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DWIV - 3D - indian_boy



  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I'm liking the new direction. It strikes me as a much more interesting design than the previous version.

    Keep up the good work, mate.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    the problem is , you are focusing on sketching the finer detail rather than the main masses, because like that you will get a good detail, but it falls appart with lack of big shapes.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    that looks pretty cool man! i love his right leg/foot shape

    Johny makes a good point- one thing you could try is doing a pass on the whole silhouette with a large brush, just get in some big general forms and shapes before moving to eyes and face etc, then do another with smaller brush etc- this way you build up the feel of the whole piece rather than one area at a time, and it'll feel more cohesive.

    the other thing to think about is his overal 'theme'- does he have one other than 'evil'? I don't know if the clues I picked up on were intended or not, but I got an insecty vibe from the last one, and I think it's an interesting direction- especially considering some of the forms look insect-like too, the arm and legs in particular. here's some food for thought:

    theres some really evil looking guys in here:

    Jackablade's right tho, this one is much more interesting to look at :)
  • indian_boy
    @jackablade: thanks man

    @Johny: that tends to be my problem whenever i'm concepting / sculpting. below you can see, i took a step back and tried drawing out the base form + armour forms first. i'm still trying to get a hold of this stage of development. thanks for the advice.

    @rooster: thanks man. i'm currently messing around with the feet etc, and i might go with that ^ as opposed to what i have below. i'll try what you said about the passes. i need to see what works best for me, and so far i havent found my niche just yet.
    as for the vibes you picked up:
    they tend to be unintentional at first. just shapes that i like. then later on i see them a certain way, and then push em in that direction. in this particular one, when i looked at the thumb last night, i saw the insect thing going on, especially cz of the right arm and leg.
    today, after seeing the links u gave me, i might push the insect form to the max. reference-hunting tends to be another handicap of mine, so thanks for the link, and reminder to ref-hunt.

    for now:
    these are the forms / masses i'm working with.
    however, i intend to change the legs to the ones from the earlier post
    i apologize if the colours burn your eyes. let me know if they do. the orange and blue somehow make me get more absorbed into the project

    cheers guys
  • indian_boy
    did a bit more work on this

    i have a vision of what i want it to look like, but i'm having a hard time putting it down on 'paper'
    still trying, though.

    any thoughts?
  • Helixx
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    Helixx polygon
    Hey man, when I have trouble drawing what I want to see i just bring some kind of really low mesh into zbrush/mudbox and go to town. Personally I find it easier to judge shape and volume when i can easily spin it around and see it from all angles. Even if it's just to brainstorm I find it helpful. I'd just keep at it and it'll come to you.
  • indian_boy
    yea i was thinking of doing that Helixx.
    might just try it out later on today

    at the moment, i wanted to change a bit around
    not all that much, really


    might move into 3ds max, make a base mesh, and get crits on that
  • StJoris
    Hey mate, like the new direction, gives off a certain insecty bony vibe. I took that a bit further into a paintover here... Hope you don't mind, it's just a bit of alternative, do what you want with it, if you want me to remove it that's okay hehe.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    last one is coolest.
    great stuff!
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    latest one is +++

    Cat-o-nine-tooths? Awesome.
  • indian_boy
    normally i dont post unless i have something to show, but i'm just a bit confused atm

    @ StJoris. Thanks for the paintover. i like the way u did the legs, and the weapon idea is pretty neat too. i think i might borrow a bit from that.

    @ conte + r4ptur3: i'm really not sure if u guys like the one with the white bg [which is mine] or with the brown bg [StJoris' paint over]. i'm currently assuming u guys like the one i posted, cuz otherwise there would have been a reference to the paintover.
    r4ptur3 wrote:
    Cat-o-nine-tooths? Awesome.
    leads me to believe that either my design with the cat of nine 'tooths' is 'awesome'
    StJoris' idea is '+++' and 'coolest'

    i kinda want to figure out which one is being talked about before i move on, lest i take backwards steps

    cheers guys

    and thanks once again
  • indian_boy
    messed around a bit, mixing in ideas from the above paintover


    let me know what you guys think need changing / keeping.
    i intend to make the base mesh by the end of this weekend latest. got a few exams / tests lined up, but other than that, i should be able to get it done asap

    so im looking for any suggestions atm. no matter how minor

    cheers guys
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    sorry, was not specific -- glad you went with the whip! would like the see the chest/abs area developed a little more > : ) give it the love and care you put into the shoulder pads!
  • culpin
    i feel the same...i feel like the abs needs some sort of armor plating like the shoulder pads, not just organic...he kind of reminds me of a samurai. so maybe some sort of a long early Renaissance or samurai-ish looking coat.

    edit --- look at shredder from the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I really liked roosters version, it just looked more solid and strong.
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