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today is the worst day of my life..again.

polycounter lvl 18
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dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
right, so i started my day by waking up again, aching all over, its raining, and cold.
i'm modding mount and blade just for the hell of it, and created a few costumes.
but all of a sudden, the SMD exporter doesn't work anymore.
i had installed my old version of max 7, just to make it work, and it did.... for a while.
but then, after i had added some more vertices to the collar to give the mesh a better look,
and exported the mesh, it just exploded in my face. literally. vertices everywhere, nothing skinned right.. it was just terrible.
i tried figuring out whats wrong, deleting the skin modifier, attaching the model to a mesh, and then deleting and reapplying the skin modifier and reskinning every vertex, restarting my computer, googling "corrupt smd 3ds max 8" "smd export not working" smd problems. etc.
finally i decide maybe there's a problem with the BRF editor that i use to create files and such, since its a pretty amateurishly put together program.
so i decide to find a program that will load and display SMD files.
i google SMD model viewer. no useful results. just a bunch of forum posts and nonsense.
after a few more blind alleys, i give up on that project, and instead get the brilliant idea to try and export files from softimage XSI.
so i try to start up my install of XSI.. which takes about 2 minutes before the window shows up,
telling me my 30 day trial is over.
good start. i uninstall XSI, and start googling XSI SMD, but all i get up is references to something called "mod tool".
i've actually downloaded that program before, but its a year ago, and i forgot all about it.
so i google mod tool, xsi, and after a bit of sorting through the trash, i find a download link, download it and install.
while its installing i discover there's a newer version of mod tool. i'm installing version 6, while the newest is 7.5.
ay fuck it all to hell.
i start up mod tool 6.01, and fight the interface for a bit, discovering that you hold S to turn the camera.
then i fight the import interface, have to put the files i want to open into C:/ since XSI can't open the desktop folder.
finally import some .obj files, but i can't import SMD.
so off to google again to see if there's some SMD importer for mod tool (wasn't that supposed to be included? gah.)
so i guess i need to install the valve SDK or something, i dunno,
fuck that shit, i want to make my own modeling program.
by this point that would probably be faster than trying to figure out how other peoples programs work anyways. i spend some time googling fucking programmers, fucking vista, fucking
computers, etc.
so i start reading that book i borrowed from the library on using managed directX 9,
that i intended to read weeks ago.
after some reading, i try to compile some of the examples from the CD, because the book is very unclear and my managed directX skills are somewhat lacking.. i've basically managed to create a few forms applications that crash whenever there is no text in the fields, and i had a motherload of a day trying to figure that shit out before i gave up.
i knew it had to be something about don't run code if the damn fields return undefined, but how to put that into code... meh.

anyways, managed directX. its going down the shitter.
i'm again googling. this time i come upon the Zbuffer, explaining that the code from the book i'm reading is old, and won't compile with the newest version of visual studio.
no shit sherlock..
i download the new files, and figuring from how the day has been going so far, i'm very unsurprised when the new examples doesn't compile either.
doesn't really make me want to strangle my computer screen less though.
but anyways, the book is talking about devices, and i have no fucking idea where to put them, to make it work. i tried all of the files, and every time visual studio is mocking me, with an "ERRT, wrong, try again!"
well, some spots worked, but then it crashed when it ran.
great stuff. so off to google again, query "managed directX tutorial, visual studio 2008"
after digging through all the visual studio 2005 tutorials which won't work, i come upon a visual studio 2008 tutorial.
fine, do the tutorial, exactly as its written.
compile... crash.
double check everything, then triple check everything... no errors.
great. fuck.

i check the comments section of the tutorial, and someone had problems compiling as well.
it was throwing an exception, something about images, and i had the same exception.
the solution is to force it to compile for 32 bit, using an advanced compiler function only available
for the commercial version of visual studio, because apparently there's a bunch of problems with trying to compile code for 64 bits or something.
basically: after 6-7 hours of trying to compile code, i find out its impossible to do it with visual studio express.
so the solution to my visual studio conundrum is to buy visual studio 2008.
fuck you microsoft. fuck you autodesk. fuck you everyone, i hate you all.
you want my fucking money so badly, i'll just fucking give it to you, and jump off a cliff.
fucking assholes.
anyways, i'm off to the training studio, where a bunch of chav fucks will be oogling me as i do my best to lose all these excess kgs i've been gaining as i've been sitting on my ass creating models, and trying to figure out why my computer doesn't work.


  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19

    Ok, maybe I can be arsed, sounds like you need to tackle one problem at a time, you started the day having trouble modding mount and blade so you decide to try programming?

