ImSlightlyBored: Yeah, shadows from materials using masked alphas. I tried to turn my trees into movers and give them modulated dynamic shadows, but their own dynamic shadow does not blend into lightmaps correctly (it's darker/brighter). So I guess i'll stay with my awful poly shadows at the moment
Started work on my high poly car model for my school assignment, been working on it for about 2 hours now, it's a jaguar e-type coupe and the hood is a bit harder than expected. c&c appreciated!
Here is something quick I threw together in UE3. I was messing with materials and meshes and thought why not throw a scene together. I am using about 4 meshes. I am unsure about the mushrooms rihgt now, I just added them and still looking into how I want them to be. Any crits are welcome, thanks..
Unsure of leaving in the inner linear detail I just added to the master PP. It works real nice in some places (like cross hatching) but then not so good in others.
I think changing the sky colour might give the building a clearer silhouette. Perhaps a pale blue or a deep purple/red. Just now it's pretty much a jumbled mess of green and black, hard to see what anything is.
Neox, you ever get round them?
I found them via my outline method (take four zbuffer samples, offset in each direction, add together and multiply by .25 (ie divide by 4) then divide that result with the zbuffer, then an IF anything is not 1.0, then everything is 0, then one minus.)
Anyway that got me outlines, but of course, using the zbuffer meant any real big stretches of flat BSP flooring was also nastily done (being deeper)
I found dividing by just over 4 gave inner line details, and tweaking that value removed nasty stuff and put in just a small amount.
I only have small issues now, on selected areas, but I think it's worth offsetting that against the fact that when it works, it works amazingly well. The benefits far outweigh the negatives. This isn't how I'm doing outlines, that's a different method. I have this set up as a slightly thicker outline on my predominant stokes, fading to a lesser black.
I won't lie to you, my uber pp was doing some of that. I've been having problems, recently, letting certain colours through (it hated blue, nearly scooped it all out) so thanks to you I have revised this PP so the colours let through are a lot less clamped and strict, it should let most colours through. But I also keep in mind that it's intended for moving images/scenes, so some depth scrolling with the moon, sky, etc, helps punch out the sillhouette.
First outing inphotoshop after a couple of courses but practice makes perfect i spose.
Hoping to do some 3D courses later this year plus phtoshop highers.
Could have done with a wacom but please tell me what you think.
nice shot jordan, though his neutral stance kind of lowers the creepy factor. Any chance of us getting a render of that guy wearing a tux and a monocle? just a thought
Nice shot jordan, i had to check to make sure it wasn't a gif before i sat and checked it out it was so creepy. Didn't want that thing popping into my face shock.swf style :P
Jordan, that's awesome
it'll probably be in my dreams later tonight though : (
@cody, blenderhead;
cheers guys, yeah in hindsight I'd agree, I've changed it and posted it in my sketchbook now, I think the new UberPP settings let much more colour through. Need to remove a few surface details on the building, though.
never done any concepting ever, though I used to do 2d work in the remote past.
anyhow, I don't like looking at stuff the right way up when I am working:)
looks nice mate, but all clothes and accesoiries seem to be just sticked on atm, try putting some shadow on the skin etc. where they are to make it look like she actually wears them
some specvalues need to be fixed and when he is rigged i'm gonna export all variation (with or without hat, mask, arms are switchable between the two visible here, bag positions switchable) but for now it's ok
look at moddb there you can see the concepts, it was developed over quite some time, but the final inputs came from Johannes, one of our conceptartists, i just changed some colours and shapes to be more military
if it is interesting for you i could make a small history of the airborn soldiers and classes and how the design developed
awesome neox, the shading on him loks so smooth and delicious. love the spec on the shoulder guard and neck thinger. normals seem to read really well too. cheers
Really cool picture, JordanW. The creature looks awesome. I like the ship too, Masterofthefork - interesting shaped wings
I've been trying to finalise animation from my game for the main enemy. Recently I've finally integrated my skeletal animation system into the game branch so I've been starting to use that. The animations are a mix of motion capture (which has been a pain to process and clean) and hand animated stuff:
We've been working on tons of art for the game too - It's actually been a while since I've posted anything in the pimpage thread so almost all assets in this video are new (I'm working on getting a new batch of promo pictures ready for that thread):
This is a low poly scenario that i'm currently working for a little proyect.
