What's great about this model is that you've posed him with a real sense of weight. This guy definitely *feels* like a heavy hitter, and the bell-hammer is a fun twist. Keep digging those details out, the chest is really starting to read.
And thank you for not doing anything silly with his junk
Hello all. Just want to show the progress. Working on the retopology at the moment. So far im at 4700 tris so feel pretty confident i can do some more silluet detail, on the character, after the gear and weapon is done. The arms looks a bit funky but they works when you skin them.
Hey Belltann, retopo looking good so far, can't wait to see it completed. Just the thought of retopologizing my stuff is making my stomach turn but seeing this gives me a little hope. You gonna work out the shoulder crystal stuff out soon?
indian_boy: Thanks mate. I just sculpted the general anatomy and then went loose with claytool and flatten tool. One thing to get the crystals sharp is to divide the modell without smooth. This will keep them sharp, when everythingells is worked on. Helixx is the stonemaster thou.
Helixx: Yea this retopo have been quite draining creativelly but its getting there. Today it will hopefully be done. Just take the bulls by the horns bud your progress is looking great!
wasker: Thanks. Yup the silluet is a bit bland on that one. Still need allot of work. Didnt have enough polys to play with but now when i have the new mesh sorted ill go into detail mode.
So. First pass on the body mesh is done. the chains, hammer and iron tombstone is just placeholders for polycount.
Im up to 7606 as it is now. Just going to go for a runestone gathering with ingravings everywhere on the summoning area.
looking good Belltann!
you should have a look at the knee topo though
so u decided to mdodel the stairs?wondring how it will work with the normal etc...o well, keep us updated
pretty excelent poly distribution!, i think the stairs is a great addition, would be cool to see other archetectural elements incorperated as well, arches, columns, wells and such. realy sells the scale! gl skinning the stairs tho that will be trickey.
Woogity: Thanks man I tried some fast sketches with more archetecture but it didnt work. Might do some faces sculpted into the rockface though. Yup ^^ Just hope the pain isnt fatal.
Ive reprojected the new low mesh, just need to start grinding again. Been away for somedays so really need to get the grind on again. Everyone seems to be allmost done ^^
Dang this is coming along fast. Your high poly modeling and resurfacing look very clean. I like the idea you have going on for the artifact. Your textures will be very important, to have him look rocky but not noisy. Keep the updates coming
@Abe_hokage: Thanks dude Your fatso is looking great to. @r4ptur3: The latest one is around 9200-9500 with the new tombstone and chain. Need to save some for all the alphas. Your beastie is rocking mate @foreverendering: Thanks mate. I'll try and do my best.
Here is just a screen showing that the thread is not dead yet. ^^ First normalrender after recapture, i lost some stuff but thats redone pretty guick. the uvs are pretty much done to, just need to add the weapon and accessories now. Going to do a real normalrenderpass when everything is done, now it looks iffie on some places and the depth is a bit bland, but ill fix that
whats up with the staircase arm's hand? looks like the normals from the lowres baked into the map and you lost those awesome knuckles >< I'm sure you'll get 'em back for the proper map pass. I can't wait to see this thing with textures. It's gonna kick!
r4ptur3: Its acctually the basehand thats been devided without smooth. So much artifacts when i reprojected so i thought i might as well just redo em, it doesnt take that long to redo. The stairs wont look like that but now i got a clean sheat to work from. Thanks ill do my best
fightpunch: thanks man, ill force myself to finish it this year.
animsen: thanks. Need to improve my sketching skillz ^^
Great! I didn't realise there was a trone
and stairs for the invoker to go up and sit.
Really good idea.
Nooo! don't shout at me only one more bad joke :poly124: Forgive me.
I really like your work. I can imagine you'll have some fun
playing with lights coming through the crystals and throwing
colors on the golem skin.
Can't wait to see more.
morte: Hehe thanks. Um i can se if I can learn how to put movies on here. But some things i did was to divede the modell without smooth, then smooth of the hard parts and then go over it with flatten. Used a thin alpha standard brush for the creaveses. Then went over it again with a opacityscatter brush on the claybrush with a square alpha, then over with the flatten again. Just need to think of angles when you use the flatten.
