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The Worst Healthy Foods

polycounter lvl 17


  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    nutrition is an interesting thing. It all depends on your matabalism, and your goals. I for one have an extremly high matabalism, which is even more compounded by the fact im a endurance athlete. I take in 3500 calories a day, and that "maintains" my weight at 185lbs. So for the average fat person, looking to shed some pounds, yea follow some of these healthy tips. If you lead a lifestyle like mine, cutting those nutritional numbers is counter productive.

    all depends on where your trying to head. Nutrition is very individual based.

    oh btw, slightly off topic but I found recently the most informative book was the mario lopez workout book. It has nice workouts that dont focus on making you look like arnold, and it has lots of nutrition information/diet plans ect ect. Its a good read.
  • StJoris
    I try some suggestions of bear grylls and ray mears when I can

    No but really I do find that unspoilt things give me the most usefull nutritional value without all the unnecessary stuff I don't want/need.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I completely disagree with this this author. Everyone knows premade foods are good for you. Hmm High fructose corn syrup in everything, healthy... If the stuff he mentioned is so good for you why doesn't it have corn syrup in it, so what if your brain can't properly use it to create energy, what's the big deal? Diabetes? Ohh scary.

    Interesting read. LOL

  • spider2cool
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    spider2cool polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah its funny when i see people at work "going on diets" to lose weight. Its a little of what you eat but mostly how you eat. I still eat regular food I just changed up my eating habbits and I went from 195lbs to 165lbs. I just went from eating 3 pritty big meals a day to about 5 or 6 small meals a day. A small bowl of cereal for breakfast, a neutrigrain bar in between breakfast and lunch, a sandwich for lunch with a bit of chips, some random snack after that and for dinner maybe mac and cheese with some chicken. The hard part is getting used to it. the longer you do it your stomach shrinks so you don't feel hungry all the time. and the longer you do that the faster your metabolic rate gets. Its great.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I went from weighing 140 to 155-160. How I stopped working 14 hours days. LOL My metabolism is so freaking high keeping 160 is very hard. Since I move heavy shit all day losing weight isn't very good for me, plus I'm so over looking like toothpick. :D I weighed 180 once for a very short time because I was only doing freelance art all the time, but once I started working retail again my metabolism speed up to it's usual self and the fat went away.

    One of the things that hurt people the most in terms of gaining weight is just having a huge meal right before they go to sleep. One of the most healthy things you can eat or rather drink is those protein shakes, they messed up my system pretty bad, my liver didn't like the extra work, and my cholesterol went up very high. I was at the time lifting weights and trying to gain weight. I did gain five pounds. That was it.

    So a lot of the "healthy food" is a load of BS.

  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I wish I could find a link to a recent scientific study that was performed in Ireland (which was published and peer reviewed).

    The findings of that study showed the immense benefits of homogenized milk in terms of nutritional value, being immensely superior to skim or 2%.

    The calorie difference really isn't much either (a small cup was like licking of a bacon strip), but the calcium, vitamins, and various other nutrients taken out when processing made it much more beneficial to drink homogenized.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Sage wrote: »
    I went from weighing 140 to 155-160. How I stopped working 14 hours days. LOL My metabolism is so freaking high keeping 160 is very hard. Since I move heavy shit all day losing weight isn't very good for me, plus I'm so over looking like toothpick. :D I weighed 180 once for a very short time because I was only doing freelance art all the time, but once I started working retail again my metabolism speed up to it's usual self and the fat went away.

    One of the things that hurt people the most in terms of gaining weight is just having a huge meal right before they go to sleep. One of the most healthy things you can eat or rather drink is those protein shakes, they messed up my system pretty bad, my liver didn't like the extra work, and my cholesterol went up very high. I was at the time lifting weights and trying to gain weight. I did gain five pounds. That was it.

    So a lot of the "healthy food" is a load of BS.


