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polycounter lvl 9
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Drachis polycounter lvl 9
So going to start a small invasion, my demo class at the Art Institute of LA is going to be posting content from an internal portfolio class challenge here.

The challenge is to make a realistic scene in a game engine based on a photo within three weeks.

Enjoy the flood.


  • bounchfx
    do they get to choose the photo? or is the challenge whoever can match a particular photo best?

    i'm assuming the former.. this'll be interesting. thanks?
  • Drachis
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    Drachis polycounter lvl 9
    They get to choose the photo, and it gets approved by one of the teachers before they can start on it.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Neat. I remember doing something like this in class once. Had to animate a scene based on a selected photo/scene from movie.

    I picked the cloud city from Star Wars. wee
  • Phalian
  • westsider
    These are the concepts our 4 man team chose. It is from Resident Evil 1. The evil mansion




  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    a good choice i like RE 1 :) wait for more
  • Drachis
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    Drachis polycounter lvl 9
    Decided to go a different direction with this project and make a nice personal scene with all sorts of creepy, I'm working with khalil and Ahmaad not sure what their user names are yet.
  • s0id3
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    s0id3 polycounter lvl 8
    my four man team will be basing our scene off a concept by John Wallin

  • 00Zero
  • fast1
    Art Institute of LAclear.gif
  • Drachis
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    Drachis polycounter lvl 9
    Its another instance of Art Instancing Lacking Acronyms
    or for those with no sense of humor the Art Institute of Los Angeles
  • Thefirston
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    Thefirston polycounter lvl 9
    why did you guys respond to that you realize that your just encouraging his silly behavior
    shame shame my friend:)
  • 00Zero
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    00Zero wrote: »
    what is "firston"

    What's a GILF.....?
  • 00Zero
    the whole class is gonna be posting? jeeth christh. why cant they each make their own thread?
  • killahk
    Whats good every one I'm Killah, I'm with team Attack of the Killah Toli's and here is me first wip update.
    Its the flower pattern for the wall paper in photoshop. I'm going to make it tillable and add some over lays to age some age to it.

    all critique are welcome!!! :)

  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    do ya'll really need to post up what youre going to do? hurry your asses up and post some of your work.

    btw, is marks or clayton the instructor for the class?

    also.. I'm confused with your flower thing killah? what exactly is that for? it looks pretty tileable to me right now. not sure how you mean to use it? in a scene?
  • killahk
    my team is doing the doll scene witch Drachis posted below, if you look close at the picture you can see the wallpaper behind all the stuff. yes it is tillable I ment to say put it all together on the tpage.

    yes andy and nick and a new guy are the instructers
  • Drachis
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    Drachis polycounter lvl 9
    got a bit of a plan; killahk is taking the green bits, I've got the red and Ahmaad is rock'n the blue we'll work out the leftovers once we get the first pass done.
  • killahk
    Here is a quick update b4 I go home.

    oobersli- i had to delete one of the flowers from the top and one from the side to make it tillable. and this is what i have so far...still wip
  • professorXXX
    liking how this thread is starting out! Where is everyone else?

    Yes...this is me....AI OVERLORD! I SEE AND HEAR ALL.
  • s0id3
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    s0id3 polycounter lvl 8
    Brick tile able base texture for the rest of my team to work off of.
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    Am I missing some kind of in-joke? Is this thread serious?
  • turpedo
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    turpedo polycounter lvl 12
    Super wrote: »
    Am I missing some kind of in-joke? Is this thread serious?

    Hehe yeah this thread is serious. This class is made up of numerous times of 3-4 people to make an environment in 3 weeks. The thing that might be confusing you here is that people from all the teams are posting their progress in this thread.

    Maybe one thread per team would of been a better idea for this.
  • Snight
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    Snight polycounter lvl 16
    I agree on the one thread per team thing BUT the teach says "one thread" he gets "one thread".

    This is going to be confusing.

    Let the chaos ensue.

