This months challenge is all about action films, heros and baddies.
The challenge:
Model a playable character, in 700 triangles or less, from an action movie. (to define action movie, please
click here but also open to any non science fiction with adventure-action, like james bond or indiana jones etc)
The setting:
The game type will be
beat-em-up melee style, for a hand held device. Good examples are final fight, die hard arcade, River City Ransom and so on. Feel free to model an environment or weapons and destructibles, even opponents.
river city ransom (1989):

final fight (1989):

die hard arcade (1996):

spikeout (1997):

the warriors (2005):

The rules:
character: 700 tris
texture space: 4 x 128px by 128px /or/ 1 x 256px by 256px (diffuse / alpha / specular)
(additional elements)
weapons: max 100 tris per weapon
weapons tex: 64px by 64px per weapon
destructible: max 200 tris per item
destructible tex: 128px by 128px per item
environment: max 500 tris
environment tex: 4 x 128px by 128px /or/ 1 x 256px by 256px
npc: max 500 tris
npc tex: 2 x 128px by 128px
Please post any work in this thread.
Deadline is end of september.
multiple entries are allowed.
Please see the various threads in this forum for posting images in the right format (no anti-aliasing, gray background, mobile device screen size)
winner is chosen by public vote. Brownie points for rigging or diorama for final entry.
Smash your way to victory!
Gonna do one of the Tremor brothers from Smokin Aces!
One question: is Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway) from the Get Smart movie ok for this challenge?
1: this will be a fixed camera correct (can only see certain ways) no 360 viewing of the environment?
2: Any props inside of an environment (say a park) if I used a merry-go-round would that count towards the tri limit of the environment or would it be considered a "destructible"?
Just curious would grenades attached to the body be considered Weapons?
also destructible kinda confused on what that means
1: I'm pretty sure that the exact nature of perspective is up to you (ie you can make it full 3d if you like or design for fixed semi ortho cam.) The list of games mentioned are almost all 2d so a 3d extension of that sort of gameplay could well be acceptable. Even the 3d versions that hit the arcade later are all 2d action except for the occasional dramatic quicktime sequence.
2: I think you can make it a destructable, just be sure to show that it DOES break. Remember that destructable environment bits in the mentioned games often can be come weaponry, or at least give bonuses.
Binxx: A destructable is some prop in the level which can be destroyed. Crates, Barricades, Oil barrels, Street Signs, the occasional cinder block wall, etc. Most often these either hide bonuses, such as healing items or point/money pickups, or they hide or BECOME weaponry. Ie knocking over or breaking a street sign nets you a limited use club in the form of the street sign, barrels can be picked up and thrown, concrete walls often let you pick up a brick and chuck it at enemies.
Hawken: The environment spec: Is that effectively one on screen background set or an entire level worth?
it's listed as an Action movie on IMDB - so yes. For future reference, can people do a quick search before they ask, cheers.
up to you, as Vailias points out.
anything you can pickup or destroy, is a destructible. See Vailias' perfect description above.
If he can take them off and throw them, they are weapons. If they are stuck to his body and can't be used in your game, they are part of the model. Up to you.
it's the area where you can fight for just one screen, not the budget for an entire level.
hope this answers some Q's!!
Please fact check your own movies for "action" on IMDB, cheers!
Current progress on the wep i'm gonna give him. having a bit of trouble though.... I'm trying to optimize the space by cutting up the gun however it don't look so hot.. I'll probabaly remodel it again. also is there any programs that could let you draw directly on the model? even though i match up the colors they seemd to go wack ><
Progresson on leon as a basic model, I think it looks kinda boring though i think i'll make him without the coat
Last question I got is... um is this the right way of doing this? posting images and everything? I'm hoping i'm doing this right, and also was wondering if i should post this here or in the challenges and mini-challenge's area!
has been quite a while, so criticise me untill I start crying
ps: can't get the reference images to be more clear in the viewport, probably because somehow hardware rendering doesn't work anymore and I'm running in software mode.
It's a good start! You can probably do all the mouth detail with the texture, but the eye socket shape will need extra triangles to make the texture sit well.
Welcome to polycount
green light. it's listed as an action movie on imdb.com
I'm torn between Marty McFly from Back to the future or Marv from Sin City.
If I have time, it'd be boondock saints for me, hmm 'il duce.
I got a bit carried away on her boobs, as I often do when working on female models. I'll have to size them down a bit. Any Crit/comments most welcome.
ps. sorry johnny six
@convoy avenger- your model looks good, but like a generic model. not as a model aimed directly at copying a real person. it doesnt look like it was modeled after beatrix, rather a standard female.
Lookin' good! So are we getting Raider's Indy or Temple of Doom Indy? That whole segment on the rope bridge seems like it'd be a great scene to re-enact in a Beat 'Em up.
I realize some edges need to be turned, but I don't know how to do this in Blender keeping the quads.
Help and critics are welcome!
Might just have to do V...
sitting at 641 tris, including a cigarette.
Edit: looking at erics i got a little ashamed... more work tomorrow!
Another link that might be useful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_action_films
lists them by year instead of popularity or alphabetically. Lots of them I had forgotten about until I saw them on the lists...
might update a few things later but for now, back to real work!:)
I used a 128x128 checker-like texture to get the idea of how pixels will look like.
Thank you!
Style is up to you!
If I'm not mistaken, you can use 4 separate 128x128 textures, or one 256x256 texture. Don't tie yourself up into using something smaller than what you're allowed!
I'm gonna treat the boss character with the same specs as the player models, since he'd be a unique character.
Two locations and two mockup screens are my goals. One scene featuring Riggs / Murtaugh fighting some goons in the club scene and a boss fight with Busey in front of Murtaugh's house. If I manage to finish one I'll be happy
waahh somethings going wrong! I think it must be the viewport because I can somehow only run it in software mode (not hardware or even opgenGL) which might be the cause for the weird overlapping stuff and the weird seem on the arm. (I resetXform a couple of times, made sure that the verts where welded properly, also made sure I had the same smoothing group.)
the face is actually asymmetrical
Hm, I was a bit confused by the texture rules.
Anyway, 256 is gonna be much better!
No, neither can I.
I've been browsing for a while and am amazed at the quality of the work posted here. I'm going to give this competition a shot myself. I'm not much of a modeller but I'd like to improve and competitions seem to be a good way to do that.
I'm going to make Jane Smith from Mr & Mrs Smith. I've got the face mostly done and am going to start on the body before I get to work on the hair or dress. (I don't know if that's a good work flow but sure I'll give it a shot). The head is a bit pointy but I'll be deleting a lot of that when I fit her out with some hair.
By the way, reading the rules I'm not sure. Are we making just the character or an entire scene as it would appear in game?
Anyway here is a screenie of how she looks so far I think its about 200 tris for the head:
I used this for the face and it looks much better than my painting attempts.
I had to add 8 tris for the eyes area, so I'm over 700. I'll try to compensate on the hair.
My model doesn't look good from the side though... Not sure what I'm going to do about this.
But the other side is ok, the hair covers everything.
So, if the character has two axes, each one could be 100 tri's?
She probably looks so weird from the side due to the plane the eyes are mapped on being flat, what if you cut the planes in half and bent the outer edges back? would help, I think.
Here's where I'm sitting right now:
I'm currently at 696 on mine; I was hoping to have enough left over to do hands/fingers but I don't think I'll be able to work it in. Might make some tweaks for animation and for aesthetics but I think i'll start on the UVs tomorrow.
However many you need up to 100.
building a playable character is mandatory for entry, the other stuff (additional elements) is optional but recommended.