    If you fall off a bike, don't decide to teach yourself violin, get back on the damned bike!
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    thanks for not being an ass after all.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Then I suggest you mosey on over to live journal tough guy
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I thought you'd had a second kid or something. Didn't read what actually went wrong.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18

    Ok, maybe I can be arsed, sounds like you need to tackle one problem at a time, you started the day having trouble modding mount and blade so you decide to try programming?

    If you fall off a bike, don't decide to teach yourself violin, get back on the damned bike!

    usually when i can't work a problem i'll let it rest for a while, while trying to figure out another problem i've been having.
    the SMD problem is something i've been having for several days, first trying to make it work for max 8, then max 9, and then finally got it working in max 7, before there too, it exploded in my face.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    I think I know your problem.

    avatar14117_4.gif <- You have an Octopus on your head.

    Hard to understand your wall of text there.

    Managed DirectX is dead and buried. It's been replaced with XNA.

    3DS Max 9 SMD didn't return anything useful? It got 11,000 results for me. A lot of them were about people posting their SMD import/exporters.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Wow dude, get some REAL problems or something, what the fuck is this shit?!?!?!

    How old are you?
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Daaark wrote: »
    I think I know your problem.

    avatar14117_4.gif <- You have an Octopus on your head.

    thats my face, i eat babies with it.
    Daaark wrote: »

    Managed DirectX is dead and buried. It's been replaced with XNA.

    good riddance. i'll dig into XNA then.
    Daaark wrote: »

    3DS Max 9 SMD didn't return anything useful? It got 11,000 results for me. A lot of them were about people posting their SMD import/exporters.

    yes, i downloaded one of the exporters, and it didn't work.
    which is why i tried the max 7 exporter, whcih worked, so i went by with that, until it stopped working too.
    btw, where can i buy max 9? i've been looking all over, but autodesk doesn't stock it anymore it seems.
  • Mark Dygert
    That's the worst day of your life?

    How lucky are you!?
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    That's the worst day of your life?

    How lucky are you!?

    :) i guess there's a reason you're all assholes, hehe.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    kwakkie wrote: »
    Wow dude, get some REAL problems or something, what the fuck is this shit?!?!?!

    How old are you?

    feel free to post your worst day.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    You had a bad day? Here's a website full of bad days.

  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Slum wrote: »
    You had a bad day? Here's a website full of bad days.


    nothing compares to being tortured by your computer.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Maybe you should post your story on http://www.fmylife.com/ ^________^
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    dejawolf wrote: »
    feel free to post your worst day.

    lets see, several loved ones dying over the years, divorce, major surgery ON MY BALLS,
    losing a job in a bad economic situation and having to file bankrupcy, wisdom teeth removed day before thanksgiving so i could not eat. girlfriends cheating on me. multiple car wrecks. did i mention major surgery? ON MY BALLS?

    pick one of those champ.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    wisdom teeth removed day before thanksgiving so i could not eat

    damn, thats just cruel.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Rhinokey wrote: »
    pick one of those champ.
    It kind of depends on if the operation to your balls was cosmetical or medical...

    Just kidding dude, sounds nasty, respect!
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    its all compounded by the fact i haven't had sex for 7 years, and that time it was my first, with a fat ugly african hooker. oh, and i'm dangerously obese, i got hypothyroidism, and arthritis,
    and i'm 24.
    and for the last 6 years, i've been living in an area so small, it would make a jailcell roomy by comparison.
    oh, and every day i wake up, my balls hurt. so that surgery is probably coming up.
    you're lucky to have had a girlfriend, or a loved one to grieve for.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Why did you go to a hooker when you were just 17? PS: not too smart to post this online dude!
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    dejawolf wrote: »
    its all compounded by the fact i haven't had sex for 7 years, and that time it was my first, with a fat ugly african hooker. oh, and i'm dangerously obese, i got hypothyroidism, and arthritis,
    and i'm 24.
    and for the last 6 years, i've been living in an area so small, it would make a jailcell roomy by comparison.
    oh, and every day i wake up, my balls hurt. so that surgery is probably coming up.
    you're lucky to have had a girlfriend, or a loved one to grieve for.

    Thanks for clearing this up dejawolf =/

    Maybe it's time to get out and do some exercises? Get some friends and hang out with chicks and shit?
  • Mitch Cosgrave
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    Mitch Cosgrave polycounter lvl 17
    Worst thread ever. :)

    Dejawolf: Seriously, I'd like to help you, but it seems like you have a chip on your shoulder.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Minotaur0 wrote: »
    Thanks for clearing this up dejawolf =/

    Maybe it's time to get out and do some exercises? Get some friends and hang out with some chicks and shit?

    been exercising for the last week, 40 minutes a day. gonna see if i can make that 70 minutes eventually.
    but when you're fat, chicks only stay as long as you douse them with money and gifts,
    and they never, ever put out.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    actually it's self confidence chicks like, I'm not saying I have any but I know a bunch of people who are self proclamed "fat pieces of crap" who don't have any trouble with the ladies.

