Update on the textures, and less polys this time around. Just above 17k now with all the accessories, less than 15 k without them. Some more specmapping going on, the boots still need some more pronounced and sharp dirt, and various parts are still in need of much love :]
Necropost! Posed and rendered this guy now, finally I feel finished with him, he's just been sitting on my comp for awhile, DW and other stuff came in the way...but yeah, here hoes. Aprrox 17 k triangles and 2*2k maps Will post osme highpolyshots etc later.
the only thing i would even crit (and this is realllly nitpicky) is the texture on the boot -- it could use a little lovin' from the front where the normals dip in. other than that...damn dude. congrats!
do i sound naieve when i say i'm really impressed with how much more life and believability and character was added from just bending the knees a little?
I've been watching this evolve, and the result is just jaw dropping. So many details!
The eyes look really flat though, so I'm not sure if his goggles are always going to be covering those up. Even still, you should just tweak the spec//diffuse. Or maybe I'm just not able to see it right!
WHOOOO gratsi on finishing! the end product looks pretty slick- you`ve inspired me to get up off my ass and finish some of my abandoned projects. hooray inspiration!
adam: cheers ^^ so would I, I might make a scene for him, or re-use him for my latest project.
Thegodzero: thanks, i wanted to put even more stuff in and give him a staff, but in the end I just wanted to finish the damn thing :P
r4ptur3: Yeah, the boots are a bit mjeh, not really satisfied with them, should have picked a more interesting model, the leather in these were so boring, too stiff, not much fun stuff going on, so I kinda dropped the ball on the texture there, oh well
cycloverid: Yeah, I had some trouble with the eyes, so they are far from perfect shading-wise, but... OH LOOK A DISTRACTION!
nrek: hopefully, when I'm less busy doing other stuff ^^
konstruct: go go go! ^^
00Zero: damn! I should have thought of that earlier...
Once again great work man. The complete highpoly looks awesome, the shader makes the face a little noisy from a distance but still cool. This is a little thing but the pocket watch seems very detatched, because it has no connection to the body and the chain is very thin and hard to read. I think if you were to raise it up and to the left a bit so it looks like the top ring is looped around the buckle of the chest strap it would help connect it. I look forward to your next project.
I like the high poly presentation way more as the low poly one simply because the contrasts and lights are not so extremely cranked up. For example the low poly rendering has to much 100% black spots in it and almost super illuminating white.
First time I've seen this, but I went back through and read through the whole thread. Great work man, thanks for sharing it with us. I'm not really interested in being a character artist but damn if I'm not saving this to inspiration folders anyway.
Looks a bit like a stylized Sean Connery, doesn't he?
nrek: thanks man yeah, I kind of messed up the placement and texture on those chain, I guess. Kinda forgot about them as I went on ^^ (Probably cause I hate them, hehe)
renderhjs: I agree with you about the white spots, they came off a bit too bright, but I think the dark areas are alright, maybe depends on what screen you are seeing it on, very few dark spots for me.
the only thing i would even crit (and this is realllly nitpicky) is the texture on the boot -- it could use a little lovin' from the front where the normals dip in. other than that...damn dude. congrats!
Incredible amount of detail on this guy, and your normals have just grabbed every little bit of detail from the looks of it lol.
Love it, awesome job
The eyes look really flat though, so I'm not sure if his goggles are always going to be covering those up. Even still, you should just tweak the spec//diffuse. Or maybe I'm just not able to see it right!
What a cool character though.
adam: cheers ^^ so would I, I might make a scene for him, or re-use him for my latest project.
Thegodzero: thanks, i wanted to put even more stuff in and give him a staff, but in the end I just wanted to finish the damn thing :P
r4ptur3: Yeah, the boots are a bit mjeh, not really satisfied with them, should have picked a more interesting model, the leather in these were so boring, too stiff, not much fun stuff going on, so I kinda dropped the ball on the texture there, oh well
cycloverid: Yeah, I had some trouble with the eyes, so they are far from perfect shading-wise, but... OH LOOK A DISTRACTION!
nrek: hopefully, when I'm less busy doing other stuff ^^
konstruct: go go go! ^^
00Zero: damn! I should have thought of that earlier...
Virtuosic: I'll do my best to let you down ^^
imb3nt: thanks man
haha yea a sweet scene of him working on some wierd desert well or vehicle would be awesome!
B1ll: thanks alot
Looks a bit like a stylized Sean Connery, doesn't he?
renderhjs: I agree with you about the white spots, they came off a bit too bright, but I think the dark areas are alright, maybe depends on what screen you are seeing it on, very few dark spots for me.
ZackF: cheers man, yeah, I guess he does ^^
torontoanimator: thanks alot man
Simply badass ...
you have to work on this quickly.thanks