    Here's what me and my tream are doing. We are team WASTE MANAGEMENT! Woop woop.

    Don't know what my team members forum names are yet so here's our concept for now. There are four of us in a team.


    Image credit to Cesar Martinez. (Had to lower the res on the image. It was HUGE.)
  • AJR
    woot 11th post!

    what up everybody, I'm AJizzzzle and I'm posting My Teams concepts. Be on the look out for this one!

    i agree, it was a redonkulous request for our whole class to post EVERYTHING inside of one single thread, sorry everybody....blame Nick Marksly. lol :)

    ~ AJizzzzle ~


  • professorXXX
    I want it all on one thread.....just so EVERYONE in demo is forced to look at everyone else's work:) Also..easier for everyone to keep track of everyone else by just coming to this one thread. You guys need to just label you posts better.

    When we are done...will have a submission thread too for judging.

    PS... hi snight:)
  • killahk
    IIIIMMM baaaackkkk with another post!!!!:) ......more flowers!!!!! :poly142::poly142::poly142:
    so i did some changes with the brightness of the wall paper and added some light detail scratch to the flowers and fixed a tiling issue I had.
    And I also posted one of the dolls I am working on which was created from a female body and modified in zbrush.

  • c_gupit
    Yeah I agree. It should be one thread per team. We could have the headline include "Demo" then the team name. That's some nice topology up there^^^
  • se7ered
    cool doll...what's with the missing poly in the leg? that happened to me once cuz i didn't have some verts welded...also what is the reason for that weird group of polys in the stomach? i dont do a lot of bodies so is that typical?
  • killahk
    se7ered- the group of polys in the middle was were the belly button was but kind got washed out so it looks like that, I will make another one the matches the doll im making. the ploygons that are missing are park of the dolls toy design, its the oll hanging right above the swan and next to the clock
  • XRevan23
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    XRevan23 polycounter lvl 16
    cool stuff so far, i like the brick mesh, killahk you got to use you sharingan and make that doll look freaking crazy
  • stuART_3dee
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    stuART_3dee polycounter lvl 10
    Greetings! SO the 4 person team of JimmyCrickets is doing this concept. Can't wait to see updates from everyone else in da coming days. PEACE!
  • Snight
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    Snight polycounter lvl 16
    yo nick. i hope I see some good shit on this thread.
  • T.Cizzle
    Here's a quick rend of the block in the front of the scene.
    My team is doing the same thing as Soid3, sorry guys.


    Zebra'ed it, then projection map, threw some quick overlays on it. 450polys
    I'll fix up the textures and finish off the steps and floor the same way 2maro.
  • se7ered
    killahk wrote: »
    se7ered- the group of polys in the middle was were the belly button was but kind got washed out so it looks like that, I will make another one the matches the doll im making. the ploygons that are missing are park of the dolls toy design, its the oll hanging right above the swan and next to the clock

    oh...i see what you are talking about. you should really model that poly in and create that spot with a texture...doing it the way you have it now will leave a hole into the darkside.

    also you need to add some width to her chest and don't define the brests so much...she looks older than the concept..it might just look that way because your shadows are black and you are rendering over a black background...try grey...you can read the volumes better...

    is that the head you are using or is that just a base?

    and just an idea for you guys....on your posts stick your team name at the top...it'll make it easier to keep track of what each of you are working on
  • westsider
    here is some progress of the assets I ahve been working on. I have them all unwrapped and getting ready for some texturing. The candle holder needs a little z brush work on the base and a few places but other then that they are good. the balcony pieces are made up of 4 seperate pieces. execpt the decorative piece, that will be a projectioned and made bad assprogress.jpg




  • killahk

    do you like fish sticks professor xxx?
  • killahk
    se7ered-That's a good idea on how to do the holes in leg and i will do it that way :thumbup: I will also gve the doll a breast reduction and yes that is the head im using as a base....why do yo ask?

    whats up Snight!! <
    super star
  • s0id3
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    s0id3 polycounter lvl 8
    T.Cizzle wrote: »
    Here's a quick rend of the block in the front of the scene.
    My team is doing the same thing as Soid3, sorry guys.


