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Star Trek Movie



  • 00Zero
    but it was an ice planet, wasnt it? didnt they show a shot of it from space, it was all covered in ice.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    I thought it was really very good, but with some surprisingly sucky face-palm moments.
    Eric Bana wins my Razzie award this year for Worst Star Trek villain due to poor or complete lack of acting.
  • 00Zero
    ooOoO it was eric bana!

    i thought it was the guy from law and order....you know, the guy from full metal jacket. vincent d'onofrio


  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    GAH! Never post a photo THAT big of Vincent Dinofrio!
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Tumerboy wrote: »
    GAH! Never post a photo THAT big of Vincent Dinofrio!

    i second this motion
  • 00Zero
    why not? its like hes real, right there in front of your face, thinking hard, trying to figure you out.
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    hahaha i hate his csi character. He should act more like he did in that shitty J.Lo movie. He was cool in that one.
  • Sarccasmm
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    Sarccasmm polycounter lvl 17
    Saw it on Thursday, and I will stay this, PRETTYFUCKING, amazed. It was nice, made me so happy to watch.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Lol, in future military, if you do a good job, you don't get just a medal, or a promotion, you get promoted 15 ranks and given the most powerful ship ever made. 23 year olds in charge... I bet all the 40 year old veteran serviceman were cussing out that decision for the rest of their lives.
  • CounterSeal
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    CounterSeal polycounter lvl 10
    Two words sum up this movie:

    Lens flare!

    But overall, I freakin' loved it.
  • [Deleted User]
    aesir wrote: »
    Lol, in future military, if you do a good job, you don't get just a medal, or a promotion, you get promoted 15 ranks and given the most powerful ship ever made. 23 year olds in charge... I bet all the 40 year old veteran serviceman were cussing out that decision for the rest of their lives.
    Well they were probably really short on captains since
    they seem to make a habit of boarding clearly hostile ships without weapons or backup.

    Plus Starfleet clearly has a high turnover rate, given that all of their ships are operated entirely by what appear to be teenagers.
  • Tad Ghostal
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    Tad Ghostal polycounter lvl 8
    Loved the movie. I'll probably see it again in theatres and have to pick up a blu ray player for this flick.

    I like how in the future Iowa is still nothing but soy beans.
  • kolbyjukes
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    kolbyjukes polycounter lvl 18
    Me and the wife saw it tonight, both thought it was badass. Spock is motherfuckin' ninja.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I liked it. Sufficiently canon, yet fresh. James Dean Tiberius Kirk.
  • 00Zero
    I just saw it...again.

    i started to nod off this time right after kirk starts fighting nemo on the mining ship at the end. (my attempt at black background to avoid spoilers is fail)
    the lens flares F$&KING hurt my eyes and head SO BAD because i was falling asleep. they were like twice as bright as i remember them being the first time i saw it (yesterday). i think it was because i was sitting in the 2nd row....pretty lame. i wonder how imax viewers felt, i bet their retinas got burned.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome Sauce!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    FYI - you can
    spoiler things with [ spoiler ][/ spoiler] tags,
    no spaces.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I fucking loved it, great film. However I did notice the Starship Troopers style ranking of Kirk, lol. (In relation to Rico)
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Great Flick. Me and the Wife saw it last night, we both hate Star Trek or "Star Track" as she says. But this film got me really excited with solid acting and great Casting choices. I like the Star Trek universe now they need to reboot the next Generation, but with the exact same cast.
  • bounchfx
    just saw it in imax this morning. fantastic, and i'm not even a star trek fan, although now I want to actually go watch some stuff!
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    just saw it last night, loved it. I'm a huge trek fan... jj done good.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    OOzero- i dont think kirk ever had a fight with a submarine captain or a fish, dont know what film you saw
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Pope Adam wrote: »
    jj abrams needs to do a TNG movie now. they best not replace patrick stewart either!

    And its gotta have Borg!

    Saw it tonight, enjoyed it a lot, although I wasn't convinced by a lot of the story... anything old spock related just didn't seem tangible...and I couldn't really buy into Eric Bana's character; killing an entire people over something that wasn't really their mistake, or old spocks for that matter? Also Scotty didn't have big enough a role in it, I thought. LOL at Kirk sexing it up with that alien chick though...kind of a wink to the people who know anything about Star Trek.

