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The Worst Healthy Foods



  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I have no Idea frankie. As that is the opposite of what most are trying to do, its not something most look into. If you find answer, id be curious to hear it. Supersize me might be a good movie for you to refference.
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah interesting question isn't it. Is it better to eat all the bad things in one go or spread them out over the week?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    are you asking if there's a point where you can eat so much junk food that anything you eat after that is free?

    Here's the average meal of Walter Hudson who weighted 1,197lbs

    "Hudson lived on an average daily diet of two boxes of sausages, a pound of bacon, 12 eggs, a loaf of bread, four hamburgers and four cheeseburgers, eight portions of fries, three ham steaks, two chickens, four baked potatoes, four sweet potatoes, and four heads of broccoli. He also drank an average of 12 pints of soda with every meal."
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Frankie wrote: »
    what I really want to know is how much food do I need to eat before it dosen't matter how much food I eat from then onwards. For example if I'm eating pizza, nachos, potato wedges, beer and so on is it ok to then eat some curry or cake as my body cant absorb any more goodness?

    Doesn't work like that, sorry. :(

    To elaborate -- the better your body can process and digest the food you eat, the healthier it is/less likely to make you fat. So yeah, spread things out as much as possible. Same reason people advocate eating several small meals in a day, instead of 2-3 big ones.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    are you asking if there's a point where you can eat so much junk food that anything you eat after that is free?

    Here's the average meal of Walter Hudson who weighted 1,197lbs

    "Hudson lived on an average daily diet of two boxes of sausages, a pound of bacon, 12 eggs, a loaf of bread, four hamburgers and four cheeseburgers, eight portions of fries, three ham steaks, two chickens, four baked potatoes, four sweet potatoes, and four heads of broccoli. He also drank an average of 12 pints of soda with every meal."

    I would hate life if i ate that much. Bet his jaw muscle were fucking amazing tho
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18

    Left is myself in late 2005 about 355 lbs and right is me 2 weeks ago in London about 249lbs.

    Luckily im 6'4 so that 249 spreads out a little better. Id like to hit 200 or so but man its tough,when you work off the weight in the right way it can take years(at least in my case) so it doesnt come right back if i slip up, but i figure as many years as it took me to do all that damage it will take an equal amount to undo it.
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 19
    hmm thats pretty boring news although I do know for sure if you don't chew you can eat more food without getting fat.

    Justin that dosent work cos he ate that every day not just once a week.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Wow JO420! That's awesome cutting down for sure. It's good that you realize it takes time and it's not an overnight process. It seems like people tend to fail less when they have realistic expectations. My old roommate is 6'4" and 205lbs. He's going pro MMA though so he's in crazy shape.

    Good to know on the dryer Vig. I think both times I've caught in after the washer.

    As far as quitting running Stimpack. I haven't ran since Labor Day and I'm at the same weight I was then. I need to bulk up a bit then I'll run. Although when I do run every now and then I do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Like Run as fast as possible for 1 minute then walk a minute, and repeat 8-10 times. I've read that people get better results from doing that then running long distances.

    Also working on your marine time is good. There's a marine test that's sit ups, push ups, and pull ups along with how fast you can run 3 miles without walking. It's actually this:


    It totally is a lifestyle change Stimpack I have to say. I've definitely altered most of my life around being fit and staying active. Which isn't as lame as it sounds. It's actually really addicting.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Frankie wrote: »
    hmm thats pretty boring news although I do know for sure if you don't chew you can eat more food without getting fat.

    Frankie, you have some really weird ideas about food. It doesn't matter how many times you chew your food - once it enters your digestive system, it all gets broken down regardless of how big or small the pieces are.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    jeffro wrote: »
    As far as quitting running Stimpack. I haven't ran since Labor Day and I'm at the same weight I was then. I need to bulk up a bit then I'll run. Although when I do run every now and then I do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Like Run as fast as possible for 1 minute then walk a minute, and repeat 8-10 times. I've read that people get better results from doing that then running long distances.

    This is true in virtually every case. High intensity training is more demanding, and requires a more significant physical adaptation - stronger, faster, harder, etc. Long duration low intensity work can make you skinny, but it won't really make you fit. Compare the physique of a sprinter and of a marathon runner - they're both runners, but the results are a bit different:

  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    vermilion wrote: »


    heh, shame the one on the right is a famous drugs cheat
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    vermilion wrote: »
    This is true in virtually every case. High intensity training is more demanding, and requires a more significant physical adaptation - stronger, faster, harder, etc. Long duration low intensity work can make you skinny, but it won't really make you fit. Compare the physique of a sprinter and of a marathon runner - they're both runners, but the results are a bit different:

    Note that's an extreme example, though. It all depends on how it fits into your overall fitness/health -- running short interval is redundant if you're already doing high intensity workouts, and will only achieve you building cardiovascular endurance slower than distance running would.

