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  • Rens
    quick update,

    the volume around the hip is still a bit weird, but ill fix that next time.
    this damn sculpt is keeping me away from dom war.. blegh
  • Rens
    i officially ran out of clay.

    coming in around 1,5 kg right now. (around 3,3 pounds)
  • Rens
    here and back again?

    after looking at this sculpture, and not being able to work on it since the store still doesnt have the sculpey yet, i decided to get back on what Pior said some time ago.

    i cut his cest and some other spots open, down to the frame, it was horrible,
    then put in a couple big foil blocks to spare some clay and weight.

    so i had some clay to work with, thought it would be good to get the rifle started.
    gives the sculpture as a whole a much better look.

    so what happend.
    i foiled it up, some wire on it, and then a layer of sculpey.
    since i found it a big waste to turn on the big oven for a small something like this, i put it in the mini oven. This oven has its heat spirals just below the aluminium plate where you put stuff on. sooooo the heat sources was way too direct on the clay and in 7 minutes, it turned dark purple in some spots.

    since it started smoking i took it out with a piece of foil and directly put it under water,
    luckaly for me, nothing weird happend, it is actualy very strong,

    so i started sanding it a bit,
    works very well, though i forgot wearing a mask, sooo i can taste the chemicals of this stuff way in the back of my nose and mouth, is nice!

    people remember, what ever you work on with materials, wear a mask.. dont buy those cheap disposable ones, but one that lasts and is actualy of high quality.

    time for a pic

    now that i have the base layer on the rifle, i can start working on it, cut in the shape and what not.

    all i need is a bit more clay...
  • Rens
  • Rens
    No i didnt forget, dont worry!

    It took a while before i got my hands on some new clay,
    ordered 3 new packs, wasted 70% of the first one by now,
    but im almost done blocking it out, so i got room enough for details :)

    im also working on too many things on the side, and specialy putting priority on my 3d work,
    so it might take a while before i got some major updates and it finaly starts to look like an odst

    i need to repose his feet, got a good view on how it finaly looks, so i can make some better decisions,
    but before i can i need to drill some new holes in the board,

    no more words, just an update for now.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like a really fun project Rens, coming along nicely :)
  • Rens
    Thanks jason! though, wait till i get him all ready for detailing, now thats when the fun is going to begin!

    and yeah i find it so far out, working on it, that i rolled out of bed at 6 am this morning to get started :D
  • 00Zero
    i rolled out of bed at 6 am this morning to get started

    i wish i had as much enthusiasm for life... :(
  • holygon
    Loving it so far, MOAR!!! ^^
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    pfffft, sux shit.

    Doesn't even look like a stormtrooper.

    Oh wait...
  • Rens
    haha all in good time zero,
    i think mine has come back, since i finished my internship last friday, im a free man,
    got me really motivated and this guy will recieve alot of attention for sho

    Holy, im not revealing alot this time, hope to present a good update later on this week with some major stuff done

    Smirnoffka.. psssssshhh, go back up in the sky where you belong!

    so instead of posting a compleet sculpture update, im giving you a glimps at my crazy desk.
    (thanks to joris for uploading it! got some server connection proplems over here)
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Nice work man, it's coming along! The ODST getup has always been a favorite of mine.

    On a semi-unrelated note Rens, I gotta say I love your passion for Halo. I've gotten so sick of the whole cynical Halo hate bandwagon that hangs out on gaming blogs that I don't even bother reading the comments on Halo articles. Bungie doesn't seem to get any cred among the core gamer crowd these days. It's refreshing to see someone else who doesn't have their head up their ass. :poly121:
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    good luck, dude Let's just hope you are better at sculpture than I am
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    wow.. looking at your desktop, I thought I was a big halo fan...