    But anyway; damn good film, some quite funny moments, Will Smiths wife is hot, and I will probably see it again.
  • sirnaut
    Good action Movie....from start to finish its Go Go Go
  • 00Zero
    hm, wasnt teh bad guys name
    i mean he was
    fighting him on that drilling ship he had, not a submarine
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    00Zero wrote: »
    hm, wasnt teh bad guys name
    i mean he was
    fighting him on that drilling ship he had, not a submarine

    you've seen the movie multiple times and you don't know the villain's name?
  • 00Zero
    lol, my bad it was nero..i think...meeeeh
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Just got back from IMAX. I really liked it but
    whats with Kirk and ledges, I counted at least three times Kirk was hanging off the edge of a cliff?

    Now per the story-reboot good. But also disheartiing because as a closet Trekkie(Niner)
    it has basically thrown the entire original series, TNG, DS9, Voyager out the window as the movie stood
    I could see a possible solution that could lead into the movie I have been waiting over a decade for. Deep Space 9. Sisko is with the prophets right? They live outside of time. He could see the effect the split has on the timeline and come back from the prophets to gather the old crew before the timewave hits them to use the worm hole to repair the damage to the timeline. So along the way they would interact with this young Kirk and Spock, TNG.
    Now before going off on how then it will ruin this current movie. The solution could be that Kirks crew since they partake in this repair, don't go under the "rewrite" so their personal histories in this universe stay the same. But Vulcan will be back.

    Oh btw.
    The guy who fell under the drilling apparatus and was incinerated? Was he a red shirt?
  • 00Zero
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    LOL. Thanks. I missed that.
    Oh, the Nokia ad was annoying. Especially given that even during Kirks time, I was very much under the impression that corporations no longer existed. I hate ad placement as it is, but that was obvious. The bar scene with the ordering of "classic Budweiser" was a little more tolerable since it wasn't in your face.
  • s0id3
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    s0id3 polycounter lvl 8
    Was never a big fan of Star Trek but this was pretty awesome.
    But what's up w/ sending a whole graduating class to war...it's like world war 1. I liked the film but it seems like right after the academy everyone is a senior officer of some sort, doesn't feel very professional or military like.
    ..Sick bay nurse costumes looked pretty hot.
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    whew its was awesome o.o i never really looked star trek but this was hot. Sometimes all the lens flares hurts xD
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Just saw this and I have never been into trek at all. but holy shit this movie was awesome. good sense of adventure and the classical scifi imagery was dope. so many lens flares but it was nice to see a new look that hasnt really been done. super cool.
  • bounchfx
    I must be the only one who didn't notice any lens flares

    guess I'm insane
  • [Deleted User]
    They weren't so much stereotypical lens flares as they were the whole screen getting blown out white occasionally - especially on tight shots on the Enterprise
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    bounchfx wrote: »
    I must be the only one who didn't notice any lens flares

    guess I'm insane

    That's because they were all inside. :D I thought they were cool though. The interwebs needs to stop bitching about lens flares and the redesign of the ship weeks/months before the movie is even released...
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    I learned yesterday, that Abrams wanted the super nova in Old Spock's dimension (the normal one) to wipe out ALL of the major planets of the Star Trek Universe (Romulus, Klingon, Vulcan, Earth, etc.) Apparently, we (the Cryptic Star Trek Online higher ups) got an advance copy of the script, and said "uh. . . wait, that universe is where OUR game takes place." So they called Paramount execs and the movie was changed to only eliminate Romulus. Supposedly, a couple of our nerdiest who read the script, actually caught some random inconsistency in the dialog, which didn't jive with canon, and Mr. Abrams had to re-dub a line of dialog from the movie (dunno which one).

    LOL the green chick was interesting. I've always known them as "Orion Slave Girls." But if she's not a slave, what do you call her? Just an Orion?

    Also, I personally thought the new ship was fucking sexy as hell. I love the look of everything. They did a great job of keeping some of the more iconic shapes, colors, (and sound) etc. while making all of it feel New AND retro at the same time. Very nice job to the AD there.

