It's interesting reading the different opinions of the game. I was really amped for this game when I first heard about it, but I think some of the reviews from here have potentially scared me off.
I'll probably still pick it up and give it a go myself.
It's interesting reading the different opinions of the game. I was really amped for this game when I first heard about it, but I think some of the reviews from here have potentially scared me off.
I'll probably still pick it up and give it a go myself.
are you a fan of Cave Story? It doesn't play like cave story but I've seen a lot of people compare the two, I think it's because they both have that similar quality of being a breath of fresh air that only comes out once in a blue moon.
If you were amped for this game, you should def pick it up. I really do recommend it, seriously don't be scared . I played through it once, and will probably head back for the newgame+ to figure out a whole lot of missed secrets and areas. I never spoke to owls! And for as much time I put into the game to beat it, the bright color background change was a very small amount I can assure you and does not ruin the overall experience imo.
It wouldn't hurt to grab the demo, Emil. I'm a bit funny about indi games. I couldn't get into Limbo either and couldn't really tell you why. It wasn't for a lack of going back and trying.
Binding of Isaac, on the other hand, I think I clocked 80 hours and will no doubt go back for more once the Wrath of the Lamb makes an appearance.
I've been irked by pretentiousness and how the developer acted in response from winning that indie award. Probably not going to play based on that alone.
I love this game so far. There's definitely a bit of what the fuck am I supposed to do here, but what I have figured out so far is very rewarding. I also love the music, and I think the dialog is funny and it fits the world.
I've been irked by pretentiousness and how the developer acted in response from winning that indie award. Probably not going to play based on that alone.
Well, how would you play it anyway, a person of such high standards wouldn't play on a console manufactured under abusive conditions at FoxCon.
"So there you have it. Trixels are voxels, but with some special properties, a special (simpler) triangulation algorithm"
voxel models converted into polygonal models then, I will assume that these tiles cannot deform or change its data in any way from what it originally is.
Well, how would you play it anyway, a person of such high standards wouldn't play on a console manufactured under abusive conditions at FoxCon.
I think it's more worrying that a highly regarded indie developer is platform-locked by a publishing deal by microsoft.
Which is fine, except it goes against the whole independantly publisher freedom and then the fact that they're being very vague and dodgy when it comes to subject.
I thought Phil out right said that there wasn't going to be a PC release (thus pissing off more people) he also said he doesn't care if it would sell more copies, he's not doing it for the money.
I'm pointing out the silliness of people boycotting a game because one of the devs was rude online but still playing on consoles that were manufactured at a factory that works it's employees so hard they commit suicide.
I read somewhere that the proportion of suicides to total employees at FoxCon was the same as suicides to total population in China. That is, not actually that high.
Foxconn suicides - or at least the documented cases when the whole shebang was going on - were even lower than U.S. average. Not saying the work conditions are okay (because they're not), but it doesn't really drive them to suicide. Sure, a bunch of them then (while it was topical) said they would commit suicide en masse, but none of them actually did so.
I'm pointing out the silliness of people boycotting a game because one of the devs was rude online but still playing on consoles that were manufactured at a factory that works it's employees so hard they commit suicide.
That's the "there's always something worse" argument though.
Which always stands true, whatever someone says or suggests, there's always something worse.
He always gets his opinions twisted in a way that hypothetically any "thank you" could turn into "fuck you" except he really meant thank you.
People don't want them to release a pc version so they can make more money, they want a pc version because they as fans want to play that game when they might not have a 360, saying that he is not being interested in a pc version is the worst kind of pr, you're essentially saying that your potential customers does not matter, and that it's all about personal preference.
The essential skill of keeping people happy and having a good public relation is pretty important, it's what makes people like tim schafer so lovable.
I talked to fish at GDC about a PC release he said he was positive it would happen but that it wont happen for a while.
Which is a good thing, but once the downsides to publishing exclusivity deals, it probably did help them out financially and technically though.
edit: regardless of what I'm saying though I don't have any problem believing that phil fish is a nice guy as by peoples private experience with him, but he probably should get better at expressing himself publicly.
Their second serious satirical game review, it actually points out a lot of points that my friends noted about the game (I still have yet to play it)
wow, makes me think of what Giant Bomb said - what if someone just boneheaded through the game and didn't discover any of the deeper puzzles or anti-cubes?
"But if you just collect 32 cubes and "finish" the game, you're barely seeing what Fez actually has to offer. And the puzzles you must solve to get everything else are occasionally inventive, often maddening, and always interesting."
It's pretty crazy that Phil kept the deeper layers of the game a secret, I'm sorry that people who are waiting to play won't have that "mind blown" moment when they realize how deep the puzzles get.