    If you know what my user name means then you will realize why. :D
  • Rens
    wow thanks Zack!
    yeah, i just sift through the bullshit and enjoy the good ;)

    p442 i dont know man, i dont know :D
    i just keep on going till i have something that looks pro,
    might take some time to polish the skills, but that is just as fun as a good looking end result

    , Yes sir! :D
    My desk is like a floodform, it slowly grows across the walls into the rest of my room leaving nothing but far outness behind.
    I sometimes take a step back to see what im doing or why, but that quickly fades away and im back in the story again.

    progress R slow! but i keep doing bits and pieces everyday, so its slow but steady :)
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    oh damn you halofag!
    nice work so far, Rens, just let shapes be more harsh and subtle.
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    hehe, guess you really like Halo...well hope this turns out great for you, nice to see more art here besides polygons. Good luck!
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Its lookin good man. What do you have planned for the hands? Are you going to build them separate then slide their armature into the forearm or something?
  • Rens
    Thanks alot Per, great to hear, respect!
    The sculpt changes alot under slight changes in the light setup, so i try out as much as i can
    ill go around it next time, find some more angles to shoot from :)

    conte.. halofag.. maybe.
    Thanks man, altough i still need to get to the phase where i go for those material propperties and work on the edges of items ect, ill keep it in mind man

    coldhands , its not only nice to see it, but it also feels good ;)
    Ill do my best! thanks! :)

    nrek, i've thought about alot of ways,
    first up i made a loop with wire where the rifle could slide in but that didnt match up to the proportions that well,

    Since the volume of things kept changing, i decided to give it more freedom as before, by attaching it just with clay. It sounds fragile, but the baked rifle body gave me a good idea of how strong this stuff actualy becomes.

    So the plan is to just wrap a block of clay around the ends of the arm, and onto/around the rifle.
    Gives me more room to make changes and work on things separately.
    Since the hands will have quite a volume, it should not cause any problems of becoming one with the rifle after being baked :)
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Rens that second last shot you posted is awesome man, are you going to paint this bad boy once he is done? or going to leave it el-natural :)

    Although, there is one thing that is bugging me in that picture, I can't exactly put my finger on it... but it could be the massive stack of Halo pronz everywhere...

    *runs away once again

    You da man Rens!
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    So let me guess..you're a Halo fan? ^_^
    The progress is great, Rens. Each update is bringing a nice chunk of deliciousness with it. :)
  • Rens
    Oh you better run Jason!
    going to need a full week to paint this sucker, going for a high detailed paint job
    Still need to figure out what is best to use, so i dont mess this sculpture by trying to paint it.
    Allready got some cool quality brushes with .. 5 hairs in them for mini detailing :D
    Thanks alot buddy!

    Vassago, halo fan i R! ;)
    I feel like sculpting allday, so maybe tonight or tomorrow i can show some more :D
    thanks for the great words man

    You guys are far out!
    Thanks alot for all the great comments :D
  • Joshflighter
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    Joshflighter polycounter lvl 9
    That's looking awesome so far! I wanna see what you do with his hands and the BR. :D

    All those halo stuff are making me look sad compared to you as a halo fan. :(
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Nice progress man...keep it going, this is gonna be some seriously sick stuff!
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    This is great work! Nice armature work man.

    You shouldn't paint plastilina directly however. when you are finished sculpting, make a mold, then cast another positive and paint that. At the very very least make a mold and melt smore plastilina and make another clay positive. But you will find that really hard to paint.

    Smooth-on is a really great company for this!

    Its nice to see some "real" 3D again!
  • Joshua Stubbles
  • Rens
    I see what you did Vassago! (do argee? maybe)

    I will reply to you guys properly in my next post, should be tonight

  • Cheez
    Great work, Rens ! Lookin' sweet !
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Rens wrote: »
    I see what you did Vassago! (do argee? maybe)

    SHAZBOT! You caught me ;)

    I posted what I did before I realized it was your thread, about the figurine...
    Lol. I thought it was about the game itself :P
  • Rens
    Josh, its how you live it! not how much you got stalled out... oke just a little! ;)
    Im going with gloves on this badass guy, and those are probably the last things i will start on, need all the room i can get to manouver around these armor spots

    Nynedown, thats what we aim for! ill do my best and thanks man! :D

    Microneezia, Im using supersculpey firm gray,
    as far as i know this is really well paintable after baking, but thanks for the tips!
    sculpting feels great, besides that it helps out alot with the understanding of shapes, wich are applyable at 3d, just love it!