    For example, like i said up a bit, i'm into combat sports -- brazillian jiujitsu and muay thai. I could distance run all i want and not end up like that, i'm getting 15+ hours of high intensity workout a week.

    In fact i ought to run distance a bit more, because my cardio is falling behind my physical strength.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I think we're talking about fat loss, though. If you're trying to lose fat, and you're healthy enough to perform some kind of HIIT, you'll do it faster and get more impressive (certainly more muscular) results than you will from low-intensity steady state cardio. If your primary concern is to increase cardiovascular endurance, you're probably not looking to drop 40 or 50 pounds.

    Something else important to mention is that interval training doesn't *have* to mean sprinting. Personally, I avoid running unless I'm being chased by packs of wild dogs - it's time consuming and hard on the knees. You can get just as metabolically challenging workouts with resistance training. I prefer Tabata (the most exhausting method I've ever tried) or low-weight complex/circuit lifting to any form of 'aerobics.'

    I don't think I'm going to convert anyone here to my own approach to training, but I very strongly recommend reading about fitness philosophies like CrossFit, or ideas from guys like Ross Enamait and Mark Twight.

    Let's say you're willing to spend 45 minutes a day working out. If you can choose to be lean and scrawny or be lean and strong, which would you pick? You don't have to train like a bodybuilder to look good nekkid :)
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    dude thats very impressive jo420! madd props on getn that undercontrol! you look a lot better, and i bet you feel better too! 6'4" is tall! im right behind you at 6'2". Thats why i can pack on that much weight and it look like i gained barely anything.

    Thats kool jeffro, I was just trying to offer some suggestions to keep you motivated and going =) I know its tough for me to get back into running if i take a long time off. I hate loosing my stamina and endurance b/c when I go out to run I remember what it "was" and get frustrated at what its become. This is a large reason why I cant stop working out, or training. Its borderline obsession these days haha.

    Example, I fractured my Knee when I was doing gymnastics at the same time as I was training for my triathalons. But being stuborn and not waiting for it to heal, I cranked out 3 more races over a 2 month span on the knee (ontop of the training for them). It hurt like hell when I got to the running event, but i could go full force at the swim and bike, so my times were half way decent. Now when I run I have a pain that looks like it wont go away at all. Its been many months down the road and it still bothers me. Ill be damned if i take off a few months for it to heal tho!

    I got a 5k coming up on the first i believe....might be sooner cant really remember. Anywho, Ill post my times when I get them =) I encourage anyone else that is racing out there to post your times as you do it!

    ps. that pic up there is depressing! There is absolutely no reaon someone should drop to that kind of weight just b/c of there exercise habits. You gota balance it all out. Ive looked up many professional ironman athletes men and women. Most of them are sexy! So i consider that pic up there a very extreme example.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Stimpack, as someone with bad knees, seriously, see a doctor or specialist. Almost all knee problems can worsen to a permanent chronic pain/vulnerable knee scenario, you should definitely not keep pushing on one without know what to do to make it heal properly.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I saw a doc suprore. Did a series of xrays and found the head of the patella to be fractured. I pressed on tho. It only bothered me when i ran b/c of the pounding of the pavement. The doc told me to lay off it for 3 months, but thats entirely too long for me to just sit and do nothing. Especially when its running season! It still hurts from time to time, mostly on longer runs, and cold days. Not sure why cold does it, but it does. Anywho, small pain added to all the rest of pains i get from this lifestyle =) just comes with the territory.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    You have a fractured kneecap, and you're continuing to run on pavement anyway? Seriously?
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    yep. Have been for many months. Its almost fully healed too. Just a residual pain is left, that flares up from time to time depending on what activities i do.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    sweet, soon you can predict the weather with your bad knee
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Oh, only broken kneecap is no problem, id have done the same thing.

    I disclocated my knee and it's superprone to re-injury, and in the long run that impacts my ability to use it (i'm off training atm because i took a kick to it, in fact) -- that's the kind of thing i was meaning to be careful about.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    haha its not a broken knee cap! its a fractured patella head. Much less serious than a knee cap injury! and not even close to a dislocation injury! I got a buddy that dislocated both his knees break dancing, he cant run to this day. Hes doing good to ride a bike.

    My 5k is this weekend, we will see how i do =) Its themed too! i get to run it in haloween costum!
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