It's pretty crazy that Phil kept the deeper layers of the game a secret, I'm sorry that people who are waiting to play won't have that "mind blown" moment when they realize how deep the puzzles get.
Braid did the same thing with the hidden star puzzles, it's actually pretty common to do, with games having easter eggs, extra bosses, new game+, unlockable gamemodes and such. I dont really see how anything you said refuted the claims that the reviewers made.
Braid did the same thing with the hidden star puzzles, it's actually pretty common to do, with games having easter eggs, extra bosses, new game+, unlockable gamemodes and such. I dont really see how anything you said refuted the claims that the reviewers made.
well this isn't the Braid star puzzles, you have to be pretty dense to finish the game without getting at least one anti-cube - the reviewers remind me of people that skip cut scenes on the first playthrough. But I guess it's a parody review where they take the role of knucklehead gamer?
It drives me crazy when people go "hmm, this thing has universal acclaim, so by default I'm going to hate it" a guy at work won't play Journey because of how good the reviews are. Cripes, Journey and Fez are two milestone games this year.
But I guess it's a parody review where they take the role of knucklehead gamer?
They're a mostly satirical review group that act as frat boy call of duty players. Every now and then they actually do real reviews such as the fez and minecraft 1.0 ones.
You also haven't refuted any of their points, instead you've been accusing them of not playing the game "correctly" based solely on their act.
It drives me crazy when people go "hmm, this thing has universal acclaim, so by default I'm going to hate it"
Except its a 10 minute long review pointing out justified flaws within the game.
SM3, Cave Story and Fez, that's the shelf I put it on. Every thread on the internet has the stubborn guy that says "prove to me why I shouldn't hate it" why not just download the demo :P
basically sounds like you formed your opinion before the game was finished and searched for a review that agreed with your preconceptions.
I'm going to see Cabin in the Woods on Friday because my friends have been saying how good it is and it's gotten universal praise, I wasn't really interested before but I'm not going to search out the bad reviews and base my opinion on trailers and commercials.
the only flaws I've found is it occasionally stutters and I had a crash a few times - but what I've heard from other XBLA devs, you don't get alot of QA support or tools from MS, plus the amount of autosaving it does, I never lost much progress.
I'll side with justin... I dont see much value at all in taking those reviews seriously. It's like a boy who cried wolf situation where they talk utter garbage and you're now fishing for titbits of information and making us defend it.
You're sounding like a relgious nut that takes the stance "you can't explain that though can you..." as some kind of justification for making up shit to believe in.
after listening to the most recent giant bombcast and continuing to fuck around in fez and eventually look at some guides I have to say the hidden side to this game is fucking brain melting. It's not even secret funzie things, it's more like the REAL game is completely hidden from the surface. It's like you have to learn how to learn within its rules and its freaking madening.
It looks great, sounds great, seems fun ... but the jump mechanics are waaay too stiff for my taste. I know it is by design but still - I want to run and jump ...
after listening to the most recent giant bombcast and continuing to fuck around in fez and eventually look at some guides I have to say the hidden side to this game is fucking brain melting. It's not even secret funzie things, it's more like the REAL game is completely hidden from the surface. It's like you have to learn how to learn within its rules and its freaking madening.
No idea if i'm enjoying this or not :poly122:
it's like Metroid but instead of powerups helping you reach new areas it's knowledge! mannnnnnnn
well this isn't the Braid star puzzles, you have to be pretty dense to finish the game without getting at least one anti-cube - the reviewers remind me of people that skip cut scenes on the first playthrough. But I guess it's a parody review where they take the role of knucklehead gamer?
It drives me crazy when people go "hmm, this thing has universal acclaim, so by default I'm going to hate it" a guy at work won't play Journey because of how good the reviews are. Cripes, Journey and Fez are two milestone games this year.
I could see how Fez is interesting and fun, but I'm with your friend about Journey. No matter how many sites or reviews shove it in your face, that game will never look fun and/or interesting to me.
Maybe you should play it? God forbid you give something a chance.
nah, I've changed my mind, I hope the haters never play it because they will just be actively trying to hate it. It's like riding a roller coaster and actively trying not to enjoy yourself.
It is an interesting game to play from simply a design perspective, they hacked the social interaction of online games. I've gone through about 10 play throughs of Journey, so I've played with roughly 20-30 random strangers and I've gotten plenty of messages afterward about how strongly the game effected the other player, instead of the typical 13 year old racial slur fest.
I remember when I played Journey, I was able to play with someone for 80% of the the rode...and near the end of the game heart broke when my partner and I started freezing..and slowing down, and then saying goodbye. Ugh. We went through so much together and it ended like that. But then when I flew up to the top of the mountain, and the music was blasting and the sun was bright and the colors were saturated and heavenly, god.. I can't remember the last time I experienced something so beautiful.