    Your liver didn't like the protein shakes? You were mixing it with vodka, weren't you??
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    hah ha I wish. My liver started to work more than normal because it had to process all the extra crap the shake was giving me. My doctor almost flipped when he saw the results from my blood work. :D
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    i love protien shakes!!!! mmmmm delicious. Im with ya tho, those things will take a toll on your liver if you dont drink tons more water to help flush em out. Its impossible to eat enough nutrients with out drinking them tho. The protien i use is 1k calories and 50g of protien. That would take a TON of food to get those numbers. My wallet and stomach like the shake idea much better.

    spider has the right idea tho! I eat every 3 hours. god the first week i switchd to that style of eating was like i just quit smoking. i was a dick that whole week haha. But now i cant see living any other way. I just feel better through out the day, no ups and downs with my blood sugar levels. energy is much higher too. aaaanndddddddd body fat will just melt off you. fitness is 30% exercise and 70% nutrition....so ive heard
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    A calorie is a calorie - there's no such thing as good or bad calories. For gaining and losing weight, beer is no different from apples.

    Sweets have lots of sugar? So does fresh fruit.

    The difference is the nutrition that comes along with the food. An apple is about 75 calories and a can of Coke is about 140, so two apples gives your body the same calorific energy as a coke, but which one is healthier?

    Thankfully, beer is packed full of vitimins and minerals. FACT. And yeast. And carbs. It's basically liquid bread.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    wait, someone thought a bagel with cream-cheese is healthy?
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Ive gone from 355lbs to 249 over a span of 3 years and one thing i have found,as Rick said,a calorie is a calorie. Over time ive grown rather distrustful over any food that specifically claims to be healthy. It seems like the further a food gets away from its original natural state(premade) the more likely it will not be good for you and also it takes common sense,bagel and cream cheese healthy,pfft,unless its a whole grain bagel and low fat cheese and even so its unlikely,its white bread and white bread is horrendously bad for you.

    I usually try to keep it simple,reasonable in portion and self prepared. You control your portion and the ingrdients so you have great control over what you eat.

    Getting off your lazy and excersising helps too.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Mens Health is a catelog with no concern of factual information or your health.

    Food labeled as "healthy" or "diet" is not.

    If your great grandfather wouldn't recognize it as food, you shouldn't either.

    Buy foods that spoil (fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, etc.).
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    JO420 wrote: »
    I usually try to keep it simple,reasonable in portion and self prepared.

    That's great advice. I recommend:

    -Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup. The 'experts" say it's safe in moderation. BUT, nearly everything in American food now includes it to sweeten taste and encourage brand addition. That's not moderation, and it's difficult to avoid. It's cheap to manufacture. Profits for the company, health problems for you.

    -Use oils that are named from the plant they come from. Canola Oil comes from a plant called Rape, and is often genetically modified. Vegetable Oil is often Soybean Oil, or a mixture of many, from various locations. I prefer Olive Oil.

    -The fewer the Ingredients, and the easier they are to pronounce...the better.

    -Companies, such as Kraft, are selling food with new labels such as "Deli Style", and "Old World Style", and so on. This translates to "REAL FOOD". Get those.

    -Move. Stretch. Walk more. Get the body moving and blood flowing.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    Canola Oil comes from a plant called Rape
    wow, I guess Rape Oil just didn't sit right with folks
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I dont feel a calorie is just a calorie. From the things ive read, there is a difference in how your body handles them and breaks them down.

    examples of good and bad of:

    protein: good/ seafood, beans, turkey breast, chicken breast, ostrich, beef (100% grass-fed), and eggs. bad/ bacon, sausage, bratwurst, pepperoni, prime rib, fried fish, salami.

    fats: good/ wild salmon, olive oil, walnuts, canola oil, flaxseed, cod liver oil, almonds. bad/ shortening, butter, margarine, hydrogenated oil, corn oil, fried foods, cream.

    carbs: good/ quinoa, beans, all veggies, all fruits, oatmeal, barley, buckwheat. bad/ white bread, high fructose corn syrup, rice cakes, sugar, white flour, french fries.