    Sometimes I get bummed out about my bad legs but at least I can walk and they don't hurt unless I'm on my feet too long.
  • TheMadArtist
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18


    just let it all out. i know how you must feel.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Hey my old MLRS! Sweet. :D
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    I feel pretty good after reading this thread..for me..that is. Don't wont to hurt any feelings :P
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    This guy, I love him. Keep up the good work! :)
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    So now I'm just picturing a giant mongoloid gyrating in a tiny hair while his screen is covered with 1500 error dialogs
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbcctWbC8Q0&quot;]So now I'm just picturing a giant mongoloid gyrating in a tiny hair while his screen is covered with 1500 error dialogs[/ame].
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Daaark wrote: »
    So now I'm just picturing a giant mongoloid gyrating in a tiny hair while his screen is covered with 1500 error dialogs

    what can i say, it runs in the family.
    you should see our family reunions. they always end up in arguments and hyperbole, where a bunch of 300 pound norwegians argue over who's the angstiest, and has had the worst life.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    Saint sad agrees.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    dejawolf wrote: »
    so i try to start up my install of XSI.. which takes about 2 minutes before the window shows up,
    telling me my 30 day trial is over.
    good start.

    Well, it would, if you installed over a month ago.
    dejawolf wrote: »
    i uninstall XSI, and start googling XSI SMD, but all i get up is references to something called "mod tool".
    i've actually downloaded that program before, but its a year ago, and i forgot all about it.

    The Mod Tool is very useful for working with SMD exporting...how can you forget about that?
    dejawolf wrote: »
    so i google mod tool, xsi, and after a bit of sorting through the trash, i find a download link, download it and install.
    while its installing i discover there's a newer version of mod tool. i'm installing version 6, while the newest is 7.5.
    ay fuck it all to hell.

    You don't NEED the newest version for it to work. The newest version is likely only a re-branding, so Autodesk can now finally claim to have a functional hobbyist tool. If you were downloading the wrong version...you were on the wrong page for downloading it.
    dejawolf wrote: »
    i start up mod tool 6.01, and fight the interface for a bit, discovering that you hold S to turn the camera.

    This horrible day all started because Max was broken, remember. Also, you had a 30-day trial of XSI. That's an entire month to learn how to navigation all the viewports using one key.
    dejawolf wrote: »
    then i fight the import interface, have to put the files i want to open into C:/ since XSI can't open the desktop folder.

    Browse to your desktop properly (C: \Documents and Settings\*Name*\Desktop) from the file menu, set as favorite. Why are you saving to desktop?
    dejawolf wrote: »
    finally import some .obj files, but i can't import SMD.
    so off to google again to see if there's some SMD importer for mod tool (wasn't that supposed to be included? gah.)
    so i guess i need to install the valve SDK or something, i dunno,
    fuck that shit

    Yes...the Valve Source Addon. Linked directly from the same page you SHOULD have downloaded the Mod Tool from.

    I believe the remainder of your "rant" is all due to your lack of knowledge in the existance of XNA.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    Well, it would, if you installed over a month ago.

    The Mod Tool is very useful for working with SMD exporting...how can you forget about that?

    You don't NEED the newest version for it to work. The newest version is likely only a re-branding, so Autodesk can now finally claim to have a functional hobbyist tool. If you were downloading the wrong version...you were on the wrong page for downloading it.

    This horrible day all started because Max was broken, remember. Also, you had a 30-day trial of XSI. That's an entire month to learn how to navigation all the viewports using one key.

    Browse to your desktop properly (C: Documents and Settings*Name*Desktop) from the file menu, set as favorite. Why are you saving to desktop?

    Yes...the Valve Source Addon. Linked directly from the same page you SHOULD have downloaded the Mod Tool from.

    I believe the remainder of your "rant" is all due to your lack of knowledge in the existance of XNA.