I'll probably still pick it up and give it a go myself.
are you a fan of Cave Story? It doesn't play like cave story but I've seen a lot of people compare the two, I think it's because they both have that similar quality of being a breath of fresh air that only comes out once in a blue moon.
Binding of Isaac, on the other hand, I think I clocked 80 hours and will no doubt go back for more once the Wrath of the Lamb makes an appearance.
"So there you have it. Trixels are voxels, but with some special properties, a special (simpler) triangulation algorithm"
Well, how would you play it anyway, a person of such high standards wouldn't play on a console manufactured under abusive conditions at FoxCon.
voxel models converted into polygonal models then, I will assume that these tiles cannot deform or change its data in any way from what it originally is.
I think it's more worrying that a highly regarded indie developer is platform-locked by a publishing deal by microsoft.
Which is fine, except it goes against the whole independantly publisher freedom and then the fact that they're being very vague and dodgy when it comes to subject.
My thoughts exactly, ahah. What an amazing game.
It's a timed deal, which means it'll be 360 exclusive for a bit.
Fez for Free!!
well sort of.
That's the "there's always something worse" argument though.
Which always stands true, whatever someone says or suggests, there's always something worse.
He always gets his opinions twisted in a way that hypothetically any "thank you" could turn into "fuck you" except he really meant thank you.
People don't want them to release a pc version so they can make more money, they want a pc version because they as fans want to play that game when they might not have a 360, saying that he is not being interested in a pc version is the worst kind of pr, you're essentially saying that your potential customers does not matter, and that it's all about personal preference.
The essential skill of keeping people happy and having a good public relation is pretty important, it's what makes people like tim schafer so lovable.
Which is a good thing, but once the downsides to publishing exclusivity deals, it probably did help them out financially and technically though.
edit: regardless of what I'm saying though I don't have any problem believing that phil fish is a nice guy as by peoples private experience with him, but he probably should get better at expressing himself publicly.
wow, makes me think of what Giant Bomb said - what if someone just boneheaded through the game and didn't discover any of the deeper puzzles or anti-cubes?
"But if you just collect 32 cubes and "finish" the game, you're barely seeing what Fez actually has to offer. And the puzzles you must solve to get everything else are occasionally inventive, often maddening, and always interesting."
It's pretty crazy that Phil kept the deeper layers of the game a secret, I'm sorry that people who are waiting to play won't have that "mind blown" moment when they realize how deep the puzzles get.
well this isn't the Braid star puzzles, you have to be pretty dense to finish the game without getting at least one anti-cube - the reviewers remind me of people that skip cut scenes on the first playthrough. But I guess it's a parody review where they take the role of knucklehead gamer?
It drives me crazy when people go "hmm, this thing has universal acclaim, so by default I'm going to hate it" a guy at work won't play Journey because of how good the reviews are. Cripes, Journey and Fez are two milestone games this year.
You also haven't refuted any of their points, instead you've been accusing them of not playing the game "correctly" based solely on their act.
Except its a 10 minute long review pointing out justified flaws within the game.
basically sounds like you formed your opinion before the game was finished and searched for a review that agreed with your preconceptions.
I'm going to see Cabin in the Woods on Friday because my friends have been saying how good it is and it's gotten universal praise, I wasn't really interested before but I'm not going to search out the bad reviews and base my opinion on trailers and commercials.
the only flaws I've found is it occasionally stutters and I had a crash a few times - but what I've heard from other XBLA devs, you don't get alot of QA support or tools from MS, plus the amount of autosaving it does, I never lost much progress.
yeah, you're telling me!
honestly, it's your loss man.
You're sounding like a relgious nut that takes the stance "you can't explain that though can you..." as some kind of justification for making up shit to believe in.
No idea if i'm enjoying this or not :poly122:
it's like Metroid but instead of powerups helping you reach new areas it's knowledge! mannnnnnnn
Yessssss! I'll finally be able to play it. Been dodging spoilers for what feels like forever.
I could see how Fez is interesting and fun, but I'm with your friend about Journey. No matter how many sites or reviews shove it in your face, that game will never look fun and/or interesting to me.
nah, I've changed my mind, I hope the haters never play it because they will just be actively trying to hate it. It's like riding a roller coaster and actively trying not to enjoy yourself.
It is an interesting game to play from simply a design perspective, they hacked the social interaction of online games. I've gone through about 10 play throughs of Journey, so I've played with roughly 20-30 random strangers and I've gotten plenty of messages afterward about how strongly the game effected the other player, instead of the typical 13 year old racial slur fest.