    In personal diet i dont eat mammals. Im strickly fish and bird. Also i only drink water and certain juices. Ill sneak a soda mayb once a week, but i feel like shit afterwards. I guess im just fighting back those long developed habbits of chugging tons of sodas every day. Once you start a healthy eating regiment, its hard to stop. and thats a good thing! Its been almost 3 years since ive eaten fast food. Im sure my arteries are loveing me for it.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    A calorie is a calorie in terms of how much energy it provides, but that's it. Sources of calories are very different, and the types of macronutrients you consume make a big difference in how your body processes them. Certain carbohydrates, mainly sugar and refined grains, are so quickly processed that they can have a very negative effect on your body's insulin production. That's bad business, especially in terms of body composition.

    Say your body needs 2800 calories a day to function with no weight gain or loss. If all calories were created equal, there wouldn't be any difference between eating a healthy, balanced diet and chugging 20 cans of Coke with a fistful of vitamin supplements. 20 cans is exactly 2800 calories - anyone wanna try losing weight on that diet? :)
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    I've noticed since I started eating healthy (properly) a couple of months ago that my tastes are changing too. Stuff I used to like (such as cheesecake, chinese food etc.) that I had occasionally now just tend to make me feel like crap, and I don't actually thing they taste as nice as they used to. And I am drawn more to fruit and healthier stuff now. Which helps with sticking on the healthy-eating wagon.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    vermilion wrote: »
    20 cans is exactly 2800 calories - anyone wanna try losing weight on that diet?

    But it's important to mention, you also won't lose weight eating exactly 2800 calories in healthy foods -- a calorie deficit is necessary to lose weight, but it also won't do it alone with poor nuitrition.

    But yeah. Multiple small servings (as much as you can fit in cupped hands every 3-4 hours is a good rule) throughought the day, balance between protiens/cabs/fibers/etc, less carbs later in the day, more protein if your muscles need it, fresh, natural foods like cholden mentioned... As many calories as you need for your goal of losing/maintaining/gaining weight... Good nutrition isn't actually that hard to understand. The only difficult part is doing it.

    addendum --
    A calorie is a calorie - there's no such thing as good or bad calories. For gaining and losing weight, beer is no different from apples.
    Sweets have lots of sugar? So does fresh fruit.
    The difference is the nutrition that comes along with the food. An apple is about 75 calories and a can of Coke is about 140, so two apples gives your body the same calorific energy as a coke, but which one is healthier?
    Are you being sarcastic, or do you really have that poor of an understanding of nutrition?
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Sarcastic about what part?

    The fact part that a calorie from beer and a calorie from an apple is still a calorie, a measure of energy?

    The part about sweets and fruit both containing sugars?

    Or sarcastic about asking which is healthier?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Sarcastic about what part?

    The fact part that a calorie from beer and a calorie from an apple is still a calorie, a measure of energy?

    The part about sweets and fruit both containing sugars?

    Or sarcastic about asking which is healthier?

    No, that's true.

    The bit about sugars is technically true, but most people reading it (and judging by your post, probably you) don't actually have any idea what a suger is. They're only thinking of the one, most obvious, 'put in sweets' crystallized table sugar. Apples and a can of coke are as different as apples and a piece of bread, or pastas, or a glass of milk (note that lactose intolerance is not a symptom of a universal sugar allergy. They're not the same thing, they're just all sugars) -- sugars are the core unit of carbohydrates, but the difference in quantity and type is dramatic.

    And that makes the notion of them being equally healthy ridiculous.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I reckon you just totally misunderstood me.

    Of course I didn't think they were equally healthy. I know all about simple and complex sugars and energy release, that was me pointing out that you can't simply compare like for like when comparing the numbers on a packet. I think your statement was just a reworded version of what I said. The 'Which is Healthier?' was a rhetorical question.
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    vermilion wrote: »
    A calorie is a calorie in terms of how much energy it provides, but that's it. Sources of calories are very different, and the types of macronutrients you consume make a big difference in how your body processes them. Certain carbohydrates, mainly sugar and refined grains, are so quickly processed that they can have a very negative effect on your body's insulin production. That's bad business, especially in terms of body composition.