  • Tea Monster
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    Tea Monster polycounter lvl 15
    I'll never complain about Blender's import/export plugins again.
  • jaalto
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    ElysiumGX wrote: »

    thanks for making me hate myself even more.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18

    best thread evarrr
    Offline / Send Message
    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11

    Dear diary, my computer hates me. I want to die.
  • AstroZombie
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    Well, it would, if you installed over a month ago.
    The Mod Tool is very useful for working with SMD exporting...how can you forget about that?

    its easy to forget when you fill your head with all sorts of stuff, like physics, tanks, other military stuff, 3ds max,
    photoshop, viking history, ancient place names, viking weapons, viking helmets, viking clothes, old norman stuff, smd exporter stuff for 3ds max, etc.
    after a year or so, it just disappears out of your mind.
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    You don't NEED the newest version for it to work. The newest version is likely only a re-branding, so Autodesk can now finally claim to have a functional hobbyist tool. If you were downloading the wrong version...you were on the wrong page for downloading it.

    yet to try it.
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    This horrible day all started because Max was broken, remember. Also, you had a 30-day trial of XSI. That's an entire month to learn how to navigation all the viewports using one key.

    well, max broke, so i downloaded XSI, learned how to nagivate the viewport, and import files,
    then got fucked on the UI, went back to max, then forgot i had installed it, and how to navigate the viewport.
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    Browse to your desktop properly (C: Documents and Settings*Name*Desktop) from the file menu, set as favorite. Why are you saving to desktop?

    i'm lazy, and usually the quickest way to test stuff is to save it to desktop and open it in another app, since in most programs there's a button where you can click yourself onto the desktop.
    usually i have lots of stray stuff laying about on the desktop, so its a nice quick place to find a model to import.
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    Yes...the Valve Source Addon. Linked directly from the same page you SHOULD have downloaded the Mod Tool from.

    this one?

    this one?
    oh, i see.
    this one:

    i dunno, i tend to be kinda direct.
    when i want an SMD importer for XSi, i'll type SMD importer XSI into google.
    and the first 2 links, i get this:
    where it says: We're currently moving SOFTIMAGE|NET and will be back shortly.
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    I believe the remainder of your "rant" is all due to your lack of knowledge in the existance of XNA.

    true, i thought XNA was a tool for creating games for Xbox 360 exclusively.
    my first XNA game:


    it sucks :D
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    Dude, everyone has problems.

    I'm not judging you for posting them online, hell, what else is the internet for? But you need to get over them, get some confidence and get out of the fucking dumps. If you just sit around pissed off all day then nothing gets done.

    Be happy with who you are, and people will start being happy around you :)

  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Smirnoffka wrote: »
    Be happy with who you are, and people will start being happy around you :)

    .. but if i'm happy with how something is, doesn't that mean it doesn't need to be improved?

    denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. i had a good point, but i forgot it.

    oh wait, to accept who i am, i need to go through all the other phases first. last phase is depression.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Nobody likes a whiny person dejawofl! Unless you take action and fix the problems yourself there's no point in whining... whining won't fix your problems and will only set you apart from other people instead!!
  • [Deleted User]
    This isn't the worst day of your life. The worst day of your life will not involve a computer.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Kaskad wrote: »
    This isn't the worst day of your life. The worst day of your life will not involve a computer.

    wonderful, now all i'm doing is thinking of ways a computer can really fuck you up

    and anyway. None of you have had a bad day, EVER


  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    i think a years prison sentence and a fine of 3.5million dollars is quite a bad day
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    I'm angry about the responses in this thread but I'll shut my mouth.

    There's nothing wrong with expressing stress, unless you're getting stressed out in order to get one of your needs met.

    In other words, some people have learned that they can get love and attention by venting stress. If that's the case, you need to stop doing that, because it's a shitty strategy, and the cruel backlash you've got in this thread might be appropriate.

    if that's not the case, then expressing yourself is o.k - emotional repression is NEVER A SOLUTION. but you do need a better way of dealing with stress, clearly.

    it's clear that you're not very good at dealing with stress. the point that ElysiumGX is making (I feel) is that a good way of dealing with stress is to take a moment to stop, stand back, and consider another solution. your problem (it looks like) is that you don't have a blow-off valve that you can use during the course of the day, and taking personal responsibility is a good way of doing it.

    There's one strategy that you can learn that will get rid of most stress:

    The environment isn't going to change. You can only change yourself. Stop fighting with the environment to behaive like you want it to. if 3d studio max doesn't work, find a work around. get creative. if you can't find a solution, post a question online. know that you'll figure it out, and that it's not a big deal anyway-- these generally are not significant enough events to get stressed about--

    but now that you ARE stressed, that's okay too.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    go do a sport, exercising for the sake of it is no fun and just reinforces low self confidence

    but that would only be valid advice if you weren't troilling us, so :p
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    narh, cooled down. venting helped.
    messed around with mod tool a bit, and XNA. seems like people have problems with importing smd files to mod tool 6.01, messed up vertex assignment and such.
    but if (IF) the mod tool exporter works correctly, i'm gonna learn skinning in XSI mod tool instead of trying to force max to do stuff it doesn't want to.

    btw, anyone else here have a crush on .obj?
This discussion has been closed.