Seems like the best implementation of the 2D/3D-switching concept so far (Crush, Super Paper Mario, Echochrome). Switching views in mid-air to bounce across platforms was awesome, and the Cave Story'ish visuals and sound bring back good memories.
The creator talked about the level-editor for a bit in an interview, and I'd love to have a go at it. Also, if you're into this stuff, check out! That's for 'The Independant Gaming Source', and this game's creator is on their forums. They report on all the cool indie games coming out, and they cover a lot of in-development stuff besides.
Wow, that was the best/cutest thing I've seen since Little Big Planet.
I too thought it was just a Paper Mario rip, but I have to say, this does a far better job, and integrates it so much better than paper mario did. This is fantastic!
looks nice but I'm not as impressed with it as the rest of you. it's taking an existing concept and evolving it a step further.
I agree with one the comments on the linked video. whoever was playing knew the level layout. playing through a level the first time would involve stopping every few seconds to rotate the view just to see where you need to go next. stop, rotate, jump, move a short ways, stop, rotate, make next jump. repeat for 5-10minutes a level X however many levels are in the game.
I'm not saying it's super innovative, and I'm not saying it won't be a pain in the ass at times.
What I'm saying, is that even in that little video, it looks like they took the Paper Mario concept, and made it more fun. It just looks like it'll be fun to play, and to figure out how to get to new places. . . that's all.
Pretty sweet, but I hope the Cave Story guy is onboard, or else someone is really taking "homage" a little too close to "rippoff" in terms of the visuals.
Love it, especially liked the little bump/exclamation mechanics whenever he switched perspective into a solid object or massive drop. Awesome ending too, ride the mushroom rainbow!
Hawken, that game should've been called "tetris-acid-super-seizure-freakout" by the look of it.
WOW, very cool. Too bad I doubt it will sell well on store shelves, since they can't have a video on the box demonstrating the game. I would never buy this based on the screenshot in the first post of this thread.
It's hard to tell from the low-res video, but it looks like they're using a voxel engine... if so, this is probably the best use of voxels ever (the pixelation works to the advantage of the game's style, unlike with most uses of voxels). It also looks like this game's going to be the perfect example of a simple concept/design executed to perfection. Definitely looking forward to trying it out.
Spore, Fez, things happen in 3's dammit I want another mind bending evolutionary game!
Good point Notman, such a shame that the industry is caught in the pretty games sell the most cycle heh. Granted in my eyes it definately has a sweet art style going on
It's hard to tell from the low-res video, but it looks like they're using a voxel engine... if so, this is probably the best use of voxels ever (the pixelation works to the advantage of the game's style, unlike with most uses of voxels).
It's hard to tell from the low-res video, but it looks like they're using a voxel engine... if so, this is probably the best use of voxels ever (the pixelation works to the advantage of the game's style, unlike with most uses of voxels).
Alright, so they use a modified voxel engine. I was close enough . It's a voxel engine with a custom, simplified algorithm for extracting the polygonal mesh. The guy may like to come up with his own terms and labels for it (I can see the reason for making a distinction), but It's still a voxel engine.
Thanks for the link though, it was an interesting read. I assumed they just used a low resolution (like 512
saw it today at GDC. It was impressive, but I have to say there were a good number of very cool games at the IGF stands this year (though that's true every year I guess).
I feel the same right now. The art and mechanics are very impressive and its really impressive to look at but I'm about 1 1/2 hours in and feel kind of bored. It's been mostly repetitiveness without any clarity if I'm even doing it right, hoping it picks up!
Nice to know I'm not completely in the minority with my opinion of Fez. It kept me mildly amused throughout the demo but I don't feel any compulsion to buy the full version. There were a few things about it that rubbed me up the wrong way. I can forgive a bit of glitchiness (falling through the first platform and dying after collecting the first full cube, notably), but things like the eye-melting phase of background colours, some pretty obnoxious writing and a pervasive if slightly tricky to nail down sense of indi developer pretension were more irksome.
I think Fez is great, but I can see how it's not for everyone. The art style is awesome for me, but I'm 33 so the retro style grabs me well since I grew up with it. The game has a very relaxed pace, so it's anything but intense to play for the most part. I ran into a few glitches that actually closed the game, but only twice in my entire play through of the game. There's very little for story here, it's really just focused on the gameplay just to verify for those who are curious. To note the eye melting phasing of the background, I too noticed this but it was only during a couple parts that I actually found it distracting over it being a cool visual effect. I'm confused where the obnoxious or pretension comes into this however, unless this is meant outside of the game for which I can't comment on. Fez is a good game to just relax and play, enjoy some retro throw back and dig into some interesting puzzles. Recommended!
Eh, the pretension may be half imagined to be honest. The snarky tutorial dialogue compounding with a few other irks and what I already know of the developer. I know that shouldn't be an issue - lord knows I've played and enjoyed some games by some dodgier customers, but that seems to be where I'm at for better or worse.
Whatever the case, that colour phase really does hurt my eyes and I couldn't put up with it for the entirety of what sounds like a pretty sizable game.
I think I played about 6 hours yesterday, there seems to be a lot of mystery underneath the surface - I've been unlocking clues on how to translate the alien language and I've figured out what the tetris hieroglyphs mean. oh yeah, and I'm talking to owls.
Very kool twist nontheless.
Looks quite fun plus having more control over the camera is a nice touch.
So simple, yet so creative.
Gameplay is quite different but man it feels like they are both set in the same universe.....
kinda reminds me of the hell I had to endure building this a few years back for sony:
It great are.
Though I have to agree with RazorBladder, it looks like it could be quite frusterating. Not really my cup of tea anyways though. :P
I too thought it was just a Paper Mario rip, but I have to say, this does a far better job, and integrates it so much better than paper mario did. This is fantastic!
I'm pride.
Oh man hawken that looks like it was fun.
1/3 smaller! Gotta love clients.
I agree with one the comments on the linked video. whoever was playing knew the level layout. playing through a level the first time would involve stopping every few seconds to rotate the view just to see where you need to go next. stop, rotate, jump, move a short ways, stop, rotate, make next jump. repeat for 5-10minutes a level X however many levels are in the game.
What I'm saying, is that even in that little video, it looks like they took the Paper Mario concept, and made it more fun. It just looks like it'll be fun to play, and to figure out how to get to new places. . . that's all.
Hawken, that game should've been called "tetris-acid-super-seizure-freakout" by the look of it.
Good point Notman, such a shame that the industry is caught in the pretty games sell the most cycle heh. Granted in my eyes it definately has a sweet art style going on
He is nutty mcnuterson.
It's hard to tell from the low-res video, but it looks like they're using a voxel engine... if so, this is probably the best use of voxels ever (the pixelation works to the advantage of the game's style, unlike with most uses of voxels).
[/ QUOTE ]
No they use trixels.
It's hard to tell from the low-res video, but it looks like they're using a voxel engine... if so, this is probably the best use of voxels ever (the pixelation works to the advantage of the game's style, unlike with most uses of voxels).
[/ QUOTE ]
No they use trixels.
[/ QUOTE ]
Alright, so they use a modified voxel engine. I was close enough
Thanks for the link though, it was an interesting read. I assumed they just used a low resolution (like 512
360 only, slim chance of it possibly coming out on PC but I wouldn't hold my breath - Phil Fish said he isn't interested in doing a PC release.
I officially has a sad. Still, I appreciate the bump as I'd totally forgotten about this.
Whatever the case, that colour phase really does hurt my eyes and I couldn't put up with it for the entirety of what sounds like a pretty sizable game.