    Say your body needs 2800 calories a day to function with no weight gain or loss. If all calories were created equal, there wouldn't be any difference between eating a healthy, balanced diet and chugging 20 cans of Coke with a fistful of vitamin supplements. 20 cans is exactly 2800 calories - anyone wanna try losing weight on that diet? :)

    If you eat ~2000 calories worth of snickers in a day as a grown male, you will still lose weight regardless of the fact that it is unhealthy.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    If you eat ~2000 calories worth of snickers in a day as a grown male, you will still lose weight regardless of the fact that it is unhealthy.

    Not true, necessarily, there's more to it than that.

    However, the inverse is true. If you eat 5000 calories a worth of salad and lean meat a day you will still gain weight no matter how healthy it is.
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    If you use up more calories then you take in you will lose weight. Your body has no other choice. However 2000 calories worth of snickers is like what 3 bars? Gonna get pretty hungry if you dont eat ANYTHING but 3 bars of snickers a day.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    If you use up more calories then you take in you will lose weight. Your body has no other choice. However 2000 calories worth of snickers is like what 3 bars? Gonna get pretty hungry if you dont eat ANYTHING but 3 bars of snickers a day.

    Technically yes, but that's a massive oversimplification of the process, I'm pretty sure it's not whatsoever similar to taking on the same calorie deficit with proper nutrition.
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    Yes you can get better results from eating all kinds of healthy food yep. But imo the biggest benefit of eating healthy food is that you can lose weight and still not go around feeling hungry all the time, it also makes you alot more alert and happy :p
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    Well, from my experience and from what I see from people around me, the key to loose weight is not to eat less, neither to eat only healthy meals, full of good looking fruit of vegetables. No one that is a macho latino can live like that. If you actually move your ass once in a while, you don't have to change your alimentary habits that much.

    I spent the two last years doing nothing and here I am with more then 80kg (176lbs), and now I'm going 3 times per week to the gym and running sunday morning. At it is actually working pretty well, and with almost no changes on my diets, except for avoiding sodas and eating just a bit less on each main meal.

    Of course, some improvements on your meal quality is always welcome, try to avoid fast food, too many cookies and chocolate bars, but I don't really believe on this radical acute change on peoples habits.

    Unless you are a big whale addicted to MacDonalds, then you actually have to change some bits ;)
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    If you eat ~2000 calories worth of snickers in a day as a grown male, you will still lose weight regardless of the fact that it is unhealthy.

    Blanket statements like this don't work without knowing someones base metabolic rate. A sedentary individual with a BMR of 1800, eating ~2000 calories of Snickers per day is on pace to gain weight at around a pound every two and a half weeks.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    If you use up more calories then you take in you will lose weight. Your body has no other choice. However 2000 calories worth of snickers is like what 3 bars? Gonna get pretty hungry if you dont eat ANYTHING but 3 bars of snickers a day.

    Losing weight doesn't automatically mean losing fat. In a very restricted calorie situation, the body will catabolize muscle before fat, as it's easier to process. I'm not sure why you're writing what you are... are you suggesting that eating 2000 calories worth of Snickers bars is an acceptable diet plan?
  • System
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    System admin
    There was that statement there regarding the bacon/eggs versus a bagel for breakfast: the bacon and eggs are almost all protein, yet the bagel is almost all carbohydrate and sugar. Providing you don't cook in beef fat and you do actually cook the bacon till the rind is crisp, then it's a clear case of protein versus carbohydrate.
    I feel that no matter the rate of your metabolism, that undigestible fats will clog arteries anyway. Still though, reading the back of a food packet gives some suprising results, better fresh than not!
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    The way i managed to lose weight was a combination of changing my eating lifestyle and excercise. When it came to eating the key was eating a big healthy breakfast and doing small healthy snacks in 2 hour intervals during the day and for dinner i could eat what i want but i typically kept it reasonable and no eating after 8pm.

    Second step was slowly getting myself off the bad foods i was so acustomed to,soda,fast food and sweets(still working on sweets)

    Then the final step was doing excersise weekly,5 times a week currently and changing it up from time to time whenever my body got used to it.