    And on the Lens Flares, they got to me a bit, but I think they worked well for most of the movie. . . maybe just like, 30% less would have been great. Did anyone else notice that the DP's credit screen had the BIGGEST lens flare of the movie? Just sayin.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    I saw it and I liked it a lot. I am a big fan of TNG and I thought those series of movies were ok (the Borg movie was awesome). However, I had become very distraught after Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise. Although, those series all had good moments I felt like they were only catering to the hardcore audience and got VERY kniche. IMO the Star Trek movies should be over-the-top blockbusters, while the TV series can dive into the more knitty gritty nerd stuff. The movies shouldn't be written solely for the hardcore Trek fan. Epic shit should happen and in a lot of ways should forge new paths in the story. SO while I still love TNG, I think a reboot is warranted. By creating a new timeline they can retell the story without stomping on the past. It definitely merged the cool parts of Star Trek with what you'd want to see in a blockbuster summer movie. I felt they got a little Star Wars in their sound effects...i mean why does ever "future" engine have to sound like a lawnmower with doppler??
    This gives me hope that they'll make another Star Trek TV series where JJ can oversee it and it can go all weird Fringe/Lost style plot. That would be very interesting.


    p.s. Would I say this movie is better than TNG? Or the original? Nope...I wouldn't even go there it's a pointless debate. As a Trek fan I'd just say this was a nice breath of fresh air, and I look forward to the sequel.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Will Smiths wife is hot, and I will probably see it again.

    Will Smith's wife was not in this movie, but yes she's pretty hot.
  • 00Zero
    zoe saldana...i dont know, something about her turns me off. its like she has a 5 o'clock shadow going on, very subtle. maybe its just my mind.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Dekard wrote: »
    Will Smith's wife was not in this movie, but yes she's pretty hot.

    LOL! Haha sorry. They do kinda look similar though. :D
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Tumerboy wrote: »
    I learned yesterday, that Abrams wanted the super nova in Old Spock's dimension (the normal one) to wipe out ALL of the major planets of the Star Trek Universe (Romulus, Klingon, Vulcan, Earth, etc.) Apparently, we (the Cryptic Star Trek Online higher ups) got an advance copy of the script, and said "uh. . . wait, that universe is where OUR game takes place." So they called Paramount execs and the movie was changed to only eliminate Romulus. Supposedly, a couple of our nerdiest who read the script, actually caught some random inconsistency in the dialog, which didn't jive with canon, and Mr. Abrams had to re-dub a line of dialog from the movie (dunno which one).

    I think its going to effect the game though.
    People will be like "it no longer matters since the original universe no longer exists". Ok. the hardcore cases.

    Anyhow, beyond what you guys brought up. It would have made a even huger plothole. As even a supernova would only travel at the speed of light if that. In fact, they should have been more explicit with saying the supernova was in the Romulus/Remus system.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    jes got back.. great Imax experience. especially the imax preview of transformers
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Coming from a guy that has seen every piece of Star Trek media, I loved it. It satisfied my inner Star Trek lover, and it's a great reboot of the series. The fx were amazing, the cinematography was great, and the actors did a great job with the characters.
    Sure, there are things you could pick apart, but all-in-all, you will most likely walk out of the theater pleased with your money spent.

    Now go see it!
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    One of the best red-shirt in-jokes I've ever seen. As soon as I saw that character, I knew he was going to die. And they did not dissapoint.

    The villain was a bit underwhelming. On the one hand, it's interesting where they went with his character. He was quite solidly on the whole "revenge" kick. No intention to conquer or rule anything, he just wanted to destroy. So he was a bit shallow and static. But at the same time I can't fault his acting, that was pretty solid.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    One of the best red-shirt in-jokes I've ever seen. As soon as I saw that character, I knew he was going to die. And they did not dissapoint.

    haha, i liked that too :)
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    I liked it much. Engineering was hilariously massive with all its pipes and copious space to run around in. At times I thought we were back on a planet in some factory.

    Here's to the next Trek movie. Come out soon!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I loved how they managed to fit in the pinging sound from the original shows. I really enjoyed the movie all around, minus the previously mentioned animal chase. It only needed one monster in the chase :P

    My daughters liked it too, which I'm glad, since I was a bit concerned about 'forcing' my youngest daughter to see this for her birthday. When the movie was done, both daughters were applauding and the b-day daughter stated she wanted it on DVD when it comes out.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I caught it the other day and really enjoyed it.

    - Kirk getting it on with the green chick... ACE!
    - I caught the JJ Abrams 'Slusho' Easter Egg at the bar, which was rad.
    - I really liked the how retro but modern (how does that work?) the ship design was without it looking ridiculous.
    - I honestly didn't notice the lens flares all that much, I guess I've been watching a lot of Fringe and there are tonnes in that.
    - I liked how cheesy and cornball most things were, like Chekov having to repeat the authorization code due to his accent. That had me laughing for ages.
    - Awesome.
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