    Zebra'ed it, then projection map, threw some quick overlays on it. 450polys
    I'll fix up the textures and finish off the steps and floor the same way 2maro.

    To be honest I really think this needs to be reworked. I think you got a ball park general shape down but that's about it. It really does not capture the details and character of the concept.

    You really need to go back and remake the high poly. You don't have line extrudes or bevel details on the top like in the concept, No bullet holes, faucets, or even the graffiti that gives it personality.

    The cracks are too big and random, and if you look at the concept there really aren't huge cracks like that. Also the stone texture looks too low rez and noisy.

    You really need to just look at the concept and match it as much as you can. The edges/corners on your model look to soft and bubbly where as in the concept it is a lot more hard edged.

    Then also comes the little details like the graffiti,water stains and grime. Notice the water and grime on the top and bottom bevels from rain/water? You need to mimic that in your texture. You've got some brown stains on it, but it isn't really realistic to how it would get there. There would mostly be stains on the top and bottom bevels but not so much on the inside.

    Then finally as this is foreground object you really want this to have crisp resolution, it looks too low rez so I think you should look into generating a higher rez normal/tiling normal.
  • T.Cizzle
    Totally agreed with most of what you said, the details are not the same as the concept, but neither are your bricks. The bricks in the pic are longer, thinner, harder-edged and have more visible but less deep grout work.

    I been working on the textures to lessen the cracks, and smooth it all out. Like I said, I just threw on some quick overlays to give myself an idea of what it was gonna look like.
  • flyhighkid
    some work in progress of the re1 mansion areas

  • 00Zero
    hey cizzle, i would lay off the zbrushing until you get a good highpoly done in max for the shape of it (bevels, indents, etc). i would save the zbrushing for chipping off chunks on broken edges and bullet holes.

    also, are all the sides uniquely unwrapped? you could get away with 3 sides unwrapped since thats all youd see at any given time.
  • se7ered
    se7ered-That's a good idea on how to do the holes in leg and i will do it that way :thumbup: I will also gve the doll a breast reduction and yes that is the head im using as a base....why do yo ask?

    this is just a quick overlay i traced around the doll and then moved that onto the model...it is in no way accurate but it helps to get the point across...but here we go

    the head is way too small as it is...the nose is too low and the mouth should be frowning...big puffy cheeks and chin...everything on the face is puffy

    the chest is too low...bring it up

    bring the shoulders in closer (the seam where the arm connects to the body) they are too wide

    arms are too thin

    ...the underarm on the doll meets the torso at about the same spot where the chest meets the abdomen. (isn't typical in anatomy but that's the way the doll is built.)

    legs are way too long and thin and the feet are too small.

    on human the tapering of the appendages you have on your model is correct...the forearm is typically smaller than the upper arm...and the hand is smaller than the forearm..but on the doll the arms and legs are a lot less tapered....they are like lumpy cylinders

    hope this helps
  • Drachis
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    Drachis polycounter lvl 9
    I've been working on the swan from our scene... and after I had the textures baked down and all the way to UT... I realized I missed a lot of what was in our original photo so I'm going to go back and rework the sculpt to match better.
    for those of you interested a WIP of the ca-ca doo-dee version
  • killahk
    Thanks for all the tips but like I stated earlier on it is a work in progress and by no means is that model done most the the changes you said I should make have already been done. I just like to post to show that I'm doing something. I would love to get the doll as spot on as possible but there are tons of other things that have to be model so i will get it as close as i can with out spending to much time on it.
    DRINK COKe!! :poly127:


    Subject to change.
  • DAJ01
  • AJR
    WIP of my car for our teams scene. A 67 Dodge Charger. Found a cool tutorial for tires and rims. Will get started on those later this week. :)

    ~ AJizzzzle ~

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