    Good healthy weight loss takes alot of time,getting down from 355 to 249 has taken me close to 3 years with a few slip ups on the way. I figure it will take me as many years to lose all of that weight as it did to gain it. Its a slow grinding process (at least in my case) but well worth it.

    Also leaving America,especially leaving Houston (fattest city in the U.S) has helped alot too. When i compare to the type of food available in Europe,portions,freshness and availability i dont think it would have been possible for me to lose what ive lost living in Houston still.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    We all know there's a difference to being fit and being healthy right?!

    So if your serious about being fit & healthy you got to read up and do research.

    This guys knows what he's doing and if your skeptical do some research on the products he mentions.

    Text interview:


    Some good stuff to look into and maybe try out:

    CocoNut Water Benefits:

    Pumpkin seeds Benefits:

    There are fruits and vegetables to avoid but you have to do that research yourself, there are way to many to post.

    I've been doing some research for a while and will continue because I have been feeling pretty damn good.

    Cheese is bad for your intestines, look it up and find out. I hated that news myself cause I was an avid philly cheese steak lover (it was good while it lasted...)

    If it isn't 100% organic it's pretty much bad for you... Also look up Detoxification if your a smoker or addicted to anything, try it be deticated to something for 7 days if your not cured of your addiction go back to your old ways.


    Tofu gives you man boobs...
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    $!nz wrote: »
    We all know there's a difference to being fit and being healthy right?!

    Technically yes, but if you're doing it right one comes with the other.

    And it isn't really healthy for a myriad of reasons not to be fit.
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Maybe some of you that have gone the healthier route can share some of the plans that you eat for a week. Sort of like they do in a diet book, but show how you guys lost some of this wieght and felt good while doing it. Just thought I could follow some of the examples, and learn a bit more about what is a healthier way to eat.

  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    Spark wrote: »
    Maybe some of you that have gone the healthier route can share some of the plans that you eat for a week. Sort of like they do in a diet book, but show how you guys lost some of this wieght and felt good while doing it. Just thought I could follow some of the examples, and learn a bit more about what is a healthier way to eat.


    Koo man, glade you asked! first off, i strongly believe nutrition is on par with your physical activities. If you just lay up on the couch all day, your diet would be very different from an active days diet. So with that said. Here is a typical day w/ exercise and diet. Plz keep in mind, im a very active person, and have a very high matabolism, so I eat more than most probly would need to. i average around 3k/3.5k calories a day, just to give an example.

    Here goes:

    6am i wake up and make breakfast: typically 2 whole egg, and 2 yolkless eggs in an omlet. Toss in turkey and top with salsa. Follow that with a half of a large grape fruit.

    by 7am im in the gym. My schedule is mon, wed, thurs, fri, sat. So that gives me two days of rest. I bring with me a protien shake to drink immediately after I work out.

    Im back and ready for work by 8:30am.

    At 9am I grab a cup of cottage cheese and a little fruit cup to toss in with it for a snack. (Ill eat while i work)

    at noon i take my lunch break. A turkey sandwhich on wheat bread with tommatos and lettus. I follow that with the other half of the grape fruit form earlier.

    3pm im eating another snack. Cup of yogart and a bannana with penutbutter.

    6pm Im eating a dinnerish meal. Something in the ballpark of a salmon filet or chicken breast. With some type of veggy. I prefer broccoli.

    9pm Im going for another snack, usually another protien shake. Anything can be suplimented here as long as its a small portion.

    Usually asleep around 11ish to repeat in the next day.

    Notice the trend, its 3 hour incriments. goes meal, snack, meal, snack, ect ect every 3 hours. This will speed up your motablism, and burn off those extra lbs. Ofcource What burns the most fat off is muscle. SO hit the gym, do a small workout. I super set everything, and keep my heart rate up the whole time. There is absolutely no reason to spend more than an hour in the gym. If you hit it hard, and keep your heart rate up the whole time, intensity will override time spent. Meaning they harder you hit it, the less time you have to spend for the same results.

