...
also, take a look at the W key menu, your often used commands are in there..such as merge, set smooth, bevel, etc.
personally, after working in blender i love the crap out of it. when you get to know the keystrokes you'll find them very comfortable and they speed up the modeling process by so much.
For the smart unwrapping automatic thingy, Blender uses LSCM and ABF, ABF being the default option. Both are started by pressing U -> unwrap in 3d window, or by E ->unwrap in UV/image editor (what an interesting lack of shortcut consistency). To change which method is used for the unwrap operation, either LSCM or ABF do this:
Be in edit mode, in buttons window go to Editing (F9), then find the UV Calculation panel. There you have a drop-down list with 2 entries: Angle based and Conformal.
Angle based = ABF
Conformal = LSCM
When in Solid draw mode, press shift+t to go to some in-between texture mode. You will still be in Solid draw mode, but display applied textures as well (or plain shading if no texture is used). The added bonus is you have backface culling.
You'll have to elaborate a bit more on this one
Selection is automatically converted when you change select mode. Also holding shift when pressing select mode buttons lets you use vert/edge/face select simultaneously.
ah, i kind of saw that but it doesn't quite behave how I'm used to. I would expect if you have an edge ring selected, convert to faces would select all those faces the edges belong to (loop of faces basically). blender just deselects completely
sandro, I'll give that a try; but with the script in the other thread ( ) i just press A to get the component select menu which is reasonably quick. i still prefer my old maya setup of A vert, S edge, D face. I just discovered if you shift click all the manipulators too (scale position rotation) you get all them as well, so that plus all the component modes is interesting..
looks like a damn mess, but it's kinda cool!
my uv menu has:
cube projection
cylinder from view
sphere from view
project from view
project from view bounds
click project from face
follow active
lightmap uv pack
unwrap (smart projections)
if I press E in the uv window it says ok? 'unwrap'
and clicking it does nothing
edit: OOOOH im an idiot, I was looking for the option 'unwrap in 3d window'
Edit: For UVs, that first option, unwrap is the one you want. E in the UV menu should do the same if you have faces selected.
3d window, in the header View -> View Properties... panel -> Solid Tex button
Regarding the previous multires discussion and issues (that appear to be solved now?): in 2.5 multires is a modifier, it behaves like one so applying it won't be a problem
edit: when I say split, I mean apart, so you can pull them away from each other. not insert edgeloop
I'm currently working using AutoHotkey to make a little GUI for various often used tools. I just don't believe some of the contortionist hotkeys are faster than clicking a button
new Q!
if I have the scale gizmo active, how do I scale in all axes? is this a stupid obvious q?
edit: also in maya, for the rotate tool if you click in the 'sphere' of the gizmo, but not on the axis circles you can free rotate in any axis. is there an equivalant?
For free rotation, just press r twice
Edit: you can also use mouse gestures for transforming. Draw a v shape for scale, a circle for rotation and a line for moving. You can also use middle click to constrain to an axis
Personally I never ever use the gizmo in blender. Rather the buttons s,g,r and constrain to axis keys as okno says. Gizmos to me feel innacurate, slow (have to aim your mouse onto the handles) and take up space on screen.
Pressing r then z+z again will rotate the selected along their face normal z axis etc.
What are the hotkeys you call 'contortionist'? I find most of the hotkeys I use regularely are right under my left hand which is sitting on wasd.
For some hotkeys there are multiple different 'routes' to acheive the same thing.
Which blender hotkey presses are problematic to you?
So I switched to g-r-s hotkeys too. It got quite precise and fast after a while.
but for scaling and rotating I always use R and S.
Trackball might be what you're looking for for the second question. Press R and then R again to access it. Any additional time you press R, Blender will toggle between rotate and trackball.
edit: lamoot, the white circle lets me rotate in screenspace, but I mean all over like pressing r twice
is that only available through shortcut?
edit: I just read your answer again.. I can't see any other white circle, and I have just the rotate gizmo active
I can have one image mapped to a material, which is applied to my object.. but the viewport will show whatever texture I have 'opened' in the UV window?? what's really applied to the object?
What's really applied to the object is what's in the Material. Now Blender's a bit odd in the sense that it doesn't have a Diffuse or Specular slot, you assign Diffuse as a function to textures. (I'm not a big fan of it, but it does allow you to use multiple diffuse maps, for example, should you want them and it's easy to use one map for multiple things).
In Shading (F5) -> Material Buttons, you can add a Material, after which you can create a texture in Shading (F5) -> Texture Buttons(F6). Back in the Material tab, Texture will list your textures. Map Input next to it, specifies the UVs, which usually means you want to flip on UV. Map To has a pretty self-evident name, here you define what kind of map you want it to be. Col is Diffuse, Nor is normal/bump and Csp is specular. (Note that the default strength for normal maps is 0.50 for some reason, so you'll always want to change that one).
Oh, one last thing, be sure to flip on Shadeless in the Material Panel if you want 100% self-illumination.
is there a way to say to blender 'ok whatever material is applied to what faces, use that for the UV window' ?
Elaborate a bit more on this one please
99% sure it's not possible.
I just can't believe the viewport doesnt show you what textured materials are applied to what faces
about the texture swimming: I'll need to double check and write down the steps
I'm missing the attribute editor from maya..
say I make a cube, or whatever it is I make. How do I say 'make this 5 tall and 6 wide with x number of subdivisions'
does it just not work like that? is scaling the cube the only way?
lets say I want 50 subdivisions. I know I can go 'loop subdivide' and scroll my mouse, but I can't count out either 50 mouse scrolls, or count the edges onscreen.. surely?
ooh, one other: don't suppose theres any 'redo last command' function like maya? it's pretty handy
Scaling the cube is the only way.
If you're using 2.49 version then there isn't such a command.
I can't advocate future features as something that's already a Blender feature, but if you don't mind me mentioning 2.5, there will be such a command available. In the current testing builds the shortcut is shift+r. A rather similar feature will be the ability to edit the last performed command/operation (either in the 3d window's toolbar or by evoking a panel by pressing F6). Indeed pretty handy
You can also hit Y if you want to split faces away from the mesh without creating a new object as V only works if you have 2 or less verts selected.
I tend to use this for smoothing groups
edit; oh how do I get the wireframe mode to show the 'real' wireframe too? i just subdivided up a mesh and none of those are showing in wireframe