    Great to hear man! Thanks alot Cheez! <3

    haha Vassago, no worries man, you know i love you
    (plus people with beards always rock)

    Thought it would be cool to go with the backpack design,
    ive also been messing around alot with pimping alot of parts from the old odst/ movie odst to the current renders/screenshots being released
    too much stuff to work out, alot of time and passion, got to give you guys some more shots,

    for now


    Thanks alot guys! :D
    oh and we reached page 4!
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    pffft, sux shit.

    Don't you have a patch to be designing?
  • Rens

    (ps, you suck)
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16

    I will had a crit, because this is a bit useless ( only a bit ahah): the upper part seems to be going well, but i don't know if its the angle of the shot, but I have the feeling he's too short legged.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    look like he's leaning too far forward ... ?
  • Rens
    yeah he is indeed leaning a bit forward,

    has a couple reasons,

    biggest is that the armature wire in his feet is a floating kind, so i need another metal piece underneath that to keep him from tipping over. a design flaw so to speak

    his backpack has quite some weight he needs to compensate for,

    the angle of the feet and the pelvic rotation ->backpack

    maybe he leans into action a bit?
    its really subtile though, but yeah something that needs some fixing

    another point to add to the to do list ;)
  • eCstatic
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    eCstatic polycounter lvl 14
    Always nice to see art from a fellow Halo fan. The model is looking fantastic, I can't wait to see it finished!
  • Rens
    Thanks ecstatic :D

    I performed surgery on his feet.
    It started by removing the clay to the core, cuting down onto the wire and see what was going on.
    Damn that was horrible, really a point where i was like.. dude.. wtf are you doing..
    But after i inserted some metalnutz under the wireframe feet, it all made sense and looks alot better now.

    i have not started detailing and polishing yet, so its all just blocking things out on a more detailed level and making sure the shapes are correct.

    i can rable on or just post pics, and im guessing the last thing it most interesting.


    (i am away for a couple weeks, so another update might take a while)
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Yep its better, your sculpting is clean (especially for someone sculpting form super sculpey, i do know how hard it is to maintain "solid" shapes), but i can't help but think he's lacking some length in the legs/hip area. Right know he looks super beefy on the torso, but short on legs.
  • Rens
    I measured the lengths and so on for a while, and from another angle it becomes clear that they are the correct lengt.

    its a bit of an optical illusion,
    since his pants are a bit low, it has armor pieces ontop,
    also the knee armor is sticking out above the joined,
    the point of view

    though i see what you mean, and i think i can carve away half a cm from the pants too make it look better :)
  • Alec3d
    this is by far the coolest thing I have ever seen! It's amazing to see you build it up from the wire mesh to the sculpted state. AMAZING - can you make me one?!?!? hahaha.

    very very good - I too am a massive halo fan awaiting ODST
  • Rens
    Thanks Alec :D

    I finaly came around doing some, no major things done
    though i did move some pieces around, changed quite alot of shapes and attached his backpack.

    I hate the photo because it doesnt show well, but who am i kidding..
    I will be spending alot of time with this falla for the next couple weeks, so i can take some shots with in my portfolio.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    I like the knee/shoulder-armor and helmet!
  • slipsius
    super sculpty is actually really fun. i love using it! keep us posted!
  • X-Convict
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    X-Convict polycounter lvl 18
    Gogogo! Less than a month 'till ODST drops! :)

    Looking good dude, these guys are awesome.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    The knee-boot and helm sections are fantastic. Cant wait to see this guy finished.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    nice work man.. =)
  • Rens
    Thanks alot you lads!

    hell yeah Xconvict!, :D i want to use the 22nd as my application date for good luck,
    so i need some good shots, dont think ill be up for painting by then but we'll see how far i can get,
    i have been powering on this fella all day now, and going strong!
    (btw, your portfolio pieces are crazy man, you need to show me how you make those presentation shots sometime! far out)

    Thansk Hawk, ill keep you guys updated :)
    i should have some by tomorrow
  • Rens
    fun shot from last night,

    finished pack 5 today, opening pack 6 tomorrow.
    2,5kg, :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    looks top heavy
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Is this from that Halo video game?
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