    Also i STRONGLY suggest taking up jogging/running. I really think we should start a polycount running group. I enter 5k races all the time, and absolutely love it. Its only 3 mile run, and its soooooo much fun. Also all 5k races are chip timed so results are posted on the internet for all to see. Would be fun to compare and see whos the fastest desk jokey =D
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    So I stopped weighing myself when I was 205lbs. Which was the heaviest I have even been. A few years ago I switched jobs and had a few extra hours a day in the morning. So the dog and I started walking a mile in the morning, then 2 miles, then I started walking 1 and jogging 1, then jogging 2, then jogging 4. This was all daily. Basically I just did that and drank a ton of water daily and I went down to 165lbs within 6 months.

    After that I started only running a few times a week, lifting weights and doing a 1/2 marathon every 4 months or so. I also started eating healthy. I'm not at 135lbs (my middle school weight) and I'm also the strongest I've been ever.

    So my plan is just lifting weights now with cardio only every few weeks/months.

    I eat:

    Instant Oatmeal with 2 scoops of protein and a handful of blueberries and chocolate milk for breakfast.

    Almonds, walnuts, and chocolate covered almonds for a snack.

    Whatever for lunch (Chipotle, sushi, chicken wrap, doesn't really matter)

    Almonds, walnuts, and chocolate covered almonds for a snack.

    Chicken breast/Salmon or Turkey burger, mixed veggies, and pomegranate juice for dinner.

    I've been at 135lbs for about 4 months now and before that I was 140lbs for about 6 months. I stopped cardio all together till I get up to 150lbs or so. I went from a 36 waist in 2006 to a 29 waist now. Pretty nuts.

    Don't make too many changes at once. I would have caved if I did all this stuff at once. Here's some reference:

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome transformation, jeffro. 135 does seem a little light, though :P How tall are ya?
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    thats fantastic man! that weight looks really good on you too! i had the opposite problem, i was really skinny and was trying to gain weight.
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guys, thanks for the tips and the write ups on your eating habits and cirriculum. I will try and bring some of these into my daily rituals and hopefully get some of this wieght off of me.

  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I'm 5 foot 8 inches tall. Yeah Verm I agree 135 is a bit light. That's why I stopped the running for now.

    I totally agree with Stimpack about the 5k. That's a good distance to do a few times a week. Running is honestly really really boring. The best solution I found was getting one of those small clip ipods (which I've put through the washer twice so far and still works, btw) and listening to audiobooks while I'm running. Running 5k around 20 minutes or so is a good work out.

    Another thing that helps is put yourself around people that are in shape or very active. My old company most of the artists were into physical activities so that really helped being able to talk about it at lunch and stuff. Plus you have people that you can lean on for new ideas, tips, or worse case a spotter.

    Just remember to not set super high expectations at first. Just set small, attainable goals and go from there. Keep a good log of it too. I wish I would have documented it better. I have before and after. But not a ton of stuff during. Best of luck with it Spark! Just stay motivated.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Here spark and anyone else interested in knowing all the benefits of healthy foods.


    Cardio & Running is almost all you need I love it but you need to take joint supplements or eat foods with glucosamine.

    It's what I've been doing since I hardly have time to get crazy with working out. I wasn't fat (155lbs / 5' 8") but I didnt like were my fat was going so now my face is thinner and I don't got the double chin and chubby cheeks thing going on anymore Still (155lbs) amazingly so I'm doing something right.
  • Michael Knubben
    Jeffro: wow, that's an amazing transformation, good job man. I'm going in the opposite direction a tiny bit, but that's a good thing for me. I was always frighteningly skinny, and in the last 3 years I've finally started gaining weight, and even though I now have a tiny potbelly (in comparison to my almost caved-in chest, heh), I'm much less skinny overall, and that's a good thing.
    My girlfriend actually saw those pictures, and said the after looked a lot like me, heh.
    A question though, aren't nuts in general (and walnuts in particular) pretty rich in fat oils?
    I don't know too much about diets and nutrition, but that's something I've always thought. Not that it would matter much to me, as I still don't really gain as much weight as a 'regular' person would with the amounts I eat (and certainly used to eat), but I've been trying to cut down on unhealthy food a lot.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    Im right there with ya mightypea. Here is my before and after =) well...i say after, its an ongoing thing for me, i never plan to stop, so after is probly the wrong word for it.