I want to make like a "trailer" of an "hypothetical" DS game. A kind of Diablo DS maybe... dreaming is free hehe.
hobodactyl - Hehe, well its a really long winded process, once i have something worth showing i'll get right on showing it :> I've already spent the last 2 months modelling the same character over and over again just because i can't get it quite right XD
OzMa: you might want to read up more on DS specs to get a more convincing look
for instance.. the screen resolutions are 256x192, not what you have right now.
also make sure the second screen actually shows some sort of use.. like an inventory or something
DS also doesnt have anti-aliasing so you want to turn that off
and pay attention to how big your textures are and how textures commonly look on the DS
have you searched for reference screenshots yet? if not, do so, they're very informative
I've been working at a pretty breakneck pace trying to get as much of this thing done as quickly as possible so I can test the latest versions during scheduled CGTalk TF2 games, so things have been going rather faster than I was anticipating. There are still a lot of areas that need lovin', but it's turning out pretty well anyway, I think.
Working on puting the UFC's Wanderlei Silva's head on a postapocalyptic warlord. Since I created the head from reference in zbrush I baked it to test it and then used it for the concept. The arms and cow-skull shoulderguard are also zbrushed and painted over.
Gonna start the high polies for the armour once I finish the concept...
Swizzle: Very nice.
mhaha i had the same feeling when i opened up this thread, rob you bastard!
What do you mean by "load it up in a script"?
never done any concepting ever, though I used to do 2d work in the remote past.
anyhow, I don't like looking at stuff the right way up when I am working:)
"Oh look at me, I own a Cintiq but not photoshop." :P
Nice piece. Is it done in that old Alias sketching program?
I found them via my outline method (take four zbuffer samples, offset in each direction, add together and multiply by .25 (ie divide by 4) then divide that result with the zbuffer, then an IF anything is not 1.0, then everything is 0, then one minus.)
Anyway that got me outlines, but of course, using the zbuffer meant any real big stretches of flat BSP flooring was also nastily done (being deeper)
I found dividing by just over 4 gave inner line details, and tweaking that value removed nasty stuff and put in just a small amount.
I only have small issues now, on selected areas, but I think it's worth offsetting that against the fact that when it works, it works amazingly well. The benefits far outweigh the negatives. This isn't how I'm doing outlines, that's a different method. I have this set up as a slightly thicker outline on my predominant stokes, fading to a lesser black.
I won't lie to you, my uber pp was doing some of that. I've been having problems, recently, letting certain colours through (it hated blue, nearly scooped it all out) so thanks to you I have revised this PP so the colours let through are a lot less clamped and strict, it should let most colours through. But I also keep in mind that it's intended for moving images/scenes, so some depth scrolling with the moon, sky, etc, helps punch out the sillhouette.
I am pleased with so far, but it needs a bit more refinement
Hoping to do some 3D courses later this year plus phtoshop highers.
Could have done with a wacom but please tell me what you think.
havent posted anything in a while, so here are just a few transformers i made recently for fun
Me, I'm practicing walk cycles. This one's a 12 frame loop. Enjoy!
/part of a series
it'll probably be in my dreams later tonight though : (
@cody, blenderhead;
cheers guys, yeah in hindsight I'd agree, I've changed it and posted it in my sketchbook now, I think the new UberPP settings let much more colour through. Need to remove a few surface details on the building, though.
its my years of doing flat textures come back to bite me. I am still working on making it look less flat
some specvalues need to be fixed and when he is rigged i'm gonna export all variation (with or without hat, mask, arms are switchable between the two visible here, bag positions switchable) but for now it's ok
if it is interesting for you i could make a small history of the airborn soldiers and classes and how the design developed
I've been trying to finalise animation from my game for the main enemy. Recently I've finally integrated my skeletal animation system into the game branch so I've been starting to use that. The animations are a mix of motion capture (which has been a pain to process and clean) and hand animated stuff:
We've been working on tons of art for the game too - It's actually been a while since I've posted anything in the pimpage thread so almost all assets in this video are new (I'm working on getting a new batch of promo pictures ready for that thread):
It's been almost a year of development now! Finally starting to feel like a game.
Neox, simply badass as usual. Airborn is starting to shape up really fast.
Dummeh is using his own pwnr-ass engine; we now have skeletal animation FTW
(He's a badass programmer
RobG: When are you gonna show us some stuff from your super secret game?!?
I want to make like a "trailer" of an "hypothetical" DS game. A kind of Diablo DS maybe... dreaming is free hehe.
Sorry about my english
for instance.. the screen resolutions are 256x192, not what you have right now.
also make sure the second screen actually shows some sort of use.. like an inventory or something
DS also doesnt have anti-aliasing so you want to turn that off
and pay attention to how big your textures are and how textures commonly look on the DS
have you searched for reference screenshots yet? if not, do so, they're very informative
Gonna start the high polies for the armour once I finish the concept...