Abe_hokage:haha thanks man, im not out of the loop yet.
garagarape: Hehe thanks. But youre mistaken, there are no invoker on this one Just him and his big hammer.
@NuclearWarrior: Thanks. Yea, i can feel something in the horizon @r4ptur3 :Im making love to it as we speak ^^ @Abe_hokage: Aye mayn! Thanks. Yup an AO and cavity. Going to post new shots of the second itteration of the texture later today or tomorrow.
55joe: thanks. Going to be a real squeeze with texturespace. Not much space to reuse.
notebookguy: I made a low mesh in maya. going to retopo soon.
Todays grind. Most of it on his left arm, but some teaks all over. And new chain and ironblock.
And thank you for not doing anything silly with his junk
update update
fightpunch: thanks man, your new concept rock!
Abe_hokage: haha yup it weighs allot.
how did u do the rock?
im interested in learning that technique, it looks real sweet
Helixx: Yea this retopo have been quite draining creativelly but its getting there. Today it will hopefully be done. Just take the bulls by the horns bud
wasker: Thanks. Yup the silluet is a bit bland on that one. Still need allot of work. Didnt have enough polys to play with but now when i have the new mesh sorted ill go into detail mode.
So. First pass on the body mesh is done. the chains, hammer and iron tombstone is just placeholders for polycount.
Im up to 7606 as it is now. Just going to go for a runestone gathering with ingravings everywhere on the summoning area.
you should have a look at the knee topo though
so u decided to mdodel the stairs?wondring how it will work with the normal etc...o well, keep us updated
Yea going to have a look at all the joints tonight. Need to distribute the rest of the polys. Going to do a rig test later as well.
Ive reprojected the new low mesh, just need to start grinding again. Been away for somedays so really need to get the grind on again. Everyone seems to be allmost done ^^
looking forward to the update!
@r4ptur3: The latest one is around 9200-9500 with the new tombstone and chain. Need to save some for all the alphas. Your beastie is rocking mate
@foreverendering: Thanks mate.
Here is just a screen showing that the thread is not dead yet. ^^ First normalrender after recapture, i lost some stuff but thats redone pretty guick. the uvs are pretty much done to, just need to add the weapon and accessories now. Going to do a real normalrenderpass when everything is done, now it looks iffie on some places and the depth is a bit bland, but ill fix that
keep it up man!
fightpunch: thanks man, ill force myself to finish it this year.
animsen: thanks. Need to improve my sketching skillz ^^
Abe_hokage: Soooo muuuch stuff leeeeft... 0.o Thanks
Started to do the detailing. will try and use "pebles" and creaves to hide joints and seems. So just going to go at it until its done.
Detail update. Still a long way to go.
really coming aslong!!
will be in the top fo rsure
keep it up!!
and stairs for the invoker to go up and sit.
Really good idea.
Nooo! don't shout at me only one more bad joke :poly124: Forgive me.
I really like your work. I can imagine you'll have some fun
playing with lights coming through the crystals and throwing
colors on the golem skin.
Can't wait to see more.
Abe_hokage:haha thanks man, im not out of the loop yet.
garagarape: Hehe thanks. But youre mistaken, there are no invoker on this one
I really like how it turned out to be.
@haZe: Thanks man. No, dont think there will be any more roots on the back but will add moss and vegetation next.
@konstruct: Thanks
@ParoXum: Glad you liked it.
Here is todays grind. Ive started fixing uvs and this is normaltest for the body.
Ma i love it, the baked stuff looks as good as the hipoly model! Could you post your wires and uvs?
Here is a texture test. just slapped some rock and rust textures to get my bearing.
Its not reading well at the moment but will fix it so its crisp and sharp....hopefully. Going to be more variation in the rock area as well.
u added an AO as well?
@r4ptur3 :Im making love to it as we speak ^^
@Abe_hokage: Aye mayn! Thanks. Yup an AO and cavity. Going to post new shots of the second itteration of the texture later today or tomorrow.