    Thats a four year span, and Ive put on 40 pounds. Pretty much all muscle, I dont really have too much body fat. What little I have is stuborn and wont go away haha.

    jeffro man dont stop runnin! just eat more! running is so good for you. why not start training for longer races? mayb a marathon? half marathon?

    I have to set big goals for myself or i will find a way to talk myself out of training. I compete in triathalons, and am activly training to do my first half ironman. After that Im going for the full ironman, then its onto the 4 deserts race!! obviously this will take me many many years to prepare and complete. Which is why i stay motivated and busy in my workouts.

    fitness is a lifestyle, not just a 6 months fix =)
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I did the whole transformation thing myself. Getting into the office culture in 1997, I started to notice my guts expansion beyond the belt. My retaliation was finding a competative sport I enjoyed. This worked great for years, got me shredded, but still so skinny. My lightest was around 140lbs when training for a footbag tournament in Seattle, I believe that was 2004-5. Once I moved to Mythic and started wrestling I changed my goals to weight gain for muscle growth. Within a couple years I was up to 215, and have recently cut back to 185 to remove excess body fat (about 50lbs of quality muscle). All my old footbag buddies did not recognize me after this, same with a lot of family members. Felt nice.

    It's not really rocket science, simply stop dumping junk down your gullet, and balance your computer lifestyle with a physical one. My meals are usually cutting a plate in half between a lean protein source (chicken, steak, fish), a vegetable (brocolli, carrots, etc) snack with mixed nuts and/or fruit and drink water constantly.

    Physical training focused towards strength with deadlift, squat, bench, chins, dips, press, the occational clean & press and sprint for explosiveness.

    MightyPea: Yes, mixed nuts are a great source of good fats. I also like peanut butter, fish oil and tuna for this.
  • Mark Dygert
    I was really active all through school. I played soccer baseball(not that there's much exercise in baseball) and ran cross country. Then I started working office jobs and I biked to work. Then we moved and I switched jobs and I started sitting in traffic and I worked with a bunch of lumps. I joined an indoor soccer rec league and was shocked at how out of shape I was in such a short time...

    Lesson: don't slack off for long, its easier to stay in shape then it is to get back into it...

    Jeffro, Its the heat from the dryer that's eaten one of my Ipods. Washer, things are good if you let them dry out heh. And yea tunes while running is a must, I run farther without thinking about it. When I don't, I start thinking about things I could be doing and normally end up cutting it short.

    Treadmills are a deal breaker for me, for some reason they're really hard on my knees. Pavement or track, no problem.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    cholden wrote: »
    It's not really rocket science, simply stop dumping junk down your gullet, and balance your computer lifestyle with a physical one. My meals are usually cutting a plate in half between a lean protein source (chicken, steak, fish), a vegetable (brocolli, carrots, etc) snack with mixed nuts and/or fruit and drink water constantly.

    Exactly. The only extra thing is to be somewhat careful with your calorie consumption -- eg, make sure you don't eat that many mixed nuts unless your acticity level is up near cholden's.

    Picking up a sport is an incredibly good idea, too. Whether you're bigger or smaller than you'd like, should make it much easier to reach your goals. Personally i'm getting into martial arts, and find it an interesting, challenging way to (in my case) gain weight. It's surprising how fast you get strong and fit if you're training for a combat sport.
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 20
    what I really want to know is how much food do I need to eat before it dosen't matter how much food I eat from then onwards. For example if I'm eating pizza, nachos, potato wedges, beer and so on is it ok to then eat some curry or cake as my body cant absorb any more goodness?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Frankie wrote: »
    what I really want to know is how much food do I need to eat before it dosen't matter how much food I eat from then onwards. For example if I'm eating pizza, nachos, potato wedges, beer and so on is it ok to then eat some curry or cake as my body cant absorb any more goodness?

    Divide your height by your jollyness, that will give you the amount of goodness your body needs to stay at that jollyness level.
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 20
    It was a serious question though, I would like to know the answer.
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